Exemplo n.º 1
 public RaidBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, RaidSettings raid, IDumper folder, BotCompleteCounts counts) : base(cfg)
     Settings = raid;
     Dump     = folder;
     Counts   = counts;
     ldn      = Settings.UseLdnMitm;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public EggBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, PokeTradeHub <PK8> Hub) : base(cfg)
     hub                 = Hub;
     Counts              = Hub.Counts;
     DumpSetting         = Hub.Config.Folder;
     ContinueGettingEggs = Hub.Config.Egg.ContinueAfterMatch;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public FossilBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, FossilSettings fossil, IDumper dump, BotCompleteCounts count) : base(cfg)
     Counts        = count;
     DumpSetting   = dump;
     Settings      = fossil;
     FossilSpecies = fossil.Species;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public EggBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, PokeTradeHub <PK8> Hub) : base(cfg)
            hub                 = Hub;
            Counts              = Hub.Counts;
            DumpSetting         = Hub.Config.Folder;
            ContinueGettingEggs = Hub.Config.Egg.ContinueAfterMatch;
            AnyRandomEgg        = Hub.Config.Egg.AnyRandomEgg;

            DesiredNature = Hub.Config.Egg.DesiredNature;

            /* Populate DesiredIVs array.  Bot matches 0 and 31 IVs.
             * Any other nonzero IV is treated as a minimum accepted value.
             * If they put "x", this is a wild card so we can leave -1. */
            string[] splitIVs = Hub.Config.Egg.DesiredIVs.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // Only accept up to 6 values in case people can't count.
            for (int i = 0; i < 6 && i < splitIVs.Length; i++)
                if (splitIVs[i] == "x" || splitIVs[i] == "X")
                DesiredIVs[i] = Convert.ToInt32(splitIVs[i]);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public EncounterBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, PokeTradeHub <PK8> hub) : base(cfg)
     Hub         = hub;
     Counts      = Hub.Counts;
     DumpSetting = Hub.Config.Folder;
     DesiredIVs  = StopConditionSettings.InitializeTargetIVs(Hub);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public FossilBot(PokeTradeHub <PK8> hub, PokeBotConfig cfg) : base(cfg)
     Counts        = hub.Counts;
     DumpSetting   = hub.Config;
     FossilSpecies = hub.Config.FossilSpecies;
     Settings      = hub.Config;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public FossilBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, PokeTradeHub <PK8> hub) : base(cfg)
     Hub         = hub;
     Counts      = Hub.Counts;
     DumpSetting = Hub.Config.Folder;
     Settings    = Hub.Config.Fossil;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public FossilBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, PokeTradeHub <PK8> Hub) : base(cfg)
     Counts        = Hub.Counts;
     DumpSetting   = Hub.Config.Folder;
     Settings      = Hub.Config.Fossil;
     FossilSpecies = Settings.Species;
     CaptureVideo  = Hub.Config.CaptureVideoClip;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public EggBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, PokeTradeHub <PK8> Hub) : base(cfg)
     hub                 = Hub;
     Counts              = Hub.Counts;
     DumpSetting         = Hub.Config.Folder;
     ContinueGettingEggs = Hub.Config.Egg.ContinueAfterMatch;
     Ping                = !Hub.Config.PingOnMatch.Equals(string.Empty) ? $"<@{Hub.Config.PingOnMatch}>\n" : "";
Exemplo n.º 10
 public RaidBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, PokeTradeHub <PK8> hub) : base(cfg)
     Hub      = hub;
     Settings = Hub.Config.Raid;
     Dump     = Hub.Config.Folder;
     Counts   = Hub.Counts;
     ldn      = Settings.UseLdnMitm;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public FossilBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, PokeTradeHub <PK8> hub) : base(cfg)
     Hub         = hub;
     Counts      = Hub.Counts;
     DumpSetting = Hub.Config.Folder;
     Settings    = Hub.Config.Fossil;
     Ping        = !Hub.Config.PingOnMatch.Equals(string.Empty) ? $"<@{Hub.Config.PingOnMatch}>\n" : "";
Exemplo n.º 12
 public EggBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, PokeTradeHub <PK8> hub) : base(cfg)
     Hub         = hub;
     Counts      = Hub.Counts;
     DumpSetting = Hub.Config.Folder;
     DesiredIVs  = StopConditionSettings.InitializeTargetIVs(Hub);
     Ping        = !Hub.Config.StopConditions.PingOnMatch.Equals(string.Empty) ? $"<@{Hub.Config.StopConditions.PingOnMatch}>\n" : "";
Exemplo n.º 13
 public RaidBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, PokeTradeHub <PK8> hub) : base(cfg)
     Hub               = hub;
     Settings          = hub.Config.Raid;
     Dump              = hub.Config.Folder;
     Counts            = hub.Counts;
     ldn               = Settings.UseLdnMitm;
     RaidLog           = Settings.RaidLog;
     FriendCode        = Settings.FriendCode;
     Roll              = Settings.AutoRoll;
     FRBoth            = Settings.FriendCombined;
     FRAdd             = Settings.FriendAdd;
     FriendRemoveCount = Settings.FriendPurge;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public EncounterBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, EncounterSettings encounter, IDumper dump, BotCompleteCounts count) : base(cfg)
            Counts        = count;
            DumpSetting   = dump;
            StopOnSpecies = encounter.StopOnSpecies;
            Mode          = encounter.EncounteringType;
            DesiredNature = encounter.DesiredNature;

            /* Populate DesiredIVs array.  Bot matches 0 and 31 IVs.
             * Any other nonzero IV is treated as a minimum accepted value.
             * If they put "x", this is a wild card so we can leave -1. */
            string[] splitIVs = encounter.DesiredIVs.Split(new [] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // Only accept up to 6 values in case people can't count.
            for (int i = 0; i < 6 && i < splitIVs.Length; i++)
                if (splitIVs[i] == "x" || splitIVs[i] == "X")
                DesiredIVs[i] = Convert.ToInt32(splitIVs[i]);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public PokeTradeBot(PokeTradeHub <PK8> hub, PokeBotConfig cfg) : base(cfg)
     Hub             = hub;
     DumpSetting     = hub.Config.Folder;
     GiveawaySetting = hub.Config.Giveaway;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public EggBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, EggSettings egg, IDumper dump, BotCompleteCounts count) : base(cfg)
     Counts              = count;
     DumpSetting         = dump;
     ContinueGettingEggs = egg.ContinueAfterMatch;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public RaidBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, PokeTradeHub <PK8> hub) : base(cfg)
     Hub      = hub;
     Settings = hub.Config.Raid;
     Counts   = hub.Counts;
 public RemoteControlBot(PokeBotConfig cfg) : base(cfg)
Exemplo n.º 19
 public EggBot(PokeBotConfig cfg, BotCompleteCounts counts) : base(cfg) => Counts = counts;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public PokeTradeBot(PokeTradeHub <PK8> hub, PokeBotConfig cfg) : base(cfg) => Hub = hub;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public PokeTradeBot(PokeTradeHub <PK8> hub, PokeBotConfig cfg) : base(cfg)
     Hub         = hub;
     DumpSetting = hub.Config;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public EggBot(PokeTradeHub <PK8> hub, PokeBotConfig cfg) : base(cfg)
     Counts      = hub.Counts;
     DumpSetting = hub.Config;