Exemplo n.º 1
        public TwoWayDataMap(EntityToUpdateDefinition sourceDefinition, EntityToUpdateDefinition targetDefinition,
                             JoinFieldCollection joinKeys, Func <DataRow, ConflictResolutionResult> conflictResolutionRule)
            : base(joinKeys, conflictResolutionRule)
            if (sourceDefinition == null)
                throw new Exception("Source entity definition can not be null.");

            if (sourceDefinition.SyncSide != SyncSide.Source)
                throw new Exception("Source entity definition can not be configured as target-side.");

            if (targetDefinition == null)
                throw new Exception("Target entity definition can not be null.");

            if (targetDefinition.SyncSide != SyncSide.Target)
                throw new Exception("Target entity definition can not be configured as source-side.");

            SourceDefinition = sourceDefinition;

            TargetDefinition = targetDefinition;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public OneToOneDataMap(JoinFieldCollection joinKeys, Func <DataRow, ConflictResolutionResult> conflictResolutionRule)
            : base(joinKeys)
            if (conflictResolutionRule == null)
                throw new Exception("Method for conflict resolution can not be null.");

            ConflictResolutionRule = conflictResolutionRule;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static bool TargetKeyColumnsExist(DataTable targetTable, JoinFieldCollection joinKeyRelationships)
            foreach (JoinFieldPair jkp in joinKeyRelationships.JoinFields)
                if (!targetTable.Columns.Contains(jkp.TargetJoinField))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Join column '{0}' not found in target DataTable.", jkp.TargetJoinField));

Exemplo n.º 4
        public DataMap(JoinFieldCollection joinKeys)
            if (joinKeys == null)
                throw new Exception("Join keys can not be null.");

            if (joinKeys.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("At least one join key pair is required.");

            JoinKeysCollection = joinKeys;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void SetTargetPrimaryKeys(DataTable targetTable, JoinFieldCollection joinKeysCollection, string targetSidePrefix)
            var targetJoinKeys = new DataColumn[joinKeysCollection.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < joinKeysCollection.Count; i++)
                targetJoinKeys[i] = targetTable.Columns[targetSidePrefix + joinKeysCollection.JoinFields[i].TargetJoinField];

                targetTable.PrimaryKey = targetJoinKeys;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The target-side data has one or more duplicate primary key value(s) for column(s) '{0}'.",
                                                  StringHelper.GetDelimitedString(joinKeysCollection.JoinFields.Select(d => d.TargetJoinField))), ex);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static object[] GetKeyValues(DataRow row, JoinFieldCollection joinKeysCollection, SyncSide syncSide, string joinSidePrefix)
            var keyValues = new object[joinKeysCollection.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < joinKeysCollection.Count; i++)
                if (syncSide == SyncSide.Source)
                    keyValues[i] = row[joinSidePrefix + joinKeysCollection.JoinFields[i].SourceJoinField];
                else if (syncSide == SyncSide.Target)
                    keyValues[i] = row[joinSidePrefix + joinKeysCollection.JoinFields[i].TargetJoinField];
                    throw new EnumValueNotImplementedException <SyncSide>(syncSide);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public OneWayDataMap(SyncDirection syncDirection, JoinFieldCollection joinKeys,
                             EntityToUpdateDefinition entityToUpdateDefinition)
            : base(joinKeys, GetConflictResolutionRule(syncDirection))
            if (entityToUpdateDefinition == null)
                throw new Exception("The definition for the entity to update can not be null.");

            if (entityToUpdateDefinition.SyncSide == SyncSide.Target && syncDirection != SyncDirection.SourceToTarget)
                throw new Exception("Target-side entity can not be updated when sync direction is target -> source.");
            else if (entityToUpdateDefinition.SyncSide == SyncSide.Source && syncDirection != SyncDirection.TargetToSource)
                throw new Exception("Source-side entity can not be updated when sync direction is source -> target.");

            SyncDirection = syncDirection;

            EntityToUpdateDefinition = entityToUpdateDefinition;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static void SetCombinedPrimaryKeys(DataTable combinedTable, JoinFieldCollection joinKeysCollection, SyncSide syncSide, string joinSidePrefix)
            var combinedJoinKeys = new DataColumn[joinKeysCollection.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < joinKeysCollection.Count; i++)
                if (syncSide == SyncSide.Source)
                    combinedJoinKeys[i] = combinedTable.Columns[joinSidePrefix + joinKeysCollection.JoinFields[i].SourceJoinField];
                else if (syncSide == SyncSide.Target)
                    combinedJoinKeys[i] = combinedTable.Columns[joinSidePrefix + joinKeysCollection.JoinFields[i].TargetJoinField];
                    throw new EnumValueNotImplementedException <SyncSide>(syncSide);

                combinedTable.PrimaryKey = combinedJoinKeys;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The {0}-side data has one or more duplicate primary key value(s) for column(s) '{1}'.",
                                                  Enum.GetName(typeof(SyncSide), syncSide).ToLower(),
                                                  StringHelper.GetDelimitedString(joinKeysCollection.JoinFields.Select(d => d.SourceJoinField))), ex);

            // set the key to allow Nulls (otherwise, inserting target data w/o a matching source record will error)
            foreach (DataColumn col in combinedTable.PrimaryKey)
                col.AllowDBNull = true;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public OneToMany_OneWayDataMap(SyncDirection syncDirection, JoinFieldCollection joinKeys,
                                       EntityToUpdateDefinition entityToUpdateDefinition, HashSet <string> columnNamesToTranspose,
                                       Func <IEnumerable <DataRow>, DataRow, string, TransposeResult> transposeMethod)
            : base(joinKeys)
            if (entityToUpdateDefinition == null)
                throw new Exception("The definition for the entity to update can not be null.");

            if (entityToUpdateDefinition.SyncSide == SyncSide.Target && syncDirection != SyncDirection.SourceToTarget)
                throw new Exception("Target-side entity can not be updated when sync direction is target -> source.");
            else if (entityToUpdateDefinition.SyncSide == SyncSide.Source && syncDirection != SyncDirection.TargetToSource)
                throw new Exception("Source-side entity can not be updated when sync direction is source -> target.");

            if (columnNamesToTranspose == null || columnNamesToTranspose.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("At least one column name to transpose is required.");

            if (transposeMethod == null)
                throw new Exception("Transpose method can not be null.");

            SyncDirection = syncDirection;

            EntityToUpdateDefinition = entityToUpdateDefinition;

            ColumnNamesToTranspose = columnNamesToTranspose;

            TransposeMethod = transposeMethod;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static DataTable ApplyLeftJoin(DataTable sourceTable, DataTable targetTable, JoinFieldCollection joinKeysCollection,
                                              string leftSidePrefix = SOURCE_PREFIX, string rightSidePrefix = TARGET_PREFIX)
            if (leftSidePrefix == null)
                leftSidePrefix = "";

            if (rightSidePrefix == null)
                rightSidePrefix = "";

            if (leftSidePrefix.Trim() == rightSidePrefix.Trim())
                throw new Exception("Left and right side prefixes can not be the same.");

            if (SourceKeyColumnsExist(sourceTable, joinKeysCollection) && TargetKeyColumnsExist(targetTable, joinKeysCollection))
                // modify source and target columns to include prefixes
                AddPrefixToColumnNames(leftSidePrefix, sourceTable);
                AddPrefixToColumnNames(rightSidePrefix, targetTable);

                // create a dataset and combined data table
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                DataTable combinedTable = ds.Tables[0];

                // add source table columns
                foreach (DataColumn dc in sourceTable.Columns)
                    combinedTable.Columns.Add(dc.ToString(), dc.DataType);

                // add target table columms
                foreach (DataColumn dc in targetTable.Columns)
                    combinedTable.Columns.Add(dc.ToString(), dc.DataType);

                // clone the schema
                var unmatchingTargetRowsTable = combinedTable.Clone();

                // add source data to combined table
                foreach (DataRow sourceRow in sourceTable.Rows)

                // set the table's primary key; a key is required for Rows.Find()
                SetTargetPrimaryKeys(targetTable, joinKeysCollection, rightSidePrefix);
                var searchTable = targetTable;

                // apply full outer join between source and target tables
                foreach (DataRow row in combinedTable.Rows)
                    var dr = searchTable.Rows.Find(GetKeyValues(row, joinKeysCollection, SyncSide.Source, leftSidePrefix));

                    // if a row matched, merge the row
                    if (dr != null)
                        foreach (DataColumn dc in searchTable.Columns)
                            row[dc.ColumnName] = dr[dc.ColumnName];

                // remove the key from the combined table
                combinedTable.PrimaryKey = null;

                // remove source and target column prefixes
                RemovePrefixFromColumnNames(leftSidePrefix, sourceTable);
                RemovePrefixFromColumnNames(rightSidePrefix, targetTable);

                throw new Exception("One or more join keys are missing from the source and target DataTable objects.");
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a combined DataTable using the specified join.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DataTable JoinTables(DataTable sourceTable, DataTable targetTable, JoinFieldCollection joinKeysCollection,
                                    JoinType joinType = JoinType.OuterJoin, string sourceSidePrefix = SOURCE_PREFIX, string targetSidePrefix = TARGET_PREFIX)
     if (joinType == JoinType.OuterJoin)
         return(ApplyFullOuterJoin(sourceTable, targetTable, joinKeysCollection, sourceSidePrefix, targetSidePrefix));
     else if (joinType == JoinType.LeftJoin)
         return(ApplyLeftJoin(sourceTable, targetTable, joinKeysCollection, sourceSidePrefix, targetSidePrefix));
         throw new EnumValueNotImplementedException <JoinType>(joinType);
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static DataTable ApplyFullOuterJoin(DataTable sourceTable, DataTable targetTable, JoinFieldCollection joinKeys,
                                                    string sourceSidePrefix = SOURCE_PREFIX, string targetSidePrefix = TARGET_PREFIX)
            if (sourceSidePrefix == null)
                sourceSidePrefix = "";

            if (targetSidePrefix == null)
                targetSidePrefix = "";

            if (sourceSidePrefix.Trim() == targetSidePrefix.Trim())
                throw new Exception("Left and right side prefixes can not be the same.");

            if (SourceKeyColumnsExist(sourceTable, joinKeys) && TargetKeyColumnsExist(targetTable, joinKeys))
                // modify source and target columns to include prefixes
                AddPrefixToColumnNames(sourceSidePrefix, sourceTable);
                AddPrefixToColumnNames(targetSidePrefix, targetTable);

                // create a dataset and combined data table
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                DataTable combinedTable = ds.Tables[0];

                // add source table columns
                foreach (DataColumn dc in sourceTable.Columns)
                    combinedTable.Columns.Add(dc.ToString(), dc.DataType);

                // add target table columms
                foreach (DataColumn dc in targetTable.Columns)
                    combinedTable.Columns.Add(dc.ToString(), dc.DataType);

                // add source data to combined table
                foreach (DataRow sourceRow in sourceTable.Rows)

                // clone the schema
                var unmatchingTargetRowsTable = combinedTable.Clone();

                // set the source table's primary key as the key for the combined table; a key is required for Rows.Find()
                SetCombinedPrimaryKeys(combinedTable, joinKeys, SyncSide.Source, sourceSidePrefix);

                // apply full outer join between source and target tables
                foreach (DataRow targetRow in targetTable.Rows)
                    var dr = combinedTable.Rows.Find(GetKeyValues(targetRow, joinKeys, SyncSide.Target, targetSidePrefix));

                    // if a row from the source table matched the target row's key, join the target data
                    if (dr != null)
                        foreach (DataColumn dc in targetTable.Columns)
                            dr[dc.ColumnName] = targetRow[dc.ColumnName];
                        //if a matching record wasn't found, add the target row to as a new combined row
                        var newRow = unmatchingTargetRowsTable.NewRow();

                        foreach (DataColumn dc in targetTable.Columns)
                            newRow[dc.ColumnName] = targetRow[dc.ColumnName];


                // remove the key from the combined table
                combinedTable.PrimaryKey = null;

                foreach (DataRow targetOnlyRow in unmatchingTargetRowsTable.Rows)

                // remove source and target column prefixes
                RemovePrefixFromColumnNames(sourceSidePrefix, sourceTable);
                RemovePrefixFromColumnNames(targetSidePrefix, targetTable);

                throw new Exception("One or more join keys are missing from the source and target DataTable objects.");