Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the provided email to the provided user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The user being emailed.</param>
        /// <param name="subject">The subject of the email to send.</param>
        /// <param name="message">The message of the email to send.</param>
        public virtual void SendEmail(User user, string subject, string message)
            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("user");

            SendEmail(user.Name, user.Email, subject, message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the user from the form.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Update(User user)
            AutoNavigate = false;

            // Get the original user data
            User originalUser = RetrieveStrategy.New<User>().Retrieve<User>("ID", user.ID);

            // If the password wasn't added then reset it
            if (user.Password == null || user.Password == String.Empty)
                user.Password = originalUser.Password;
                user.Password = Crypter.EncryptPassword(user.Password);

            bool success = base.Update(user);

            // If the current user edited their username then fix their authentication session
            if (originalUser.Username == AuthenticationState.Username
                && user.Username != AuthenticationState.Username)
                AuthenticationState.Username = user.Username;

                           ? Properties.Language.YourAccountUpdated
                           : Properties.Language.UserUpdated);

            if (success)

            return success;
        public void Test_React()
            IUser author = new User();
            author.ID = Guid.NewGuid();

            AuthenticationState.User = (User)author;

            MockAuthoredEntity entity = CreateStrategy.New<MockAuthoredEntity>(false).Create<MockAuthoredEntity>();

            IUser foundAuthor = entity.Author;

            Assert.IsNotNull(foundAuthor, "No author assigned.");

            Assert.AreEqual(author.ID.ToString(), foundAuthor.ID.ToString(), "IDs didn't match.");
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the provided notification message to the provided notifiable users.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The recipients of the notification.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity involved in the event that users are being notified about.</param>
        /// <param name="subject">The subject of the email to send to the provided notifiable users.</param>
        /// <param name="message">The message of the email to send to the provided notifiable users.</param>
        public virtual void SendNotification(User[] recipients, IEntity entity, string subject, string message)
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Sending a notification to the provided recipients."))
                LogWriter.Debug("Recipients: " + recipients.Length.ToString());

                foreach (User user in recipients)
                    if (user != null && user.EnableNotifications)
                        LogWriter.Debug("To: " + user.Email);

                        string replyTo = "*****@*****.**";
                        if (Config.Application.Settings.ContainsKey("SystemEmail"))
                            replyTo = Config.Application.Settings.GetString("SystemEmail");
                            LogWriter.Error("No system email has been set. Notification emails have '*****@*****.**' in the reply field instead.");

                        LogWriter.Debug("Reply to: " + replyTo);


                            MailMessage mm = new MailMessage(replyTo,
                                                             PrepareNotificationText(subject, entity),
                                                             PrepareNotificationText(message, entity));

                        catch(FormatException ex)
                        catch(SmtpFailedRecipientException ex)
                        catch(SmtpException ex)
        public virtual bool ExecuteSave(User user)
            bool success = false;

            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Saving the new user.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug))
                // TODO: Clean up

                LogWriter.Debug("Auto navigate: " + AutoNavigate.ToString());

                user.Password = Crypter.EncryptPassword(user.Password);

                success = base.ExecuteSave(user);

                LogWriter.Debug("Success: " + success.ToString());

                if (!success)
                    LogWriter.Debug("Failed to save (username in use).");

            return success;
        public void Test_Setup()
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Testing the ApplicationInstaller.Setup function."))
                CreateDummyVersionFile(TestUtilities.GetTestApplicationPath(this, "MockApplication"));

                User admin = new User();
                admin.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                admin.Username = "******";
                admin.Password = Crypter.EncryptPassword("pass");
                admin.Validator = ValidateStrategy.New(admin);

                ApplicationInstaller installer = new ApplicationInstaller();
                installer.ApplicationPath = "/MockApplication";
                installer.Administrator = admin;
                installer.AdministratorRoleName = "Administrator";
                installer.PathVariation = "testing";
                installer.FileMapper = new MockFileMapper(this);
                installer.DataProviderInitializer = new MockDb4oDataProviderInitializer(this);
                installer.EnableTesting = true;

                User foundAdministrator = DataAccess.Data.Reader.GetEntity<User>("ID", admin.ID);


                Assert.AreEqual(1, foundAdministrator.Roles.Length, "The administrator user isn't in the administrator role.");
        private void SendResetEmail(User user, string subject, string message, string applicationUrl)
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Sending reset email."))
                string title = Configuration.Config.Application.Title;
                string resetUrl = applicationUrl.Trim('/') + "/ChangePassword.aspx?p=" + user.Password + "&u=" + user.Email;

                message = message.Replace("${ResetUrl}", resetUrl);
                message = message.Replace("${Title}", title);

                string fromEmail = "*****@*****.**";
                if (Config.Application.Settings.ContainsKey("SystemEmail")
                    && Config.Application.Settings.GetString("SystemEmail") != String.Empty)
                    fromEmail = Config.Application.Settings.GetString("SystemEmail");

                LogWriter.Debug("To email: " + user.Email);
                LogWriter.Debug("From email: " + fromEmail);
                LogWriter.Debug("Subject: " + subject);
                LogWriter.Debug("Message: " + message);

        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the administrator user and administrator role.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="administrator">The default administrator user.</param>
        /// <param name="administratorRole">The administrator role.</param>
        private void Save(User administrator, UserRole administratorRole)
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Saving the provided user and role."))
                if (administrator == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("administrator");

                if (administratorRole == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("administratorRole");

                AuthenticationState.Username = administrator.Username;

                if (SaveStrategy.New<User>(false).Save(administrator))
                    administratorRole.Users = new User[]{administrator};

                    LogWriter.Debug("User already exists. Skipping save.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the administrator role and assigns it to the provided user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="administrator">The default administrator to add to the administrator role.</param>
        /// <returns>The administrator role.</returns>
        private UserRole CreateAdministratorRole(User administrator)
            UserRole administratorRole = null;

            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Creating the administrator role."))
                administratorRole = CreateStrategy.New<UserRole>(false).Create<UserRole>();
                administratorRole.ID = Guid.NewGuid();

                if (AdministratorRoleName == String.Empty)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The AdministratorRoleName property has not been set.");

                administratorRole.Name = AdministratorRoleName;

            return administratorRole;
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the user being represented.
 /// </summary>
 public Member(User user)
     User = user;