Exemplo n.º 1
        public static async Task OnGuildMemberAdded(DiscordClient client, GuildMemberAddEventArgs e)
            if (e.Guild.Id != Config.serverID)

            // Check if user has registered their Github account
            if (!Database.TryGetSponsor(e.Member.Id, out Database.SponsorEntry sponsorEntry))

            // Check if user is active sponsor
            List <Github.Sponsor> sponsors = await Github.GetSponsors();

            Github.Sponsor sponsor = sponsors.FirstOrDefault(s => s.sponsor.id == sponsorEntry.githubID);
            if (sponsor == null)

            // Check if tier is registered in the config
            if (!Config.TryGetTierRole(sponsor.dollarAmount, out ulong roleID))

            // Assign role
            DiscordRole role = e.Guild.GetRole(roleID);

            Logger.Log(LogID.Discord, Utils.FullName(e.Member) + " (" + e.Member.Id + ") were given back the role '" + role.Name + "' on rejoin. ");
            await e.Member.GrantRoleAsync(role);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task RunSponsorCheck()
            DiscordGuild guild;

                guild = await client.GetGuildAsync(Config.serverID);
            catch (Exception)
                Logger.Error(LogID.Discord, "Error could not find Discord server with the configured id '" + Config.serverID + "'");

            List <Github.Sponsor> sponsors = await Github.GetSponsors();

            List <Database.SponsorEntry> linkedUsers = Database.GetAllSponsors();

            foreach (Database.SponsorEntry linkedUser in linkedUsers)
                DiscordMember member;
                    member = await guild.GetMemberAsync(linkedUser.discordID);

                    if (member == null)
                        throw new Exception();
                catch (Exception)
                    Logger.Warn(LogID.Discord, "Could not find user with id '" + linkedUser.discordID + "' on the server.");

                Logger.Log(LogID.Discord, "Checking member: " + Utils.FullName(member));

                ulong          sponsorTierRoleID = 0;
                Github.Sponsor sponsor           = sponsors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.sponsor.id == linkedUser.githubID);
                if (sponsor != null)
                    sponsorTierRoleID = Config.tierRoles.GetValueOrDefault(sponsor.dollarAmount);

                await SyncRoles(member, sponsorTierRoleID);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static async void Initialize()
            Logger.Log(LogID.General, "Loading config \"" + Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "config.yml\"");

            // Check if bot token is unset
            if (Config.botToken == "<add-token-here>" || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.botToken))
                Logger.Fatal(LogID.Config, "You need to set your bot token in the config and start the bot again.");
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Discord bot token");

            // Check if github token is unset
            if (Config.githubToken == "<add-token-here>" || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.githubToken))
                Logger.Fatal(LogID.Config, "You need to set your Github personal access token in the config and start the bot again.");
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Github personal access token");

            // Database connection and setup
                Logger.Log(LogID.General, "Connecting to database...");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Fatal(LogID.General, "Could not set up database tables, please confirm connection settings, status of the server and permissions of MySQL user. Error: " + e);

            Logger.Log(LogID.General, "Setting up Github API client...");

            Logger.Log(LogID.General, "Setting up Discord client...");

            // Checking log level
            if (!Enum.TryParse(Config.logLevel, true, out LogLevel logLevel))
                Logger.Log(LogID.General, "Log level " + Config.logLevel + " invalid, using 'Information' instead.");
                logLevel = LogLevel.Information;

            // Setting up client configuration
            DiscordConfiguration cfg = new DiscordConfiguration
                Token           = Config.botToken,
                TokenType       = TokenType.Bot,
                MinimumLogLevel = logLevel,
                AutoReconnect   = true,
                Intents         = DiscordIntents.All

            discordClient = new DiscordClient(cfg);

            Logger.Log(LogID.General, "Hooking commands...");
            CommandsNextExtension commands = discordClient.UseCommandsNext(new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefixes = new[] { Config.prefix }

            commands.RegisterCommands <LinkCommand>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <UnlinkCommand>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <RecheckCommand>();

            Logger.Log(LogID.General, "Hooking events...");
            discordClient.Ready            += EventHandler.OnReady;
            discordClient.GuildAvailable   += EventHandler.OnGuildAvailable;
            discordClient.ClientErrored    += EventHandler.OnClientError;
            discordClient.GuildMemberAdded += EventHandler.OnGuildMemberAdded;
            commands.CommandErrored        += EventHandler.OnCommandError;

            Logger.Log(LogID.General, "Connecting to Discord...");
            await discordClient.ConnectAsync();
