public SparkleFetcherRsync(string server, string remote_folder, string target_folder)
            : base(server, remote_folder, target_folder)
            if (server.EndsWith ("/"))
                server = server.Substring (0, server.Length - 1);

            if (!remote_folder.StartsWith ("/"))
                remote_folder = "/" + remote_folder;

            remote_folder = remote_folder.Substring (0, (remote_folder.Length - 6));

            Uri uri;

            try {
                uri = new Uri (server + remote_folder);

            } catch (UriFormatException) {
                uri = new Uri ("rsync://" + server + remote_folder);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (uri.UserInfo)) {
            uri = new Uri (uri.Scheme + "://rsync@" + uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port + uri.AbsolutePath);
            uri = new Uri (uri.ToString ().Replace (":-1", ""));

            base.target_folder = target_folder;
            base.remote_url = uri.ToString();
            string tmpPort = uri.Port.ToString();
            string tmpRsyncRemoteUrl = uri.UserInfo + "@" + uri.Host + ":" + uri.AbsolutePath;
            this.rsync = new SparkleRsync(SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.TmpPath,"--version")
            { port = tmpPort, rsync_remote_url = tmpRsyncRemoteUrl };
        public override bool Fetch()
            SparkleRsync rsync = new SparkleRsync (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.TmpPath,
                "-e \"ssh -p " + this.rsync.port + "\" " + "-azviP \"" + this.rsync.rsync_remote_url + "\" " + "\"" + base.target_folder + "\"");

            rsync.Start ();
            rsync.WaitForExit ();

            SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Rsync", "Exit code " + rsync.ExitCode.ToString ());

            if (rsync.ExitCode != 0) {
                return false;
            } else {
                InstallConfiguration ();
                InstallExcludeRules ();
                return true;
        private string RemoteChanges()
            // TODO: Check if there is an equivalent for --itemize which has been
            // removed because of not being detected
            SparkleRsync rsync = new SparkleRsync (LocalPath,
                "--archive --compress --dry-run --partial --delete --exclude-from=.sparkleshare \"" + Url + "\" " + ".");

            rsync.Start ();
            rsync.WaitForExit ();

            string remote_revision = rsync.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().TrimEnd ();

            return remote_revision ;
        private void ResolveConflict()
            //some conflict resolution code in python:

            //local changes
            // TODO: Check if there is an equivalent for --itemize which has been
            // removed because of not being detected
            SparkleRsync rsync = new SparkleRsync (LocalPath,
                "--archive --compress --dry-run --partial --delete --exclude-from=.sparkleshare " + "\"" + Url + "\"");

            rsync.Start ();
            rsync.WaitForExit ();

            string local_changes = rsync.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().TrimEnd ();

            //remote changes
            // TODO: Check if there is an equivalent for --itemize which has been
            // removed because of not being detected
            rsync = new SparkleRsync (LocalPath,
                "--archive --compress --dry-run --partial --delete --exclude-from=.sparkleshare \"" + Url + "\" " + ".");

            rsync.Start ();
            rsync.WaitForExit ();

            string remote_changes = rsync.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().TrimEnd ();

            //need to compare local_changes with remote_changes to check for overlapping files
            //look at each overlap and see if they are both modified or:
            //it the local version has been modified, but the server version was removed
            //and the opposite, where the local version was deleted and the server version was modified
            //for simple conflicts where the local and server version were both modified
            //(need to look at timestamps and rsync log since rsync doesn't have a record of modifications)
            //just apply a suffix (usernames + timestamps) and keep both files

            //**DELETED FILES**
            //there is a complexity that arrises when a file is locally modified by one person after being deleted on the server by someone else
            //since there is no record of if the file was actually locally modified other than the timestamp
            //might need to compare the modification-timestamp of the local files to the time of last sync (from the log)
            //for files that are deleted on the server, then if they were modified copy them to the server with a suffix
            //otherwise delete them locally...

            //the rsync dry run will report which files are scheduled for deletion in the upcoming sync

            //the output from the rsync command can inform if the file was deleted
            //see: section on itemize changes

            // Append a timestamp to local version
            string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString ("HH:mm MMM d");
        //the option --inplace is good if your server uses block level snapshots (ex. ZFS) but it increases network throughput
        //maybe make a config file option?
        //Windows<->Solaris will want to use -A to preserve ACLs
        //--delete will delete files on the server that were deleted locally (need to make sure that the server copy wasnt modified...)
        public override bool SyncUp()
            //delete can cause problems -- see comments in the conflict code
            // TODO: Check if there is an equivalent for --itemize which has been
            // removed because of not being detected
            SparkleRsync rsync = new SparkleRsync (LocalPath,
                "--archive --compress --partial --delete --delete-during --exclude-from=.sparkleshare --log-file=.rsynclog . " + "\"" + Url + "\"");

            rsync.Start ();
            rsync.WaitForExit ();

            if (rsync.ExitCode == 0)
                return true;
                return false;