Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Simulate(int startdate, int enddate)
            int curentdate;

            for (curentdate = startdate; curentdate <= enddate; curentdate = Util.nextDay(curentdate))
                //if (curentdate == 20180301)
                //    int abc;
                //    abc = 3;
                if (checkSell(curentdate))
                object list = hsallitems[curentdate.ToString()];
                if (list == null)
                List <StockOpeItem> newlist = (List <StockOpeItem>)list;

                for (int i = 0; i < newlist.Count; i++)
                    StockOpeItem item = newlist[i];
                    if (checkBuy(item))
Exemplo n.º 2
        //2018-03-18 保存至数据库
        public static void SaveToDB_Analysis2(System.Collections.ArrayList list)
            string sql;

            sql = "truncate table Ope_Analysis2;";

            System.Collections.ArrayList sqllist = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
            SQLMassImport rulefile = new SQLMassImport("Analysis2SQL");

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                StockOpeItem item      = (StockOpeItem)list[i];
                string[]     attristrs = new string[11];
                attristrs[0]  = item.type.ToString();
                attristrs[1]  = item.stockcode;
                attristrs[2]  = item.buyrule;
                attristrs[3]  = item.sellrule.ToString();
                attristrs[4]  = item.buydate.ToString();
                attristrs[5]  = item.buyindex.ToString();
                attristrs[6]  = item.buyprice.ToString();
                attristrs[7]  = item.grade.ToString();
                attristrs[8]  = item.selldate.ToString();
                attristrs[9]  = item.sellindex.ToString();
                attristrs[10] = item.sellprice.ToString();
            rulefile.ImportClose(db, StockSQL.TABLE_ANALYZE2);
Exemplo n.º 3
 int IComparer <StockOpeItem> .Compare(StockOpeItem x, StockOpeItem y)
     if (x.buydate > y.buydate)
     else if (x.buydate < y.buydate)
     else if (x.grade > y.grade)
     else if (x.grade < y.grade)
     else if (x.buyprice < y.buyprice)
     else if (x.buyprice > y.buyprice)
Exemplo n.º 4
 public StockSimulateItem(StockOpeItem item)
     buyrule   = item.buyrule;
     sellrule  = item.sellrule;
     stockcode = item.stockcode;
     buydate   = item.buydate;
     buyindex  = item.buyindex;
     buyprice  = item.buyprice;
     selldate  = item.selldate;
     sellindex = item.sellindex;
     sellprice = item.sellprice;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static StockOpeItem[] CalculateSave2Analysis2(int startdate, int enddate, string buyname, string sellname, int buytype)
            string sql;

            sql  = "select * into #tmp2 from ";
            sql += " (select rulename, stockcode,[DATE],[INDEX],price from Ope_Analysis where date >= '" + startdate.ToString() + "' and date <= '" + enddate.ToString() + "'  and rulename = '" + sellname + "' and type = '" + Rule.STATUS_SELL + "' ";
            sql += " union ";
            sql += "SELECT '" + sellname + "' as rulename, T7.code as stockcode, T7.[date] as [date],t7.[index] as [index],t7.[end] as price FROM Stock_Item T7 join ";
            sql += " (select code, MAX([index]) as [index],MAX([date]) as [date] from Stock_Item where ";
            sql += " [DATE] <= '" + enddate.ToString() + "' group by code) T8 on t7.code = t8.code and t7.[index] = t8.[index]";
            sql += " ) T2;";
            sql += " select * into #tmp1 from (select * from Ope_Analysis where date >= '" + startdate.ToString() + "' and date <= '" + enddate.ToString() + "' and rulename = '" + buyname + "' and type = '" + buytype + "') T1;  ";
            sql += "SELECT * FROM ( ";
            sql += "SELECT T1.stockcode, T1.rulename as buyname, t1.[date] as buydate, t1.[index] as buyindex, t1.price as buyprice, t1.pregrade, t1.grade,  t1.kpis, t1.dapan, ";
            sql += "T2.rulename as sellname, t2.[date] as selldate, t2.[index] as sellindex, t2.price as sellprice, ";
            sql += "RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY t1.stockcode, t1.[date] order by t2.[date]) AS SEQUENCE FROM ";
            sql += "#TMP1 AS T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN ";
            sql += " #tmp2 as t2 ";
            sql += "ON T1.stockcode = T2.stockcode ";
            sql += "WHERE T1.date <= T2.date ) T3 ";
            sql += "WHERE T3.SEQUENCE = 1 ";
            sql += "ORDER BY stockcode, BUYDATE; ";

            System.Data.DataTable        table   = db.GetTable(sql);
            System.Collections.ArrayList sqllist = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

            int size = table.Rows.Count;

            StockOpeItem[] items = new StockOpeItem[size];

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                System.Data.DataRow row = table.Rows[i];
                items[i]           = new StockOpeItem();
                items[i].type      = buytype;
                items[i].buyrule   = (string)row["buyname"];
                items[i].sellrule  = (string)row["sellname"];
                items[i].stockcode = (string)row["stockcode"];
                items[i].buydate   = (int)row["buydate"];
                items[i].buyindex  = (int)row["buyindex"];
                items[i].buyprice  = (double)row["buyprice"];
                //items[i].grade = RuleScore.GetRuleScore(items[i].buyrule, items[i].buydate / 100);
                items[i].grade     = (double)row["grade"];
                items[i].selldate  = (int)row["selldate"];
                items[i].sellindex = (int)row["sellindex"];
                items[i].sellprice = (double)row["sellprice"];
Exemplo n.º 6
 private bool checkBuy(StockOpeItem item)
     //如果当前满仓, 则不能买入
     if (holditems.Count >= totalnum)
     //如果股票已被买入, 则不能买入
     foreach (StockSimulateItem nowitem in holditems)
         if (nowitem.stockcode == item.stockcode)
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void AddOpeItem(StockOpeItem item)
            string date = item.buydate.ToString();
            object obj  = hsallitems[date];

            if (obj == null)
                obj = new List <StockOpeItem>();
            List <StockOpeItem> list = (List <StockOpeItem>)obj;

            newsCompare comp = new newsCompare();

            hsallitems[date] = list;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void doBuy(StockOpeItem item)
            StockSimulateItem smitem = new StockSimulateItem(item);

            smitem.type = item.type;
            double buymoney = leftmoney / (totalnum - holditems.Count);
            int buyvolume = (int)(buymoney / (100 * item.buyprice));

            smitem.buyvolume = buyvolume * 100;
            //剩余资金: 需要计算手续费
            leftmoney = leftmoney - smitem.buyvolume * item.buyprice * (1 + StockApp.FEE);
            smitem.holdstocknum    = holditems.Count;
            smitem.totalstockvalue = getHoldStockValue();
            smitem.leftmoney       = leftmoney;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static StockOpeItem[] GetAnalysis2List(int type, int startdate, int enddate, string buyrule, string sellrule, double goodsccore, bool applyDefaultSell, bool restrict_end_to_sell)
            string sql;
            Buy    buy = StockApp.GetBuy(buyrule);

            string d_sellindex = buy.defaultSell + StockKPI.default_index;
            string d_sellprice = buy.defaultSell + StockKPI.default_price;
            string d_selldate  = buy.defaultSell + StockKPI.default_date;

            sql  = " select T1.*, T5.*," + d_sellindex + "," + d_sellprice + "," + d_selldate + " from ( ";
            sql += "select * from Ope_Analysis2 where buydate >= '" + startdate + "' ";
            //goodgrade如果选项打开, 只有在score>goodscore时才做选择
            sql += " and grade >= '" + goodsccore + "' ";

            sql += " and buydate <= '" + enddate + "' and buyrule = '" + buyrule + "' and sellrule = '" + sellrule + "' ";
            sql += " and type in (" + type + "," + Rule.STATUS_SELL + ")) T1 ";
            sql += " join stock_Full T2 on T1.stockcode = T2.code and T1.buyindex = T2.[index] ";
            sql += " join ";
            sql += " (select t3.code,t3.[index] as maxindex,t3.[date] as maxdate,t3.[end] as maxprice from stock_Full t3 join ";
            sql += " (select code, MAX([date]) as intdate from stock_full ";
            sql += " where [date]<= " + enddate;
            sql += " group by code) t4 on t3.code = t4.code and t3.[date] = t4.intdate) t5 ";
            sql += " on t1.stockcode = t5.code ";
            sql += " order by T1.stockcode, T1.[buydate];";

            System.Data.DataTable table = db.GetTable(sql);

            System.Collections.ArrayList sqllist = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

            int size = table.Rows.Count;

            StockOpeItem[] items = new StockOpeItem[size];

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                System.Data.DataRow row = table.Rows[i];
                items[i]           = new StockOpeItem();
                items[i].type      = (int)row["type"];
                items[i].stockcode = (string)row["stockcode"];
                items[i].buyrule   = (string)row["buyrule"];
                items[i].sellrule  = (string)row["sellrule"];
                items[i].buydate   = (int)row["buydate"];
                items[i].buyindex  = (int)row["buyindex"];
                items[i].buyprice  = (double)row["buyprice"];
                items[i].grade     = (double)row["grade"];

                if (applyDefaultSell && (int)row["sellindex"] > Convert.ToInt32(row[d_sellindex]))
                    items[i].selldate  = Convert.ToInt32(row[d_selldate]);
                    items[i].sellindex = Convert.ToInt32(row[d_sellindex]);
                    items[i].sellprice = (double)row[d_sellprice];
                    items[i].selldate  = (int)row["selldate"];
                    items[i].sellindex = (int)row["sellindex"];
                    items[i].sellprice = (double)row["sellprice"];

                if (restrict_end_to_sell && (int)row["maxindex"] < items[i].sellindex)
                    items[i].selldate  = (int)row["maxdate"];
                    items[i].sellindex = (int)row["maxindex"];
                    items[i].sellprice = (double)row["maxprice"];
