/// <summary>
        /// This function fills in the details of the star.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The star to be filled in</param>
        /// <param name="ourDice">The dice object used</param>
        /// <param name="maxMass">Max mass of the system</param>
        /// <param name="sysName">The name of the system</param>
        public static void generateAStar(Star s, Dice ourDice, double maxMass, string sysName)
            //check mass first - if unset, set it.
            if (s.currMass == 0)
                if (s.orderID == Star.IS_PRIMARY)
                    s.updateMass(libStarGen.rollStellarMass(ourDice, s.orderID));
                    maxMass = s.currMass;

                    s.updateMass(libStarGen.rollStellarMass(ourDice, s.orderID, maxMass));

            //if we are in the white dwarf branch, reroll mass.
            if (s.evoLine.findCurrentAgeGroup(s.starAge) == StarAgeLine.RET_COLLASPEDSTAR)
                s.updateMass(ourDice.rollInRange(0.9, 1.4),true);

            //set the generic name
            s.name = Star.genGenericName(sysName, s.orderID);

            //initalize the luminosity first, then update it given the current age, status and mass.
            s.currLumin = Star.getCurrLumin(s.evoLine, s.starAge, s.currMass);

            //determine the temperature
            s.effTemp = Star.getInitTemp(s.currMass);
            s.effTemp = Star.getCurrentTemp(s.evoLine, s.currLumin, s.starAge, s.currMass, ourDice);

            //DERIVED STATS: RADIUS, Spectral Type
            s.radius = Star.getRadius(s.currMass, s.effTemp, s.currLumin, s.evoLine.findCurrentAgeGroup(s.starAge));
            s.starColor = Star.setColor(ourDice, s.effTemp);

            //set flare status.
            libStarGen.setFlareStatus(s, ourDice);

               //end this here. We will hand orbital mechanics elsewhere.