Exemplo n.º 1
 public void TestBagFullDesc()
     Bag test = new Bag (new string[]{"Bag", "Backpack"}, "bag", "This is a bag for....");
     Item item1 = new Item( new String[] {"shovel", "spade" }, "a shovel", "This is a might fine ..." );
     test.Inventory.Put (item1);
     Assert.AreEqual(test.FullDescription,"In the bag you can see:\r\na shovel (shovel)\r\n");
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void TestBagLocationItems()
     Bag test = new Bag (new string[]{"Bag", "Backpack"}, "a bag", "This is a bag for....");
     Item item1 = new Item( new String[] {"shovel", "spade" }, "a shovel", "This is a might fine ..." );
     test.Inventory.Put (item1);
     Assert.AreEqual(test.Locate ("shovel"),item1);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void TestLookAtNoGemInBag()
     LookCommand test = new LookCommand ();
     Player testPlayer = new Player ("Player 1", "a funny wizard");
     Bag testBag = new Bag (new string[]{ "Bag", "Backpack" }, "a bag", "This is a bag for....");
     testPlayer.Inventory.Put (testBag);
     Assert.AreEqual (test.Execute(testPlayer, new String[]{"look", "at", "shovel", "in", "bag"}),"I cannot find the shovel in the bag");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void LocateTest()
            Bag TestBag = new Bag (new string[] { "Test", "Bag" }, "Test Bag", "A Testing Bag");

            Item TestItem = new Item (new string[] { "potato", "baked" }, "baked potato", "a baked potato");

            TestBag.Inventory.PutItem (TestItem);

            Assert.IsTrue (TestBag.Locate ("potato") == TestItem);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void TestLookAtGemInBagFail()
            Player TestPlayer = new Player ("TestPlayer", "For testing");
            Item TestItem = new Item (new string[] { "gem", "Shiny" }, "Gem", "A Shiny Gem");
            Bag TestBag = new Bag (new string[] { "bag", "test" }, "Test Bag", "A Testing Bag");

            TestBag.Inventory.PutItem (TestItem);
            TestPlayer.Inventory.PutItem (TestBag);

            LookCommand TestLook = new LookCommand ();

            Assert.IsTrue (TestLook.Execute (TestPlayer, new string[5] {"look", "at", "gem", "in", "nobag"}) == "i cannot find the nobag");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void FullDescriptionTest()
            Item TestItem = new Item (new string[] { "potato", "baked" }, "baked potato", "a baked potato");
            Item TestItem2 = new Item (new string[] { "chicken", "baked" }, "baked chicken", "a baked chicken");
            Bag TestBag = new Bag (new string[] { "Test", "Bag" }, "Test Bag", "A Testing Bag");

            TestBag.Inventory.PutItem (TestItem);
            TestBag.Inventory.PutItem (TestItem2);

            Assert.IsTrue (TestBag.FullDescription ().Contains("In "+ TestBag.Name +"You are Carrying: \n"));
            Assert.IsTrue (TestBag.FullDescription ().Contains("baked potato" + "\t" + "A baked potato potato." + "\n"));
            Assert.IsTrue (TestBag.FullDescription ().Contains("baked chicken" + "\t" + "A baked chicken chicken." + "\n"));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void BagBagTest()
            Bag b1 = new Bag (new string[] { "b1", "Bag" }, "Test Bag", "A Testing Bag");
            Bag b2 = new Bag (new string[] { "b2", "Bag" }, "b2 Bag", "A Testing Bag");

            Item TestItem = new Item (new string[] { "potato", "baked" }, "baked potato", "a baked potato");
            Item TestItem2 = new Item (new string[] { "chicken", "baked" }, "baked chicken", "a baked chicken");

            b1.Inventory.PutItem (TestItem);
            b2.Inventory.PutItem (TestItem2);
            b1.Inventory.PutItem (b2);

            Assert.IsTrue (b1.Locate ("potato") == TestItem);
            Assert.IsFalse (b1.Locate ("chicken") == TestItem2);
            Assert.IsTrue (b1.Locate ("b2") == b2);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string _playerName;
            string _playerDesc;
            LookCommand _lookCommand = new LookCommand ();

            Console.WriteLine ("Welcome to Swin-Adventure");
            Console.WriteLine ("+―++―++―++―++―++―++―+\r\n");
            Console.WriteLine ("Please enter your name:");
            _playerName = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine ("Please enter your description:");
            _playerDesc = Console.ReadLine();

            Player _player = new Player (_playerName, _playerDesc);
            _player.Inventory.Put(new Item( new String[] {"map" }, "an incomplete map", "This is an incomplete map of......" ));
            _player.Inventory.Put(new Item( new String[] {"gun", "rifle" }, "a gun", "This is a a long spirally grooved ..." ));
            Bag _bag = new Bag (new string[]{"Bag", "Backpack"}, "a bag", "This is a bag for....");
            Item item1 = new Item( new String[] {"shovel", "spade" }, "a shovel", "This is a might fine ..." );
            _bag.Inventory.Put (item1);
            _player.Inventory.Put (_bag);

            string _command;
            string _output;
            String[] _commandArr;

            do {
                Console.WriteLine ("Enter a command or enter 'exit' to exit the game");
                _command = Console.ReadLine ();
                if (_command.ToLower () == "exit") {
                    Console.WriteLine ("Press enter to exit");
                    Console.ReadLine ();
                } else {

                    _commandArr = ToStringArray (_command);
                    _output = _lookCommand.Execute (_player, _commandArr);
                    Console.WriteLine (_output);
            } while (_command.ToLower () != "exit");
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Get the player's name and description from the user, and use these details to create a
            //Player object.
            //■ Create two items and add them to the the player's inventory
            //■ Create a bag and add it to the player's inventory
            //■ Create another item and add it to the bag
            //■ Loop reading commands from the user, and getting the look command to execute them.
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Player Name:");
            string Name = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine ("Describe yourself:");
            string Desc = Console.ReadLine();

            Player GamePlayer = new Player (Name, Desc);
            Item Sword = new Item (new string[] { "Sword", "broadsword" }, "sword", "a broadsword");
            Item Potato = new Item (new string[] { "potato", "baked" }, "baked potato", "a baked potato");

            GamePlayer.Inventory.PutItem (Sword);
            GamePlayer.Inventory.PutItem (Potato);

            Bag Bag1 = new Bag (new string[] { "Test", "Bag" }, "Test Bag", "A Testing Bag");

            GamePlayer.Inventory.PutItem (Bag1);

            Item Gem = new Item (new string[] { "gem", "Shiny" }, "Gem", "A Shiny Gem");
            Bag1.Inventory.PutItem (Gem);

            Location PotatoFarm = new Location (new string[] { "potato", "farm" }, "potato farm", "a potato farm");
            Location MelonFarm = new Location (new string[] { "melon", "farm" }, "melon farm", "a melon farm");
            Location TomatoFarm = new Location (new string[] { "tomato", "farm" }, "tomato farm", "a tomato farm");

            Path PotatoPath = new Path(new string[] { "potato", "path" });
            Path MelonPath = new Path(new string[] { "melon", "path" });
            Path TomatoPath = new Path(new string[] { "tomato", "path" });

            PotatoFarm.Path = PotatoPath;
            PotatoPath.SetLocation('w', MelonFarm);
            PotatoPath.SetLocation('n', TomatoFarm);

            MelonFarm.Path = MelonPath;
            MelonPath.SetLocation('e', PotatoFarm);
            MelonPath.SetLocation('a', TomatoFarm);

            TomatoFarm.Path = TomatoPath;
            TomatoPath.SetLocation('s', PotatoFarm);
            TomatoPath.SetLocation('d', MelonFarm);

            GamePlayer.Location = PotatoFarm;

            CommandProcessor MainCommandProcessor = new CommandProcessor();
            LookCommand Look = new LookCommand ();
            MoveCommand Move = new MoveCommand ();

            MainCommandProcessor.AddCommand (Look);
            MainCommandProcessor.AddCommand (Move);

                Console.WriteLine("Enter Command:");
                string UserInput = Console.ReadLine();
                String[] Command = UserInput.Split(' ');


Exemplo n.º 10
 public void TestBagLocateNothing()
     Bag test = new Bag (new string[]{"Bag", "Backpack"}, "a bag", "This is a bag for....");
     Assert.AreEqual(test.Locate ("Sth"),null);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void TestBagLocateItself()
     Bag test = new Bag (new string[]{"Bag", "Backpack"}, "a bag", "This is a bag for....");
     Assert.AreEqual(test.Locate ("Bag"),test);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Get the player's name and description from the user, and use these details to create a
            //Player object.
            //■ Create two items and add them to the the player's inventory
            //■ Create a bag and add it to the player's inventory
            //■ Create another item and add it to the bag
            //■ Loop reading commands from the user, and getting the look command to execute them.
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Player Name:");
            string Name = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Describe yourself:");
            string Desc = Console.ReadLine();

            Player GamePlayer = new Player(Name, Desc);
            Item   Sword      = new Item(new string[] { "Sword", "broadsword" }, "sword", "a broadsword");
            Item   Potato     = new Item(new string[] { "potato", "baked" }, "baked potato", "a baked potato");


            Bag Bag1 = new Bag(new string[] { "Test", "Bag" }, "Test Bag", "A Testing Bag");


            Item Gem = new Item(new string[] { "gem", "Shiny" }, "Gem", "A Shiny Gem");


            Location PotatoFarm = new Location(new string[] { "potato", "farm" }, "potato farm", "a potato farm");
            Location MelonFarm  = new Location(new string[] { "melon", "farm" }, "melon farm", "a melon farm");
            Location TomatoFarm = new Location(new string[] { "tomato", "farm" }, "tomato farm", "a tomato farm");

            Path PotatoPath = new Path(new string[] { "potato", "path" });
            Path MelonPath  = new Path(new string[] { "melon", "path" });
            Path TomatoPath = new Path(new string[] { "tomato", "path" });

            PotatoFarm.Path = PotatoPath;
            PotatoPath.SetLocation('w', MelonFarm);
            PotatoPath.SetLocation('n', TomatoFarm);

            MelonFarm.Path = MelonPath;
            MelonPath.SetLocation('e', PotatoFarm);
            MelonPath.SetLocation('a', TomatoFarm);

            TomatoFarm.Path = TomatoPath;
            TomatoPath.SetLocation('s', PotatoFarm);
            TomatoPath.SetLocation('d', MelonFarm);

            GamePlayer.Location = PotatoFarm;

            CommandProcessor MainCommandProcessor = new CommandProcessor();
            LookCommand      Look = new LookCommand();
            MoveCommand      Move = new MoveCommand();


                Console.WriteLine("Enter Command:");
                string   UserInput = Console.ReadLine();
                String[] Command   = UserInput.Split(' ');

                Console.WriteLine(MainCommandProcessor.Execute(GamePlayer, Command));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void TestBagLocatesNothing()
            Bag plr = new Bag(new string[] { "bag", "container" }, "Bag", "holds stuff");

            Assert.IsNull(plr.Locate("obj1"), "should be null");
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void TestBagLocatesItself()
            Bag plr = new Bag(new string[] { "bag", "container" }, "Bag", "holds stuff");

            Assert.AreEqual(plr.Locate("bag"), plr, "should be equal");
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create List of Locations
            List <Location> _locations = new List <Location>();
            List <Path>     _paths     = new List <Path>();
            List <Item>     _items     = new List <Item>();

            //Item _sword = new Item(new string[] { "sword", "bronze sword" }, "a Sword", "A mighty fine Sword");
            //Location _bathroom = new Location("Bathroom", "Room in a house");
            //Location _study = new Location("Study", "Study nook");
            //Path Hallway = new Path(new string[] { "north", "Hallway in house" }, _bathroom);
            //Path Corridor = new Path(new string[] { "south", "Corridor leading south" }, _study);

            // Create list of Items

            //Item _shovel = new Item(new string[] { "shovel", "spade" }, "a Shovel", "A Mighty fine Shovel");

            // Place Items in locations

            // Populate Maze
            PopulateMaze(_locations, _paths, _items);

            // Print Introduction
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nWelcome to the C# Adventure Game!");
            Console.WriteLine("What is your name?");

            // Save the User's input into the string variable called 'name':
            string _name = Console.ReadLine();

            // Print Dialog
            Console.WriteLine("\nWelcome {0}!", _name);
            Console.WriteLine("How would you describe yourself?");

            // Save the User's input into
            string _description = Console.ReadLine();

            // Create Player
            Player _player = new Player(_name, _description);

            _player.Location = _locations[0];

            // Create bag and new item, put bag in Player's inventory, put item in bag
            Bag bag = new Bag(new string[] { "bag", "container" }, "a Bag", "A Container for items");

            Item computer = new Item(new string[] { "computer", "PC" }, "a Computer", "Small PC for Hacking");


            Console.WriteLine("\nThere are doors to your left and right.");

            // Set Variables
            string command;

            string[] commandArray = { "Look", "at", "room" };
            //LookCommand look = new LookCommand();

            CommandProcessor commandProcessor = new CommandProcessor(_locations);

            // Game Loop
            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?");
                Console.Write("\nCommand --> ");
                command = Console.ReadLine();

                if (command == "quit")

                //commandArray = command.Split();
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", commandProcessor.Execute(_player, command));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void LocateSelfTest()
            Bag TestBag = new Bag (new string[] { "Test", "Bag" }, "Test Bag", "A Testing Bag");

            Assert.IsTrue (TestBag.Locate ("test") == TestBag);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void LocateNullTest()
            Bag TestBag = new Bag (new string[] { "Test", "Bag" }, "Test Bag", "A Testing Bag");

            Assert.IsTrue (TestBag.Locate ("testfail") == null);