Exemplo n.º 1
        public static ValMap ToMap(StardewValley.Object obj)
            var    result = new ValMap();
            string type   = obj.Type;

            if (type == "asdf")
                type = obj.Name;                                // because, c'mon.
            result.map[_type] = new ValString(type);
            // ToDo: limit the following to ones that really apply for this type.
            result.map[_name]     = new ValString(obj.Name);
            result["displayName"] = new ValString(obj.DisplayName);
            result["health"]      = new ValNumber(obj.getHealth());
            if (obj.isLamp.Get())
                result["isOn"] = ValNumber.Truth(obj.IsOn);
            result["quality"]          = new ValNumber(obj.Quality);
            result.map[_harvestable]   = ValNumber.Truth(obj.readyForHarvest.Get());
            result["minutesTillReady"] = new ValNumber(obj.MinutesUntilReady);
            result["value"]            = new ValNumber(obj.sellToStorePrice());
            result["description"]      = new ValString(obj.getDescription());
Exemplo n.º 2
        //inverse of pack. we take a vanilla object and create a new SimpleItem from it.
        public static SimpleObject Unpack(StardewValley.Object o)
            SimpleObject i = new SimpleObject();

            i.showNextIndex           = o.showNextIndex;
            i.minutesUntilReady       = o.minutesUntilReady;
            i.flipped                 = o.flipped;
            i.hasBeenPickedUpByFarmer = o.hasBeenPickedUpByFarmer;
            i.isRecipe                = o.isRecipe;
            i.isLamp      = o.isLamp;
            i.heldObject  = o.heldObject; //we will need to revisit this if we make machines that can accept SimpleItems
            i.boundingBox = o.boundingBox;
            i.preservedParentSheetIndex = o.preservedParentSheetIndex;
            i.lightSource      = o.lightSource;
            i.shakeTimer       = o.shakeTimer;
            i.internalSound    = o.internalSound;
            i.preserve         = o.preserve;
            i.honeyType        = o.honeyType;
            i.displayName      = o.displayName;
            i.readyForHarvest  = o.readyForHarvest;
            i.scale            = o.scale;
            i.setIndoors       = o.setIndoors;
            i.parentSheetIndex = o.parentSheetIndex;
            i.bigCraftable     = o.bigCraftable;
            i.tileLocation     = o.tileLocation;
            i.setOutdoors      = o.setOutdoors;
            i.name             = o.name;
            i.type             = o.type;
            i.canBeSetDown     = o.canBeSetDown;
            i.canBeGrabbed     = o.canBeGrabbed;
            i.isHoedirt        = o.isHoedirt;
            i.owner            = o.owner;
            i.questItem        = o.questItem;
            i.isOn             = o.isOn;
            i.fragility        = o.fragility;
            i.price            = o.price;
            i.edibility        = o.edibility;
            i.isSpawnedObject  = o.isSpawnedObject;
            i.stack            = o.stack;
            i.quality          = o.quality;
            i.category           = o.category;
            i.specialVariable    = o.specialVariable;
            i.specialItem        = o.specialItem;
            i.hasBeenInInventory = o.hasBeenInInventory;

            //override the substitute's id
            i.parentSheetIndex = SDVX3Mod.itemID;

            //unpack our secret sauce
            string[] meta = o.name.Split(new string[] { "::" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            i.name      = meta[0];
            i.ModItemId = meta[1].Split('.')[2];
            if (meta.Length > 2)

            i.bigCraftable = false; //not supported

            //return the result
            SDVX3Mod.instance.Monitor.Log("Unpacked a SimpleObject: " + i.ModItemId);
