Exemplo n.º 1
             * /// Expands the given hmm state tree
             * /// @param parent the parent of the tree
             * /// @param tree   the tree to expand
             * /// @return the final state in the tree
            private HMMStateState ExpandHMMTree(UnitState parent, HMMStateState tree)
                HMMStateState retState = tree;

                foreach (HmmStateArc arc in tree.HmmState.GetSuccessors())
                    HMMStateState newState;
                    if (arc.HmmState.IsEmitting)
                        newState = new HMMStateState(parent, arc.HmmState);
                        newState = new NonEmittingHMMState(parent, arc.HmmState);
                    SentenceHMMState existingState = GetExistingState(newState);
                    float            logProb       = arc.LogProbability;
                    if (existingState != null)
                        AttachState(tree, existingState, LogOne, logProb);
                        AttachState(tree, newState, LogOne, logProb);
                        retState = ExpandHMMTree(parent, newState);
        protected void AttachState(SentenceHMMState prevState, SentenceHMMState nextState, float logLanguageProbability, float logInsertionProbability)
            var arc = new SentenceHMMStateArc
                          (nextState, logLanguageProbability, logInsertionProbability);

Exemplo n.º 3
             * /// Attaches the given unit to the given tail, expanding the unit if necessary. If an identical unit is already
             * /// attached, then this path is folded into the existing path.
             * /// @param parent       the parent state
             * /// @param tail         the place to attach the unit to
             * /// @param units        the set of units
             * /// @param which        the index into the set of units
             * /// @param leftContext  the left context for the unit
             * /// @param rightContext the right context for the unit
             * /// @return the tail of the added unit (or null if the path was folded onto an already expanded path.
            private SentenceHMMState AttachUnit(PronunciationState parent,
                                                SentenceHMMState tail, Unit[] units, int which,
                                                UnitContext leftContext, UnitContext rightContext)
                Unit[]           lc = GetLC(leftContext, units, which);
                Unit[]           rc = GetRC(units, which, rightContext);
                UnitContext      actualRightContext = UnitContext.Get(rc);
                LeftRightContext context            = LeftRightContext.Get(lc, rc);
                Unit             cdUnit             = _parent.UnitManager.GetUnit(units[which].Name, units[which].IsFiller, context);
                UnitState        unitState          = new ExtendedUnitState(parent, which, cdUnit);
                float            logInsertionProbability;

                if (unitState.Unit.IsSilence)
                    logInsertionProbability = _parent.LogSilenceInsertionProbability;
                else if (unitState.Unit.IsFiller)
                    logInsertionProbability = _parent._logFillerInsertionProbability;
                else if (unitState.GetWhich() == 0)
                    logInsertionProbability = _parent._logWordInsertionProbability;
                    logInsertionProbability = _parent._logUnitInsertionProbability;
                // check to see if this state already exists, if so
                // branch to it and we are done, otherwise, branch to
                // the new state and expand it.
                SentenceHMMState existingState = GetExistingState(unitState);

                if (existingState != null)
                    AttachState(tail, existingState, LogOne, logInsertionProbability);
                    // T(" Folding " + existingState);
                    AttachState(tail, unitState, LogOne, logInsertionProbability);
                    // T(" Attaching " + unitState);
                    tail = ExpandUnit(unitState);
                    // if we are attaching the last state of a word, then
                    // we add it to the exitPoints table. the exit points
                    // table is indexed by a ContextPair, consisting of
                    // the exiting left context and the right context.
                    if (unitState.IsLast())
                        UnitContext nextLeftContext = GenerateNextLeftContext(leftContext, units[which]);
                        ContextPair cp = ContextPair.Get(nextLeftContext, actualRightContext);
                        // T(" Adding to exitPoints " + cp);
                        AddExitPoint(cp, tail);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * /// Creates a SentenceHMMState
  * /// @param name   the name of the current SentenceHMMState
  * /// @param parent the parent of the current instance
  * /// @param which  the index of the current instance
 protected SentenceHMMState(String name, SentenceHMMState parent, int which)
     : this()
     this.Name    = name + which;
     this._parent = parent;
Exemplo n.º 5
         * /// Gets a SentenceHMMStateArc. The arc is drawn from a pool of arcs.
         * /// @param nextState               the next state
         * /// @param logLanguageProbability  the log language probability
         * /// @param logInsertionProbability the log insertion probability
        protected SentenceHMMStateArc GetArc(SentenceHMMState nextState, float logLanguageProbability, float logInsertionProbability)
            var arc = new SentenceHMMStateArc(nextState,
                                              logLanguageProbability * _languageWeight,
            var pooledArc = ArcPool.cache(arc);

            ActualArcs.Value = ArcPool.Misses;
            TotalArcs.Value  = ArcPool.Hits + ArcPool.Misses;
            return(pooledArc == null ? arc : pooledArc);
Exemplo n.º 6
            /// <summary>
            /// Adds an exit point to this gstate
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="cp">the context tag for the state</param>
            /// <param name="state">the state associated with the tag</param>
            private void AddExitPoint(ContextPair cp, SentenceHMMState state)
                List <ISearchState> list = _exitPoints.Get(cp);

                if (list == null)
                    list = new List <ISearchState>();
                    _exitPoints.Put(cp, list);
Exemplo n.º 7
         * /// Creates a SentenceHMMStateArc
         * /// @param nextState               the next state
         * /// @param logLanguageProbability  the log language probability
         * /// @param logInsertionProbability the log insertion probability
        public SentenceHMMStateArc(SentenceHMMState nextState,
                                   float logLanguageProbability,
                                   float logInsertionProbability)
            _nextState           = nextState;
            LanguageProbability  = logLanguageProbability;
            InsertionProbability = logInsertionProbability;

            _hashCode = 111 + nextState.GetHashCode() +
                        17 * Float.FloatToIntBits(logLanguageProbability) +
                        23 * Float.FloatToIntBits(logInsertionProbability);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * /// Attaches one SentenceHMMState as a child to another, the transition has the given probability
  * /// @param prevState              the parent state
  * /// @param nextState              the child state
  * /// @param logLanguageProbablity  the language probability of transition in the LogMath log domain
  * /// @param logInsertionProbablity insertion probability of transition in the LogMath log domain
 protected void AttachState(SentenceHMMState prevState,
                            SentenceHMMState nextState,
                            float logLanguageProbablity,
                            float logInsertionProbablity)
                                      logLanguageProbablity, logInsertionProbablity));
     if (_parent._showCompilationProgress && _parent._totalStateCounter++ % 1000 == 0)
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// connect all the states in the source list to the states in the destination list
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceList">the set of source states</param>
 /// <param name="destList">the set of destination states.</param>
 /// <param name="logLangProb"></param>
 private void Connect(List <ISearchState> sourceList, List <ISearchState> destList, float logLangProb)
     foreach (ISearchState source in sourceList)
         SentenceHMMState sourceState = (SentenceHMMState)source;
         foreach (ISearchState dest in destList)
             SentenceHMMState destState = (SentenceHMMState)dest;
             sourceState.Connect(_parent.GetArc(destState, logLangProb, LogOne));
Exemplo n.º 10
             * /// Expands the unit into a set of HMMStates. If the unit is a silence unit add an optional loopback to the
             * /// tail.
             * /// @param unit the unit to expand
             * /// @return the head of the hmm tree
            protected SentenceHMMState ExpandUnit(UnitState unit)
                SentenceHMMState tail = GetHMMStates(unit);

                // if the unit is a silence unit add a loop back from the
                // tail silence unit
                if (unit.Unit.IsSilence)
                    // add the loopback, but don't expand it // anymore
                    AttachState(tail, unit, LogOne, _parent.LogSilenceInsertionProbability);
Exemplo n.º 11
             * /// Expand the pronunciation given the left context
             * /// @param leftContext   the left context
             * /// @param pronunciation the pronunciation to expand
             * /// @param which         unique ID for this pronunciation
            // Each GState maintains a list of entry points. This list of
            // entry points is used when connecting up the end states of
            // one GState to the beginning states in another GState. The
            // entry points are tagged by a ContextPair which represents
            // the left context upon entering the state (the left context
            // of the initial units of the state), and the right context
            // of the previous states (corresponding to the starting
            // contexts for this state).
            // When expanding a pronunciation, the following steps are
            // taken:
            //      1) Get the starting context for the pronunciation.
            //      This is the set of units that correspond to the start
            //      of the pronunciation.
            //      2) Create a new PronunciationState for the
            //      pronunciation.
            //      3) Add the PronunciationState to the entry point table
            //      (a hash table keyed by the ContextPair(LeftContext,
            //      StartingContext).
            //      4) Generate the set of context dependent units, using
            //      the left and right context of the GState as necessary.
            //      Note that there will be fan out at the end of the
            //      pronunciation to allow for units with all of the
            //      various right contexts. The point where the fan-out
            //      occurs is the (length of the pronunciation - the max
            //      right context size).
            //      5) Attach each cd unit to the tree
            //      6) Expand each cd unit into the set of HMM states
            //      7) Attach the optional and looping back silence cd
            //      unit
            //      8) Collect the leaf states of the tree and add them to
            //      the exitStates list.
            private void ExpandPronunciation(UnitContext leftContext, Pronunciation pronunciation, int which)
                UnitContext startingContext = GetStartingContext(pronunciation);
                // Add the pronunciation state to the entry point list
                // (based upon its left and right context)
                string pname = "P(" + pronunciation.Word + '[' + leftContext
                               + ',' + startingContext + "])-G" + GetNode().ID;
                PronunciationState ps = new PronunciationState(pname, pronunciation, which);

                _parent.T("     Expanding " + ps.Pronunciation + " for lc " + leftContext);
                ContextPair cp = ContextPair.Get(leftContext, startingContext);

                var epList = _entryPoints.Get(cp);

                if (epList == null)
                    throw new Error("No EP list for context pair " + cp);

                Unit[] units       = pronunciation.Units;
                int    fanOutPoint = units.Length - GetRightContextSize();

                if (fanOutPoint < 0)
                    fanOutPoint = 0;
                SentenceHMMState tail = ps;

                for (int i = 0; tail != null && i < fanOutPoint; i++)
                    tail = AttachUnit(ps, tail, units, i, leftContext, UnitContext.Empty);
                SentenceHMMState branchTail = tail;

                foreach (UnitContext finalRightContext in _rightContexts)
                    tail = branchTail;
                    for (int i = fanOutPoint; tail != null && i < units.Length; i++)
                        tail = AttachUnit(ps, tail, units, i, leftContext, finalRightContext);
Exemplo n.º 12
         * /// Visit all of the states starting at start with the given vistor
         * /// @param visitor the state visitor
         * /// @param start   the place to start the search
         * /// @param sorted  if true, states are sorted before visited
         * /// @return true if the visiting was terminated before all nodes were visited
        public static Boolean VisitStates(ISentenceHMMStateVisitor visitor, SentenceHMMState start, Boolean sorted)
            IEnumerable <SentenceHMMState> states = CollectStates(start);

            if (sorted)
                // sort the states by stateNumber

                var sortedStates = new SortedSet <SentenceHMMState>(new FirstComparer());
                states = sortedStates;

            foreach (var state in states)
                if (visitor.Visit(state))
Exemplo n.º 13
        /** Constructs a phone loop search graph. */
        public PhoneLoopSearchGraph(CIPhoneLoop parent)
            _parent        = parent;
            ExistingStates = new Dictionary <string, ISearchState>();
            FirstState     = new UnknownWordState();
            SentenceHMMState branchState = new BranchOutState(FirstState);

            AttachState(FirstState, branchState, _parent.LogOne, _parent.LogOne);

            SentenceHMMState lastState = new LoopBackState(FirstState);

            AttachState(lastState, branchState, _parent.LogOne, _parent.LogOne);

            for (var i = _parent.Model.GetContextIndependentUnitIterator(); i.MoveNext();)
                var unitState = new UnitState(i.Current, HMMPosition.Undefined);
                var debug     = unitState.ToString();

                // attach unit state to the branch out state
                AttachState(branchState, unitState, _parent.LogOne, _parent.LogPhoneInsertionProbability);

                var hmm          = _parent.Model.LookupNearestHMM(unitState.Unit, unitState.GetPosition(), false);
                var initialState = hmm.GetInitialState();
                var hmmTree      = new HMMStateState(unitState, initialState);

                // attach first HMM state to the unit state
                AttachState(unitState, hmmTree, _parent.LogOne, _parent.LogOne);

                // expand the HMM tree
                var finalState = ExpandHMMTree(unitState, hmmTree);

                // attach final state of HMM tree to the loopback state
                AttachState(finalState, lastState, _parent.LogOne, _parent.LogOne);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Collect all states starting from the given start state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">the state to start the search from</param>
        /// <returns>set of collected state</returns>
        public static HashSet <SentenceHMMState> CollectStates(SentenceHMMState start)
            var visitedStates = new HashSet <SentenceHMMState>();
            var queue         = new List <SentenceHMMState> {

            while (queue.Count != 0)
                var state = queue[0];
                var successors = ((ISearchState)state).GetSuccessors();
                foreach (var arc in successors)
                    var nextState = (SentenceHMMState)arc.State;
                    if (!visitedStates.Contains(nextState) && !queue.Contains(nextState))
Exemplo n.º 15
  * /// Creates a NonEmittingHMMState
  * /// @param parent   the parent of this state
  * /// @param hmmState the hmmState associated with this state
 public NonEmittingHMMState(SentenceHMMState parent, IHMMState hmmState)
     : base(parent, hmmState)
Exemplo n.º 16
  * /// Adds the given state to the cache of states
  * /// @param state the state to add
 private void AddStateToCache(SentenceHMMState state)
     _existingStates.Put(state.Signature, state);
Exemplo n.º 17
  * /// Checks to see if a state that matches the given state already exists
  * /// @param state the state to check
  * /// @return true if a state with an identical signature already exists.
 private SentenceHMMState GetExistingState(SentenceHMMState state)
Exemplo n.º 18
  * /// Adds the given state to the cache of states
  * /// @param state the state to add
 protected void AddStateToCache(SentenceHMMState state)
     ExistingStates.Add(state.Signature, state);
Exemplo n.º 19
  * /// Creates a HMMStateState
  * /// @param parent   the parent of this state
  * /// @param hmmState the hmmState associated with this state
 public HMMStateState(SentenceHMMState parent, IHMMState hmmState)
     : base("S", parent, hmmState.State)
     _hmmState   = hmmState;
     _isEmitting = hmmState.IsEmitting;
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Compiles the grammar into a sentence HMM. A GrammarJob is created for the
        /// initial grammar node and added to the GrammarJob queue. While there are
        /// jobs left on the grammar job queue, a job is removed from the queue and
        /// the associated grammar node is expanded and attached to the tails.
        /// GrammarJobs for the successors are added to the grammar job queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected HashSet <SentenceHMMState> CompileGrammar()
            InitialGrammarState = Grammar.InitialNode;

            NodeStateMap = new HashMap <GrammarNode, GState>();
            // create in declaration section (22.12.2014)

            ArcPool = new Cache <SentenceHMMStateArc>();

            var gstateList = new List <GState>();

            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Compile").Start();

            // get the nodes from the grammar and create states
            // for them. Add the non-empty gstates to the gstate list.
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Create States").Start();
            foreach (var grammarNode in Grammar.GrammarNodes)
                var gstate = CreateGState(grammarNode);
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Create States").Stop();

            // ensures an initial path to the start state
            // Prep all the gstates, by gathering all of the contexts up
            // this allows each gstate to know about its surrounding contexts
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Collect Contexts").Start();
            foreach (var gstate in gstateList)
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Collect Contexts").Stop();

            // now all gstates know all about their contexts, we can expand them fully
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Expand States").Start();
            foreach (var gstate in gstateList)
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Expand States").Stop();

            // now that all states are expanded fully, we can connect all the states up
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Connect Nodes").Start();
            foreach (var gstate in gstateList)
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Connect Nodes").Stop();

            var initialState = FindStartingState();

            // add an out-of-grammar branch if configured to do so
            if (AddOutOfGrammarBranch)
                var phoneLoop        = new CIPhoneLoop(PhoneLoopAcousticModel, LogPhoneInsertionProbability);
                var firstBranchState = (SentenceHMMState)phoneLoop.GetSearchGraph().InitialState;
                initialState.Connect(GetArc(firstBranchState, LogOne, LogOutOfGrammarBranchProbability));

            _searchGraph = new FlatSearchGraph(initialState);
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Compile").Stop();
            // Now that we are all done, dump out some interesting
            // information about the process
            if (_dumpGStates)
                foreach (var grammarNode in Grammar.GrammarNodes)
                    var gstate = GetGState(grammarNode);
            NodeStateMap = null;
            ArcPool      = null;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public bool Visit(SentenceHMMState state)
Exemplo n.º 22
  * /// Searches the set of arcs for an arc that points to a state with an identical value
  * /// @param state the state to search for
  * /// @return the arc or null if none could be found.
 public SentenceHMMStateArc FindArc(SentenceHMMState state)
Exemplo n.º 23
 public LoopBackState(SentenceHMMState parent)
     : base("CIPhonesLoopBackState", parent, 0)
Exemplo n.º 24
 public bool Visit(SentenceHMMState state)
Exemplo n.º 25
 public BranchOutState(SentenceHMMState parent)
     : base("BranchOutState", parent, 0)