public ScenarioOutlineExampleRowViewModel(ScenarioOutlineViewModel scenario, GherkinTableRow header, GherkinTableRow row)
            DataRowNode = row;
            PlaceholderValues = header.Cells.Zip(row.Cells, Tuple.Create).ToDictionary(x => x.Item1.Value, x => x.Item2.Value);

            Steps = scenario.StepTemplates.Select(BuildStep).ToList();
        public ScenarioOutlineExampleSetViewModel(ScenarioOutlineViewModel scenario, ExampleSet exampleSet)
            ExampleSetNode = exampleSet;

            var table = exampleSet.Table;
            ExampleRows = table.Body.Select(x => new ScenarioOutlineExampleRowViewModel(scenario, table.Header, x)).ToList();
            PlaceholderAffectedSteps = PlaceholderNames.ToDictionary(x => x,
                x => ExampleRows
                    .SelectMany((er, index) => scenario.StepTemplates.Zip(er.Steps, (stepTemplate, step) => new { index, stepTemplate, step }))
                    .Where(a => a.stepTemplate.PlaceHolderNames.Contains(x))
                    .ToLookup(a => a.index, a => a.step)
                    .ToDictionary(g=>g.Key, g=>g.ToList()));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ScenarioOutlineTest()
            : base(@"Feature: ScenarioTables
	In order to avoid silly mistakes
	As a math idiot
	I want to be told the sum of two numbers

Scenario Outline: Scenario outlines - eating
    Given there are <start> cucumbers
    When I eat <eat> cucumbers
    Then <left> cucumbers should be left

        | start | eat | left |
        |  12   |  5  |  7   |
        |  20   |  5  |  15  |")
            _firstScenario = _viewModel.RootFolder.Features.First().Scenarios.First() as ScenarioOutlineViewModel;