Exemplo n.º 1
        private void UpdateAvailableSupplier()//method to update new available supplier to current supplier for a specific row
            //when update,only select one available supplier to update old one,available suppliers is same to add function
            currentPS = ProductSupplierDB.GetAllSuppliersForSelectedProduct(currentUpdateProductId);                                  //select all of suppliers for this current ProductID
            List <Supplier> Suppliers             = SupplierDB.GetAllsuppliers();                                                     //access DB by select statement and return rows
            var             availableSupplierName = from allsupplier in Suppliers
                                                    where !(from c in currentPS select c.SupplierID).Contains(allsupplier.SupplierId) //select sullpiers which has no any relationship with current product
                                                    orderby allsupplier.SupName
                                                    select new { Supplierid = allsupplier.SupplierId, SupplierName = allsupplier.SupName };

            cklstProductSupplier.DataSource    = availableSupplierName.ToList();
            cklstProductSupplier.DisplayMember = "SupplierName";
            cklstProductSupplier.ValueMember   = "Supplierid";
            for (int i = 0; i < cklstProductSupplier.Items.Count; i++)
                if (cklstProductSupplier.GetItemChecked(i))
                    cklstProductSupplier.SetItemChecked(i, false);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //  public static List<ProductSupplier> currentPS = new List<ProductSupplier>();
        public static List <ProductSupplier> getCurrentPS(int produtid, string OperationSign) //pass a specific productsupplier object into loadprosupplier function and return all rows with same productID
            currentProdId = produtid;                                                         //get current selected product's productId in listbox of product(topleft)

            return(ProductSupplierDB.GetAllSuppliersForSelectedProduct(currentProdId));       //get all rows where their productID is equal to current selected row's productID
Exemplo n.º 3
        //button function area
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)                  //save action result
            int        count           = this.cklstProductSupplier.Items.Count; //how many items is loaded in checkedlistbox
            List <int> availSupplierID = new List <int>();                      //declare current productid which is available

            int j = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (this.cklstProductSupplier.GetItemChecked(i))                              //tell whether item is selected of not
                    this.cklstProductSupplier.SetSelected(i, true);                           //if selected then set its selected value is ture
                                                                                              //MessageBox.Show(this.cklstProductSupplier.Text.ToString()); //获取文本
                                                                                              // MessageBox.Show(this.cklstProductSupplier.SelectedValue.ToString()); //获取Value值

                    availSupplierID.Add(Convert.ToInt32(cklstProductSupplier.SelectedValue)); //store all of selected item's value to availsupplierID list
            if (OperationSign == "Add") //if custoemr click Add Button
                if (j > 0)              // you have selected at leat one item from checkedlistbox
                    int addsuccess = 1;
                    foreach (int p in availSupplierID)//get all of supplierd whic will be added to product
                            if (!ProductSupplierDB.AddProductsSuppliers(currentAddProductId, p))//currentAddProdID to locate a specific product and p is the supplier's id number
                                addsuccess = 0;

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw ex;
                    if (addsuccess == 1)
                        MessageBox.Show("You have added new suppliers succesfullly!");
                        lblSave.Text = "You have added " + j.ToString() + " new suppliers to product:" + currentAddProductName;
                        refreshLstProducts();                                                             //refresh products list to display latest info
                    currentPS = ProductSupplierDB.GetAllSuppliersForSelectedProduct(currentAddProductId); //after Add operation,current selected product have more suppliers so reload currenPS list
                    dgvCurrentProSupplier.DataSource         = currentPS;                                 //refresh bottom grid
                    dgvCurrentProSupplier.Columns[1].Visible = false;
                    dgvCurrentProSupplier.Columns[2].Visible = false;

                    AddAvailableSupplier();//refrehs checkedlistbox  and before do it ,must reassign values in currentPS list
                    MessageBox.Show("please Select at least one Prodcut as new item!");
                btnSave.Enabled = false;

            if (OperationSign == "Update") //when customer select Update operation
                if (j > 0)                 //if select a target supplier to replace current supplier
                    DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Update product:" + currentUpdateProductName + ",replace " + currentUpdatesupplierName + " with " + cklstProductSupplier.Text + " ? ",
                                                          "Confirm Update", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                            if (!ProductSupplierDB.UpdateProductSupplier(availSupplierID[0], currentUpdatesupplierId, currentUpdateProductId))//update operation failed
                                MessageBox.Show("Another user has updated or deleted " +
                                                "that customer.", "Database Error");
                            else//update operation successed!
                                MessageBox.Show("You have updated old supplier:" + currentUpdatesupplierName + " with new supplier " + cklstProductSupplier.Text + "successfully!");

                                lblSave.Text = "You have updated supplier:" + currentUpdatesupplierName + " with new suppliers :" + cklstProductSupplier.Text;
                                currentPS    = ProductSupplierDB.GetAllSuppliersForSelectedProduct(currentUpdateProductId);//in david idea,delete excuted successfully
                                dgvCurrentProSupplier.DataSource = currentPS;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());

                        currentPS = ProductSupplierDB.GetAllSuppliersForSelectedProduct(currentUpdateProductId);
                        //   MessageBox.Show(currentPS.Count().ToString());
                        dgvCurrentProSupplier.DataSource         = currentPS;//
                        dgvCurrentProSupplier.Columns[1].Visible = false;
                        dgvCurrentProSupplier.Columns[2].Visible = false;

                        currentUpdateProductId = -1;    //update saving has finished
                        btnSave.Enabled        = false; //after update operation save is locked
                else//if dont select any target supplier
                    MessageBox.Show("please Select one Prodcut !");

            if (OperationSign == "Delete")//when click"delete"button
                DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Delete product: " + currentDeleteProductName + " with supplier :" + currentDeleteSupplierName + " ? ",
                                                      "Confirm Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                        if (!ProductSupplierDB.DeleteProductSupplier(currentDeleteProductSupplierId))    //delete failure
                            MessageBox.Show("Please contact DataBase Administration ", "Database Error");
                        else     //delete succussful
                                 //currentProdId = currentPS[0].ProductID;
                            MessageBox.Show("Product: " + currentDeleteProductName + " with supplier :" + currentDeleteSupplierName + "has been deleted successfully!");
                            currentPS = ProductSupplierDB.GetAllSuppliersForSelectedProduct(currentDeleteProductId);   //in david idea,delete excuted successfully
                            dgvCurrentProSupplier.DataSource = currentPS;
                            lblSave.Text = "You have deleted product:" + currentDeleteProductName + " with suplier:" + currentDeleteSupplierName;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());

                    currentDeleteProductId = -1;
                    btnSave.Enabled        = false;//after update operation save is locked
            //after any of above operation,we have to refresh top grid
            allPS             = ProductSupplierDB.GetAllProductsSuppliers();
            btnAdd.Enabled    = false;
            btnDelete.Enabled = false;
            btnUpdate.Enabled = false;
            panel1.Visible    = true;
            panel2.Visible    = false;