public void timing_exception_fails_silently()
     _udp.Stub(x => x.Send(Arg<string>.Is.Anything)).Throw(new Exception());
     var s = new Statsd(_udp);
      s.Send<Statsd.Timing>("timer", 5);
        public ListenerService()
            // ReSharper disable once DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructor
            EventLog.Log = "HubCollectorLog";
            StatsdClient = new Statsd(Config.Hostname, Config.Port);
            KlondikeConnections = new List<HubConnection>();

            Config.Hubs.ForEach(hub =>
                var connection = new HubConnection(hub);

                IHubProxy statusHubProxy = connection.CreateHubProxy("status");
                statusHubProxy.On("updateStatus", status =>
                    string name = Config.NameFromUrl(connection.Url);
                    var message = String.Format("From {2}: Status: {0}, Total: {1}", status.synchronizationState,
                        status.totalPackages, name);

                    StatsdClient.LogGauge("nuget."+ name +".packageCount", (int) status.totalPackages);

 public void counting_exception_fails_silently()
     var s = new Statsd(_udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
     _udp.Stub(x => x.Send(Arg<string>.Is.Anything)).Throw(new Exception());
      s.Send<Statsd.Counting>("counter", 5);
        public void add_gauge_with_sample_rate_and_tags_double()
            Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
            s.Add<Statsd.Gauge,int>("gauge", 5, sampleRate: 0.5, tags: new[] {"tag1:true", "tag2"});

            Assert.That(s.Commands.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(s.Commands[0], Is.EqualTo("gauge:5|g|@0.5|#tag1:true,tag2"));
        public void add_gauge_with_sample_rate()
            Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
            s.Add<Statsd.Gauge,int>("gauge", 5, sampleRate: 0.5);

            Assert.That(s.Commands.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(s.Commands[0], Is.EqualTo("gauge:5|g|@0.5"));
        public void add_gauge_double()
            Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
            s.Add<Statsd.Gauge,double>("gauge", 5.3);

            Assert.That(s.Commands.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(s.Commands[0], Is.EqualTo("gauge:5.3|g"));
 public void SetUpUdpListenerAndStatsd() 
     udpListener = new UdpListener(serverName, serverPort);
     var metricsConfig = new MetricsConfig { StatsdServerName = serverName };
     udp = new StatsdUDP(serverName, serverPort);
     statsd = new Statsd(udp);
            public void add_one_counter_and_one_timer_sends_in_one_go()
                var s = new Statsd(_udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
                s.Add<Statsd.Counting>("counter", 1, 0.1);
                s.Add<Statsd.Timing>("timer", 1);

                _udp.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Send("counter:1|c|@0.1\ntimer:1|ms"));
        public void add_one_counter_and_one_gauge_sends_and_removes_commands()
            Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
            s.Add("counter", 1, 0.1);
            s.Add<Statsd.Timing>("timer", 1);

        public void add_one_counter_and_one_gauge_sends_in_one_go()
            Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
            s.Add("counter", 1, 0.1);
            s.Add<Statsd.Timing>("timer", 1);

            udp.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Send("counter:1|c|@0.1" + Environment.NewLine + "timer:1|ms" + Environment.NewLine));
        public void add_one_counter_and_one_gauge_with_no_sample_rate_shows_in_commands()
            Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
            s.Add<Statsd.Counting>("counter", 1);
            s.Add<Statsd.Timing>("timer", 1);

            Assert.That(s.Commands.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));
            Assert.That(s.Commands[0], Is.EqualTo("counter:1|c"));
            Assert.That(s.Commands[1], Is.EqualTo("timer:1|ms"));
            public void add_one_counter_and_one_gauge_shows_in_commands()
                var s = new Statsd(_udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
                s.Add<Statsd.Counting>("counter", 1, 0.1);
                s.Add<Statsd.Timing>("timer", 1);

                Assert.That(s.Commands.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));
                Assert.That(s.Commands[0], Is.EqualTo("counter:1|c|@0.1"));
                Assert.That(s.Commands[1], Is.EqualTo("timer:1|ms"));
        public void add_counter_sets_prefix_on_name()
            Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch, "another.prefix.");

            s.Add<Statsd.Counting,int>("counter", 1, sampleRate: 0.1);
            s.Add<Statsd.Timing,int>("timer", 1);

            udp.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Send("another.prefix.counter:1|c|@0.1\nanother.prefix.timer:1|ms"));
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a sink that uses datadog with the specified details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datadogConfiguration">Connection information used to construct the Datadog client.</param>
        /// <param name="batchSizeLimit">The maximum number of events to post in a single batch.</param>
        /// <param name="period">The time to wait between checking for event batches.</param>
        /// <param name="textFormatter">Supplies culture-specific formatting information, or null.</param>
        public DatadogSink(DatadogConfiguration datadogConfiguration, int batchSizeLimit, TimeSpan period, ITextFormatter textFormatter)
            : base(batchSizeLimit, period)
            if (datadogConfiguration == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("datadogConfiguration");

            _datadogConfiguration = datadogConfiguration;
            _textFormatter = textFormatter;
            _statsdUdp = new StatsdUDP(datadogConfiguration.StatsdServer, datadogConfiguration.StatsdPort);
            _statsd = new Statsd(_statsdUdp);
        public void add_counter_sets_prefix_on_name()
            Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch, "another.prefix.");

            s.Add("counter", 1, 0.1);
            s.Add<Statsd.Timing>("timer", 1);

            udp.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Send("another.prefix.counter:1|c|@0.1" + Environment.NewLine + "another.prefix.timer:1|ms"));
Exemplo n.º 16
            public void send_one_counter_and_one_timer_with_no_sample_rate_shows_in_commands()
                var s = new Statsd(new Statsd.Configuration() { Udp = _udp, RandomGenerator = _randomGenerator, StopwatchFactory = _stopwatch, Sender = _sender });
                s.Send<Counting>("counter", 1);
                s.Send<Timing>("timer", 1);

                IList<object[]> argsPerCall = _sender.GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn(x => x.Send(Arg<Metric>.Is.Anything));
                Assert.That(argsPerCall.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));
                Assert.That(((Metric)argsPerCall[0][0]).Command, Is.EqualTo("counter:1|c"));
                Assert.That(((Metric)argsPerCall[1][0]).Command, Is.EqualTo("timer:1|ms"));
Exemplo n.º 17
    static void Main(string[] args)
      var options = new Options();
      if (CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArgumentsStrict(args, options))
        var client = new Statsd(options.Host, options.Port, prefix : options.Namespace, connectionType : options.UseTCP ? ConnectionType.Tcp : ConnectionType.Udp);
        var tokenSource = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource();
        var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        var totalMetricsSent = 0;
        var tasks = new List<Task>();
        int numThreads = options.Threads == 0 ? 1 : options.Threads;
        for ( int count = 0; count < numThreads; count++ )
          int myTaskNumber = count;
          var task = Task.Factory.StartNew( () =>
              var rnd = new Random();
              int taskNumber = myTaskNumber;
              if ( taskNumber == 0 )
                Console.WriteLine( "Feeding stats to {0}:{1}, ctrl+c to exit.", options.Host, options.Port );
              while ( true )
                client.LogCount( "" + rnd.Next( 5 ) );
                client.LogCount( "test.count.bigValue", rnd.Next( 50 ) );
                client.LogTiming( "test.timing." + rnd.Next( 5 ), rnd.Next( 100, 2000 ) );
                client.LogGauge( "test.gauge." + rnd.Next( 5 ), rnd.Next( 100 ) );
                Thread.Sleep( options.Delay );
                Interlocked.Add( ref totalMetricsSent, 4 );

                if ( taskNumber == 0 && stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 5000 )
                  Console.WriteLine( "Total sent: {0}", totalMetricsSent );
            tokenSource.Token );
          tasks.Add( task );
        Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, e) =>
        Task.WaitAll( tasks.ToArray() );
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void send_oversized_udp_packets_are_split_if_possible()
            var msg = new String('f', MetricsConfig.DefaultStatsdMaxUDPPacketSize - 15);
            listenThread.Start(3); // Listen for 3 messages

            var sender = new BatchSender();
            var statsd = new Statsd(new Statsd.Configuration() { Udp = udp, Sender = sender });

            statsd.Send<Statsd.Counting>(msg, 1);
            statsd.Send<Statsd.Timing>(msg, 2);

            // These two metrics should be split as their combined lengths exceed the maximum packet size
            AssertWasReceived(String.Format("{0}:1|c", msg), 0);
            AssertWasReceived(String.Format("{0}:2|ms", msg), 1);
            // No extra metric should be sent at the end
            AssertWasReceived(null, 2);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void send_oversized_udp_packets_are_split_if_possible_with_multiple_messages_in_one_packet()
            var msg = new String('f', MetricsConfig.DefaultStatsdMaxUDPPacketSize / 2);

            var sender = new BatchSender();
            var statsd = new Statsd(new Statsd.Configuration() { Udp = udp, Sender = sender });

            statsd.Send<Statsd.Counting>("counter", 1);
            statsd.Send<Statsd.Counting>(msg, 2);
            statsd.Send<Statsd.Counting>(msg, 3);

            // Make sure that a split packet can contain mulitple metrics
            AssertWasReceived(String.Format("counter:1|c\n{0}:2|c", msg), 0);
            AssertWasReceived(String.Format("{0}:3|c", msg), 1);
            AssertWasReceived(null, 2);
        public void single_send_is_thread_safe()
            var counts = new CountingUDP();
            var test = new Statsd(counts);

            // send some commands in parallel, `command' just being a number in sequence
            int sends = 1024, threads = 2; // appears sufficient to surface error most of the time but may vary by machine
            var sent = new ManualResetEvent[threads];
            for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++)
                var done = sent[i] = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(CreateSender(sends, threads, i, test, done));
            // allow threads to complete, cleanup
            foreach (IDisposable d in sent)

Exemplo n.º 21
 public void Configure(dynamic configuration)
         //IResolveCounterType resolver, Uri endpoint, int maxUdpPacket = 512
         _connection = new StatsdUDP(configuration.Host.ToString(), (int)configuration.Port, (int)configuration.MaxUdpPacket);
         _sender = new Statsd(_connection);
         _resolver = new RegexResolver();
         foreach (var map in configuration.CounterTypeMaps)
             _resolver.Add(map.Regex.ToString(), Enum.Parse(typeof(StatsDTypes),map.Type.ToString()));
     catch (Exception ex)
         Logger.ErrorFormat("Error configuring StatsDSink, check your configuration file! Exception:{@exception}",ex);
        public void add_one_counter_and_send_one_gauge_sends_only_sends_the_last()
            Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
            s.Add<Statsd.Counting>("counter", 1);
            s.Send<Statsd.Timing>("timer", 1);

            udp.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Send("timer:1|ms" + Environment.NewLine));
        public void add_timer_with_lamba()
            const string statName = "name";
            const double sampleRate = 0.1;

            IStopwatch stopwatch = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IStopwatch>();
            stopwatch.Stub(x => x.ElapsedMilliseconds()).Return(500);
            _stopwatch.Stub(x => x.Get()).Return(stopwatch);

            Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
            s.Add(() => testMethod(), statName);

            Assert.That(s.Commands[0], Is.EqualTo("name:500|ms"));
 public void gauge_exception_fails_silently()
     udp.Stub(x=>x.Send(Arg<string>.Is.Anything)).Throw(new Exception());
     Statsd s = new Statsd(udp);
     s.Send<Statsd.Gauge>("gauge", 5);
 public void set_max_udp_packet_size()
     // Make sure that we can set the max UDP packet size
     udp = new StatsdUDP(serverName, serverPort, 10);
     statsd = new Statsd(udp);
     var msg = new String('f', 5);
     statsd.Add<Statsd.Counting>(msg, 1);
     statsd.Add<Statsd.Timing>(msg, 2);
     // Since our packet size limit is now 10, this (short) message should still be split
     AssertWasReceived(String.Format("{0}:1|c", msg), 0);
     AssertWasReceived(String.Format("{0}:2|ms", msg), 1);
 public void Increases_counter_with_value_of_X()
     Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
     s.Send<Statsd.Counting>("counter", 5);
     udp.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Send("counter:5|c" + Environment.NewLine));
 public void Adds_timing()
     Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
     s.Send<Statsd.Timing>("timer", 5);
     udp.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Send("timer:5|ms" + Environment.NewLine));
 public void Adds_gauge()
     Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
     s.Send<Statsd.Gauge>("gauge", 5);
     udp.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Send("gauge:5|g" + Environment.NewLine));
        public void set_return_value_with_send_timer_with_lambda()
            const string statName = "name";
            IStopwatch stopwatch = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IStopwatch>();
            stopwatch.Stub(x => x.ElapsedMilliseconds()).Return(500);
            _stopwatch.Stub(x => x.Get()).Return(stopwatch);

            Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
            int returnValue = 0;
            s.Send(() => returnValue = testMethod(), statName);

            udp.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Send("name:500|ms" + Environment.NewLine));
 public void Increases_counter_with_value_of_X_and_sample_rate()
     Statsd s = new Statsd(udp, _randomGenerator, _stopwatch);
     s.Send("counter", 5,0.1);
     udp.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Send("counter:5|c|@0.1" + Environment.NewLine));