Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize the cmdlets so they can be compared to change modules later
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">Name of the file cmdlets are being serialized to.</param>
        /// <param name="cmdlets">List of cmdlets that are to be serialized.</param>
        private void SerializeCmdlets(string fileName, ModuleMetadata moduleMetadata)
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(moduleMetadata, Formatting.Indented);

            File.WriteAllText(fileName, json);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get cmdlets from the given assembly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assmeblyPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ModuleMetadata GetModuleMetadata(string assemblyPath)
            List <CmdletBreakingChangeMetadata> results = new List <CmdletBreakingChangeMetadata>();

            ModuleMetadata = new ModuleMetadata();

                var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                foreach (var type in assembly.GetCmdletTypes())
                    var cmdlet     = type.GetAttribute <CmdletAttribute>();
                    var outputs    = type.GetAttributes <OutputTypeAttribute>();
                    var parameters = type.GetParameters();

                    var cmdletMetadata = new CmdletBreakingChangeMetadata
                        VerbName                = cmdlet.VerbName,
                        NounName                = cmdlet.NounName,
                        ConfirmImpact           = cmdlet.ConfirmImpact,
                        SupportsPaging          = cmdlet.SupportsPaging,
                        SupportsShouldProcess   = cmdlet.SupportsShouldProcess,
                        ClassName               = type.FullName,
                        DefaultParameterSetName = cmdlet.DefaultParameterSetName ?? "__AllParameterSets"

                    if (type.HasAttribute <AliasAttribute>())
                        var aliases = type.GetAttributes <AliasAttribute>();
                            aliases.SelectMany(a => a.AliasNames));

                    foreach (var output in outputs)
                        foreach (var outputType in output.Type)
                            var outputMetadata = new OutputMetadata
                                Type = outputType.Type

                    List <Parameter> globalParameters = new List <Parameter>();

                    foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                        var parameterData = new ParameterMetadata
                            Type = parameter.PropertyType,
                            Name = parameter.Name

                        if (parameter.HasAttribute <AliasAttribute>())
                            var aliases = parameter.GetAttributes <AliasAttribute>();
                                aliases.SelectMany(a => a.AliasNames));

                        if (parameter.HasAttribute <ValidateSetAttribute>())
                            var validateSet = parameter.GetAttribute <ValidateSetAttribute>();

                        if (parameter.HasAttribute <ValidateRangeAttribute>())
                            var validateRange = parameter.GetAttribute <ValidateRangeAttribute>();
                            parameterData.ValidateRangeMin = Convert.ToInt64(validateRange.MinRange);
                            parameterData.ValidateRangeMax = Convert.ToInt64(validateRange.MaxRange);

                        parameterData.ValidateNotNullOrEmpty = parameter.HasAttribute <ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute>();


                        foreach (var parameterSet in parameter.GetAttributes <ParameterAttribute>())
                            var parameterSetMetadata = cmdletMetadata.ParameterSets.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name.Equals(parameterSet.ParameterSetName));

                            if (parameterSetMetadata == null)
                                parameterSetMetadata = new ParameterSetMetadata()
                                    Name = parameterSet.ParameterSetName ?? "__AllParameterSets"

                            Parameter param = new Parameter
                                ParameterMetadata = parameterData,
                                Mandatory         = parameterSet.Mandatory,
                                Position          = parameterSet.Position,
                                ValueFromPipeline = parameterSet.ValueFromPipeline,
                                ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = parameterSet.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName

                            if (parameterSet.ParameterSetName.Equals("__AllParameterSets"))


                            if (parameterSetMetadata.Parameters.Count == 1)

                    foreach (var parameterSet in cmdletMetadata.ParameterSets)
                        if (parameterSet.Name.Equals("__AllParameterSets"))

                        foreach (var parameter in globalParameters)
                            var param = parameterSet.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ParameterMetadata.Name.Equals(parameter.ParameterMetadata.Name));
                            if (param == null)

                    if (cmdletMetadata.ParameterSets.Count == 0)
                        ParameterSetMetadata defaultSet = new ParameterSetMetadata()
                            Name = cmdletMetadata.DefaultParameterSetName

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            ModuleMetadata.Cmdlets = results;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a set of directory paths containing PowerShell module folders,
        /// analyze the breaking changes in the modules and report any issues
        /// Filters can be added to find breaking changes for specific modules
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmdletProbingDirs">Set of directory paths containing PowerShell module folders to be checked for breaking changes.</param>
        /// <param name="directoryFilter">Function that filters the directory paths to be checked.</param>
        /// <param name="cmdletFilter">Function that filters the cmdlets to be checked.</param>
        public void Analyze(
            IEnumerable <string> cmdletProbingDirs,
            Func <IEnumerable <string>, IEnumerable <string> > directoryFilter,
            Func <string, bool> cmdletFilter,
            IEnumerable <string> modulesToAnalyze)
            var processedHelpFiles = new List <string>();
            var issueLogger        = Logger.CreateLogger <BreakingChangeIssue>("BreakingChangeIssues.csv");

            if (directoryFilter != null)
                cmdletProbingDirs = directoryFilter(cmdletProbingDirs);

            foreach (var baseDirectory in cmdletProbingDirs.Where(s => !s.Contains("ServiceManagement") &&
                                                                  !ModuleFilter.IsAzureStackModule(s) && Directory.Exists(Path.GetFullPath(s))))
                var probingDirectories = new List <string> {

                // Add current directory for probing

                foreach (var directory in probingDirectories)
                    if (modulesToAnalyze != null &&
                        modulesToAnalyze.Any() &&
                        !modulesToAnalyze.Any(m => directory.EndsWith(m)))

                    var service = Path.GetFileName(directory);

                    var manifestFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory, "*.psd1").ToList();

                    if (manifestFiles.Count > 1)
                        manifestFiles = manifestFiles.Where(f => Path.GetFileName(f).IndexOf(service) >= 0).ToList();

                    if (manifestFiles.Count == 0)

                    var psd1            = manifestFiles.FirstOrDefault();
                    var parentDirectory = Directory.GetParent(psd1).FullName;
                    var psd1FileName    = Path.GetFileName(psd1);

                    string moduleName = psd1FileName.Replace(".psd1", "");


                    issueLogger.Decorator.AddDecorator(a => a.AssemblyFileName = moduleName, "AssemblyFileName");

                    var newModuleMetadata = MetadataLoader.GetModuleMetadata(moduleName);
                    var fileName          = $"{moduleName}.json";
                    var executingPath     = Path.GetDirectoryName(new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).AbsolutePath);

                    var filePath = Path.Combine(executingPath, "SerializedCmdlets", fileName);

                    if (!File.Exists(filePath))

                    var oldModuleMetadata = ModuleMetadata.DeserializeCmdlets(filePath);

                    if (cmdletFilter != null)
                        var output = string.Format("Before filter\nOld module cmdlet count: {0}\nNew module cmdlet count: {1}",
                                                   oldModuleMetadata.Cmdlets.Count, newModuleMetadata.Cmdlets.Count);

                        output += string.Format("\nCmdlet file: {0}", moduleName);


                        output += string.Format("After filter\nOld module cmdlet count: {0}\nNew module cmdlet count: {1}",
                                                oldModuleMetadata.Cmdlets.Count, newModuleMetadata.Cmdlets.Count);

                        foreach (var cmdlet in oldModuleMetadata.Cmdlets)
                            output += string.Format("\n\tOld cmdlet - {0}", cmdlet.Name);

                        foreach (var cmdlet in newModuleMetadata.Cmdlets)
                            output += string.Format("\n\tNew cmdlet - {0}", cmdlet.Name);

                        issueLogger.WriteMessage(output + Environment.NewLine);

                    RunBreakingChangeChecks(oldModuleMetadata, newModuleMetadata, issueLogger);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public TypeMetadata(Type inputType)
            Namespace             = inputType.Namespace;
            Name                  = inputType.Name;
            AssemblyQualifiedName = inputType.AssemblyQualifiedName;

            // Get the properties of the type
            var properties = inputType.GetProperties();

            // Sort the properties by name to retain ordering when loading cmdlets
            Array.Sort(properties, delegate(PropertyInfo p1, PropertyInfo p2)

            ModuleMetadata moduleMetadata = CmdletBreakingChangeLoader.ModuleMetadata;

            // If the type is an array
            if (inputType.HasElementType)
                // Get the element type of the array
                ElementType = inputType.GetElementType().ToString();

                // If the element type is not in the type dictionary,
                // add it and check its properties
                if (!moduleMetadata.TypeDictionary.ContainsKey(ElementType))
                    moduleMetadata.TypeDictionary.Add(ElementType, null);
                    var typeMetadata = new TypeMetadata(inputType.GetElementType());
                    moduleMetadata.TypeDictionary[ElementType] = typeMetadata;


            // If the type is a generic
            if (inputType.IsGenericType)
                // Get the generic type name
                Name = inputType.Name.Substring(0, inputType.Name.IndexOf('`'));

                // Get the argument types
                var genericTypeArguments = inputType.GetGenericArguments();

                // For each of the arguments, add them to the list of arguments
                // and check if the type is in the type dictionary
                foreach (var arg in genericTypeArguments)

                    if (!moduleMetadata.TypeDictionary.ContainsKey(arg.ToString()))
                        moduleMetadata.TypeDictionary.Add(arg.ToString(), null);
                        var typeMetadata = new TypeMetadata(arg);
                        moduleMetadata.TypeDictionary[arg.ToString()] = typeMetadata;


            // If the type is in the System namespace, don't look at any of its properties
            if (Namespace.StartsWith("System"))

            // For each property, check to see if we have already processed its type before,
            // and if not, we will add it to the global dictionary and process the TypeMetadata.
            foreach (var property in properties)
                // Get the property type
                var propertyType = property.PropertyType;

                // If the type has not been seen before, we will map it to a null value in the
                // global dictionary so we don't repeat the computation, and then create the
                // TypeMetadata object associated with it, and finally set it as the value
                // associated with the type name key in the dictionary.
                if (!moduleMetadata.TypeDictionary.ContainsKey(propertyType.ToString()))
                    moduleMetadata.TypeDictionary.Add(propertyType.ToString(), null);
                    var typeMetadata = new TypeMetadata(propertyType);
                    moduleMetadata.TypeDictionary[propertyType.ToString()] = typeMetadata;

                // Add the property to the dictionary
                if (!_properties.ContainsKey(property.Name))
                    _properties.Add(property.Name, propertyType.ToString());