AddPosition() public method

public AddPosition ( Vector2 pos, int posId = -1 ) : ImageModel
pos Vector2
posId int
return SmashBros.Models.ImageModel
Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Load(ContentManager content)
            Vector2 percentPos = new Vector2(330 * characterModel.playerIndex + 30, Constants.WindowHeight - 120);

            thumb = new ImageView(content.Load <Texture2D>(GamePadControllers[characterModel.playerIndex].PlayerModel.SelectedCharacter.thumbnail),
                                  percentPos, 159, true);
            thumb.Scale = 0.6f;

            percentBox = new TextBox("0%", GetFont("Impact.large"), percentPos + new Vector2(180, 40), Color.White, 1f);
            percentBox.StaticPosition = true;
            percentBox.Layer          = 150;
            percentBox.Origin         = new Vector2(20, 0);

            percentBg = new ImageView(content.Load <Texture2D>("GameStuff/PlayerPercentBg"), percentPos + new Vector2(0, 94), 149, true);

            if (gameOptions.UseLifes)
                lifes = new ImageController(Screen, "GameStuff/Life", 160, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < gameOptions.Lifes; i++)
                    lifes.AddPosition(percentPos + new Vector2(i * 16 + 130, 100), 400);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Show the character at bottom of screen when cursor hovers a characterThumb
        /// </summary>
        private void hoverCharacter(int playerIndex, int characterIndex)
            //Get the character model
            CharacterStats chModel = characterModels[characterIndex];

            //Get character pose by using index
            ImageController img = characterImages[characterIndex];

            //Checks if player already has an entry for hovered character
            //Removes the hovered character
            if (characterHover.ContainsKey(playerIndex))
            //If not hovered character add playerIndex to dictionary
                characterHover.Add(playerIndex, null);

            ImageModel model = img.AddPosition(playerIndex * 260, 720, playerIndex);

            model.Id = characterIndex;
            img.AnimatePos(model, playerIndex * 260, 450, 300);
            characterHover[playerIndex] = model;

            //characterThumbs[index].Scale = 1.05f;
            characterThumbs[characterIndex].AnimateScale(1.1f, 500);
            characterThumbs[characterIndex].GetAt(0).CurrentRotation = 0.05f;

            img.IsVisible = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void StartMove(Vector2 characterPosition, Vector2 characterVelocity, MoveModel move)
            if (!move.Started)
                move.Img = Img.AddPosition(characterPosition + move.Stats.SqFrom * move.Xdirection);
                move.Img.SetBoundBox(World, (int)move.Stats.SqSize.X, (int)move.Stats.SqSize.Y, Vector2.Zero, Category.Cat20, Category.Cat11);

                move.Img.BoundBox.IgnoreGravity = true;
                move.Img.BoundBox.IsStatic      = false;
                move.Img.BoundBox.UserData      = move;
                move.Started = true;

                if (move.Stats.Type == MoveType.Range)
                    move.Img.BoundBox.LinearVelocity = move.Stats.BulletVelocity * move.Xdirection;
                    Img.AnimateFrame(move.Img, move.Stats.AniBulletFrom, move.Stats.AniBulletTo, 14);
                    //if (move.Xdirection == new Vector2(-1, 1)) move.Img.
                    if (move.Stats.Gravity)
                        move.Img.BoundBox.IgnoreGravity = false;
                    move.Img.BoundBox.CollidesWith = Category.Cat11 | Category.Cat10 | Category.Cat9 | Category.Cat8 | Category.Cat7;
                    if (move.Stats.Explotion != null)
                        move.Img.BoundBox.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat31;
                    move.Img.BoundBox.OnCollision += Collision;
                    Vector2 velocity = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits((move.Stats.SqTo - move.Stats.SqFrom) / (move.Stats.End - move.Stats.Start) * 1000) * move.Xdirection;
                    velocity = move.Stats.SqFrom == move.Stats.SqTo ? characterVelocity : velocity + characterVelocity;
                    move.Img.BoundBox.LinearVelocity = velocity;
                    move.Img.CurrentFrame            = -1;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void OnPlayerHit(Vector2 pos, int damageDone, int newDamagepoints, int puncher, int reciever, string sound)

            this.players[puncher].DidHit(damageDone, reciever);
            this.players[reciever].GotHit(newDamagepoints, puncher);

            Random r = new Random();

            ImageModel inf = effectImg.AddPosition(pos);

            inf.CurrentFrame = r.Next(0, 4);
            effectImg.AnimateScale(inf, 0.7f, 200);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds new random powerup to the map insise the drop zone
        /// </summary>
        public void addPowerUpToMap()
            ImageModel model = powerUpImg.AddPosition(randomDropPosition());

            model.SetBoundBox(World, 50, 50, Vector2.Zero, Category.Cat6, Category.All);
            model.BoundBox.OnCollision += OnCollision;
            powerUpImg.AnimateScale(model, 1f, 400, false);
            elapsedTime = 0;

            PowerUpStatus status = new PowerUpStatus(randomPowerUp(), model);

            model.BoundBox.UserData = status;
            //model.CurrentFrame = (int)MathHelper.Clamp(status.PowerUp.imageFrame, 0f, 3f);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void Load(ContentManager content)
            Vector2 percentPos = new Vector2(330 * characterModel.playerIndex + 30, Constants.WindowHeight - 120);

            thumb = new ImageView(content.Load<Texture2D>(GamePadControllers[characterModel.playerIndex].PlayerModel.SelectedCharacter.thumbnail),
                percentPos, 159, true);
            thumb.Scale = 0.6f;

            percentBox = new TextBox("0%", GetFont("Impact.large"), percentPos + new Vector2(180, 40), Color.White, 1f);
            percentBox.StaticPosition = true;
            percentBox.Layer = 150;
            percentBox.Origin = new Vector2(20, 0);

            percentBg = new ImageView(content.Load<Texture2D>("GameStuff/PlayerPercentBg"), percentPos + new Vector2(0, 94), 149, true);

            if (gameOptions.UseLifes)
                lifes = new ImageController(Screen, "GameStuff/Life", 160, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < gameOptions.Lifes; i++)
                    lifes.AddPosition(percentPos + new Vector2(i * 16 + 130, 100), 400);