Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the segments based on its data point value. This method is not
        /// intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by
        /// any derived class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transformer">Represents the view port of chart control.(refer <see cref="IChartTransformer"/>)</param>
        public override void Update(IChartTransformer transformer)
            if (transformer == null)

            var cartesianTransformer = transformer as ChartTransform.ChartCartesianTransformer;

            if (cartesianTransformer == null)

            if (double.IsNaN(this.YData) && !Series.ShowEmptyPoints)

            var xBase          = cartesianTransformer.XAxis.IsLogarithmic ? ((LogarithmicAxis3D)cartesianTransformer.XAxis).LogarithmicBase : 1;
            var xIsLogarithmic = cartesianTransformer.XAxis.IsLogarithmic;
            var left           = xIsLogarithmic ? Math.Log(this.Left, xBase) : this.Left;
            var right          = xIsLogarithmic ? Math.Log(this.Right, xBase) : this.Right;
            var yBase          = cartesianTransformer.YAxis.IsLogarithmic ? ((LogarithmicAxis3D)cartesianTransformer.YAxis).LogarithmicBase : 1;
            var yIsLogarithmic = cartesianTransformer.YAxis.IsLogarithmic;
            var bottom         = yIsLogarithmic ? Math.Pow(yBase, cartesianTransformer.YAxis.VisibleRange.Start) : cartesianTransformer.YAxis.VisibleRange.Start;
            var top            = yIsLogarithmic ? Math.Pow(yBase, cartesianTransformer.YAxis.VisibleRange.End) : cartesianTransformer.YAxis.VisibleRange.End;
            var xStart         = cartesianTransformer.XAxis.VisibleRange.Start;
            var xEnd           = cartesianTransformer.XAxis.VisibleRange.End;

            double z1 = startDepth, z2 = endDepth;

            var zSeries = this.Series as XyzDataSeries3D;

            bool isZAxis = cartesianTransformer.ZAxis != null && zSeries.ActualZAxis != null && zSeries.ActualZValues != null;

            double spacing = (Series as ISegmentSpacing).SegmentSpacing;

            if (!(left <= xEnd && right >= xStart))

            // WPF -14524 3D Column and Bar Series is rendering out of the pane. while cross the bar value to visualRange of axis.
            double topValue;

            if (this.Top < 0)
                topValue = this.Top > bottom ? this.Top : bottom;
                topValue = this.Top < top ? this.Top : top;

            this.Bottom = this.Bottom > top ? top : this.Bottom;
            if (spacing > 0 && spacing <= 1)
                double leftpos  = (Series as ISegmentSpacing).CalculateSegmentSpacing(spacing, right, left);
                double rightpos = (Series as ISegmentSpacing).CalculateSegmentSpacing(spacing, left, right);
                this.Left  = leftpos;
                this.Right = rightpos;

            var area      = Series.ActualArea as SfChart3D;
            var tlfVector = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            var brbVector = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);

            var tlpoint = transformer.TransformToVisible(left > xStart ? this.Left : xStart, topValue < bottom ? bottom : topValue);
            var rbpoint = transformer.TransformToVisible(xEnd > right ? this.Right : xEnd, bottom > this.Bottom ? bottom : this.Bottom);

            if (isZAxis)
                double zStart = cartesianTransformer.ZAxis.VisibleRange.Start;
                double zEnd   = cartesianTransformer.ZAxis.VisibleRange.End;

                var zIsLogarithmic = cartesianTransformer.ZAxis.IsLogarithmic;
                var zBase          = zIsLogarithmic ? ((LogarithmicAxis3D)cartesianTransformer.ZAxis).LogarithmicBase : 1;

                var actualZ1 = zIsLogarithmic ? Math.Log(z1, zBase) : z1;
                var actualZ2 = zIsLogarithmic ? Math.Log(z2, zBase) : z2;

                if (!(actualZ1 <= zEnd && actualZ2 >= zStart))

                tlfVector = cartesianTransformer.TransformToVisible3D(this.Left > xStart ? this.Left : xStart, topValue <bottom?bottom : topValue, z1> zStart ? z1 : zStart);
                brbVector = cartesianTransformer.TransformToVisible3D(xEnd > this.Right ? this.Right : xEnd, bottom > this.Bottom ? bottom : this.Bottom, zEnd > z2 ? z2 : zEnd);
                var rect = new Rect(tlpoint, rbpoint);

                tlfVector = new Vector3D(rect.Left, rect.Top, z1);
                brbVector = new Vector3D(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, z2);

            if (this.plans == null)
                this.plans = Polygon3D.CreateBox(
                Polygon3D.UpdateBox(this.plans, tlfVector, brbVector, this.Interior, tlpoint.Y == rbpoint.Y ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the segments based on its data point value. This method is not
        /// intended to be called explicitly outside the Chart but it can be overridden by
        /// any derived class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transformer">Represents the view port of chart control.(refer <see cref="IChartTransformer"/>)</param>
        public override void Update(IChartTransformer transformer)
            Rect   rect;
            double x, y, width, height;

            if (transformer == null)
            var cartesianTransformer = transformer as ChartTransform.ChartCartesianTransformer;

            if (cartesianTransformer == null)
            if (double.IsNaN(YData) && !Series.ShowEmptyPoints)

            ScatterSeries3D series         = (Series as ScatterSeries3D);
            var             xBase          = cartesianTransformer.XAxis.IsLogarithmic ? ((LogarithmicAxis3D)cartesianTransformer.XAxis).LogarithmicBase : 1;
            var             yBase          = cartesianTransformer.YAxis.IsLogarithmic ? ((LogarithmicAxis3D)cartesianTransformer.YAxis).LogarithmicBase : 1;
            var             xIsLogarithmic = cartesianTransformer.XAxis.IsLogarithmic;
            var             yIsLogarithmic = cartesianTransformer.YAxis.IsLogarithmic;
            var             xValue         = xIsLogarithmic ? Math.Log(X, xBase) : X;
            var             yValue         = yIsLogarithmic ? Math.Log(Y, yBase) : Y;
            var             yStart         = cartesianTransformer.YAxis.VisibleRange.Start;
            var             yEnd           = cartesianTransformer.YAxis.VisibleRange.End;
            var             xStart         = cartesianTransformer.XAxis.VisibleRange.Start;
            var             xEnd           = cartesianTransformer.XAxis.VisibleRange.End;
            var             zSeries        = this.Series as XyzDataSeries3D;
            bool            isZAxis        = cartesianTransformer.ZAxis != null && zSeries.ActualZAxis != null && (zSeries as XyzDataSeries3D).ActualZValues != null;
            Point           tlpoint        = new Point(0, 0);
            double          frontDepth     = 0d;
            double          backDepth      = 0d;

            if (isZAxis)
                var z1value    = startDepth;
                var z2value    = endDepth;
                var depthDelta = (this.Series as ScatterSeries3D).GetSegmentDepth((this.Series.ActualArea as SfChart3D).ActualDepth).Delta / 2;
                var zStart     = cartesianTransformer.ZAxis.VisibleRange.Start;
                var zEnd       = cartesianTransformer.ZAxis.VisibleRange.End;

                var zIsLogarithmic = cartesianTransformer.ZAxis.IsLogarithmic;
                var zBase          = zIsLogarithmic ? ((LogarithmicAxis3D)cartesianTransformer.ZAxis).LogarithmicBase : 1;

                var actualZ1 = zIsLogarithmic ? Math.Log(z1value, zBase) : z1value;
                var actualZ2 = zIsLogarithmic ? Math.Log(z2value, zBase) : z2value;

                if (!(actualZ1 <= zEnd && actualZ2 >= zStart))

                var zLogStart = zIsLogarithmic ? Math.Pow(zBase, zStart) : zStart;
                var zLogEnd   = zIsLogarithmic ? Math.Pow(zBase, zEnd) : zEnd;
                var tldpoint  = cartesianTransformer.TransformToVisible3D(xValue, yValue, actualZ1 <zStart?zLogStart : actualZ1> zEnd ? zLogEnd : z1value);
                tlpoint = new Point(tldpoint.X, tldpoint.Y);

                frontDepth = (z1value == zStart) ? tldpoint.Z : tldpoint.Z - ScatterHeight / 2 < tldpoint.Z - depthDelta ? tldpoint.Z - depthDelta : tldpoint.Z - ScatterHeight / 2;
                backDepth  = (z2value == zEnd) ? tldpoint.Z : tldpoint.Z + ScatterHeight / 2 > tldpoint.Z + depthDelta ? tldpoint.Z + depthDelta : tldpoint.Z + ScatterHeight / 2;
                tlpoint = transformer.TransformToVisible(X, Y);

            if (!series.Area.SeriesClipRect.Contains(tlpoint) &&
                ((xValue != xEnd && xValue != xStart) || (yValue != yEnd && yValue != yStart)) && !(series.IsTransposed))

            if (series.ScatterHeight <= 0 || series.ScatterWidth <= 0)

            x      = (xValue == (series.IsTransposed ? xEnd : xStart)) ? tlpoint.X : tlpoint.X - (series.IsTransposed ? ScatterHeight / 2 : ScatterWidth / 2);
            y      = (yValue == (series.IsTransposed ? yStart : yEnd)) ? tlpoint.Y : tlpoint.Y - (series.IsTransposed ? ScatterWidth / 2 : ScatterHeight / 2);
            width  = (xValue == xStart) || (xValue == xEnd) ? ScatterWidth / 2 : ScatterWidth;
            height = (yValue == yStart) || (yValue == yEnd) ? ScatterHeight / 2 : ScatterHeight;
            rect   = new Rect(x, y, width, height);

            if (!series.IsTransposed)
                // Clipping segment of nearest range point
                if (!Series.ActualArea.SeriesClipRect.Contains(new Point(x, y)))
                    rect = new Rect(x, Series.ActualArea.SeriesClipRect.Top, width, height + y);
                if (!Series.ActualArea.SeriesClipRect.Contains(new Point(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)))
                    rect = new Rect(x, y, width, Math.Abs(height + (Series.ActualArea.SeriesClipRect.Bottom - rect.Bottom) > ScatterHeight ? height : height + (Series.ActualArea.SeriesClipRect.Bottom - rect.Bottom)));
                if (!Series.ActualArea.SeriesClipRect.Contains(new Point(rect.Left, rect.Top)))
                    var modifiedWidth = Math.Abs(width - (Series.ActualXAxis.RenderedRect.X - rect.X));
                    rect = new Rect(Series.ActualXAxis.RenderedRect.X, y, modifiedWidth, rect.Height);

                if (!Series.ActualArea.SeriesClipRect.Contains(new Point(rect.Left + rect.Width, rect.Top)))
                    var modifiedWidth = Math.Abs(rect.Width + (Series.ActualArea.SeriesClipRect.Right - rect.Right));
                    rect = new Rect(rect.X, rect.Y, modifiedWidth, rect.Height);
                rect = new Rect(x, y, height, width);
                if (x < tlpoint.X && xValue == xStart && yValue == yStart)
                    rect = new Rect(tlpoint.X, y, height, width);
                if (y < tlpoint.Y && yValue == yStart)
                    rect = new Rect(tlpoint.X, tlpoint.Y, height, width);
                if (y == tlpoint.Y && yValue == yStart)
                    rect = new Rect(tlpoint.X, tlpoint.Y - ScatterWidth / 2, height, width);
                if (y < tlpoint.Y && xValue == xEnd)
                    rect = new Rect(tlpoint.X, tlpoint.Y, height, width);
                if (x == tlpoint.X && xValue == xEnd)
                    rect = new Rect(tlpoint.X, tlpoint.Y, height, width);
                if (x == tlpoint.X && xValue == xEnd && yValue != yStart)
                    rect = new Rect(tlpoint.X - ScatterHeight / 2, tlpoint.Y, height, width);

            var area = Series.ActualArea as SfChart3D;

            Vector3D tlfVector = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3D brbVector = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);

            if (isZAxis)
                tlfVector = new Vector3D(rect.Left, rect.Top, frontDepth);
                brbVector = new Vector3D(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, backDepth);
                tlfVector = new Vector3D(rect.Left, rect.Top, startDepth);
                brbVector = new Vector3D(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, startDepth + ScatterHeight > endDepth ? endDepth : startDepth + ScatterHeight);

            if (plans == null)
                plans = Polygon3D.CreateBox(
                Polygon3D.UpdateBox(plans, tlfVector, brbVector, Interior, Visibility.Visible);