Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            byte right             = 0;
            byte left              = 1;
            byte down              = 2;
            byte up                = 3;
            int  lastFoodTime      = 0;
            int  foodDissapearTime = 16000;
            int  negativePoints    = 0;

            //Background music code
            SoundPlayer player = new SoundPlayer();

            player.SoundLocation = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Waltz-music-loop.wav";

            //max - Creates an array that has four directions
            Position[] directions = new Position[]
                new Position(0, 1),  // right
                new Position(0, -1), // left
                new Position(1, 0),  // down
                new Position(-1, 0), // up
            //max - Sets the time to 100 milliseconds
            double sleepTime = 100;
            //max - Sets the direction of the snake
            int direction = right;
            //max - Randomly generate a number
            Random randomNumbersGenerator = new Random();

            //max - Set the height of the console
            Console.BufferHeight = Console.WindowHeight;
            //max - Set the time for the lastFoodTime
            lastFoodTime = Environment.TickCount;

            //philip - This List is to list out where would the obstacles will be appearing in the game by using X, Y Coordinator
            List <Position> obstacles = new List <Position>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                obstacles.Add(new Position(randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowHeight), randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowWidth)));

            //max - Setting the color, position and the 'symbol' (which is '=') of the obstacle.
            foreach (Position obstacle in obstacles)

            //ben - create 5 bodies of the snake
            Queue <Position> snakeElements = new Queue <Position>();

            for (int i = 5; i <= 8; i++)
                snakeElements.Enqueue(new Position(0, i));

            //Philip - This part of code is to randomly spawn the food to any row and col,
            //while the food is eaten by snake or spawn at the obstacles' or snake's position, it will respawn again.
            Position food;

                food = new Position(randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowHeight),
                                    randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowWidth));
            }while (snakeElements.Contains(food) || obstacles.Contains(food));

            //max - Setting the color, position and the 'symbol' (which is '*') of the snakeElements.
            foreach (Position position in snakeElements)

            //ben - create an infinite loop for user input to change the direction
            while (true)

                int userPoint = (snakeElements.Count - 4) * 100 - negativePoints;
                if (userPoint < 0)
                    userPoint = 0;
                userPoint = Math.Max(userPoint, 0);

                Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                Console.Write("Score:{0}", userPoint);

                if (Console.KeyAvailable)
                    ConsoleKeyInfo userInput = Console.ReadKey();
                    if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow)
                        if (direction != right)
                            direction = left;
                    if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow)
                        if (direction != left)
                            direction = right;
                    if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow)
                        if (direction != down)
                            direction = up;
                    if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow)
                        if (direction != up)
                            direction = down;

                //philip - Snakeelements' last array number will be the snakeHead's position.
                Position snakeHead = snakeElements.Last();
                //nextDirection's value will be the direction's that is input by the user.
                Position nextDirection = directions[direction];
                //snakeNewHead will be using the if statement at line after 122 to calculate and get the result.
                Position snakeNewHead = new Position(snakeHead.row + nextDirection.row,
                                                     snakeHead.col + nextDirection.col);

                //max - allows the snake to appear at the bottom when the snake moves out of the top border vertically
                if (snakeNewHead.col < 0)
                    snakeNewHead.col = Console.WindowWidth - 1;
                //max - allows the snake to appear on the right side when the snake moves out of the left border horizontally
                if (snakeNewHead.row < 0)
                    snakeNewHead.row = Console.WindowHeight - 1;
                //max - allows the snake to appear on the left side when the snake moves out of the right border horizontally
                if (snakeNewHead.row >= Console.WindowHeight)
                    snakeNewHead.row = 0;
                //max - allows the snake to appear at the top when the snake moves out of the bottom border vertically
                if (snakeNewHead.col >= Console.WindowWidth)
                    snakeNewHead.col = 0;

                //ben - if snake head is collide with the body, show the word "Game over!" and show the points
                if (snakeElements.Contains(snakeNewHead) || obstacles.Contains(snakeNewHead))

                //philip - Base on where the snakehead's position,produce gray color * for the snake body
                Console.SetCursorPosition(snakeHead.col, snakeHead.row);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;

                //max - Add the 'snakeNewHead' to the queue
                //max - Set the position of the snakeNewHead
                Console.SetCursorPosition(snakeNewHead.col, snakeNewHead.row);
                //max - set the color of the snake head
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                //max - controls the direction of the snake
                if (direction == right)
                if (direction == left)
                if (direction == up)
                if (direction == down)

                //ben - if snake head reached the food, the snake elements increase by 1 and add a new food and an obstacle.
                if (snakeNewHead.col == food.col && snakeNewHead.row == food.row)
                    //Soundeffect added.
                    // feeding the snake
                        food = new Position(randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowHeight),
                                            randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowWidth));
                    }while (snakeElements.Contains(food) || obstacles.Contains(food));
                    // get the lastFoodTime (in Millisecond)
                    lastFoodTime = Environment.TickCount;


                    //decrease the sleepTime

                    // assign the obstacle to a random place (not in snake elements or obstacles)
                    Position obstacle = new Position();
                        obstacle = new Position(randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowHeight),
                                                randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowWidth));
                    }while (snakeElements.Contains(obstacle) ||
                            obstacles.Contains(obstacle) ||
                            (food.row != obstacle.row && food.col != obstacle.row));
                    // moving...
                    //remove the last element of the snake elements and return it to the begining
                    Position last = snakeElements.Dequeue();
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(last.col, last.row);
                    //replace the last element with blank
                    Console.Write(" ");
                //philip - This if statement is to reposition the food's position
                //from its last location if the tickcount is more than the foodDissapearTime
                if (Environment.TickCount - lastFoodTime >= foodDissapearTime)
                    negativePoints = negativePoints + 50;
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(food.col, food.row);
                    Console.Write(" ");
                        food = new Position(randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowHeight),
                                            randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowWidth));
                    }while (snakeElements.Contains(food) || obstacles.Contains(food));
                    lastFoodTime = Environment.TickCount;


                //Add winning requirement
                if (snakeElements.Count == 7)

                //max - decrement the sleepTime by 0.01
                sleepTime -= 0.01;

                //max - The program will stop when it has reached the sleepTime

            // set the food postion,color,icon.
            void SetFood()
                Console.SetCursorPosition(food.col, food.row);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;

            // set the obstacle position,color,icon.
            void SetObstacle(Position obstacle)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                Console.SetCursorPosition(obstacle.col, obstacle.row);

            //set the snake element postion,color,icon
            void SetSnakeElement(Position position)
                Console.SetCursorPosition(position.col, position.row);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;

            void Lose()
                int x = Console.WindowWidth / 2;
                int y = Console.WindowHeight / 2;

                //Set Game over to middle of the window
                Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.WriteLine("Game over!");

                int userPoints = (snakeElements.Count - 4) * 100 - negativePoints;

                if (userPoints < 0)
                    userPoints = 0;

                //Set Score to middle of the window
                Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y + 1);
                userPoints = Math.Max(userPoints, 0);
                Console.WriteLine("Your points are: {0}", userPoints);

                //Add player score into plain text file.
                StreamWriter snakeFile = new StreamWriter("Snake_Score.txt", true);

                snakeFile.Write("Your high score is: " + userPoints + "\n");

                //Set instruction to middle of window
                Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y + 2);
                Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to quit the game");

            void Win()
                int x = Console.WindowWidth / 2;
                int y = Console.WindowHeight / 2;

                Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y);
                Console.WriteLine("YOU WIN!!");

                int userPoints = (snakeElements.Count - 4) * 100 - negativePoints;

                if (userPoints < 0)
                    userPoints = 0;

                //Set Score to middle of the window
                Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y + 1);
                userPoints = Math.Max(userPoints, 0);
                Console.WriteLine("Your points are: {0}", userPoints);

                //Add player score into plain text file.
                StreamWriter snakeFile = new StreamWriter("Snake_Score.txt", true);

                snakeFile.Write("Your high score is: " + userPoints + "\n");

                //Set instruction to middle of window
                Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y + 2);
                Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to quit the game");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Start()

            Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
            Console.Write("Press any input keys (WASD, ArrowKeys) to start...");

            currentDirectionBuffer.Enqueue(lastUsedDirection = DirectionInput.ForceGetDirection());

            var worldState = WorldState.Running;

            while (worldState is WorldState.Running)
                Task.Run(() => render.Draw());
                // Starts a task that waits for some time

                var waitTask = Task.Run(() => Task.Delay(timespanPerUpdate));

                // in that time, we check for input (blocking)

                // Change next direction if not timeout, or if key is valid

                while (!waitTask.IsCompleted)
                    if (Console.KeyAvailable)
                        var consoleKey = Console.ReadKey(true).Key;

                        if (consoleKey is ConsoleKey.C)
                            var nullableDirection = consoleKey.ConsoleKeyToDirection();
                            if (!(nullableDirection is null))
                                var direction = (Direction)nullableDirection;
                                // So that you don't turn backwards
                                if (direction != lastQueuedDirection && direction.Opposite() != lastQueuedDirection)
                                    currentDirectionBuffer.Enqueue(lastQueuedDirection = direction);

                if (currentDirectionBuffer.Count > 0)
                    lastUsedDirection = currentDirectionBuffer.Dequeue();

                worldState = world.Update(lastUsedDirection);

            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { }

