Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts population level to a line and polygon using a ChartPrimitive as the baseline
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="results"></param>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <param name="label"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static LineAndPolygon ConvertResultsToPopulationLineAndPolygon(ChartControl factory, float[] results, Color color, string label, ChartPrimitiveXY baseLine)
            ChartPrimitiveXY populationLine = factory.CreateXY();

            populationLine.LineColor   = color;
            populationLine.Label       = label;
            populationLine.LegendColor = color;
            populationLine.IsHitTest   = true;

            if (baseLine == null)
                for (int monthNo = 0; monthNo < results.Length; monthNo += 2)
                    populationLine.AddPoint(new Point((float)monthNo * .5f, results[monthNo]));
                    populationLine.AddPoint(new Point((float)monthNo * .5f + 1f, results[monthNo + 1]));
                for (int monthNo = 0; monthNo < results.Length; monthNo += 2)
                    populationLine.AddPoint(new Point((float)monthNo * .5f, results[monthNo] + baseLine.Points[monthNo].Y));
                    populationLine.AddPoint(new Point((float)monthNo * .5f + 1f, results[monthNo + 1] + baseLine.Points[monthNo + 1].Y));

            ChartPrimitiveXY populationPolygon = ChartUtilities.LineDiffToPolygon(factory, baseLine, populationLine);

            color.A = (byte)(_alpha * color.A);
            populationPolygon.FillColor = color;
            populationPolygon.IsHitTest = false;

            return(new LineAndPolygon(populationLine, populationPolygon));
 public TestPage()
     xyLineChart.SubNotes = new string[] { "Right or Middle Mouse Button To Zoom, Left Mouse Button To Pan, Right Double-Click To Reset" };
     copyToClipboard.DoCopyToClipboard = ChartUtilities.CopyChartToClipboard;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets ChartLines and ChartPolygons for the population line, and
        /// the target line using a baseline.
        /// </summary>
        public static LineAndPolygon ConvertResultsToTargetLineAndPolygon(ChartControl factory, ChartPrimitive populationLine, float[] results, Color color, string label, ChartPrimitiveXY baseLine)
            // Calculate Target Primitives
            ChartPrimitiveXY targetLine = factory.CreateXY();

            targetLine.LineColor = color;
            targetLine.IsDashed  = true;
            targetLine.Label     = label + " Target";
            targetLine.IsHitTest = true;

            if (populationLine.Points.Count == results.Length)
                if (baseLine == null)
                    for (int monthNo = 0; monthNo < results.Length; monthNo += 2)
                        targetLine.AddPoint(new Point((float)monthNo * .5f, results[monthNo]));
                        targetLine.AddPoint(new Point((float)monthNo * .5f + 1f, results[monthNo + 1]));
                    for (int monthNo = 0; monthNo < results.Length; monthNo += 2)
                        targetLine.AddPoint(new Point((float)monthNo * .5f, results[monthNo] + baseLine.Points[monthNo].Y));
                        targetLine.AddPoint(new Point((float)monthNo * .5f + 1f, results[monthNo + 1] + baseLine.Points[monthNo + 1].Y));
                if (baseLine == null)
                    for (int monthNo = 0; monthNo < results.Length; ++monthNo)
                        targetLine.AddPoint(new Point((float)monthNo, results[monthNo]));
                        targetLine.AddPoint(new Point((float)monthNo + 1f, results[monthNo]));
                    for (int monthNo = 0; monthNo < results.Length; ++monthNo)
                        targetLine.AddPoint(new Point((float)monthNo, results[monthNo] + baseLine.Points[monthNo].Y));
                        targetLine.AddPoint(new Point((float)monthNo + 1f, results[monthNo] + baseLine.Points[monthNo + 1].Y));

            ChartPrimitiveXY targetPolygon = ChartUtilities.LineDiffToPolygon(factory, baseLine, targetLine);

            color.A = (byte)(_alpha * color.A);
            targetPolygon.FillColor = color;
            targetPolygon.IsDashed  = true;
            targetLine.IsHitTest    = false;

            return(new LineAndPolygon(targetLine, targetPolygon));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public TestPage()
     this.DataContext = this;
     this.Title += " (Build " + PeHeaderReader.GetAssemblyHeader().TimeStamp.ToString() + ")";
     xyLineChart.SubNotes = new string[] { "Right or Middle Mouse Button To Zoom, Left Mouse Button To Pan, Right Double-Click To Reset" };
     copyToClipboard.DoCopyToClipboard = ChartUtilities.CopyChartToClipboard;
     xyLineChart.PointSelected        += xyLineChart_PointSelected;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the UIElement that can be added to the plot
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void RenderFilledElements(DrawingContext ctx, Rect chartArea, Transform transform)
            if (this.FillColor == Colors.Transparent)
            Brush brush = IsDashed ? (Brush)(ChartUtilities.CreateHatch50(this.FillColor, new Size(2, 2))) : (Brush)(new SolidColorBrush(this.FillColor));

            _filledGeometry.Transform = transform;
            ctx.DrawGeometry(brush, null, _filledGeometry);
Exemplo n.º 6
        // ********************************************************************
        // Public Methods
        // ********************************************************************
        #region Public Methods

        public static void CopyChartToClipboard(FrameworkElement plotToCopy, ChartControl chartControl, double width, double height)
            plotToCopy = plotToCopy ?? chartControl;

            System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap     = CopyFrameworkElementToBitmap(plotToCopy, width, height);
            DataObject            dataObject = new DataObject();

            dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.Bitmap, bitmap);
            if (chartControl != null)
                string       text = ChartUtilities.ConvertChartToSpreadsheetText(chartControl, '\t');
                MemoryStream csv  = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ChartUtilities.ConvertChartToSpreadsheetText(chartControl, ',')));
                dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.Text, text);
                dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.CommaSeparatedValue, csv);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the UIElement that can be added to the plot
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void RenderFilledElements(DrawingContext ctx, Rect chartArea, Transform transform)
            int colorIndex = 0;

            foreach (var childGeometry in _filledGeometry.Children)
                Color fillColor = _colors[colorIndex].Item2;
                if (fillColor != Colors.Transparent)
                    Brush brush = IsDashed ? (Brush)(ChartUtilities.CreateHatch50(fillColor, new Size(2, 2))) : (Brush)(new SolidColorBrush(fillColor));
                    childGeometry.Transform = transform;
                    ctx.DrawGeometry(brush, null, childGeometry);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the chart transform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        protected void SetChartTransform()
            double width  = CanvasRect.Width;
            double height = CanvasRect.Height;

            // Calculate the bottom left, and top right coordinates of the plot area, and
            // calculate the geometry transform matrix

            Rect plotArea = ChartUtilities.GetPlotRectangle(_primitiveList, GridLineOverrides, Oversize);

            PrimitiveDataRange = plotArea;
            _plotRenderer.PrimitiveDataRange = PrimitiveDataRange;

            _minPoint = plotArea.Location;
            _minPoint.Offset(-plotArea.Width * _panZoomCalculator.Pan.X, plotArea.Height * _panZoomCalculator.Pan.Y);
            _minPoint.Offset(0.5 * plotArea.Width * (1 - 1 / _panZoomCalculator.Zoom.X), 0.5 * plotArea.Height * (1 - 1 / _panZoomCalculator.Zoom.Y));

            _maxPoint = _minPoint;
            _maxPoint.Offset(plotArea.Width / _panZoomCalculator.Zoom.X, plotArea.Height / _panZoomCalculator.Zoom.Y);

            Point plotScale = new Point();

            plotScale.X = (width / plotArea.Width) * _panZoomCalculator.Zoom.X;
            if (plotScale.X < 1e-7)
                plotScale.X = 1.0;
            plotScale.Y = (height / plotArea.Height) * _panZoomCalculator.Zoom.Y;
            if (plotScale.Y < 1e-7)
                plotScale.Y = 1.0;

            Matrix shapeMatrix = Matrix.Identity;

            shapeMatrix.Translate(-_minPoint.X, -_minPoint.Y);
            shapeMatrix.Scale(plotScale.X, plotScale.Y);
            _shapeTransform.Matrix = shapeMatrix;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts movements to a graphical line and polygon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="results"></param>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <param name="label"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static LineAndPolygon ConvertResultsToMovementLineAndPolygon(ChartControl factory, float[] results, Color color, string label)
            // Create the Line
            ChartPrimitiveXY chartLine = factory.CreateXY();

            chartLine.LineColor   = color;
            chartLine.Label       = label;
            chartLine.LegendColor = color;
            chartLine.IsHitTest   = true;

            for (int monthNo = 0; monthNo < results.Length; ++monthNo)
                chartLine.AddSmoothHorizontalBar(new Point((float)monthNo + .5f, results[monthNo]));

            // Create the polygon
            ChartPrimitiveXY polygon = ChartUtilities.ChartLineToBaseLinedPolygon(chartLine);

            color.A           = (byte)(_alpha * color.A);
            polygon.FillColor = color;
            polygon.IsHitTest = false;

            return(new LineAndPolygon(chartLine, polygon));