Exemplo n.º 1
        void InitSymbol(Symbol s, string property, bool isShowMovingAverage = false)
            s.Color = _Colors[IndexMemory % _Colors.Length];
            HsbColor hsb = ColorEx.RgbToHsb(s.Color);

            s.MovingAverage = new MovingAverage()
                Binding    = property,
                Type       = MovingAverageType.Simple,
                Period     = 10,
                Visibility = isShowMovingAverage ? SeriesVisibility.Visible : SeriesVisibility.Hidden,
            s.MovingAverage.Style.StrokeWidth           = 1;
            s.MovingAverage.Style.FillColor             = s.MovingAverage.Style.StrokeColor
                                                        = ColorEx.HsbToRgb(new HsbColor()
                A = hsb.A, H = hsb.H, S = Math.Max(hsb.B / 2, 0), B = Math.Min(hsb.B * 2, 1)
            s.MovingAverage.DataSource = s.DataSource;

            s.Series = new C1.Win.Chart.Series()
                Binding = property, Name = s.Code.ToUpper()
            s.Series.ChartType         = ChartType.Line;
            s.Series.Style.StrokeWidth = 2;
            s.Series.Style.FillColor   = Color.FromArgb(64, s.Color);
            s.Series.Style.StrokeColor = s.Color;
            s.Series.DataSource        = s.DataSource;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Color HsbToRgb(HsbColor hsbColor)
            /* Gray (zero saturation) is a special case.We simply
            * set RGB values to HSB Brightness value and exit. */

            // Gray: Set RGB and return
            if (hsbColor.S == 0.0)
                return(Color.FromArgb((byte)(hsbColor.A * 255),
                                      (byte)(hsbColor.B * 255),
                                      (byte)(hsbColor.B * 255),
                                      (byte)(hsbColor.B * 255)

            /* Now we process the normal case. */
            var h = (hsbColor.H == 360) ? 0 : hsbColor.H / 60;

            //var i = (int)(Math.Truncate(h));

            //var i = (int)(Math.Round(h));
            if (double.IsNaN(h))
                return(Color.FromArgb((byte)(hsbColor.A * 255),
                                      (byte)(hsbColor.B * 255),
                                      (byte)(hsbColor.B * 255),
                                      (byte)(hsbColor.B * 255)

            int i = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(h));
            var f = h - i;

            var p = hsbColor.B * (1.0 - hsbColor.S);
            var q = hsbColor.B * (1.0 - (hsbColor.S * f));
            var t = hsbColor.B * (1.0 - (hsbColor.S * (1.0 - f)));

            double r, g, b;

            switch (i)
            case 0:
                r = hsbColor.B;
                g = t;
                b = p;

            case 1:
                r = q;
                g = hsbColor.B;
                b = p;

            case 2:
                r = p;
                g = hsbColor.B;
                b = t;

            case 3:
                r = p;
                g = q;
                b = hsbColor.B;

            case 4:
                r = t;
                g = p;
                b = hsbColor.B;

                r = hsbColor.B;
                g = p;
                b = q;

            // Set return value
            return(Color.FromArgb((byte)(hsbColor.A * 255),
                                  (byte)(r * 255),
                                  (byte)(g * 255),
                                  (byte)(b * 255)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static HsbColor RgbToHsb(Color rgbColor)
            /* Hue values range between 0 and 360. All
             * other values range between 0 and 1. */

            // Create HSB color object
            var hsbColor = new HsbColor();

            // Get RGB color component values
            var r = (int)rgbColor.R;
            var g = (int)rgbColor.G;
            var b = (int)rgbColor.B;
            var a = (int)rgbColor.A;

            // Get min, max, and delta values
            double min   = Math.Min(Math.Min(r, g), b);
            double max   = Math.Max(Math.Max(r, g), b);
            double delta = max - min;

            /* Black (max = 0) is a special case. We
             * simply set HSB values to zero and exit. */

            // Black: Set HSB and return
            if (max == 0.0)
                hsbColor.H = 0.0;
                hsbColor.S = 0.0;
                hsbColor.B = 0.0;
                hsbColor.A = a / 255;

            /* Now we process the normal case. */

            // Set HSB Alpha value
            var alpha = (double)a;

            hsbColor.A = alpha / 255;

            // Set HSB Hue value
            if (r == max)
                hsbColor.H = (g - b) / delta;
            else if (g == max)
                hsbColor.H = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
            else if (b == max)
                hsbColor.H = 4 + (r - g) / delta;
            hsbColor.H *= 60;
            if (hsbColor.H < 0.0)
                hsbColor.H += 360;

            // Set other HSB values
            hsbColor.S = delta / max;
            hsbColor.B = max / 255;

            // Set return value
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void InitializeTopChart()
            if (_quoteData == null || !_quoteData.Any())

            var maxVolume = _quoteData.Max(p => p.Volume);

            HsbColor hsb = ColorEx.RgbToHsb(_baseSeriesColor);

            financialChart1.BindingX        = "Date";
            financialChart1.ToolTip.Active  = false;
            financialChart1.AxisY.Position  = Position.Right;
            financialChart1.AxisY.MajorGrid = false;
            financialChart1.AxisY.MinorGrid = false;
            financialChart1.AxisY.Format    = null;
            financialChart1.Legend.Position = Position.None;

            ma = new MovingAverage()
                Binding    = Binding,
                Type       = C1.Chart.MovingAverageType.Simple,
                Period     = 10,
                Visibility = SeriesVisibility.Hidden
            ma.Style.StrokeWidth           = 1;
            ma.Style.FillColor             = ma.Style.StrokeColor
                                           = ColorEx.HsbToRgb(new HsbColor()
                A = hsb.A, H = hsb.H, S = Math.Max(hsb.B / 2, 0), B = Math.Min(hsb.B * 2, 1)

            fs = new Series()
                Binding = Binding, Name = Symbol.ToUpper()
            fs.ChartType         = ChartType.Line;
            fs.Style.StrokeWidth = 2;
            fs.Style.FillColor   = Color.FromArgb(64, _baseSeriesColor);
            fs.Style.StrokeColor = _baseSeriesColor;

            vs = new Series()
                Binding = "Volume", AxisY = new C1.Win.Chart.Axis()
                    Max = maxVolume * 8
                }, ChartType = C1.Chart.ChartType.Column
            vs.Style.FillColor   = Color.FromArgb(255, 165, 0);
            vs.Style.StrokeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 165, 0);

            financialChart1.ChartType  = FinancialChartType.Line;
            financialChart1.DataSource = _quoteData;
            financialChart1.MouseMove += FinancialChart1_MouseMove;