Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the object instance.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal override void Initialize()

            StyleCopVSPackage package = this.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(StyleCopVSPackage)) as StyleCopVSPackage;

            Debug.Assert(package != null, "Unable to locate the package");

            this.core   = package.Core;
            this.helper = package.Helper;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void MyTestInitialize()
            // Creating a package wil lset the facoctory service provider.
            this.package = new StyleCopVSPackage();

            this.mockServiceProvider = new Mock<IServiceProvider>();
            this.violation = CreateDummyViolationInfo();

            StyleCopVSPackage_Accessor.AttachShadow(this.package).Core.DisplayUI = false;
            this.taskUnderTest = new ViolationTask_Accessor(this.package, violation);
            this.taskUnderTestShell = ErrorTask_Accessor.AttachShadow(this.taskUnderTest.Target);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the ViolationTask class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">System service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="violation">The StyleCop violation that this task represents.</param>
        internal ViolationTask(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ViolationInfo violation)
            Param.AssertNotNull(serviceProvider, "serviceProvider");

            this.violation     = violation;
            this.Column        = 0;
            this.Document      = violation.File;
            this.Line          = violation.LineNumber - 1;
            this.Text          = violation.Description;
            this.ErrorCategory = TaskErrorCategory.Warning;

            StyleCopVSPackage package = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(StyleCopVSPackage)) as StyleCopVSPackage;

            Debug.Assert(package != null, "Unable to locate the package");

            this.core = package.Core;
        public void MyTestInitialize()
            // Creating a package will set the factory service provider.
            this.package = new StyleCopVSPackage();

            this.mockServiceProvider = new Mock<IServiceProvider>();
            this.violation = CreateDummyViolationInfo();

            this.package.Core.DisplayUI = false;
            this.taskUnderTest = new ViolationTask(this.package, this.violation, null);
            this.taskUnderTestShell = taskUnderTest;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void MyTestInitialize()
            // Creating a package will set the factory service provider.
            this.package = new StyleCopVSPackage();

            this.mockServiceProvider = new Mock<IServiceProvider>();

            // Creates a dummy violation (In visual studio the violation is displayed in Error List panel)
            this.violation = CreateDummyViolationInfo();

            Assert.IsNotNull(this.package, "this.package is null");

            PrivateObject actual = new PrivateObject(this.package, new PrivateType(typeof(StyleCopVSPackage)));
            StyleCopCore core = (StyleCopCore)actual.GetFieldOrProperty("Core");

            Assert.IsNotNull(core, "core is null");

            core.DisplayUI = false;
            this.taskUnderTest = new ViolationTask(this.package, this.violation, null);
            this.taskUnderTestShell = this.taskUnderTest;
Exemplo n.º 6
 private AnalysisHelper SetCoreNoUI()
     StyleCopVSPackage packageAccessor = new StyleCopVSPackage();
     packageAccessor.Core.DisplayUI = false;
     return packageAccessor.Helper;