public SensorEstimatedState(SensorModel sensorModel, PhysicalHeliState initialState)
     _sensors = sensorModel;
     _initialState = initialState;
     _estimated = new PhysicalHeliState();
     Log = new List<HelicopterLogSnapshot>();
        public override void Update(PhysicalHeliState startState, PhysicalHeliState endState, JoystickOutput output, TimeSpan startTime, TimeSpan endTime)
            // Note: The sonic range finder is concerned with measuring at the new position in the timestep,
            // so always use endState here.
            PhysicalHeliState stateToMeasure = endState;
            Vector3 worldDirection = Vector3.Transform(_relativeRangeDirection, stateToMeasure.Orientation);

            // Line equation, how long must line be to reach ground at y=y0 at given angle?
            // y = ax + b
            // y0 = worldDirection.Y * u + state.Position.Y =>
            // u = (y0-state.Position.Y)/worldDirection.Y
            Vector2 mapPosition = VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(stateToMeasure.Position);
            float y0 = _map.GetAltitude(mapPosition);

            if (stateToMeasure.Position.Y <= y0)
                FlatGroundHeight = stateToMeasure.Position.Y - y0;   // This will only be the case if we can fly through the terrain.. usually this should never happen
                const float maxRange = 10f;
                const float minDelta = 0.001f;    // Search resolution, returns distance when searching further does not improve the distance accuracy more than this
                float rayDistanceToGround = BinarySearchTerrainRayIntersection(0, maxRange, minDelta, stateToMeasure.Position, worldDirection);
                if (float.IsNaN(rayDistanceToGround))
                    FlatGroundHeight = float.NaN;
                    // A vector from the current position to the ground
                    Vector3 rangeVectorToGround = worldDirection*rayDistanceToGround;

                    // Invert vector and take its Y component to give flat ground height
                    FlatGroundHeight = Vector3.Negate(rangeVectorToGround).Y;
 public void GetState(out PhysicalHeliState estimated, out PhysicalHeliState observed, out PhysicalHeliState blindEstimatedState)
     estimated = new PhysicalHeliState(_currentState.Result.Orientation, _currentState.Result.Position,
     observed = new PhysicalHeliState();
     blindEstimatedState = new PhysicalHeliState();
 public SimulationStepResults(PhysicalHeliState startState, TimeSpan startTime)
     StartingCondition = new TimestepStartingCondition(startState.Position, startState.Velocity,
                                                       startState.Acceleration, startState.Orientation, startTime);
     Result = new TimestepResult(startState.Position, startState.Velocity, startState.Orientation, startTime);
     StartTime = startTime;
     EndTime = startTime;
     Duration = TimeSpan.Zero;
        public override void Update(PhysicalHeliState startState, PhysicalHeliState endState, JoystickOutput output, TimeSpan startTime, TimeSpan endTime)
            PhysicalHeliState stateToMeasure = endState;

            // TODO Fill XYZ magnetic readings
            // TODO Simulate sensor lag, inaccuarcy, noise..

            CurrentMeasuredAxes = IsPerfect ? stateToMeasure.Axes : ComputeMeanAxes();
 public HelicopterLogSnapshot(PhysicalHeliState trueState, PhysicalHeliState observedState,
                              PhysicalHeliState estimatedState, PhysicalHeliState blindEstimatedState,
                              ForwardRightUp accelerometer, float groundAltitude, TimeSpan time)
     True           = trueState;
     Estimated      = estimatedState;
     Observed       = observedState;
     Time           = time;
     Accelerometer  = accelerometer;
     BlindEstimated = blindEstimatedState;
     GroundAltitude = groundAltitude;
 public HelicopterLogSnapshot(PhysicalHeliState trueState, PhysicalHeliState observedState,
                             PhysicalHeliState estimatedState, PhysicalHeliState blindEstimatedState, 
                             ForwardRightUp accelerometer, float groundAltitude, TimeSpan time)
     True = trueState;
     Estimated = estimatedState;
     Observed = observedState;
     Time = time;
     Accelerometer = accelerometer;
     BlindEstimated = blindEstimatedState;
     GroundAltitude = groundAltitude;
        public override void Update(PhysicalHeliState startState, PhysicalHeliState endState, JoystickOutput output, TimeSpan totalSimulationTime, TimeSpan endTime)
            PhysicalHeliState stateToMeasure = endState;
            float trueAltitude = stateToMeasure.Position.Y;

            if (IsPerfect)
                Altitude = trueAltitude;
                float simulatedPressure = _pressureProvider.GetSimulatedStaticPressure(trueAltitude);
                Altitude = StaticPressureHelper.GetAltitude(simulatedPressure, SeaLevelStaticPressure);
        /// <summary>Calculates the input and external forces.</summary>
        /// <returns>The new orientation and the total acceleration for this orientation in this timestep.</returns>
        public SimulationStepResults PerformTimestep(PhysicalHeliState prev, JoystickOutput output, TimeSpan stepDuration,
                                                     TimeSpan stepEndTime)
            if (!_isInitialized)
            //                startCondition.Acceleration = CalculateAcceleration(startCondition.Orientation, startCondition.Velocity, input);
                _prevTimestepResult = new TimestepResult(prev.Position, prev.Velocity, prev.Orientation,
                                                         stepEndTime - stepDuration);

                _isInitialized = true;

            // If the number of substeps is 0 then only the state at the end of the timestep will be calculated.
            // If the number is greater than 1, then the timestep will 1 then a substep will be calculated in the middle of the timestep.
            const int substeps = 0;
            if (substeps < 0)
                throw new Exception("The number of substeps is invalid.");

            TimeSpan substepDuration = stepDuration.Divide(1 + substeps);

            Vector3 initialAcceleration = CalculateAcceleration(prev.Orientation, prev.Velocity, output);
            var initialState = new TimestepStartingCondition(_prevTimestepResult, initialAcceleration);
            //            var substepResults = new List<SubstepResults> {initialState};

            // We always need to calculate at least the timestep itself, plus any optional substeps.
            // Substeps are used to provide sensors with a higher frequency of data than the simulator is capable of rendering real-time.
            //            const int stepsToCalculate = substeps + 1;
            //            SubstepResults prevSubstep = initialState;
            //            for (int i = 0; i < stepsToCalculate; i++)
            //            {
            //                prevSubstep.Acceleration = CalculateAcceleration(prevSubstep.Orientation, prevSubstep.Velocity, input);
            //                SubstepResults r = SimulateStep(prevSubstep, prevSubstep.Acceleration, input, substepDuration, stepEndTime);
            //                substepResults.Add(r);
            //                prevSubstep = r;
            //            }

            TimestepResult result = SimulateStep(initialState, output, substepDuration, stepEndTime);
            //new SimulationStepResults(stepDuration, substepDuration, substepResults);
            _prevTimestepResult = result;

            //            DebugInformation.Time1 = stepEndTime;
            //            DebugInformation.Q1 = result.Orientation;
            //            DebugInformation.Vectors["Pos"] = result.Position;
            //            DebugInformation.Vectors["Vel"] = result.Velocity;
            //            DebugInformation.Vectors["Acc"] = initialAcceleration;

            return new SimulationStepResults(initialState, result, stepEndTime - stepDuration, stepEndTime);
        public override void Update(PhysicalHeliState startState, PhysicalHeliState endState, JoystickOutput output, TimeSpan startTime, TimeSpan endTime)
            var dt = (float) ((endTime - startTime).TotalSeconds);
            _rate.Pitch = output.Pitch*PhysicsConstants.MaxPitchRate;
            _rate.Roll = output.Roll*PhysicsConstants.MaxRollRate;
            _rate.Yaw = output.Yaw*PhysicsConstants.MaxYawRate;

            // Note it is important to explicitly calculate the delta and not reuse the _rate values multiplied by dt
            // See
            // and QuaternionPrecisionTest.Test() for more information about precision.
            _delta.Pitch = output.Pitch*PhysicsConstants.MaxPitchRate*dt;
            _delta.Roll = output.Roll*PhysicsConstants.MaxRollRate*dt;
            _delta.Yaw = output.Yaw*PhysicsConstants.MaxYawRate*dt;

            // TODO Handle IsPerfect == false
        /// <summary>
        ///   Returns a new physical state where the values represent the error in the estimated state to
        ///   the given true state. I.e. position = estimatedPosition - truePosition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trueState"></param>
        /// <param name="estimatedState"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PhysicalHeliState GetError(PhysicalHeliState trueState, PhysicalHeliState estimatedState)
            var axesError = new Axes
                                    Forward = estimatedState.Axes.Forward - trueState.Axes.Forward,
                                    Right = estimatedState.Axes.Right - trueState.Axes.Right,
                                    Up = estimatedState.Axes.Up - trueState.Axes.Up

            //            var rotationError = new Matrix {Forward = axesError.Forward, Right = axesError.Right, Up = axesError.Up};

            // TODO Verify this works, since axes were originally used to compute state instead of orientation (but should equivalent)
            return new PhysicalHeliState(
                Quaternion.Identity, // TODO Not sure how to represent rotation error in quaternion representation
                estimatedState.Position - trueState.Position,
                estimatedState.Velocity - trueState.Velocity,
                estimatedState.Acceleration - trueState.Acceleration);
        /// <summary>
        /// TODO Temporary. We might later distinguish between physical state and navigation state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="heightAboveGround"></param>
        /// <param name="waypoint"></param>
        /// <param name="output"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static HeliState ToHeliState(PhysicalHeliState s, float heightAboveGround, Waypoint waypoint, JoystickOutput output)
            // Update state
            var r = new HeliState
                            HeightAboveGround = heightAboveGround,
                            Orientation = s.Orientation,
                            Forward = s.Axes.Forward,
                            Up = s.Axes.Up,
                            Right = s.Axes.Right,
                            Output = output,
                            Position = s.Position,
                            Velocity = s.Velocity,
                            Acceleration = s.Acceleration,
                            Waypoint = waypoint,
                            HPositionToGoal = VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(waypoint.Position - s.Position),

            // Update angles from current state
            var radians = new Angles
                                  PitchAngle = VectorHelper.GetPitchAngle(s.Orientation),
                                  RollAngle = VectorHelper.GetRollAngle(s.Orientation),
                                  HeadingAngle = VectorHelper.GetHeadingAngle(s.Orientation),

            // Velocity can be zero, and thus have no direction (NaN angle)
            radians.BearingAngle = (s.Velocity.Length() < 0.001f)
                                       ? radians.HeadingAngle
                                       : VectorHelper.GetHeadingAngle(s.Velocity);

            radians.GoalAngle = VectorHelper.GetAngle(r.HPositionToGoal);
            radians.BearingErrorAngle = VectorHelper.DiffAngle(radians.BearingAngle, radians.GoalAngle);

            // Store angles as both radians and degrees for ease-of-use later
            r.Radians = radians;
            r.Degrees = ToDegrees(radians);
            return r;
        private void UpdatePhysicalState(GameTime gameTime, JoystickOutput output, out PhysicalHeliState trueState)
            _simulationState = _physics.PerformTimestep(_physicalState, output, gameTime.ElapsedGameTime,

            TimestepResult final = _simulationState.Result;

            // We need to use the second last simulation substep to obtain the current acceleration used
            // because the entire substep has constant acceleration and it makes no sense
            // to use the acceleration calculated for the state after the timestep because no animation will occur after it.
            // TODO Support substeps
            Vector3 currentAcceleration = _simulationState.StartingCondition.Acceleration;

            trueState = new PhysicalHeliState(final.Orientation, final.Position, final.Velocity, currentAcceleration);
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (_playEngineSound && _engineSoundInst != null && _engineSoundInst.State != SoundState.Playing)

            long totalTicks = gameTime.TotalGameTime.Ticks;
            JoystickOutput output = GetJoystickInput(totalTicks);

            // Invert yaw because we want yaw rotation positive as clockwise seen from above
            output.Yaw *= -1;

            // Update physics and sensors + state estimators
            PhysicalHeliState trueState, observedState, estimatedState, blindEstimatedState;
            UpdatePhysicalState(gameTime, output, out trueState);
            UpdateStateEstimators(_simulationState, gameTime, output, out estimatedState, out blindEstimatedState, out observedState);

            float trueGroundAltitude = GetGroundAltitude(trueState.Position);
            float estimatedGroundAltitude = GetGroundAltitude(trueState.Position);
            float trueHeightAboveGround = GetHeightAboveGround(trueState.Position);
            float gpsinsHeightAboveGround = GetHeightAboveGround(estimatedState.Position);
            float rangefinderHeightAboveGround = _sensors.GroundRangeFinder.FlatGroundHeight;


            float estimatedHeightAboveGround;
            if (!_testConfiguration.UseGPS)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            else if (!_testConfiguration.UseINS)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (_testConfiguration.UseGPS && _testConfiguration.UseINS)
                if (!_testConfiguration.UseRangeFinder)
                    estimatedHeightAboveGround = gpsinsHeightAboveGround;
                    // The range finder may be out of range (NaN) and typically requires <10 meters.
                    // In this case we need to fully trust INS/GPS estimate.
                    // Note GPS is easily out-bested by range finder, so no need to weight
                    estimatedHeightAboveGround = float.IsNaN(rangefinderHeightAboveGround)
                                                     ? gpsinsHeightAboveGround
                                                     : rangefinderHeightAboveGround;
                    //                                                   : 0.2f*gpsinsHeightAboveGround + 0.8f*rangefinderHeightAboveGround;
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            // Override Kalman Filter estimate of altitude by the more accurate range finder.
            // However, there is a problem that the estimated map altitude depends on the estimated horizontal position; which is inaccurate.
            estimatedState.Position.Y = estimatedHeightAboveGround + estimatedGroundAltitude;

            _physicalState = trueState;
            _trueState = StateHelper.ToHeliState(trueState, trueHeightAboveGround, Autopilot.CurrentWaypoint, output);
            _estimatedState = StateHelper.ToHeliState(estimatedState, estimatedHeightAboveGround, Autopilot.CurrentWaypoint, output);


            // _observedState = observedState;

            // Calculate current error in estimated state
            _estimatedStateError = StateHelper.GetError(_physicalState, StateHelper.ToPhysical(_estimatedState));

            // Add current simulation step to log
            ForwardRightUp accelerometerData = _sensors.IMU.AccelerationLocal;
            Log.Add(new HelicopterLogSnapshot(trueState, observedState, estimatedState, blindEstimatedState, accelerometerData, trueGroundAltitude, gameTime.TotalGameTime));

            // Update visual appearances


            // If we have disabled Jitter we must detect collisions ourselves for test scenarios
            if (!UseTerrainCollision)
                if (IsCollidedWithTerrain())
                    if (Crashed != null) Crashed(gameTime);

            // Handle crashes, user input etc.. that cause the helicopter to reset

        public void GetState(out PhysicalHeliState estimated, out PhysicalHeliState observed, out PhysicalHeliState blindEstimatedState)
            if (!Ready) throw new Exception("Can't call GetNextState() when Ready is false.");

            estimated = _currentEstimate;
            observed = _currentObservation;
            blindEstimatedState = _currentBlindEstimate;
        public void Update(SimulationStepResults trueState, long elapsedMillis, long totalElapsedMillis,
                           JoystickOutput currentOutput)
            #if XBOX
            // TODO Xbox equivalent or fix the GPSINSFilter dependency on Iridium Math.Net
            _isInitialized = true;

            // TODO If sensors are not ready we cannot produce an estimated state
            // However, currently the helicopter starts mid-air so we have no time to wait for it to initialize.. so this is cheating.
            // When the helicopter starts on the ground we can properly implement this process.
            if (!_isInitialized)
                if (!_sensors.Ready) return;

                _estimated.Position = _initialState.Position;
                _estimated.Velocity = _initialState.Velocity;
                _estimated.Acceleration = _initialState.Acceleration;
                _estimated.Orientation = _initialState.Orientation;
                _prevGPSPos = _sensors.GPS.Output.Position;

                _gpsins = new GPSINSFilter(
                    TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(totalElapsedMillis - elapsedMillis),

                _isInitialized = true;

            TimeSpan totalTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(totalElapsedMillis);

            // Setup observations
            var observations = new GPSINSObservation();
            observations.Time = totalTime;
            observations.RangeFinderHeightOverGround = _sensors.GroundRangeFinder.FlatGroundHeight; // TODO Update frequency? Noise?

            if (_sensors.GPS.IsUpdated)
                observations.GotGPSUpdate = true;
                observations.GPSPosition = _sensors.GPS.Output.Position;
                observations.GPSHVelocity = _sensors.GPS.Output.Velocity;

            // Setup input to filter's internal model
            var input = new GPSINSInput
                                AccelerationWorld = _sensors.IMU.AccelerationWorld,
                                Orientation = _sensors.IMU.AccumulatedOrientation,
            //                                PitchDelta = _sensors.IMU.AngularDeltaBody.Radians.Pitch,
            //                                RollDelta = _sensors.IMU.AngularDeltaBody.Radians.Roll,
            //                                YawDelta = _sensors.IMU.AngularDeltaBody.Radians.Yaw,
            //                                PitchRate = _sensors.IMU.Output.AngularRate.Radians.Pitch,
            //                                RollRate = _sensors.IMU.Output.AngularRate.Radians.Roll,
            //                                YawRate = _sensors.IMU.Output.AngularRate.Radians.Yaw,

            // Estimate
            StepOutput<GPSINSOutput> gpsinsEstimate = _gpsins.Filter(observations, input);

            //            Vector3 deltaPosition = gpsinsEstimate.PostX.Position - _currentEstimate.Position;
            //            if (deltaPosition.Length() > 40)
            //                deltaPosition = deltaPosition;

            //            var trueState = CheatingTrueState.Result;
            GPSINSOutput observed = gpsinsEstimate.Z;
            GPSINSOutput estimated = gpsinsEstimate.PostX;
            GPSINSOutput blindEstimated = gpsinsEstimate.X;

            _currentEstimate = new PhysicalHeliState(estimated.Orientation, estimated.Position, estimated.Velocity,

            _currentBlindEstimate = new PhysicalHeliState(blindEstimated.Orientation, blindEstimated.Position, blindEstimated.Velocity,

            _currentObservation = new PhysicalHeliState(observed.Orientation, observed.Position, observed.Velocity,
 public abstract void Update(PhysicalHeliState startState, PhysicalHeliState endState, JoystickOutput output, TimeSpan totalSimulationTime, TimeSpan endTime);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public override void Update(PhysicalHeliState startState, PhysicalHeliState endState, JoystickOutput output, TimeSpan startTime, TimeSpan endTime)
            _accelerometer.Update(startState, endState, output, startTime, endTime);
            _gyroscope.Update(startState, endState, output, startTime, endTime);

            // Make sure we use orientation at start of timestep to transform to world, since IMU should be able to calculate accumulated position
            // by this world acceleration, and according to my physics simulation the position is calculated before rotation is.
            AccelerationWorld = _accelerometer.AccelerationWorld;
            AccelerationLocal = new ForwardRightUp(_accelerometer.Forward, _accelerometer.Right, _accelerometer.Up);
            AngularRateBody = AngularValues.FromRadians(_gyroscope.Rate);
            AngularDeltaBody = AngularValues.FromRadians(_gyroscope.Delta);

            PitchRollYaw delta = AngularDeltaBody.Radians;
            AccumulatedOrientation =
                VectorHelper.AddPitchRollYaw(AccumulatedOrientation, delta.Pitch, delta.Roll, delta.Yaw);
        private void InitHelicopters(SunlightParameters skyParameters, NavigationMap heightmap)
            // TODO 1 or more helicopters?
            if (_scenario.HelicopterScenarios == null || _scenario.HelicopterScenarios.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Could not find helicopter scenario.");

            HelicopterScenario heliScenario = _scenario.HelicopterScenarios[0];

            var startVelocity = new Vector3(); //new Vector3(-0.5f, 0, -1.0f)
            var startState = new PhysicalHeliState(

            _helicopter = new HelicopterBase(this, _testConfiguration, _terrainCollision, this, _basicEffect, skyParameters, heliScenario, 
                                             heliScenario.EngineSound, heliScenario.PlayerControlled, DrawText);

            // If testing then we will continue to the next waypoint as soon as the true position is within
            // the radius of the waypoint. If not testing (non-simulated scenarios), we typically want to
            // progress only if the estimated state is belived to be within the radius.
            _helicopter.Autopilot.IsTestMode = IsTestMode;
            _helicopter.Autopilot.IsTruePositionWithinRadius = false;

            _helicopter.Autopilot.MaxHVelocity = _testMaxHVelocityIter.Current;

            // Optionally a PID setup may have been provided to use with the helicopters.
            // If not a default setup is used.
            if (_initialPIDSetup.HasValue)

            //            InitFormationHelicopters(startPos, skyParameters);

            _helicopter.Autopilot.Map = heightmap;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void Update(PhysicalHeliState tartState, PhysicalHeliState endState, JoystickOutput output, TimeSpan startTime, TimeSpan endTime)
            if (!_isInitialized)
                _initStartTime = startTime;
                _isInitialized = true;

            PhysicalHeliState stateToMeasure = endState;

            // Only update GPS readout as often as SecondsPerUpdate says
            if (_useUpdateFrequency && startTime < _prevUpdate + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(SecondsPerUpdate))

            // It takes some time for a GPS to connect and produce positional values
            if (!Ready && startTime >= _initStartTime + _setupDuration)
                Ready = true;

            // Update the GPS information if the device is ready
            if (Ready)
                _prevUpdate = startTime;

                Vector3 position = stateToMeasure.Position;
                Vector3 velocity = stateToMeasure.Velocity;

                if (!_isPerfect)
                    position += VectorHelper.GaussRandom3(_sensorSpecifications.GPSPositionStdDev);
                    velocity += VectorHelper.GaussRandom3(_sensorSpecifications.GPSVelocityStdDev);

                Output = new GPSOutput(position, velocity);
        private void UpdateStateEstimators(SimulationStepResults simulationState, GameTime gameTime, JoystickOutput output,
                                           out PhysicalHeliState estimatedState,
                                           out PhysicalHeliState blindEstimatedState,
                                           out PhysicalHeliState observedState)
            var dtMillis = (long)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
            var totalMillis = (long)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;

            //            TimeSpan totalSimulationTime = gameTime.TotalGameTime;

            // Update sensors prior to using the state provider, 
            // because they are typically dependent on the state of the sensors.
            Sensors.Update(_simulationState, output);

            // Update states
            ((SensorEstimatedState)_estimatedStateProvider).CheatingTrueState = simulationState; // TODO Temp cheating
            _estimatedStateProvider.Update(simulationState, dtMillis, totalMillis, output);

            // TODO Separate physical and navigational states
            _estimatedStateProvider.GetState(out estimatedState, out observedState, out blindEstimatedState);
        public void Reset(TimeSpan totalGameTime, HelicopterScenario scenario, NavigationMap heightmap)
            Console.WriteLine(@"Resetting helicopter.");

            _scenario = scenario;

            // TODO We would rather want to do Autopilot.Reset() than this fugly code
            Autopilot.IsAtDestination = false;
            Autopilot = Autopilot.Clone();
            Autopilot.Task = scenario.Task.Clone();
            Autopilot.Map = heightmap;

            Vector3 startPosition = scenario.StartPosition;
            Vector3 startVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 startAcceleration = Vector3.Zero;
            Quaternion startOrientation = Quaternion.Identity;

            if (Task.HoldHeightAboveGround > 0)
                startPosition.Y = Autopilot.Map.GetAltitude(VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(startPosition)) + Task.HoldHeightAboveGround;

            var startPhysicalState = new PhysicalHeliState(
                startOrientation, startPosition, startVelocity, startAcceleration);
            var initialState = new SimulationStepResults(startPhysicalState, totalGameTime);

            _physicalState = startPhysicalState;

            // Re-create the state provider when resetting because some sensors will have to re-initialize.
            _physics = new HeliPhysics(_collision, UseTerrainCollision);
            _sensors = new SensorModel(_sensorSpecifications, Autopilot.Map, startPosition, startOrientation);
            _perfectStateProvider = new PerfectState();
            _estimatedStateProvider = new SensorEstimatedState(_sensors, startPhysicalState);

            // Wait for state to become stable.
//            while (!_perfectStateProvider.Ready)
//            {
                // TODO GPS will require N seconds of startup time
//                _perfectStateProvider.Update(initialState, 0, 0, new JoystickOutput());
//                Sensors.Update(initialState, new JoystickOutput());
                //                Thread.Sleep(100);
//            }

            // When resetting, use perfect state as starting point.
            // TODO It should not be necessary to create this waypoint since it should never be used for navigation! Delete if safe.
            // Use start position and start orientation instead.
            const float defaultWaypointRadius = 5;
            var startWaypoint = new Waypoint(startPosition, 0, WaypointType.Intermediate, defaultWaypointRadius);
            _trueState = StateHelper.ToHeliState(startPhysicalState, GetHeightAboveGround(startPhysicalState.Position), startWaypoint, new JoystickOutput());
            _estimatedState = _trueState;

        public void Update(SimulationStepResults step, JoystickOutput output)
            // TODO Use substeps in physics simulation when sensors require higher frequency than the main-loop runs at
            // Currently we simply use the state at the start of the timestep to feed into the sensors, so they read the state
            // that was before any motion took place in that timestep.
            // Later we may need to update sensors multiple times for each timestep.
            TimestepStartingCondition start = step.StartingCondition;
            TimestepResult end = step.Result;

            var startPhysicalState = new PhysicalHeliState(start.Orientation, start.Position, start.Velocity,

            var endPhysicalState = new PhysicalHeliState(end.Orientation, end.Position, end.Velocity,
                                                      new Vector3(float.NaN));

            // Update all sensors
            foreach (ISensor sensor in _sensors)
                sensor.Update(startPhysicalState, endPhysicalState, output, step.StartTime, step.EndTime);