void Update()
            PlayerControlsMouse controls = PlayerControlsMouse.Get();

            float target_alpha = controls.IsJoystickActive() && !PlayerUI.GetFirst().IsBuildMode() ? 1f : 0f;

            canvas.alpha = Mathf.MoveTowards(canvas.alpha, target_alpha, 4f * Time.deltaTime);

            Vector2 screenPos = controls.GetJoystickPos();

            rect.anchoredPosition = TheUI.Get().ScreenPointToCanvasPos(screenPos);
            pin.anchoredPosition  = controls.GetJoystickDir() * 50f;
Exemplo n.º 2
        void Update()
            if (TheGame.Get().IsPaused())

            if (IsDead())

            if (rider != null)
                PlayerControls      controls  = PlayerControls.Get(rider.player_id);
                PlayerControlsMouse mcontrols = PlayerControlsMouse.Get();
                Vector3             tmove     = Vector3.zero;
                Vector3             cam_move  = TheCamera.Get().GetRotation() * controls.GetMove();
                if (mcontrols.IsJoystickActive())
                    Vector2 joystick = mcontrols.GetJoystickDir();
                    cam_move = TheCamera.Get().GetRotation() * new Vector3(joystick.x, 0f, joystick.y);
                tmove = cam_move * ride_speed;
                if (tmove.magnitude > 0.1f)

                //Character stuck
                if (tmove.magnitude < 0.1f && character.IsStuck())

            if (animator.enabled)
                animator.SetBool("Move", IsMoving());
                animator.SetBool("Run", IsMoving());
        void FixedUpdate()
            if (TheGame.Get().IsPaused())
                rigid.velocity = Vector3.zero;

            if (IsDead())

            PlayerControls      controls  = PlayerControls.Get(player_id);
            PlayerControlsMouse mcontrols = PlayerControlsMouse.Get();
            Vector3             tmove     = Vector3.zero;

            //Update auto move for moving targets
            GameObject auto_move_obj = null;

            if (auto_move_select != null && auto_move_select.type == SelectableType.Interact)
                auto_move_obj = auto_move_select.gameObject;
            if (auto_move_attack != null)
                auto_move_obj = auto_move_attack.gameObject;

            if (auto_move && auto_move_obj != null)
                Vector3 diff = auto_move_obj.transform.position - auto_move_target;
                if (diff.magnitude > 1f)
                    auto_move_target      = auto_move_obj.transform.position;
                    auto_move_target_next = auto_move_obj.transform.position;
                    CalculateNavmesh(); //Recalculate navmesh because target moved

            //Navmesh calculate next path
            if (auto_move && use_navmesh && path_found && path_index < nav_paths.Length)
                auto_move_target_next = nav_paths[path_index];
                Vector3 move_dir_total = auto_move_target_next - transform.position;
                move_dir_total.y = 0f;
                if (move_dir_total.magnitude < 0.2f)

            //AUTO Moving (after mouse click)
            auto_move_timer += Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            if (auto_move && auto_move_timer > 0.02f) //auto_move_timer to let the navmesh time to calculate a path
                Vector3 move_dir_total = auto_move_target - transform.position;
                Vector3 move_dir_next  = auto_move_target_next - transform.position;
                Vector3 move_dir       = move_dir_next.normalized * Mathf.Min(move_dir_total.magnitude, 1f);
                move_dir.y = 0f;

                float move_dist = Mathf.Min(GetMoveSpeed(), move_dir.magnitude * 10f);
                tmove = move_dir.normalized * move_dist;
            //Keyboard/gamepad moving
            else if (IsControlsEnabled())
                Vector3 cam_move = TheCamera.Get().GetRotation() * controls.GetMove();
                if (mcontrols.IsJoystickActive() && !character_craft.IsBuildMode())
                    Vector2 joystick = mcontrols.GetJoystickDir();
                    cam_move = TheCamera.Get().GetRotation() * new Vector3(joystick.x, 0f, joystick.y);
                tmove = cam_move * GetMoveSpeed();

            if (is_action && can_cancel_action && tmove.magnitude > 0.1f)

            //Stop moving if doing action
            if (is_action)
                tmove = Vector3.zero;

            //Check if grounded

            //Add Falling to the move vector
            if (!is_grounded || IsJumping())
                if (!IsJumping())
                    fall_vect = Vector3.MoveTowards(fall_vect, Vector3.down * fall_speed, fall_gravity * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
                tmove += fall_vect;
            //Add slope angle
            else if (is_grounded)
                tmove = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(tmove.normalized, ground_normal).normalized *tmove.magnitude;

            //Apply the move calculated previously
            move           = Vector3.Lerp(move, tmove, move_accel * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
            rigid.velocity = move;

            //Calculate Facing
            if (!is_action && IsMoving())
                facing = new Vector3(move.x, 0f, move.z).normalized;

            //Rotate character with right joystick when not in free rotate mode
            bool freerotate = TheCamera.Get().IsFreeRotation();

            if (!is_action && !freerotate && controls.IsGamePad())
                Vector2 look  = controls.GetFreelook();
                Vector3 look3 = TheCamera.Get().GetRotation() * new Vector3(look.x, 0f, look.y);
                if (look3.magnitude > 0.5f)
                    facing = look3.normalized;

            //Apply the facing
            Quaternion targ_rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(facing, Vector3.up);

            rigid.MoveRotation(Quaternion.RotateTowards(rigid.rotation, targ_rot, rotate_speed * Time.fixedDeltaTime));

            //Fronted (need to be done after facing to avoid issues)

            //Check the average traveled movement (allow to check if character is stuck)
            Vector3 last_frame_travel = transform.position - prev_pos;

            move_average = Vector3.MoveTowards(move_average, last_frame_travel, 1f * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
            prev_pos     = transform.position;

            //Stop auto move
            bool stuck_somewhere = move_average.magnitude <0.02f && auto_move_timer> 1f;

            if (stuck_somewhere)
                auto_move = false;

            //Stop the click auto move when moving with keyboard/joystick/gamepad
            if (controls.IsMoving() || mcontrols.IsJoystickActive() || mcontrols.IsDoubleTouch())