/// <summary>
        /// 提取对应线段
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frcpl">大比例尺线状要素</param>
        /// <param name="tocpl">小比例尺线状要素</param>
        /// <param name="pCorrespondBendLt">对应弯曲列表</param>
        /// <returns>对应线段</returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public static SCG.LinkedList <CCorrSegment> DetectCorrespondSegment(CPolyline frcpl, CPolyline tocpl, List <CCorrespondBend> pCorrespondBendLt)
            SortedList <double, CCorrCpts> pCorrespondingCptSlt = new SortedList <double, CCorrCpts>(new CCmpDbl());

            CCorrCpts pStartCorrespondingCpt0 = new CCorrCpts(frcpl.CptLt[0], tocpl.CptLt[0]);                                         //第一对对应特征点
            CCorrCpts pEndCorrespondingCpt0   = new CCorrCpts(frcpl.CptLt[frcpl.CptLt.Count - 1], tocpl.CptLt[tocpl.CptLt.Count - 1]); //第二对对应特征点

            pCorrespondingCptSlt.Add(0, pStartCorrespondingCpt0);
            pCorrespondingCptSlt.Add(1, pEndCorrespondingCpt0);

            for (int i = 0; i < pCorrespondBendLt.Count; i++)
                CCorrCpts pStartCorrespondingCpt = new CCorrCpts(pCorrespondBendLt[i].CFromBend.CptLt[0], pCorrespondBendLt[i].CToBend.CptLt[0]);
                CCorrCpts pEndCorrespondingCpt   = new CCorrCpts(
                    pCorrespondBendLt[i].CFromBend.CptLt[pCorrespondBendLt[i].CFromBend.CptLt.Count - 1],
                    pCorrespondBendLt[i].CToBend.CptLt[pCorrespondBendLt[i].CToBend.CptLt.Count - 1]);

                pCorrespondingCptSlt.Add(pCorrespondBendLt[i].CFromBend.dblStartRL, pStartCorrespondingCpt);
                pCorrespondingCptSlt.Add(pCorrespondBendLt[i].CFromBend.dblEndRL, pEndCorrespondingCpt);

            for (int i = pCorrespondingCptSlt.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                CPoint frcpt2 = pCorrespondingCptSlt.Values[i].FrCpt;
                CPoint tocpt2 = pCorrespondingCptSlt.Values[i].ToCpt;
                CPoint frcpt1 = pCorrespondingCptSlt.Values[i - 1].FrCpt;
                CPoint tocpt1 = pCorrespondingCptSlt.Values[i - 1].ToCpt;
                if (frcpt1.Equals2D(frcpt2) && tocpt1.Equals2D(tocpt2))

            SCG.LinkedList <CCorrSegment> pCorrespondSegmentLk = new SCG.LinkedList <CCorrSegment>();

            for (int i = 0; i < pCorrespondingCptSlt.Count - 1; i++)
                CPolyline frSegment = frcpl.GetSubPolyline(pCorrespondingCptSlt.Values[i].FrCpt, pCorrespondingCptSlt.Values[i + 1].FrCpt);
                CPolyline toSegment = tocpl.GetSubPolyline(pCorrespondingCptSlt.Values[i].ToCpt, pCorrespondingCptSlt.Values[i + 1].ToCpt);
                pCorrespondSegmentLk.AddLast(new CCorrSegment(frSegment, toSegment));

Exemplo n.º 2
        //Breadth First Search
        private SCG.LinkedList <int> BSF(CPoint Originalcpt, ref List <CPoint> cptlt, ref SCG.LinkedList <int> intTargetLLt,
                                         ref SCG.LinkedList <int> intAllLLt, double dblThreshold, ref int intOutPut)
            SCG.LinkedList <int> intnewLLt = new SCG.LinkedList <int>();
            //double dblThresholdDT = (1 + Math.Sqrt(2)) / 2 * dblThreshold;
            //double dblThresholdDT =  Math.Sqrt(2) * dblThreshold;
            double dblThresholdDT = ((Math.Sqrt(7) + 1) / 2) * dblThreshold;

            foreach (int i in intTargetLLt)
                //CPoint cpt = cptlt[i - 1];
                //double dblXDiff = Math.Abs(cpt.pTinNode.X - Originalcpt.pTinNode.X);
                //double dblYDiff = Math.Abs(cpt.pTinNode.Y - Originalcpt.pTinNode.Y);
                //if (dblXDiff <= dblThreshold && dblYDiff <= dblThreshold)
                //    intOutPut++;
                //    //Originalcpt.intTS.Add(cpt.pTinNode.Index);   //Note that if one element is already in "intTS", a new element with the same value will not be added and no exception will be thrown
                //    //cpt.intTS.Add(Originalcpt.pTinNode.Index);   //Note that if one element is already in "intTS", a new element with the same value will not be added and no exception will be thrown

                //    ITinNodeArray pTinNodeArray = cpt.pTinNode.GetAdjacentNodes();
                //    for (int j = 0; j < pTinNodeArray.Count; j++)
                //    {
                //        ITinNode pAdjacentNode = pTinNodeArray.get_Element(j);
                //        if (cptlt[pAdjacentNode.Index - 1].isTraversed == false)
                //        {
                //            cptlt[pAdjacentNode.Index - 1].isTraversed = true;
                //            intnewLLt.Add(pAdjacentNode.Index);
                //        }
                //    }

                CPoint cpt      = cptlt[i - 1];
                double dblXDiff = Math.Abs(cpt.pTinNode.X - Originalcpt.pTinNode.X);
                double dblYDiff = Math.Abs(cpt.pTinNode.Y - Originalcpt.pTinNode.Y);
                if (dblXDiff <= dblThreshold && dblYDiff <= dblThreshold)
                    //Originalcpt.intTS.Add(cpt.pTinNode.Index);   //Note that if one element is already in "intTS", a new element with the same value will not be added and no exception will be thrown
                    //cpt.intTS.Add(Originalcpt.pTinNode.Index);   //Note that if one element is already in "intTS", a new element with the same value will not be added and no exception will be thrown

                if (dblXDiff <= dblThresholdDT && dblYDiff <= dblThresholdDT)
                    ITinNodeArray pTinNodeArray = cpt.pTinNode.GetAdjacentNodes();
                    for (int j = 0; j < pTinNodeArray.Count; j++)
                        ITinNode pAdjacentNode = pTinNodeArray.get_Element(j);
                        if (cptlt[pAdjacentNode.Index - 1].isTraversed == false)
                            cptlt[pAdjacentNode.Index - 1].isTraversed = true;

Exemplo n.º 3
        private List <CPoint> LookingForNeighboursDT(IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer, double dblThreshold, int intPtNumLast,
                                                     ref long lngTimeForSearching, ref long lngTimeForDT, ref long lngMemory, ref long lngMemoryDT,
                                                     ref long lngMemoryDTProcess, ref int intOutPut, string strTINPath)
            lngMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            //lngMemoryDT = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            //lngMemoryDTProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName("ContinuousGeneralizer.vshost")[0].WorkingSet64;
            long lngStartTime = System.Environment.TickCount; //record the start time

            //lngMemoryDT = Process.GetProcessesByName("ContinuousGeneralizer.vshost")[0].WorkingSet64;
            //Process .GetProcessesByName("ContinuousGeneralizer.vshost")[0].
            //create TIN
            IFeatureClass pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
            IGeoDataset   pGDS          = (IGeoDataset)pFeatureClass;
            IEnvelope     pEnv          = (IEnvelope)pGDS.Extent;

            pEnv.SpatialReference = pGDS.SpatialReference;
            IFields pFields      = pFeatureClass.Fields;
            IField  pHeightFiled = new FieldClass();

                pHeightFiled = pFields.get_Field(pFields.FindField("Id"));
            catch (Exception)
                pHeightFiled = pFields.get_Field(pFields.FindField("ID"));

            ITinEdit pTinEdit = new TinClass();

            object Missing = Type.Missing;

            pTinEdit.AddFromFeatureClass(pFeatureClass, null, pHeightFiled, null, esriTinSurfaceType.esriTinHardLine, ref Missing);

            lngTimeForDT = System.Environment.TickCount - lngStartTime;   //Time for constructing DT
            //long lngMemoryafterTinEdit = GC.GetTotalMemory(false) - lngMemoryDT;
            //lngMemoryDT = GC.GetTotalMemory(true) - lngMemoryDT;
            //lngMemoryDTProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName("ContinuousGeneralizer.vshost")[0].WorkingSet64 - lngMemoryDTProcess;

            //C5.LinkedList<int> intLLt = new C5.LinkedList<int>();

            ITinNodeCollection pTinNodeCollection = (ITinNodeCollection)pTinEdit;
            List <CPoint>      CptLt = new List <CPoint>(pTinNodeCollection.NodeCount);

            for (int i = 1; i <= pTinNodeCollection.NodeCount; i++)   //i=1-4: super node
                ITinNode pNode = pTinNodeCollection.GetNode(i);
                CPoint   cpt   = new CPoint(pNode);
                //cpt.intTS = new C5.TreeSet<int>();
            //long lngMemoryafterfetching = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            //lngMemoryDT = GC.GetTotalMemory(true) - lngMemoryDT;

            //Looking for neighbours based on Breadth First Search

            if (intPtNumLast != -1)
                dblThreshold = dblThreshold * Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble(intPtNumLast) / Convert.ToDouble(CptLt.Count - 4), 0.5);  //---------------dblThreshold------------------------------------------------//

                //Math.Pow(1.8 / Convert.ToDouble(CptLt.Count - 4), 0.5);//---------------dblThreshold------------------------------------------------//
            //double dblThresholdDT = (1 + Math.Sqrt(2)) / 2 * dblThreshold;

            lngTimeForSearching = System.Environment.TickCount;  //the start time
            SCG.LinkedList <int> intTargetLLt = new SCG.LinkedList <int>();
            SCG.LinkedList <int> intAllLLt    = new SCG.LinkedList <int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < CptLt.Count; i++)
                CptLt[i].isTraversed = true;

                intTargetLLt = new SCG.LinkedList <int>();
                intAllLLt = new SCG.LinkedList <int>();

                while (intTargetLLt.Count > 0)
                    intTargetLLt = BSF(CptLt[i], ref CptLt, ref intTargetLLt, ref intAllLLt, dblThreshold, ref intOutPut);
                intOutPut--;  //the point will take itself as a close point, so we have to minus 1
                RestoreIsTraversed(ref CptLt, ref intAllLLt);
            //long lngMemoryaftersearch = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            lngTimeForSearching = System.Environment.TickCount - lngTimeForSearching;  //the result time
            lngMemory           = GC.GetTotalMemory(true) - lngMemory;
            pTinEdit.SaveAs(strTINPath + "\\" + pFeatureLayer.Name, true);
            long lngFileSize = CHelpFunc.GetDirectoryLength(strTINPath + "\\" + pFeatureLayer.Name);

            lngMemory  += lngFileSize;
            lngMemoryDT = lngFileSize;
