Exemplo n.º 1
        // Constructors.

        public StTimer(bool notificationTimer)
            if (notificationTimer)
                tmrEvent = new StNotificationEvent();
                tmrEvent = new StSynchronizationEvent();

            state    = INACTIVE;
            cbparker = new CbParker(TimerCallback);
            timer    = new RawTimer(cbparker);
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Signals a waitable and waits unconditionally on another
        // as an atomic operation.

        public static void SignalAndWait(StWaitable tos, StWaitable tow)
            SignalAndWait(tos, tow, StCancelArgs.None);
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Signals a waitable and waits on another as an atomic
        // operation, activating the specified cancellers.

        public static bool SignalAndWait(StWaitable tos, StWaitable tow, StCancelArgs cargs)
            // Create a parker to execute the WaitAny prologue on the
            // *tow* waitable.

            StParker  pk   = new StParker();
            WaitBlock hint = null;
            int       sc   = 0;
            WaitBlock wb   = tow._WaitAnyPrologue(pk, StParkStatus.Success, ref hint, ref sc);

            // Signal the *tos* waitable.

            if (!tos._Release())
                // The signal operation failed. So, try to cancel the parker and,
                // if successful, cancel the acquire attempt; otherwise, wait until
                // the thread is unparked and, then, undo the acquire.

                if (pk.TryCancel())
                    tow._CancelAcquire(wb, hint);

                // Report the failure appropriately.

                throw tos._SignalException;

            // Park the current thread, activating the specified cancellers
            // and spinning if appropriate.

            int ws = pk.Park(sc, cargs);

            // If we acquired, execute the WaitOne epilogue and return success.

            if (ws == StParkStatus.Success)

            // The acquire operation was cancelled; so, cancel the acquire
            // attempt and report the failure appropriately.

            tow._CancelAcquire(wb, hint);
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal static bool WaitAllInternal(StWaitable[] ws, WaitHandle[] hs, StCancelArgs cargs)
            if (ws == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ws");

            int nevts;
            int len = ws.Length;

            StWaitable[] sws = new StWaitable[len];
            WaitHandle[] shs = null;

            int waitHint = SortAndCheckAllowAcquire(ws, sws, out nevts);

            if (waitHint < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("There are duplicate waitables", "ws");

            if (hs != null)
                shs = Sort(hs);
                if (shs == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("There are duplicate wait handles", "hs");

            if (waitHint != 0 && shs != null && !WaitHandle.WaitAll(shs, 0))
                waitHint = 0;

            // Return success if all synchronizers are notification events and are set.

            if (waitHint != 0 && nevts == 0)

            if (waitHint == 0 && cargs.Timeout == 0)

            // If a timeout was specified, get the current time in order
            // to adjust the timeout value later, if we re-wait.

            int lastTime = (cargs.Timeout != Timeout.Infinite) ? Environment.TickCount : 0;

            WaitBlock[] wbs   = null;
            WaitBlock[] hints = null;
                if (waitHint == 0)
                    // Create the wait block arrays if this is the first time
                    // that we execute the acquire-all prologue.

                    if (wbs == null)
                        wbs   = new WaitBlock[len];
                        hints = new WaitBlock[len];

                    // Create a parker for cooperative release, specifying as many
                    // releasers as the number of waitables. The parker because is
                    // not reused because other threads may have references to it.

                    StParker pk = shs != null
                                ? new StParker(len, EventBasedParkSpotFactory.Current.
                                               Create(new WaitAllBehavior(shs)))
                                : new StParker(len);

                    int gsc = 1;
                    int sc  = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                        if ((wbs[i] = sws[i]._WaitAllPrologue(pk, ref hints[i], ref sc)) == null)
                            if (pk.TryLock())
                        else if (gsc != 0)
                            if (sc == 0)
                                gsc = 0;
                            else if (sc > gsc)
                                gsc = sc;

                    int wst = pk.Park(gsc, cargs);

                    // If the wait was cancelled due to timeout, alert or interrupt,
                    // cancel the acquire attempt on all waitables where we actually
                    // inserted wait blocks.

                    if (wst != StParkStatus.StateChange)
                        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                            WaitBlock wb = wbs[i];
                            if (wb != null)
                                sws[i]._CancelAcquire(wb, hints[i]);


                // All waitables where we inserted wait blocks seem to allow
                // an immediate acquire operation; so, try to acquire all of
                // them that are not notification events.

                int idx;
                for (idx = 0; idx < nevts; idx++)
                    if (!sws[idx]._TryAcquire())

                // If all synchronizers were acquired, return success.

                if (idx == nevts)

                // We failed to acquire all waitables, so undo the acquires
                // that we did above.

                while (--idx >= 0)

                if (shs != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < shs.Length; i++)

                // If a timeout was specified, adjust the timeout value
                // that will be used on the next wait.

                if (!cargs.AdjustTimeout(ref lastTime))

                waitHint = 0;
            } while (true);
Exemplo n.º 5
        internal static int WaitAnyInternal(StWaitable[] ws, WaitHandle[] hs, StCancelArgs cargs)
            int len = ws.Length;

            // First, we scan the *ws* array trying to acquire one of the
            // synchronizers.

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                if (ws[i]._TryAcquire())
                    return(StParkStatus.Success + i);

            if (cargs.Timeout == 0)

            // Create a parker and execute the WaitAny prologue on all
            // waitables. We stop executing prologues as soon as we detect
            // that the acquire operation was accomplished.

            StParker pk = hs != null
                        ? new StParker(EventBasedParkSpotFactory.Current.
                                       Create(new WaitAnyBehavior(hs, len)))
                        : new StParker(1);

            WaitBlock[] wbs   = new WaitBlock[len];
            WaitBlock[] hints = new WaitBlock[len];

            int lv  = -1;
            int sc  = 0;
            int gsc = 0;

            for (int i = 0; !pk.IsLocked && i < len; i++)
                StWaitable w = ws[i];

                if ((wbs[i] = w._WaitAnyPrologue(pk, i, ref hints[i], ref sc)) == null)
                    if (pk.TryLock())

                // Adjust the global spin count.

                if (gsc < sc)
                    gsc = sc;
                lv = i;

            int        wst = pk.Park(gsc, cargs);
            StWaitable acq = wst >= StParkStatus.Success && wst < len ? ws[wst] : null;

            // Cancel the acquire attempt on all waitables where we executed
            // the WaitAny prologue, except the one we acquired.

            for (int i = 0; i <= lv; i++)
                StWaitable w = ws[i];
                if (w != acq)
                    w._CancelAcquire(wbs[i], hints[i]);

            if (wst >= StParkStatus.Success && wst < len + (hs != null ? hs.Length : 0))
                if (acq != null)

        // Constructor: registers a wait with a Waitable synchronizer.

        internal StRegisteredWait(StWaitable waitObject, WaitOrTimerCallback callback,
                                  object cbState, int timeout, bool executeOnce)
            // Validate the arguments.

            if (timeout == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("\"timeout\" can't be zero");
            if (callback == null)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("\"callback\" can't be null");
            if ((waitObject is StReentrantFairLock) || (waitObject is StReentrantReadWriteLock))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("can't register waits on reentrant locks");
            if ((waitObject is StNotificationEvent) && !executeOnce)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Notification event can't register waits"
                                                    + " to execute more than once");

            // Initialize the register wait fields

            waitable         = waitObject;
            cbparker         = new CbParker(UnparkCallback);
            toTimer          = new RawTimer(cbparker);
            this.timeout     = timeout;
            this.executeOnce = executeOnce;
            this.callback    = callback;
            this.cbState     = (cbState != null) ? cbState : this;

            // Execute the WaitAny prologue on the waitable.
            int ignored = 0;

            waitBlock = waitObject._WaitAnyPrologue(cbparker, StParkStatus.Success, ref hint,
                                                    ref ignored);

            // Set the registered wait state to active and enable the
            // unpark callback.

            state = ACTIVE;
            int ws = cbparker.EnableCallback(timeout, toTimer);

            if (ws != StParkStatus.Pending)
                // The acquire operation was already accomplished. To prevent
                // uncontrolled reentrancy, the unpark callback is executed inline.
