Exemplo n.º 1
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
        int currentUserId = 0;
        int currentOrganizationId = 0;

        string identity = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
        string[] identityTokens = identity.Split(',');

        string userIdentityString = identityTokens[0];
        string organizationIdentityString = identityTokens[1];

        currentUserId = Convert.ToInt32(userIdentityString);
        currentOrganizationId = Convert.ToInt32(organizationIdentityString);
        _currentUser = Person.FromIdentity(currentUserId);
        _currentOrganization = Organization.FromIdentity(currentOrganizationId);
        _authority = _currentUser.GetAuthority();

Exemplo n.º 2
        //public void Terminate ()
        //    Terminate(EventSource.Unknown);

        public void Terminate(EventSource eventSource, Person actingPerson, string description)
            if (base.Active)
                //Added removal of Roles here to make SURE they always are removed with the membership.
                Authority authority = Person.GetAuthority();

                int actingPersonId = actingPerson == null ? 0 : actingPerson.Identity;

                BasicPersonRole[] roles    = authority.AllPersonRoles;
                List <PersonRole> theRoles = new List <PersonRole>();

                foreach (BasicPersonRole basicRole in roles)
                    PersonRole personRole = PersonRole.FromBasic(basicRole);
                    if (personRole.OrganizationId == OrganizationId)
                        PWEvents.CreateEvent(eventSource, EventType.DeletedRole, actingPersonId,
                                             personRole.OrganizationId, personRole.GeographyId,
                                             Person.Identity, (int)personRole.Type,
                        PWLog.Write(actingPersonId, PWLogItem.Person, Person.Identity, PWLogAction.RoleDeleted,
                                    "Role " + personRole.Type + " of " + personRole.Geography.Name +
                                    " was deleted with membership.", string.Empty);

                //now check if this means that you no longer are a member of some uplevel org, then remove those roles as well
                foreach (PersonRole personRole in theRoles)
                    if (!Person.MemberOfWithInherited(personRole.Organization))
                        PWEvents.CreateEvent(eventSource, EventType.DeletedRole, actingPersonId,
                                             personRole.OrganizationId, personRole.GeographyId,
                                             Person.Identity, (int)personRole.Type,
                        PWLog.Write(actingPersonId, PWLogItem.Person, Person.Identity, PWLogAction.RoleDeleted,
                                    "Role " + personRole.Type + " of " + personRole.Geography.Name +
                                    " was deleted with membership of all suborgs.", string.Empty);

                EventSource src = EventSource.PirateWeb;
                    if (HttpContext.Current == null)
                        src = EventSource.PirateBot;
                    src = EventSource.PirateBot;

                PWLog.Write(actingPersonId, PWLogItem.Person, Person.Identity, PWLogAction.MemberLost,
                            eventSource + ":" + description, string.Empty);
                PWEvents.CreateEvent(src, EventType.LostMember, actingPersonId, OrganizationId, Person.GeographyId,
                                     Person.Identity, 0, OrganizationId.ToString());

                //Added LogChurn here to make SURE they always are logged with the membership.
                if (PersonId > 0 && OrganizationId > 0 && base.Expires != new DateTime(1900, 1, 1))
                    ChurnData.LogChurn(PersonId, OrganizationId);
                base.Active         = false;
                base.DateTerminated = DateTime.Now;

                // Remove all newsletter subscriptions once the membership is terminated (to make sure default is now off and only turn off explicitly turned-on subscriptions)

                // HACK HACK HACK: uses feed IDs in an extremely ugly way to loop 1-9. Should use NewsletterFeeds.ForOrganization() once support for newsletters in different orgs are established.

                for (int newsletterFeedId = 1; newsletterFeedId < 10; newsletterFeedId++)
                        if (this.person.IsSubscribing(newsletterFeedId))
                            this.person.SetSubscription(newsletterFeedId, false);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // ignore nonexisting newsletter feeds -- this is a hack anyway
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static PersonIconSpec ForPerson (Person person, Organizations organizations)
            // HACK: For now, cheat and assume only PPSE roles matter. A future expansion of this is needed.
            // HACK: Rehacked to use another org in case there is one and PPSE is not among selected
            Organization org = null;

            if (organizations.Contains(Organization.PPSE) || organizations.Count == 0)
                org = Organization.PPSE;
                org = organizations[0];

            bool isMember = false;
            foreach (Organization org1 in organizations)
                if (person.MemberOf(org1)) isMember = true;

            if (!isMember)
                // if he/she used to be a member, use exmember icons

                Memberships memberships = person.GetMemberships(true);

                foreach (Membership membership in memberships)
                    if (membership.Organization.Identity == org.Identity)
                        return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/exmember-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Expired member, " + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));

                // If activist, use activist icon (as sex is unknown, use silhouette)

                if (person.IsActivist)
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/activist-silhouette.png", "Activist");

                // TODO: Add case for was-activist

                // otherwise, use unknown icon

                return new PersonIconSpec("user-silhouette.png", "Unknown");

            Authority auth = person.GetAuthority();

            if (auth.SystemPersonRoles.Length == 0 && auth.LocalPersonRoles.Length == 0 && auth.OrganizationPersonRoles.Length == 0)
                // This is a fairly regular joe.

                if (person.IsActivist)
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/activist-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Activist, " + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/member-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Member, " + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));

            // HACK: Cheat and return "org leader" for ID 1

            if (person.Identity == 1)
                return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/orglevel-3-male.png", "Org Lead");
            bool foundOddRole = false;
            foreach (Organization org1 in organizations)
                string orgName = org1.NameShort + ", ";

                if (org1 == Organization.PPSE)
                    orgName = "";

                // Chairman / equivalent

                if (auth.HasRoleAtOrganization(org1, RoleType.OrganizationChairman, Authorization.Flag.AnyGeographyExactOrganization))
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/boardlevel-3-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Chairman, " + orgName + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));

                // Board member

                if (auth.HasRoleAtOrganization(org1, RoleType.OrganizationBoardMember, Authorization.Flag.AnyGeographyExactOrganization))
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/boardlevel-2-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Board member, " + orgName + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));

                // Board deputy

                if (auth.HasRoleAtOrganization(org1, RoleType.OrganizationBoardDeputy, Authorization.Flag.AnyGeographyExactOrganization))
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/boardlevel-1-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Board deputy, " + orgName + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));

                // Auditor

                if (auth.HasRoleAtOrganization(org1, RoleType.OrganizationAuditor, Authorization.Flag.AnyGeographyExactOrganization))
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/boardlevel-1-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Autitor, " + orgName + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));

                // Org-level leader or deputy

                if (auth.HasLocalRoleAtOrganizationGeography(org1, org1.PrimaryGeography, RoleType.LocalLead, Authorization.Flag.ExactGeographyExactOrganization))
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/orglevel-3-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Org Lead, " + orgName + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));
                if (auth.HasLocalRoleAtOrganizationGeography(org1, org1.PrimaryGeography, RoleType.LocalDeputy, Authorization.Flag.ExactGeographyExactOrganization))
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/orglevel-3-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Org Deputy, " + orgName + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));

                // Org-level secretary

                if (auth.HasRoleAtOrganization(org1, RoleType.OrganizationSecretary, Authorization.Flag.AnyGeographyExactOrganization))
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/orglevel-2-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Org secretary, " + orgName + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));

                // system roles

                if (auth.HasRoleType(RoleType.SystemAdmin))
                    return new PersonIconSpec("user-worker.png", "Sys.adm., " + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));

                // Org-level admin

                if (auth.HasRoleAtOrganization(org1, RoleType.OrganizationAdmin, Authorization.Flag.AnyGeographyExactOrganization))
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/orglevel-1-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Org admin, " + orgName + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));
                if (auth.HasLocalRoleAtOrganizationGeography(org1, org1.PrimaryGeography, RoleType.LocalAdmin, Authorization.Flag.ExactGeographyExactOrganization))
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/orglevel-1-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Org admin, " + orgName + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));


                // local roles

                if (auth.HasLocalRoleAtOrganizationGeography(org1, Geography.Root, RoleType.LocalLead, Authorization.Flag.AnyGeographyExactOrganization))
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/officer-lead-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Local lead, " + orgName + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));

                if (auth.HasLocalRoleAtOrganizationGeography(org1, Geography.Root, RoleType.LocalDeputy, Authorization.Flag.AnyGeographyExactOrganization))
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/officer-deputy-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Local deputy, " + orgName + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));

                if (auth.HasLocalRoleAtOrganizationGeography(org1, Geography.Root, RoleType.LocalAdmin, Authorization.Flag.AnyGeographyExactOrganization))
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/officer-admin-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Local admin, " + orgName + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));

                if (auth.HasRoleAtOrganization(org1, Authorization.Flag.AnyGeographyExactOrganization)
                 || auth.HasLocalRoleAtOrganizationGeography(org1, Geography.Root, Authorization.Flag.AnyGeographyExactOrganization))
                    foundOddRole = true;

            if (!foundOddRole)
                if (person.IsActivist)
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/activist-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Activist, " + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));
                    return new PersonIconSpec("pwcustom/member-" + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : "") + ".png", "Member, " + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));
                // unhandled role type
                return new PersonIconSpec("user-silhouette-question.png", "unknown role, " + (person.IsFemale ? "female" : person.IsMale ? "male" : ""));