Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Register(Workspace workspace)
            var correlationId = LogAggregator.GetNextId();

            lock (_gate)
                if (_documentWorkCoordinatorMap.ContainsKey(workspace))
                    // already registered.

                var coordinator = new WorkCoordinator(
                    new Registration(correlationId, workspace, _progressReporter));

                _documentWorkCoordinatorMap.Add(workspace, coordinator);

            SolutionCrawlerLogger.LogRegistration(correlationId, workspace);
Exemplo n.º 2
            private void ProcessEvents(WorkspaceChangeEventArgs args, IAsyncToken asyncToken)
                SolutionCrawlerLogger.LogWorkspaceEvent(_logAggregator, (int)args.Kind);

                // TODO: add telemetry that record how much it takes to process an event (max, min, average and etc)
                switch (args.Kind)
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.SolutionAdded:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.SolutionChanged:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.SolutionReloaded:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.SolutionRemoved:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.SolutionCleared:
                    ProcessSolutionEvent(args, asyncToken);

                case WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectAdded:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectReloaded:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectRemoved:
                    ProcessProjectEvent(args, asyncToken);

                case WorkspaceChangeKind.DocumentAdded:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.DocumentReloaded:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.DocumentChanged:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.DocumentRemoved:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.AdditionalDocumentAdded:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.AdditionalDocumentRemoved:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.AdditionalDocumentChanged:
                case WorkspaceChangeKind.AdditionalDocumentReloaded:
                    ProcessDocumentEvent(args, asyncToken);

                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(args.Kind);
Exemplo n.º 3
                    private async Task ProcessProjectAsync(ImmutableArray <IIncrementalAnalyzer> analyzers, WorkItem workItem, CancellationTokenSource source)
                        if (this.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                        // we do have work item for this project
                        var projectId           = workItem.ProjectId;
                        var processedEverything = false;
                        var processingSolution  = this.Processor.CurrentSolution;

                            using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.WorkCoordinator_ProcessProjectAsync, w => w.ToString(), workItem, source.Token))
                                var cancellationToken = source.Token;

                                var project = processingSolution.GetProject(projectId);
                                if (project != null)
                                    var reasons          = workItem.InvocationReasons;
                                    var semanticsChanged = reasons.Contains(PredefinedInvocationReasons.SemanticChanged) ||

                                    using (Processor.EnableCaching(project.Id))
                                        await RunAnalyzersAsync(analyzers, project, (a, p, c) => a.AnalyzeProjectAsync(p, semanticsChanged, reasons, c), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);


                                if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                                    processedEverything = true;
                        catch (Exception e) when(FatalError.ReportUnlessCanceled(e))
                            throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;
                            // we got cancelled in the middle of processing the project.
                            // let's make sure newly enqueued work item has all the flag needed.
                            // Avoid retry attempts after cancellation is requested, since work will not be processed
                            // after that point.
                            if (!processedEverything && !CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                            SolutionCrawlerLogger.LogProcessProject(this.Processor._logAggregator, projectId.Id, processedEverything);

                            // remove one that is finished running
                    private async Task ProcessDocumentAsync(ImmutableArray <IIncrementalAnalyzer> analyzers, WorkItem workItem, CancellationTokenSource source)
                        if (this.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                        var processedEverything = false;
                        var documentId          = workItem.DocumentId;

                        // we should always use solution snapshot after workitem is removed from the queue.
                        // otherwise, we can have a race such as below.
                        // 1.solution crawler picked up a solution
                        // 2.before processing the solution, an workitem got changed
                        // 3.and then the work item got picked up from the queue
                        // 4.and use the work item with the solution that got picked up in step 1
                        // step 2 is happening because solution has changed, but step 4 used old solution from step 1
                        // that doesn't have effects of the solution changes.
                        // solution crawler must remove the work item from the queue first and then pick up the soluton,
                        // so that the queue gets new work item if there is any solution changes after the work item is removed
                        // from the queue
                        // using later version of solution is always fine since, as long as there is new work item in the queue,
                        // solution crawler will eventually call the last workitem with the lastest solution
                        // making everything to catch up
                        var solution = this.Processor.CurrentSolution;

                            using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.WorkCoordinator_ProcessDocumentAsync, w => w.ToString(), workItem, source.Token))
                                var cancellationToken = source.Token;
                                var document          = solution.GetDocument(documentId);

                                if (document != null)
                                    // if we are called because a document is opened, we invalidate the document so that
                                    // it can be re-analyzed. otherwise, since newly opened document has same version as before
                                    // analyzer will simply return same data back
                                    if (workItem.MustRefresh && !workItem.IsRetry)
                                        var isOpen = document.IsOpen();

                                        await ProcessOpenDocumentIfNeeded(analyzers, workItem, document, isOpen, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                        await ProcessCloseDocumentIfNeeded(analyzers, workItem, document, isOpen, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                    // check whether we are having special reanalyze request
                                    await ProcessReanalyzeDocumentAsync(workItem, document, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                    await ProcessDocumentAnalyzersAsync(document, analyzers, workItem, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);


                                if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                                    processedEverything = true;
                        catch (Exception e) when(FatalError.ReportUnlessCanceled(e))
                            throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;
                            // we got cancelled in the middle of processing the document.
                            // let's make sure newly enqueued work item has all the flag needed.
                            // Avoid retry attempts after cancellation is requested, since work will not be processed
                            // after that point.
                            if (!processedEverything && !CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                            SolutionCrawlerLogger.LogProcessDocument(this.Processor._logAggregator, documentId.Id, processedEverything);

                            // remove one that is finished running
 protected override void PauseOnGlobalOperation()