Exemplo n.º 1
        }                                    // No. of hosts per subnet

        //Function stores the network details fro the IP passed as arguments
        public void GetNetWorkDetails(IP ip)
            TotalHosts       = 1;
            DefaultMaskOctet = new byte[4];
            IpAddress        = ip.IpAddress;
            SubnetMaskOctet  = ip.SubnetOctet;
            SubnetMaskOctet.CopyTo(DefaultMaskOctet, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)//Calculate total hosts in the network
                if (DefaultMaskOctet[i] != 255)
                    TotalHosts *= Convert.ToInt32((byte)~DefaultMaskOctet[i]) + 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Run_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            iP           = new IP();
            iP.IpAddress = Ip.Text;
            Boolean p = iP.IpAddress.Equals("Error");

            if (p)
                Ip.Text       = "Error";
                Ip.Foreground = Brushes.Red;
                P1.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                P2.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                char   ipClass = iP.GetClass();
                string subnet  = iP.ReturnSubnet();
                IPDMask.Content = subnet;
                if (ipClass != '0' && ipClass != 'l')
                    IPC.Content = ipClass.ToString().ToUpper();
                //Console.WriteLine($"IP Class: {ipClass.ToString().ToUpper()}");
                if (ipClass == 'l')
                    IPC.Content = "LocalHost Entered";//Console.WriteLine("LocalHost Entered");
                if (ipClass == 'a' || ipClass == 'b' || ipClass == 'c')
                    String[] SubnetOctet = iP.SubnetToBinary();
                    IPDMaskBIN.Content = string.Join('.', SubnetOctet);