Exemplo n.º 1
        public ConsortiaAllyInfo[] GetConsortiaAllyPage(int page, int size, ref int total, int order, int consortiaID, int state, string name)
            List<ConsortiaAllyInfo> infos = new List<ConsortiaAllyInfo>();

            string sWhere = " IsExist=1 and ConsortiaID<>" + consortiaID;
            Dictionary<int, int> consortiaIDs = GetConsortiaByAlly(consortiaID);
                if (state != -1)
                    string ids = string.Empty;
                    foreach (int id in consortiaIDs.Keys)
                        ids += id + ",";
                    ids += 0;

                    if (state == 0)
                        sWhere += " and ConsortiaID not in (" + ids + ") ";
                        sWhere += " and ConsortiaID in (" + ids + ") ";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    sWhere += " and ConsortiaName like '%" + name + "%' ";

                DataTable dt = GetPage("Consortia", sWhere, page, size, "*", "ConsortiaID", "ConsortiaID", ref total);
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    ConsortiaAllyInfo info = new ConsortiaAllyInfo();
                    //info.ID = (int)dr["ID"];
                    info.Consortia1ID = (int)dr["ConsortiaID"];
                    info.ConsortiaName1 = dr["ConsortiaName"] == null ? "" : dr["ConsortiaName"].ToString();
                    info.ConsortiaName2 = "";
                    info.Count1 = (int)dr["Count"];
                    info.Repute1 = (int)dr["Repute"];
                    info.ChairmanName1 = dr["ChairmanName"] == null ? "" : dr["ChairmanName"].ToString();
                    info.ChairmanName2 = "";
                    info.Level1 = (int)dr["Level"];
                    info.Honor1 = (int)dr["Honor"];
                    info.Description1 = dr["Description"] == null ? "" : dr["Description"].ToString();
                    info.Description2 = "";
                    info.Riches1 = (int)dr["Riches"];
                    info.Date = DateTime.Now;
                    info.IsExist = true;
                    if (consortiaIDs.ContainsKey(info.Consortia1ID))
                        info.State = consortiaIDs[info.Consortia1ID];
                    info.ValidDate = 0;

                //    string sWhere = " IsExist=1 ";
                //    if (consortiaID != -1)
                //    {
                //        sWhere += " and ((Consortia1ID =" + consortiaID + " or Consortia2ID = " + consortiaID + " ";

                //        sWhere += " and ((Consortia1ID =" + consortiaID + " ";

                //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                //        {
                //            sWhere += " and ConsortiaName2 like '%" + name + "%'";
                //        }

                //        sWhere += ")";

                //        sWhere += "  or (Consortia2ID = " + consortiaID + " ";

                //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                //        {
                //            sWhere += " and ConsortiaName1 like '%" + name + "%'";
                //        }
                //        sWhere += "))";

                //    }
                //    if (state != -1)
                //    {
                //        sWhere += " and State =" + state + " ";
                //    }
                //    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                //    {
                //        sWhere += " and (ConsortiaName1 like '%" + name + "%' or ConsortiaName2 like '%" + name + "%') ";
                //    }
                //    string sOrder = "ConsortiaName1,ConsortiaName2";
                //    switch (order)
                //    {
                //        case 1:
                //            sOrder = "Repute1,Repute2";
                //            break;
                //        case 2:
                //            sOrder = "ChairmanName1,ChairmanName2";
                //            break;
                //        case 3:
                //            sOrder = "Count1,Count2";
                //            break;
                //        case 4:
                //            sOrder = "Level1,Level2";
                //            break;
                //        case 5:
                //            sOrder = "Honor1,Honor2";
                //            break;

                //    }
                //    sOrder += ",ID ";

                //    DataTable dt = GetPage("V_Consortia_Ally", sWhere, page, size, "*", sOrder, "ID", ref total);
                //foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                //    ConsortiaAllyInfo info = new ConsortiaAllyInfo();
                //   // info.ID = (int)dr["ID"];
                //    info.Consortia1ID = (int)dr["Consortia1ID"];
                //    if (info.Consortia1ID != consortiaID)
                //    {
                //        info.Consortia2ID = (int)dr["Consortia2ID"];
                //        info.ConsortiaName1 = dr["ConsortiaName1"] == null ? "" : dr["ConsortiaName1"].ToString();
                //        info.ConsortiaName2 = dr["ConsortiaName2"] == null ? "" : dr["ConsortiaName2"].ToString();
                //        info.Count1 = (int)dr["Count1"];
                //        info.Count2 = (int)dr["Count2"];
                //        info.Repute1 = (int)dr["Repute1"];
                //        info.Repute2 = (int)dr["Repute2"];
                //        info.ChairmanName1 = dr["ChairmanName1"] == null ? "" : dr["ChairmanName1"].ToString();
                //        info.ChairmanName2 = dr["ChairmanName2"] == null ? "" : dr["ChairmanName2"].ToString();
                //        info.Level1 = (int)dr["Level1"];
                //        info.Level2 = (int)dr["Level2"];
                //        info.Honor1 = (int)dr["Honor1"];
                //        info.Honor2 = (int)dr["Honor2"];
                //        info.Description1 = dr["Description1"] == null ? "" : dr["Description1"].ToString();
                //        info.Description2 = dr["Description2"] == null ? "" : dr["Description2"].ToString();
                //        info.Riches1 = (int)dr["Riches1"];
                //        info.Riches2 = (int)dr["Riches2"];
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        info.Consortia1ID = (int)dr["Consortia2ID"];
                //        info.Consortia2ID = (int)dr["Consortia1ID"];
                //        info.ConsortiaName1 = dr["ConsortiaName2"] == null ? "" : dr["ConsortiaName2"].ToString();
                //        info.ConsortiaName2 = dr["ConsortiaName1"] == null ? "" : dr["ConsortiaName1"].ToString();
                //        info.Count1 = (int)dr["Count2"];
                //        info.Count2 = (int)dr["Count1"];
                //        info.Repute1 = (int)dr["Repute2"];
                //        info.Repute2 = (int)dr["Repute1"];
                //        info.ChairmanName1 = dr["ChairmanName2"] == null ? "" : dr["ChairmanName2"].ToString();
                //        info.ChairmanName2 = dr["ChairmanName1"] == null ? "" : dr["ChairmanName1"].ToString();
                //        info.Level1 = (int)dr["Level2"];
                //        info.Level2 = (int)dr["Level1"];
                //        info.Honor1 = (int)dr["Honor2"];
                //        info.Honor2 = (int)dr["Honor1"];
                //        info.Description1 = dr["Description2"] == null ? "" : dr["Description2"].ToString();
                //        info.Description2 = dr["Description1"] == null ? "" : dr["Description1"].ToString();
                //        info.Riches1 = (int)dr["Riches2"];
                //        info.Riches2 = (int)dr["Riches1"];
                //    }
                //    info.Date = (DateTime)dr["Date"];
                //    info.IsExist = (bool)dr["IsExist"];
                //    info.State = (int)dr["State"];
                //    info.ValidDate = (int)dr["ValidDate"];
                //    infos.Add(info);

            catch (Exception e)
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("GetConsortiaAllyPage", e);

            return infos.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public bool AddConsortiaAlly(ConsortiaAllyInfo info, int userID, ref string msg)
     bool result = false;
         SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[9];
         para[0] = new SqlParameter("@ID", info.ID);
         para[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
         para[1] = new SqlParameter("@Consortia1ID", info.Consortia1ID);
         para[2] = new SqlParameter("@Consortia2ID", info.Consortia2ID);
         para[3] = new SqlParameter("@State", info.State);
         para[4] = new SqlParameter("@Date", info.Date);
         para[5] = new SqlParameter("@ValidDate", info.ValidDate);
         para[6] = new SqlParameter("@IsExist", info.IsExist);
         para[7] = new SqlParameter("@UserID", userID);
         para[8] = new SqlParameter("@Result", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
         para[8].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
         db.RunProcedure("SP_ConsortiaAlly_Add", para);
         int returnValue = (int)para[8].Value;
         result = returnValue == 0;
         switch (returnValue)
             case 2:
                 msg = "ConsortiaBussiness.AddConsortiaAlly.Msg2";
             case 3:
                 msg = "ConsortiaBussiness.AddConsortiaAlly.Msg3";
     catch (Exception e)
         if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
             log.Error("Init", e);
     return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public ConsortiaAllyInfo[] GetConsortiaAllyAll()
     List<ConsortiaAllyInfo> infos = new List<ConsortiaAllyInfo>();
     SqlDataReader reader = null;
         db.GetReader(ref reader, "SP_ConsortiaAlly_All");
         while (reader.Read())
             ConsortiaAllyInfo info = new ConsortiaAllyInfo();
             info.Consortia1ID = (int)reader["Consortia1ID"];
             info.Consortia2ID = (int)reader["Consortia2ID"];
             info.Date = (DateTime)reader["Date"];
             info.ID = (int)reader["ID"];
             info.State = (int)reader["State"];
             info.ValidDate = (int)reader["ValidDate"];
             info.IsExist = (bool)reader["IsExist"];
     catch (Exception e)
         if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
             log.Error("Init", e);
         if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed)
     return infos.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static XElement CreateConsortiaAllyInfo(ConsortiaAllyInfo info)
     return new XElement("Item", new XAttribute("ID", info.ID),
         //new XAttribute("CelebCount", info.CelebCount),
         new XAttribute("ChairmanName", info.ChairmanName1 == null ? "" : info.ChairmanName1),
         new XAttribute("ConsortiaID", info.Consortia1ID),
         //new XAttribute("Consortia2ID", info.Consortia2ID),
         new XAttribute("ConsortiaName", info.ConsortiaName1 == null ? "" : info.ConsortiaName1),
         new XAttribute("Count", info.Count1),
         new XAttribute("Honor", info.Honor1),
         new XAttribute("State", info.State),
         new XAttribute("Date", info.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")),
         new XAttribute("Level", info.Level1),
         new XAttribute("IsApply", info.IsApply),
         new XAttribute("Description", info.Description1),
         new XAttribute("Riches", info.Riches1),
         new XAttribute("Repute", info.Repute1));