Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// returns the rating adjustment that the opponent experienced after this match
        /// will return -100 if we can't find a corresponding match
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="match"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double getOpponentRatingAdjust(Result match)
            Debug.Print("GetOpponentRatingAdjust: comparing " + match.opponentID + " with " + PlayerNumber.Text);
            List <Result> opponentResults = MatrixInterface.getResults(match.opponentID);

            foreach (Result opponentRes in opponentResults)
                Debug.Print(opponentRes.opponentID + " <> " + PlayerNumber.Text + "   |   " + opponentRes.date + " <> " + match.date);
                if ((opponentRes.opponentID == PlayerNumber.Text) && (opponentRes.date == match.date))
                    // OK, we've found the result!
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void GetStats_Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (PlayerNumber.Text == "9589")
                ImageBrush myBrush = new ImageBrush();
                myBrush.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Resources/kenneth.png"));
                mainWin.Background  = myBrush;

            List <Result> allResults = MatrixInterface.getResults(PlayerNumber.Text);

            if (allResults == null || allResults.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Squash matrix returned no results, wrong player name or maybe you've been blocked!");

            Debug.Print("there are " + allResults.Count + " entries");
            List <Result> topResults = allResults.OrderByDescending(o => o.rating).ToList();

            Debug.Print("highest rating is: " + topResults.Last().rating.ToString() + " and this was done on: " + topResults.First().date.ToString());
            HighestMatrixLabel.Content = topResults.First().rating.ToString();
            HighestMatrixLabel.ToolTip = topResults.First().date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            int lowCount = topResults.Count - 1;

            while (topResults[lowCount].rating == 0)
                Debug.Print("lowCount is : " + lowCount.ToString() + " and rating is " + topResults[lowCount].rating.ToString());
            LowestMatrixLabel.Content = topResults[lowCount].rating.ToString();
            LowestMatrixLabel.ToolTip = topResults[lowCount].date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

            // all time most played
            IOrderedEnumerable <IGrouping <string, Result> > groupedResults = allResults.GroupBy(o => o.opponentName).OrderByDescending(group => group.Count());
            int           groupedCount     = 0;
            StringBuilder topTenMostPlayed = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var grp1 in groupedResults)
                if (groupedCount == 0)    // on the first iteration, just put the results in the actual label contents
                    AllTimeMostPlayedLabel.Content = grp1.First().opponentName + " (" + grp1.Count().ToString() + ")";
                else if (groupedCount < 20)    // for the next.. 19? interations, put those next 19 results in a string that we'll eventually put in the tooltip
                    topTenMostPlayed.AppendLine(grp1.First().opponentName + " (" + grp1.Count().ToString() + ")");
                    break;  // only want to look at the first 20
            AllTimeMostPlayedLabel.ToolTip = topTenMostPlayed.ToString();

            UniquePlayersPlayedLabel.Content = groupedResults.Count();

            // look how many variables i need for these calculations.  seems like a lot, probably a better way?
            int      winStreak            = 0;                        // tracking current streak
            int      loseStreak           = 0;
            int      highWinStreak        = 0;                        // keep a memory of our longest streak
            int      highLoseStreak       = 0;
            DateTime winStreakStart       = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); // longest win streak start date
            DateTime winStreakStart_temp  = allResults.First().date;  // because the current streak might be our longest, keep a memory of when it started in case it is
            DateTime winStreakEnd         = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); // no need to keep in memory the end of the streak, as we'll know by the time we hit it if the streak was our best yet
            DateTime loseStreakStart      = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
            DateTime loseStreakStart_temp = allResults.First().date;
            DateTime loseStreakEnd        = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
            bool     currentlyOnWinStreak = false; // code needs to know if we're currently on a win streak or currently on a lose streak

            int bestWin         = 0;               // at the same time, we record the index of the best win so we can refer to it later
            int worstLoss       = 0;
            int bestWinRecent   = 0;               // same as above, but we only record for the last year
            int worstLossRecent = 0;

            // these vars are for how much your matrix has gone up or down over a period of time
            bool   isThreeMonthsDelta  = false;
            double threeMonthMatrix    = 0;
            bool   isTwelveMonthsDelta = false;
            double twelveMothMatrix    = 0;

            int loopCount = 0;

            // we loop through all the results, in order from newest to oldest.
            foreach (Result res in allResults)
                if (res.playerGames > res.opponentGames)
                    if (!currentlyOnWinStreak)    // OK, the lose streak has been broken
                        loseStreak           = 0;
                        currentlyOnWinStreak = true;
                        winStreakStart_temp  = res.date; // in case this is the start of our best winning streak, let's take a note of the time
                    if (winStreak > highWinStreak)    // do we have a new winstreak PB?
                        highWinStreak  = winStreak;
                        winStreakStart = winStreakStart_temp;
                        winStreakEnd   = res.date;

                    if (res.ratingAdjustment > allResults[bestWin].ratingAdjustment)
                        bestWin = loopCount;  // save the index of the current iteration, as this is our current best win
                    if ((res.date > (DateTime.Today - new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0))) && (res.ratingAdjustment > allResults[bestWinRecent].ratingAdjustment))
                        bestWinRecent = loopCount;
                else                          // opponent won.  this will catch a draw as well, which i guess gets counted as a loss.  is a draw even possible?
                    if (currentlyOnWinStreak) // OK, the win streak is now over
                        winStreak            = 0;
                        currentlyOnWinStreak = false;
                        loseStreakStart_temp = res.date;
                    if (loseStreak > highLoseStreak)    // if we wanted to record the oldest lose/win streak, we'd use >=
                        highLoseStreak  = loseStreak;
                        loseStreakStart = loseStreakStart_temp;
                        loseStreakEnd   = res.date;

                    if (res.ratingAdjustment < allResults[worstLoss].ratingAdjustment)
                        worstLoss = loopCount;

                    if ((res.date > (DateTime.Today - new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0))) && (res.ratingAdjustment < allResults[worstLossRecent].ratingAdjustment))
                        worstLossRecent = loopCount;

                if (!isThreeMonthsDelta && (res.date < (DateTime.Today - new TimeSpan((3 * 30) - 1, 0, 0, 0)))) // just saying 30 days is a month..
                    isThreeMonthsDelta = true;                                                                  // only enter this if block once - the first time we find the right date, grab the matrix at that point.
                    threeMonthMatrix   = res.rating;
                    Debug.Print("setting 3 month delta, the date is: " + res.date + " and the rating is: " + res.rating);
                if (!isTwelveMonthsDelta && (res.date < (DateTime.Today - new TimeSpan(364, 0, 0, 0))))
                    isTwelveMonthsDelta = true;
                    twelveMothMatrix    = res.rating;
                    Debug.Print("setting 12 month delta, the date is: " + res.date + " and the rating is: " + res.rating);


            LongestWinStreakLabel.Content = highWinStreak.ToString();
            if (winStreakStart.Year != 1900)    // i hate using magic numbers, but i'm pretty sure we won't go back in time, so should be safe.
                LongestWinStreakLabel.ToolTip = "Most recent\r\nStreak start: " + winStreakStart.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "\r\n" + "Streak end: " + winStreakEnd.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

            LongestLoseStreakLabel.Content = highLoseStreak.ToString();
            if (loseStreakStart.Year != 1900)
                LongestLoseStreakLabel.ToolTip = "Most recent\r\nStreak start: " + loseStreakStart.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "\r\n" + "Streak end: " + loseStreakEnd.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

            BestWinLabel.Content = allResults[bestWin].ratingAdjustment + " (" + allResults[bestWin].opponentName + ")";
            // this is pretty loose.  just assuming that their matrix went down by whatever ours went up by
            BestWinLabel.Content += "\r\nMatrix differential: " + ((allResults[bestWin].rating - allResults[bestWin].ratingAdjustment) - (allResults[bestWin].opponentRating + allResults[bestWin].ratingAdjustment));
            BestWinLabel.ToolTip  = "This match happenend on: " + allResults[bestWin].date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "\r\nA negative differential means the oppenent's rating was higher than the player's.";

            WorstLossLabel.Content  = allResults[worstLoss].ratingAdjustment + " (" + allResults[worstLoss].opponentName + ")";
            WorstLossLabel.Content += "\r\nMatrix differential: " + ((allResults[worstLoss].rating - allResults[worstLoss].ratingAdjustment) - (allResults[worstLoss].opponentRating + allResults[worstLoss].ratingAdjustment)); //+ getOpponentRatingAdjust(allResults[worstLoss]));
            WorstLossLabel.ToolTip  = allResults[worstLoss].date.ToString("dd/MM/yyy");

            BestWinRecentLabel.Content  = allResults[bestWinRecent].ratingAdjustment + " (" + allResults[bestWinRecent].opponentName + ")";
            BestWinRecentLabel.Content += "\r\nMatrix differential: " + ((allResults[bestWinRecent].rating - allResults[bestWinRecent].ratingAdjustment) - (allResults[bestWinRecent].opponentRating + allResults[bestWinRecent].ratingAdjustment));
            BestWinRecentLabel.ToolTip  = allResults[bestWinRecent].date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

            WorstLossRecentLabel.Content  = allResults[worstLossRecent].ratingAdjustment + " (" + allResults[worstLossRecent].opponentName + ")";
            WorstLossRecentLabel.Content += "\r\nMatrix differential: " + ((allResults[worstLossRecent].rating - allResults[worstLossRecent].ratingAdjustment) - (allResults[worstLossRecent].opponentRating + allResults[worstLossRecent].ratingAdjustment));
            WorstLossRecentLabel.ToolTip  = allResults[worstLossRecent].date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

            MatrixDelta3Label.Content  = (allResults.First().rating - threeMonthMatrix).ToString();
            MatrixDelta12Label.Content = (allResults.First().rating - twelveMothMatrix).ToString();
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void GoButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // this is a max of how much the historic games contribute to the final score.
            decimal historyRatio = 0.25M;

            List <Result> player1Results = MatrixInterface.getResults(Player1Input.Text);

            if (player1Results == null || player1Results.Count == 0)
                Debug.Print("couldn't find player.. or something");
            List <Result> clashes     = new List <Result>();
            int           player1Wins = 0;
            int           player2Wins = 0;

            // tracking if it's a 3-0 or 3-1 or 3-2 win.  We don't do best of 3 or best of 1 games (yet?)
            int player130 = 0;
            int player131 = 0;
            int player132 = 0;

            int player230 = 0;
            int player231 = 0;
            int player232 = 0;

            // i think we can get rid of these two vars, i don't use them anymore
            int player1TotalGames = 0;
            int player2TotalGames = 0;

            // scores go directly towards figuring out the likeliness to win value
            decimal history1Score = 0;
            decimal history2Score = 0;
            decimal rating1Score  = 0;
            decimal rating2Score  = 0;

            * Play history scoring
            * ********************/
            foreach (Result res in player1Results)            // go through all of player 1's history
                if (res.opponentID == Player2Input.Text)      // if we found a match where they played player 2
                    clashes.Add(res);                         // I don't actually use this list anywhere (yet)
                    Debug.Print("Found a clash on " + res.date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));
                    if (res.playerGames >= res.opponentGames) // player wins
                        Debug.Print("-- Player 1 beat player 2: " + res.playerGames + " to " + res.opponentGames + ".  They have won " + player1Wins + " time(s)");
                        MatchesWon1Label.Content = player1Wins.ToString();
                        if (res.playerGames == 3)    // only record best of 5 matches
                            switch (res.opponentGames)
                            case 0:
                                MatchesWon301Label.Content = player130.ToString();

                            case 1:
                                MatchesWon311Label.Content = player131.ToString();

                            case 2:
                                MatchesWon321Label.Content = player132.ToString();
                    else    // opponent wins
                        Debug.Print("-- player 2 beat player 1: " + res.opponentGames + " to " + res.playerGames + ".  They have won " + player2Wins + " time(s)");

                        MatchesWon2Label.Content = player2Wins.ToString();
                        if (res.opponentGames == 3)
                            switch (res.playerGames)
                            case 0:
                                MatchesWon302Label.Content = player230.ToString();

                            case 1:
                                MatchesWon312Label.Content = player231.ToString();

                            case 2:
                                MatchesWon322Label.Content = player232.ToString();

                    player1TotalGames += res.playerGames;
                    player2TotalGames += res.opponentGames;
                    Tuple <decimal, decimal> joukbetScores = calculateScore(res);

                    Debug.Print("-- Player 1 history score is " + joukbetScores.Item1 + " and player 2 is " + joukbetScores.Item2);
                    history1Score += joukbetScores.Item1;
                    history2Score += joukbetScores.Item2;
                    Debug.Print("---- Player 1 cumulative history score is " + history1Score + " and player 2 is " + history2Score);

            * Matrix rating scoring
            * *********************/
            double player2Rating = MatrixInterface.getCurrentRating(Player2Input.Text);

            if (player2Rating == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Cannot find player 2's matrix?  are you sure this player exists?");
            decimal ratingDifferential = (decimal)player1Results.First().rating - (decimal)player2Rating;

            Debug.Print("ratingDifferential = " + ratingDifferential + " and player 1's matrix is " + (decimal)player1Results.First().rating);

            //if(player1TotalGames == 0 && player2TotalGames == 0) {  // never played, let's just use the matrix.
            if (ratingDifferential > 40)    // player 1 is more than 40 above, 100% chance to win
                rating1Score = 1;
                Debug.Print("ratingdiff is bigger than 40 (p1 higher), so rating1score is " + rating1Score.ToString());

            else if (ratingDifferential > 0)
                // y = -x^2/80 + 7x/4 + 50
                rating1Score = (-(ratingDifferential * ratingDifferential / 80) + ((7 * ratingDifferential) / 4) + 50) / 100;
                rating2Score = 1 - rating1Score;
                Debug.Print("ratingDiff is between 0 and 30 (p1 higher), rating1score is: " + rating1Score);
            else if (ratingDifferential < -40)    // player 2 is more than 40 above
                rating2Score = 1;
                Debug.Print("ratingdiff is less than -40 (p2 higher), so rating2score is " + rating2Score.ToString());

            else if (ratingDifferential < 0)    // player 2 rating is between 0 and 30 higher
                decimal negRatingDiff = System.Math.Abs(ratingDifferential);
                rating2Score = (-(negRatingDiff * negRatingDiff / 80) + ((7 * negRatingDiff) / 4) + 50) / 100;
                rating1Score = 1 - rating2Score;

                Debug.Print("ratingDiff is between 0 and -40 (p2 higher), rating2Score is: " + rating2Score);

            decimal normalisedHistoryScore = 0;

            if (history1Score != 0 || history2Score != 0)    // don't divide by 0!
                normalisedHistoryScore = history1Score / (history1Score + history2Score);
            Debug.Print("normalised history score is now " + (normalisedHistoryScore * 100).ToString("###.##") + "%");

            // now we scale back the amount the historyScore actually affects the ratingScore, depending on the youngest game
            // by default (assuming we have a recent clash), historyScore contributes 25% (historyRatio variable) to the final score
            if (ageCount[0] != 0)    // we have a game in the last 30 days.  no need to change anything as the ratio is already set at this
                Debug.Print("most recent game is in the last 30 days, historyRatio is at max: " + (historyRatio * 100).ToString("###.##") + "%");
            if (ageCount[0] == 0 & ageCount[1] != 0)    // most recent game is 30-60 days ago
                historyRatio = historyRatio * dateScale[1];
                Debug.Print("most recent game is 30-60 days ago, so we scale back the history ratio to " + (historyRatio * 100).ToString("###.##") + "%");
            else if (ageCount[0] == 0 && ageCount[1] == 0 && ageCount[2] != 0)    // most recent game is 2-6 month ago
                historyRatio = historyRatio * dateScale[2];
                Debug.Print("most recent game is 2-6 monhts ago, so we scale back the history ratio to " + (historyRatio * 100).ToString("###.##") + "%");
            else if (ageCount[0] == 0 && ageCount[1] == 0 && ageCount[2] == 0 && ageCount[3] != 0)    // most recent game is 6+ months ago
                historyRatio = historyRatio * dateScale[3];
                Debug.Print("most recent game was 6+ months ago, so we scale back the history ratio to " + (historyRatio * 100).ToString("###.##") + "%");
            else   // else all age brackets are 0 - we have no historic clashes
                historyRatio = 0;
                Debug.Print("players have never played, so reduce the history ratio to 0, so the rating contribution is 100%");
            // the rating ratio is just whatever is leftover from the historyRatio.  at this stage the historyRatio will be a max of 25%,
            // so the rating ratio will be at least 75%, depending on the age of the most recent game
            decimal player1Likeliness = ((1 - historyRatio) * rating1Score) + (historyRatio * normalisedHistoryScore);
            decimal player2Likeliness = ((1 - historyRatio) * rating2Score) + (historyRatio * (1 - normalisedHistoryScore));

            LikelinessToWin1Label.Content = (player1Likeliness * 100).ToString("###.##") + "%";
            LikelinessToWin2Label.Content = (player2Likeliness * 100).ToString("###.##") + "%";