Exemplo n.º 1
        private bool addHotel()
            // Checks if the player has enough money to buy a house
            if (hotelCost > owner.getMoney && numberOfHouses == 4)
                Game1.debugMessageQueue.addMessageToQueue("Player \"" + this.getName + "\" purchases a hotel for " + hotelCost);


                // Player has enough funds and return success
                // Either player doesn't have enough funds or there is already a hotel.
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void FollowCardInstructions(Card card, Player player, List <Player> listOfPlayers)
            if (card.getMoneyModifier != 0)             // Check if we need to do anything money related
                bool negative = false;                  // Temporary bool to check if the money modifier is negative
                if (card.getMoneyModifier < 0)
                    negative = true;                    // Set negative flag
                switch (card.getPerPlayer)              // Check if the card affects all players
                case true:                              // Case when card affects all players
                    switch (negative)                   // Check if we're removing money
                    case true:                          // Case when we're removing money from current player (current player pays all other players)
                        foreach (Player p in listOfPlayers)
                            if (player != p)                                                        // Player cannot pay him/herself
                                player.CurrentPlayerPaysPlayer(p, Math.Abs(card.getMoneyModifier)); // Pay each player the amount

                    case false:                         // Case when player pays the bank
                        foreach (Player p in listOfPlayers)
                            if (player != p)                                                        // Player cannot be paid by him/herself
                                p.CurrentPlayerPaysPlayer(player, Math.Abs(card.getMoneyModifier)); // Each player pays the current player the amount

                case false:                                                     // Case when card does not affect all players
                    switch (negative)                                           // Check if we're removing money
                    case true:                                                  // Case when we're removing money
                        player.PlayerPaysBank(Math.Abs(card.getMoneyModifier)); // Player pays bank

                    case false:                                                 // Case when we're adding money
                        player.BankPaysPlayer(Math.Abs(card.getMoneyModifier)); // Bank pays player

            if (card.getMoveModifier != 0)              // Check if we need to do a move modification
                // Note: since there are no cards that do this yet, going to skip this for now

            if (card.getMovePosition != 0)                                                                       // Check if we need to do a position movement
                if (card.getSpecialCardType == SpecialCardType.CanPassGo)                                        // Check if the card actually moves around the board
                    if (player.CurrentBoardPosition > card.getMovePosition && player.CurrentBoardPosition <= 47) // Check if the player will pass Go from his or her current location
                        player.BankPaysPlayer(200);                                                              // Pay 200 since player will pass Go
                MovePlayer(player, card.getMovePosition);

            if (card.getSpecialCardType == SpecialCardType.GetOutOfJailFreeCard)
                player.FreeJailCards += 1;          // Give player a get out of jail free card
                Game1.debugMessageQueue.addMessageToQueue("Player \"" + player.getName + "\" gets a Get Out of Jail Free Card");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void FollowCardInstructions(Card card, Player player, List<Player> listOfPlayers)
            if (card.getMoneyModifier != 0)             // Check if we need to do anything money related
                bool negative = false;                  // Temporary bool to check if the money modifier is negative
                if (card.getMoneyModifier < 0)
                    negative = true;                    // Set negative flag

                switch (card.getPerPlayer)              // Check if the card affects all players
                    case true:                          // Case when card affects all players
                        switch (negative)               // Check if we're removing money
                            case true:                  // Case when we're removing money from current player (current player pays all other players)
                                foreach (Player p in listOfPlayers)
                                    if (player != p)    // Player cannot pay him/herself
                                        player.CurrentPlayerPaysPlayer(p, Math.Abs(card.getMoneyModifier));     // Pay each player the amount
                            case false:                 // Case when player pays the bank
                                foreach (Player p in listOfPlayers)
                                    if (player != p)    // Player cannot be paid by him/herself
                                        p.CurrentPlayerPaysPlayer(player, Math.Abs(card.getMoneyModifier));     // Each player pays the current player the amount
                    case false:                         // Case when card does not affect all players
                        switch (negative)               // Check if we're removing money
                            case true:                  // Case when we're removing money
                                player.PlayerPaysBank(Math.Abs(card.getMoneyModifier));         // Player pays bank
                            case false:                 // Case when we're adding money
                                player.BankPaysPlayer(Math.Abs(card.getMoneyModifier));         // Bank pays player

            if (card.getMoveModifier != 0)              // Check if we need to do a move modification
                // Note: since there are no cards that do this yet, going to skip this for now

            if (card.getMovePosition != 0)              // Check if we need to do a position movement
                if (card.getSpecialCardType == SpecialCardType.CanPassGo)   // Check if the card actually moves around the board
                    if (player.CurrentBoardPosition > card.getMovePosition && player.CurrentBoardPosition <= 47)    // Check if the player will pass Go from his or her current location
                        player.BankPaysPlayer(200);         // Pay 200 since player will pass Go

                MovePlayer(player, card.getMovePosition);

            if (card.getSpecialCardType == SpecialCardType.GetOutOfJailFreeCard)
                player.FreeJailCards += 1;          // Give player a get out of jail free card
                Game1.debugMessageQueue.addMessageToQueue("Player \"" + player.getName + "\" gets a Get Out of Jail Free Card");
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void PlayerOptions(Player player)
            int      currentTile     = player.CurrentBoardPosition;
            TileType currentTileType = Tiles[currentTile].getTileType;

            optionPurchaseOrAuctionProperty = false;
            optionDevelopProperty           = false;

            // Determine Player Options and take any actions required
            switch (currentTileType)
            case TileType.Property:
                PropertyTile currentProperty = (PropertyTile)Tiles[currentTile];

                if (currentProperty.Owner == null)                      // If the property is not owned yet
                    optionPurchaseOrAuctionProperty = true;
                else if (currentProperty.Owner != player && !currentProperty.MortgageStatus)            // If the property is owned by another player and not mortgaged
                    if (player.getMoney >= currentProperty.getRent)                                     // Check if the player has enough money to pay Rent
                        player.CurrentPlayerPaysPlayer(currentProperty.Owner, currentProperty.getRent); // Pay rent
                        turnPhase = 2;                                                                  // Go to next phase
                        optionPromptMortgageOrTrade = true;             // Player must decide to mortgage or trade to get money
                    // Otherwise, player landed on his or her own property, so go to next phase
                    turnPhase = 2;


            case TileType.Utility:
                UtilityTile currentUtility = (UtilityTile)Tiles[currentTile];
                UtilityTile otherUtility;

                if (currentTile == 15)
                    otherUtility = (UtilityTile)Tiles[33];
                    otherUtility = (UtilityTile)Tiles[15];

                if (currentUtility.Owner == null)                   // If the property is not owned yet
                    optionPurchaseOrAuctionUtility = true;

                else if (currentUtility.Owner != player && !currentUtility.MortgageStatus) // If the property is owned by another player
                    int utilityRent;                                                       // Calculate the amount to pay for Utility Rent

                    if (currentUtility.Owner == otherUtility.Owner)                        // Check if player owns both utilities
                        utilityRent = (int)currentDiceRoll * 10;
                        utilityRent = (int)currentDiceRoll * 4;

                    if (player.getMoney >= utilityRent)                                    // Check if the player has enough money to pay Rent
                        player.CurrentPlayerPaysPlayer(currentUtility.Owner, utilityRent); // Pay rent
                        turnPhase = 2;                                                     // Go to next phase
                        optionPromptMortgageOrTrade = true;                 // Player must decide to mortgage or trade to get money
                    // Otherwise, player landed on his or her own property, so go to next phase
                    turnPhase = 2;

            case TileType.Chance:
                Card drawnChanceCard = ChanceCards.drawCard();                                  // Draw the Chance card
                SoshiLandGameFunctions.FollowCardInstructions(drawnChanceCard, player, ListOfPlayers);
                turnPhase = 2;

            case TileType.CommunityChest:
                Card drawnCommunityChestCard = CommunityChestCards.drawCard();                  // Draw the Community Chest card
                SoshiLandGameFunctions.FollowCardInstructions(drawnCommunityChestCard, player, ListOfPlayers);
                turnPhase = 2;

            case TileType.FanMeeting:
                turnPhase = 2;                  // Nothing happens, so go to last phase

            case TileType.Jail:
                turnPhase = 2;                  // Nothing happens, so go to last phase

            case TileType.ShoppingSpree:
                currentTurnsPlayers.PlayerPaysBank(75);         // Pay Bank taxes
                turnPhase = 2;

            case TileType.SpecialLuxuryTax:
                Game1.debugMessageQueue.addMessageToQueue("Player " + "\"" + currentTurnsPlayers.getName + "\"" + " must choose to pay 10% of net worth, or $200");
                Game1.debugMessageQueue.addMessageToQueue("Press K to pay 10% of net worth, or L to pay $200");
                optionPromptLuxuryTax = true;

            case TileType.GoToJail:

            case TileType.Go:
                turnPhase = 2;

            optionsCalculated = true;

            if (Game1.DEBUG)
                string optionsMessage = "Options Available: Trade,";
                if (optionDevelopProperty)
                    optionsMessage = optionsMessage + " Develop,";
                if (optionPurchaseOrAuctionProperty || optionPurchaseOrAuctionUtility)
                    optionsMessage = optionsMessage + " Purchase/Auction";
