Exemplo n.º 1
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Server = new S7Server();
        // Share some resources with our virtual PLC
        Server.RegisterArea(S7Server.srvAreaDB,  // We are registering a DB
                            1,                   // Its number is 1 (DB1)
                            ref DB1,             // Our buffer for DB1
                            DB1.Length);         // Its size
        // Do the same for DB2 and DB3
        Server.RegisterArea(S7Server.srvAreaDB, 2, ref DB2, DB2.Length);
        Server.RegisterArea(S7Server.srvAreaDB, 3, ref DB3, DB3.Length);
        // Exclude read event to avoid the double report
        // Set the callbacks (using the static var to avoid the garbage collect)
        TheEventCallBack = new S7Server.TSrvCallback(EventCallback);
        TheReadCallBack = new S7Server.TSrvCallback(ReadEventCallback);
        Server.EventMask = ~S7Server.evcDataRead;
        Server.SetEventsCallBack(TheEventCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
        Server.SetReadEventsCallBack(TheReadCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);

        // Uncomment next line if you don't want to see wrapped messages 
        // (Note : Doesn't work in Mono 2.10)

        Console.SetBufferSize(100, Int16.MaxValue - 1);

        // Start the server onto the default adapter.
        // To select an adapter we have to use Server->StartTo("192.168.x.y").
        // Start() is the same of StartTo("");       
        int Error=Server.Start();
        if (Error == 0)
            // Now the server is running ... wait a key to terminate
        // If you got a start error:
        // Windows - most likely you ar running the server in a pc on wich is
        //           installed step 7 : open a command prompt and type
        //             "net stop s7oiehsx"    (Win32) or
        //             "net stop s7oiehsx64"  (Win64)
        //           And after this test :
        //             "net start s7oiehsx"   (Win32) or
        //             "net start s7oiehsx64" (Win64)
        // Unix - you need root rights :-( because the isotcp port (102) is
        //        low and so it's considered "privileged".

Exemplo n.º 2
        public MainForm()
            Server = new S7Server();
            Event = new S7Server.USrvEvent();
            // Share some resources with our virtual PLC
            Server.RegisterArea(S7Server.srvAreaTM,  // We are registering a DB
                    1,                   // Its number is 1 (DB1)
                    ref DB1,             // Our buffer for DB1
                    DB1.Length);         // Its size
            // Do the same for DB2 and DB3
            Server.RegisterArea(S7Server.srvAreaDB, 2, ref DB2, DB2.Length);
            Server.RegisterArea(S7Server.srvAreaDB, 3, ref DB3, DB3.Length);

            HexDump(DB1_Box, DB1, DB1.Length);
            HexDump(DB2_Box, DB2, DB2.Length);
            HexDump(DB3_Box, DB3, DB3.Length);
            LogTimer.Enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
    private static S7Server.TSrvCallback TheReadCallBack; // <== Static var containig the callback

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    // Here we use the callback to show the log, this is not the best choice since
    // the callback is synchronous with the client access, i.e. the server cannot
    // handle futher request from that client until the callback is complete.
    // The right choice is to use the log queue via the method PickEvent.
    static void EventCallback(IntPtr usrPtr, ref S7Server.USrvEvent Event, int Size)
        Console.WriteLine(Server.EventText(ref Event));