/// <summary>
        /// Populates the stroke objects in an Ink Overlay object using the
        /// substrokes in a sketch object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sketch">Sketch containing substrokes to convert</param>
        private void FillInkOverlay(Sketch.Sketch sketch, InkOverlay overlayInk, Panel inkPanel, float paddingOffset, Dictionary <Guid, string> strokeClassifications)
            foreach (Substroke s in sketch.Substrokes)
                Color c = Color.Black;
                if (this.strokeColor.ContainsKey(s))
                    c = this.strokeColor[s];

                overlayInk.Ink.Strokes[overlayInk.Ink.Strokes.Count - 1].DrawingAttributes.Color = c;

            // Move center the ink's origin to the top-left corner
            Rectangle bb = overlayInk.Ink.GetBoundingBox();

            ScaleAndMoveInk(overlayInk, inkPanel, paddingOffset);
            UpdateColors(overlayInk, inkPanel);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes data structure members for holding
        /// the sketch and associated shape data.
        /// </summary>
        private void init()
            this.sketch = new Sketch.Sketch();

            this.shapeToAttrs        = new Dictionary <Guid, XmlStructs.XmlShapeAttrs>();
            this.shapeToShapeIDs     = new Dictionary <Guid, List <Guid> >();
            this.shapeToStrokeIDs    = new Dictionary <Guid, List <Guid> >();
            this.shapeToSubstrokeIDs = new Dictionary <Guid, List <Guid> >();
            this.shapeToNeighborIDs  = new Dictionary <Guid, List <Guid> >();

            this.strokeToAttrs        = new Dictionary <Guid, XmlStructs.XmlShapeAttrs>();
            this.strokeToSubstrokeIDs = new Dictionary <Guid, List <Guid> >();

            this.substrokeToAttrs    = new Dictionary <Guid, XmlStructs.XmlShapeAttrs>();
            this.substrokeToPointIDs = new Dictionary <Guid, List <Guid> >();

            this.pointsHT = new Dictionary <Guid, Point>();

            this.inputs   = new List <string>();
            this.outputs  = new List <string>();
            this.behavior = new Dictionary <int[], int[]>();
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a set of all non-wire shapes whose contexts would be improved if they were connected to another wire.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sketch"></param>
        /// <param name="closestContexts"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Shape> findNonWiresMissingConnections(Sketch.Sketch sketch, Dictionary <Shape, Tuple <double, ConnectionContext> > closestContexts)
            List <Shape> nonWiresMissingWireConnections = new List <Shape>();

            foreach (Shape shape in sketch.Shapes)
                if (shape.Type != LogicDomain.WIRE)
                    Tuple <double, ConnectionContext> currentContext   = closestContexts[shape];
                    Tuple <double, ConnectionContext> potentialContext = _domain.ClosestContextIfConnectedToType(shape, LogicDomain.WIRE_CLASS);

                    // If we would be better off connecting this to a wire, let's mark it as such
                    // Also, if we *could* make this connection without hurting things, let's do it
                    // (if only to fix the missing wire endpoint connection)
                    if (potentialContext.Item1 >= currentContext.Item1)
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Workpath method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projFile">String containing full filepath of Xilinx .ise
        /// project file</param>
        /// <param name="filename">String containing sketch xml filename</param>
        /// <param name="sktch">Sketch.Sketch object</param>
        /// <param name="superWire">List of Superwire objects of the recognized
        /// circuit</param>
        /// <param name="tv">List of Pin objects containing the inputs and outputs
        /// recognized by the truth table recognizer</param>
        private bool path(String projFile, String filename, Sketch.Sketch sktch, List <List <Pin> > tv, CircuitRec.CircuitRec circuit)
            //In the off chance that either the passed in filename or project file
            //is null, simulation can not proceed (possibly unnecessary)
            if (projFile == null || filename == null)

            //save the sketch as an xml file
            //XMLWrite(filename, sktch);

            //if rectify returns null, the truth table and circuitrec results could
            //not be rectified, so simulation can't proceed
            List <Mesh> superWire = new List <Mesh>();


            if (inOutRectify(tv[0], superWire, filename) == null)


            VerilogWrite vw = new VerilogWrite(circuit, filename);

            pins2testVectors(tv, filename);

            //Execute Xilinx and Modelsim components of workflow
            XilinxRun(filename, projFile);
            simulate(filename, projFile);

            //if it gets to the end of the method, then simulation made it completely
            //through the workpath code
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the sketch to the networked Wizard Labeler.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sketch">The sketch to send</param>
        /// <param name="selectedStrokes">Selection of strokes to recognize (ignored for now)</param>
        /// <param name="userTriggered">True iff the user triggered recognition</param>
        void Recognizer.recognize(Sketch.Sketch sketch, Sketch.Stroke[] selectedStrokes, bool userTriggered)
            // For fast sketchers, XML (un)marshalling causes a bottleneck.
            // Here we limit the frequency with which the Wizard is updated
            // in order to avoid crashes due to this bottleneck.
            if (!userTriggered && (DateTime.Now.Ticks - lastSketchSent.Ticks) <= WizardMaxUpdateThreshold)
                Console.WriteLine("Fast sketcher! Skipping Wizard Labeler Update.  Duration: " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - lastSketchSent.Ticks));

            Console.WriteLine("Firing send.  Duration: " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - lastSketchSent.Ticks));

            // Create XML from the sketch
            MakeXML makeXml = new MakeXML(sketch);

            // If the user triggered recognition, then
            // internally remember this event so that
            // the recognizer will fire a recognition
            // event as soon as a result is received.
            this.waitingOnWizard = userTriggered;

            // Give XML to the SocketClient for transmittal
            string xmlStr = makeXml.getXMLstr();

            DefaultNamespace.SocketClient.SocketClientSendXml sendDelegate =
                new DefaultNamespace.SocketClient.SocketClientSendXml(socketClient.SendXml);
            sendDelegate.BeginInvoke(xmlStr, userTriggered, null, null);

            //TextWriter errorWriter = new StreamWriter("errorSketch.xml");

            // Record when sketch was sent
            lastSketchSent = DateTime.Now;
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a circuit component for every Wire or Gate shape in
 /// a given sketch to store in the invoking circuit parser.
 /// Note that it does not add labels (circuit inputs/outputs)
 /// or anything else that's not a wire or gate.
 /// Assumption: every shape in the sketch has a unique name.
 /// Note: we can remove this assumption by using the shape ID
 /// (GUIDs) as keys in CircuitParser's dictionaries. We use
 /// the shape names primarily because it helps with debugging,
 /// and that circuit elements are differentiated by their names
 /// later along the line so names should be unique anyway.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sketch"></param>
 private void loadWiresAndGates(Sketch.Sketch sketch)
     foreach (Sketch.Shape shape in sketch.Shapes)
         if (Domain.LogicDomain.IsWire(shape.Type))
             WireMesh newWire = new WireMesh(shape);
             _wireMeshes.Add(shape, newWire);
             if (debug)
                 Console.WriteLine("Found wire: " + newWire.Name);
         else if (Domain.LogicDomain.IsGate(shape.Type))
             LogicGate newGate = new LogicGate(shape);
             _logicGates.Add(shape, newGate);
             if (debug)
                 Console.WriteLine("Found gate: " + newGate.Name);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// processFile: performs the conversion of types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Name of the file to be converted</param>
        static void processFile(string filename)
            string outputFilename = filename.Remove(filename.Length - Program.OLD_EXTENSION.Length + 1) + Program.NEW_EXTENSION;

                Sketch.Sketch sketch = (new ReadXML(filename)).Sketch;

                foreach (Sketch.Shape shape in sketch.Shapes)
                    String type = shape.XmlAttrs.Type.ToString();

                    if (type.Equals("AND") || type.Equals("OR") || type.Equals("NOT") ||
                        type.Equals("NAND") || type.Equals("NOR") || type.Equals("XOR") ||
                        shape.XmlAttrs.Type = "Gate";
                        //} else if (!type.Equals("Wire")) // we have "Other" or "Label" and we want to delete it.
                        //    sketch.RemoveShape(shape);
                    else if (type.Equals("Other"))

                (new MakeXML(sketch)).WriteXML(outputFilename);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception was generated during conversion: {0}", e);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// When the user manually triggers recognition, label everything
        /// in the sketch as a wire, and label a fixed percentage of a
        /// random selection of substrokes as erroneous.
        /// </summary>
        public override RecognitionResult Recognize(RecognitionArgs args)
            RecognitionResult result = new RecognitionResult();

            // Only operate on user triggered recognition events
            if (!args.UserTriggered)

            if (args.Sketch == null)

            Sketch.Sketch sketch = args.Sketch;

            // Label the substrokes
            foreach (Substroke sub in sketch.Substrokes)
                if (randObj.NextDouble() < ErrorRate)
                    sketch.AddLabel(sub, ErrorLabel, 1.0);
                    sketch.AddLabel(sub, WireLabel, 1.0);

            // Create result
            result.UserTriggered = args.UserTriggered;
            result.Sketch        = sketch;

Exemplo n.º 9
        public void process(FeatureSketch featureSketch)

            Sketch.Sketch      sketch = featureSketch.Sketch;
            SketchModification actionToTake;

            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ITERATIONS; i++)
                List <SketchModification> modifications = _producer.SketchModifications(featureSketch);
                actionToTake = _searchMethod.chooseAction(modifications, sketch);
                if (actionToTake == null)

                if (debug)
                    Console.WriteLine("Performing action: " + actionToTake);

Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sketch"></param>
        public MakeJnt(Sketch.Sketch sketch)
            ink = new Ink();

            Sketch.Substroke[] substrokes = sketch.Substrokes;
            int slength = substrokes.Length;
            int plength;
            int i;
            int k;

            for (i = 0; i < slength; ++i)
                Sketch.Point[]         sketchPts = substrokes[i].Points;
                System.Drawing.Point[] simplePts = new System.Drawing.Point[sketchPts.Length];

                plength = simplePts.Length;
                for (k = 0; k < plength; k++)
                    simplePts[k] = new System.Drawing.Point((int)sketchPts[k].X, (int)sketchPts[k].Y);

Exemplo n.º 11
 /* some extra constructors just in case */
 public NeighborhoodMap(Sketch.Sketch sketch, double radius)
     : this(sketch, radius, false, 0)
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Add "strokes" connecting the middle of substrokes adjacent in the graph.
        /// ID labels absed on
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sketch">sketch to modify</param>
        /// <param name="graph">neighborhood graph</param>
        private static void AddDebuggingLines2(ref Sketch.Sketch sketch, NeighborhoodMap graph)
            string[] labels = { "AND", "OR", "NOT", "NAND", "NOR", "XOR", "Wire", "BUBBLE", "Label" };
            List <List <Substroke> > components = graph.connectedComponents();

            #region midpoints
            Dictionary <Substroke, Sketch.Point> midpoints = new Dictionary <Substroke, Sketch.Point>();
            foreach (Substroke s in sketch.Substrokes)
                midpoints.Add(s, s.PointsL[s.PointsL.Count / 2]);

            double bbminx, bbmaxx, bbminy, bbmaxy;
            double bbarea = area(graph.Substrokes, out bbminx, out bbmaxx, out bbminy, out bbmaxy);
            double THRESH = Math.Min(bbmaxx - bbminx, bbmaxy - bbminy) / 5;

            foreach (List <Substroke> group in components)
                Shape xyz = new Shape(group, new XmlStructs.XmlShapeAttrs(true));
                xyz.XmlAttrs.Name = "Shape";
                xyz.XmlAttrs.Time = 1;

                double minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
                double a = area(group, out minx, out maxx, out miny, out maxy);
                // check if it is an outer group and relatively small
                if ((minx - THRESH <= bbminx || maxx + THRESH >= bbmaxx ||
                     miny - THRESH <= bbminy || maxy + THRESH >= bbmaxy) &&
                    a <= bbarea / 40.0)
                    xyz.XmlAttrs.Type = "Label";
                    xyz.XmlAttrs.Type = "Wire";

            #region old

             * foreach (Substroke s in graph.Substrokes)
             * {
             *  foreach (Neighbor n in graph[s])
             *  {
             *      Substroke sub = new Substroke(new Sketch.Point[] { midpoints[s], midpoints[n.neighbor] },
             *          new XmlStructs.XmlShapeAttrs(true));
             *      sub.XmlAttrs.Time = 0;
             *      sub.XmlAttrs.Name = "substroke";
             *      sub.XmlAttrs.Type = "substroke";
             *      Stroke str = new Stroke(sub);
             *      str.XmlAttrs.Time = 0;
             *      str.XmlAttrs.Name = "stroke";
             *      str.XmlAttrs.Type = "stroke";
             *      Shape xor = new Shape(new List<Substroke>(new Substroke[] { sub }),
             *          new XmlStructs.XmlShapeAttrs(true));
             *      xor.XmlAttrs.Type = thislabel;
             *      xor.XmlAttrs.Name = "Shape";
             *      xor.XmlAttrs.Time = 0;
             *      sketch.AddStroke(str);
             *      sketch.AddShape(xor);
             *  }
             * }
             * */
Exemplo n.º 13
 public NeighborhoodMap(Sketch.Sketch sketch, double radius, bool directed)
     : this(sketch, radius, directed, 0)
Exemplo n.º 14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("BatchDRSConverter: Convert DRS formatted files to MIT XML formatted files");
                Console.WriteLine("usage: BatchDRSConverter.exe [-d input_directory] [-o output_directory] [files]");
                Console.WriteLine("if an input directory is given, extra files on the command line are ignored");


            string indir = "", outdir = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                if (args[i] == "-d")
                    indir = args[++i];
                else if (args[i] == "-o")
                    outdir = args[++i];

            List <string> files = new List <string>();

            if (indir == "")
                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                    if (args[i] == "-o")
                if (!Directory.Exists(indir))
                    Console.WriteLine("Input directory '{0}' does not exist. Exiting.", indir);
                files.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(indir, ".drs"));
                files.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(indir, ".DRS"));

            foreach (string file in files)
                if (!File.Exists(file))
                    Console.WriteLine("File '{0}' does not exist. Continuing.", file);

                Sketch.Sketch sketch = ReadDRS.load(file);
                MakeXML       mxml   = new MakeXML(sketch);

                string outfile = "";
                if (outdir == "")
                    outfile = file.Substring(0, file.LastIndexOf('.')) + ".xml";
                    outfile = outdir + file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar),
                                                      file.LastIndexOf('.') - file.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) + ".xml";

Exemplo n.º 15
        public SketchModification chooseAction(List <SketchModification> availableActions, Sketch.Sketch sketch)
            SketchModification result = null;

            double max = 0;

            foreach (SketchModification action in availableActions)
                double change = action.benefit();
                if (change > max)
                    result = action;
                    max    = change;

Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Inheritors classes supply the feedback mechanism's visual effect.
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void FireFeedbackMechanism(Sketch.Sketch sketch,
                                            InkPicture inkPicture, Hashtable ink2sketchIdTable, FeedbackContext context);
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for CreateSymbol.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sketch">The current sketch.</param>
 public CreateSymbol(Sketch.Sketch sketch)
     this.sketch = sketch;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public NeighborhoodMap(Sketch.Sketch sketch, double radius, int context)
     : this(sketch, radius, false, context)
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor, creates an empty ReadJnt instance that
 /// can function as an converter for ink to sketch data.
 /// <see cref="ReadJnt.InkStroke2SketchStroke()"/>
 /// </summary>
 public ReadJnt()
     sketch = null;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public List <SketchModification> SketchModifications(Featurefy.FeatureSketch featureSketch)
            Sketch.Sketch sketch = featureSketch.Sketch;

            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Sketch Modifications:");

            // Used to assemble the list of results
            List <SketchModification> results = new List <SketchModification>();

            // Precompute closest contexts for each shape
            Dictionary <Shape, Tuple <double, ConnectionContext> > closestContexts = new Dictionary <Shape, Tuple <double, ConnectionContext> >();

            foreach (Shape shape in sketch.Shapes)
                closestContexts.Add(shape, _domain.ClosestContext(shape));

            // ==========================================================================================================

             * Operation zero: running the connector is ALWAYS an option.

            //results.Add(new SketchModification(sketch, new RunConnectorOperation(featureSketch, _connector), computeEnergy));

            // ==========================================================================================================

             * First things first: missing connections
             * This takes care of obvious connector problems. If there is a wire with a dangling endpoint and a
             * shape that would be better off connected to a wire, we make that connection. The benefit is:
             *    benefit = 1 / distance
             * where "distance" is the minimum distance from the dangling endpoint to the shape. This will favor
             * close connections over distant ones.

            List <EndPoint> wiresMissingConnections        = findWireEndpointsMissingConnections(sketch);
            List <Shape>    nonWiresMissingWireConnections = findNonWiresMissingConnections(sketch, closestContexts);

            foreach (EndPoint wireEndpoint in wiresMissingConnections)
                foreach (Shape shape in nonWiresMissingWireConnections)
                    Shape wire = wireEndpoint.ParentShape;
                    if (debug)
                        Console.WriteLine("ACTION (connect wire endpoint): " + sketch + ", " + wire + ", " + wireEndpoint + ", " + shape);
                    var op           = new ConnectEndpointOperation(sketch, wireEndpoint, shape);
                    var modification = new SketchModification(featureSketch, op, computeEnergy);

            // ==========================================================================================================

             * Second: relabeling
             * Now we go through every shape and see if its context would be better matched as a different shape.
             * If so, we can change the shape. The benefit is the % improvement in context score plus the %
             * improvement in recognition quality.

            foreach (Shape shape in sketch.Shapes)
                if (shape.AlreadyLabeled)

                Tuple <double, ConnectionContext> currentContext = closestContexts[shape];
                List <ShapeType> allTypes = LogicDomain.Types;

                foreach (ShapeType otherType in AlternateTypes(shape.Type))
                    if (debug)
                        Console.WriteLine("ACTION (relabel shape): " + shape + ", " + otherType);
                    var op           = new RelabelShapeOperation(sketch, shape, RecognizeAsType(shape, otherType, featureSketch));
                    var modification = new SketchModification(featureSketch, op, computeEnergy);

            // ==========================================================================================================

             * Third: stroke steal
             * This works as follows:
             * For every shape, get the set of closeSubstrokes (within a certain threshold).
             *     For every substroke in closeSubstrokes
             *         generate a steal modification (substroke --> shape)
             * The steal modifications should have their benefit based on
             *    (1) connection contexts
             *    (2) recognition quality

            foreach (Shape thief in sketch.Shapes)
                if (thief.AlreadyLabeled)

                List <Substroke> closeSubstrokes = findSubstrokesCloseTo(thief, sketch, STROKE_STEAL_THRESHOLD);

                foreach (Substroke gem in closeSubstrokes) // thiefs steal gems
                    Shape victim = gem.ParentShape;        // thiefs steal from victims

                    if (victim.AlreadyLabeled)

                    // find the thief's new type
                    var newThiefSubstrokes = new List <Substroke>(thief.SubstrokesL);
                    RecognitionResult newThiefRecognition = Identify(newThiefSubstrokes, featureSketch);

                    if (debug)
                        Console.WriteLine("ACTION (steal stroke): " + thief + ", " + victim + ", " + gem);
                    var stealOp        = new StrokeStealOperation(sketch, thief, gem);
                    var relabelThiefOp = new RelabelShapeOperation(sketch, thief, newThiefRecognition);
                    var runConnectorOp = new RunConnectorOperation(featureSketch, _connector);
                    ISketchOperation op;

                    // if the victim will still be around after the steal
                    if (victim.Substrokes.Length > 1)
                        var newVictimSubstrokes = new List <Substroke>(victim.SubstrokesL);
                        RecognitionResult newVictimRecognition = Identify(newVictimSubstrokes, featureSketch);

                        var relabelVictimOp = new RelabelShapeOperation(sketch, victim, newVictimRecognition);

                        op = new CompoundSketchOperation(stealOp, relabelThiefOp, relabelVictimOp, runConnectorOp);
                        op = new CompoundSketchOperation(stealOp, relabelThiefOp, runConnectorOp);
                    var modification = new SketchModification(featureSketch, op, computeEnergy);

            if (debug && results.Count == 0)

            // Keep only the ones greater than the cutoff
            results = results.FindAll(r => { return(r.benefit() > BENEFIT_CUTOFF); });

Exemplo n.º 21
        public ISketchModification chooseAction(List <ISketchModification> availableActions, ContextDomain.ContextDomain domain, Sketch.Sketch sketch)
            ISketchModification result = null;

            double max = 0;

            foreach (ISketchModification action in availableActions)
                double change = action.benefit();
                if (change > max)
                    result = action;
                    max    = change;

Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Set Ink stroke text labels based upon domain
        /// </summary>
        public override void FireFeedbackMechanism(Sketch.Sketch sketch,
                                                   InkPicture inkPicture, Hashtable ink2sketchIdTable, FeedbackContext context)
            // Preprocessing

            // Remove all current textboxes from the inkPicture
            // and clear the table of textboxes; start out fresh
            foreach (Label currentLabel in textboxList)

            // Build hashtable of sketch substroke Ids to ink strokes
            Hashtable substroke2InkTable = new Hashtable();

            System.Guid currentGuid;
            foreach (Microsoft.Ink.Stroke iStroke in inkPicture.Ink.Strokes)
                // If this ink stroke does not have a
                // corresponding sketch stroke, skip it
                if (!ink2sketchIdTable.Contains(iStroke.Id))

                currentGuid = (System.Guid)ink2sketchIdTable[iStroke.Id];
                substroke2InkTable.Add(currentGuid, iStroke);

            // Iterate through shapes

            Graphics g = inkPicture.CreateGraphics();

            foreach (Sketch.Shape shape in sketch.Shapes)
                // Get label of this shape
                string label = shape.Substrokes[0].GetFirstLabel();

                // Color wires and don't label them
                if (label == "Wire")
                    foreach (Sketch.Substroke substroke in shape.Substrokes)
                        if (!substroke2InkTable.Contains(substroke.XmlAttrs.Id))
                            // If, for some reason, there is no ink stroke
                            // that corresponds to this substroke, skip it

                        Microsoft.Ink.Stroke iStroke = (Microsoft.Ink.Stroke)substroke2InkTable[substroke.XmlAttrs.Id];
                        iStroke.DrawingAttributes.Color = UIConstants.TextFeedbackMechanismWireColor;

                // Draw boxes over input/output labels
                else if (label == "Label")
                    // For efficiency's sake, we color the strokes while calculating the bounding box.
                    Rectangle boundingBox = calculateBoundingBox(shape, substroke2InkTable, true);

                    // Devise the (x,y) location of the text label on the screen
                    System.Drawing.Point upperLeft  = new System.Drawing.Point(boundingBox.X, boundingBox.Y);
                    System.Drawing.Point lowerRight = new System.Drawing.Point(boundingBox.Right, boundingBox.Bottom);

                    inkPicture.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixel(g, ref upperLeft);
                    inkPicture.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixel(g, ref lowerRight);

                    upperLeft.X  -= 10;
                    upperLeft.Y  -= 10;
                    lowerRight.X += 10;
                    lowerRight.Y += 10;

                    int bwidth  = lowerRight.X - upperLeft.X;
                    int bheight = lowerRight.Y - upperLeft.Y;

                    // Create bounding box for label
                    // HACK!!  TODO: draw a transparent label
                    // instead of four labels to make
                    // a box around the symbol
                    Label topLabel    = new Label();
                    Label bottomLabel = new Label();
                    Label leftLabel   = new Label();
                    Label rightLabel  = new Label();

                    topLabel.UseMnemonic    = false;
                    bottomLabel.UseMnemonic = false;
                    leftLabel.UseMnemonic   = false;
                    rightLabel.UseMnemonic  = false;

                    topLabel.BorderStyle    = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                    bottomLabel.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                    leftLabel.BorderStyle   = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                    rightLabel.BorderStyle  = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

                    // Set label positions
                    topLabel.Location = upperLeft;
                    topLabel.Height   = 1;
                    topLabel.Width    = bwidth;

                    bottomLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(upperLeft.X, upperLeft.Y + bheight);
                    bottomLabel.Height   = 1;
                    bottomLabel.Width    = bwidth;

                    leftLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(upperLeft.X, upperLeft.Y);
                    leftLabel.Height   = bheight;
                    leftLabel.Width    = 1;

                    rightLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(upperLeft.X + bwidth, upperLeft.Y);
                    rightLabel.Height   = bheight;
                    rightLabel.Width    = 1;

                    topLabel.Enabled    = true;
                    bottomLabel.Enabled = true;
                    leftLabel.Enabled   = true;
                    rightLabel.Enabled  = true;



                // Draw labels for other symbols
                    // For efficiency's sake, we color the strokes while calculating the bounding box.
                    Rectangle boundingBox = calculateBoundingBox(shape, substroke2InkTable, true);

                    // Devise the (x,y) location of the text label on the screen
                    System.Drawing.Point center = new System.Drawing.Point(boundingBox.Width / 2 + boundingBox.Left,
                                                                           boundingBox.Height / 2 + boundingBox.Top);
                    System.Drawing.Point upperLeft  = new System.Drawing.Point(boundingBox.X, boundingBox.Y);
                    System.Drawing.Point lowerRight = new System.Drawing.Point(boundingBox.Right, boundingBox.Bottom);

                    inkPicture.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixel(g, ref center);
                    inkPicture.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixel(g, ref upperLeft);
                    inkPicture.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixel(g, ref lowerRight);
                    center.X += inkPicture.Bounds.X;
                    center.Y += inkPicture.Bounds.Y;

                    // Create textbox for label
                    Label textLabel = new Label();
                    textLabel.UseMnemonic = false;
                    textLabel.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                    textLabel.Text        = label;
                    textLabel.TextAlign   = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                    textLabel.AutoSize    = true;

                    // Position label so that it is either on top of the symbol,
                    // or, if the symbol is very small, along side the symbol
                    int bwidth  = lowerRight.X - upperLeft.X;
                    int bheight = lowerRight.Y - upperLeft.Y;
                    if (textLabel.Width < bwidth && textLabel.Height < bheight)
                        center.X -= textLabel.Width / 2;
                        center.Y -= textLabel.Height / 2;
                        // If taller than is wide, place label to the right;
                        // else place label just above symbol
                        if (boundingBox.Height > boundingBox.Width)
                            center.Y -= textLabel.Height / 2;
                            center.X += bwidth / 2;
                            center.Y += bheight / 2;
                            center.X -= textLabel.Width / 2;

                    textLabel.Location = center;
                    textLabel.Enabled  = true;

Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Set Ink stroke colors based upon domain
        /// </summary>
        public override void FireFeedbackMechanism(Sketch.Sketch sketch,
                                                   InkPicture inkPicture, Hashtable ink2sketchIdTable, FeedbackContext context)
            // Only fire feedback on recogition events
            if (context != FeedbackContext.OnRecognitionResult)

            // Disable the Ink Picture if it is already enabled
            bool toggleInkPic = inkPicture.Enabled;

            if (toggleInkPic)
                inkPicture.Enabled = false;

            // Set Ink stroke colors
            foreach (Microsoft.Ink.Stroke istroke in inkPicture.Ink.Strokes)
                // If this ink stroke does not have a
                // corresponding sketch stroke, skip it
                if (!ink2sketchIdTable.Contains(istroke.Id))

                // Get the label of the corresponding substroke
                Guid      substrokeGuid = (Guid)ink2sketchIdTable[istroke.Id];
                Substroke substr        = sketch.GetSubstroke(substrokeGuid);
                if (substr != null)
                    string label = substr.GetFirstLabel();

                    // Now color the stroke
                    istroke.DrawingAttributes.Color = domain.getColor(label);

                    // Store the label
                    if (this.ink2sketchLabelTable.Contains(istroke.Id))
                        this.ink2sketchLabelTable[istroke.Id] = label;
                        this.ink2sketchLabelTable.Add(istroke.Id, label);
                    // We should report an error here because
                    // there should be a substroke
                    // in the sketch if it's referenced in the
                    // hashtable

            // Re-enable the ink picture if it was enabled.
            if (toggleInkPic)
                inkPicture.Enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public RelabelShapeOperation(Sketch.Sketch sketch, Shape shape, RecognitionResult recognition)
     : base(sketch)
     _shape       = shape;
     _recognition = recognition;
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the energy function that we are trying to maximize.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sketch"></param>
        /// <returns>an unbounded double representing the energy of the sketch</returns>
        private double computeEnergy(FeatureSketch featureSketch)
            Sketch.Sketch sketch = featureSketch.Sketch;
            double energy    = 0;
            var    shapes    = sketch.ShapesL;
            int    numShapes = shapes.Count;
            int    numGates  = shapes.FindAll(s => LogicDomain.IsGate(s.Type)).Count;

            foreach (Shape shape in shapes)
                // Add energy for every connection
#if false
                // This is a bad idea. It favors interpretations with more connections, which basically means
                // that everything should alternate wire-text-wire-text-wire-...
                foreach (Shape connected in shape.ConnectedShapes)
                    if (connected == shape)
                    if (connected.Type != LogicDomain.WIRE)
                    double connectionDistance = double.PositiveInfinity;
                    foreach (EndPoint endpoint in connected.Endpoints)
                        connectionDistance = Math.Min(shape.minDistanceTo(endpoint.X, endpoint.Y), connectionDistance);
                    connectionDistance = Math.Max(connectionDistance, 0.001); // avoid problems when connection distance is close to zero
                    energy            += 1 + 1 / connectionDistance;

                // Add the context match score
                energy += (double)_domain.ClosestContext(shape).Item1 / numShapes;

                // Get recognition results
                RecognitionResult result     = RecognizeAsType(shape, shape.Type, featureSketch);
                double            confidence = result.Confidence;

                // Add the recognition score
                energy += confidence / numShapes;

#if false
                // Gate orientation also contributes
                if (LogicDomain.IsGate(shape.Type))
                    // Determine the recognizer's and the connector's orientation values,
                    // in the range [0, 2Pi]
                    double orientation      = result.Orientation;
                    double otherOrientation = _domain.OrientShape(shape, sketch);

                    // Orientation might be off by PI...
                    double dist1 = Math.Abs(otherOrientation - orientation);
                    double dist2 = Math.Abs(otherOrientation - Math.PI - orientation);
                    double dist  = Math.Min(dist1, dist2);

                    // Add orientation score
                    double twoPI = 2 * Math.PI;
                    energy += (1 - (dist / twoPI)) / numGates;
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the neighborhood graph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sketch">the sketch to generate the graph for</param>
        /// <param name="radius">the allowable distance one stroke to another</param>
        /// <param name="directed">if the graph should be directed</param>
        /// <param name="context">how many points of context should be used for direction</param>
        /// <returns>a populated NeighborhoodMap</returns>
        private void generateNeighborhood
            (Sketch.Sketch sketch, double radius, bool directed, int context)
            long maxX = 0;

            // points indexed by Y*maxX+X
            Dictionary <long, List <Substroke> > intPoints = new Dictionary <long, List <Substroke> >();

            map    = new Dictionary <Substroke, NeighborList>();
            points = new List <LinkedPoint>();

             * First we find the maximum X value, which we use to index into
             * the points dictionary.
            foreach (Substroke s in sketch.Substrokes)
                for (int i = 0; i < s.PointsL.Count; i++)
                    Sketch.Point p = s.PointsL[i];
                    if (p.X > maxX)
                        maxX = (long)p.X;
                    points.Add(new LinkedPoint(s, i));
            maxX += 1;

             * Store the location of each point currently in the sketch
            foreach (Substroke s in sketch.Substrokes)
                foreach (Sketch.Point p in s.PointsL)
                    long key = (long)p.Y * maxX;
                    key += (long)p.X;
                    if (!intPoints.ContainsKey(key))
                        intPoints.Add(key, new List <Substroke>());

             * For each substroke, check if any of its points are close to
             * any other points from the sketch.
            foreach (Substroke s in sketch.Substrokes)
                map.Add(s, new NeighborList());

                for (int index = 0; index < s.PointsL.Count; index++)
                    if (index > 10 && index < s.PointsL.Count - 10)
                    if ((index == 0 || index == s.PointsL.Count - 1) && directed)
                    Sketch.Point p = s.PointsL[index];
                    if (directed && curvature(s, index, 1) - curvature(s, index, 20) > 1)

                    for (int i = 0; i < (int)radius; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < (int)radius && Math.Sqrt(i * i + j * j) < radius; j++)
                            if (i == 0 & j == 0)

                             * if p is the origin, we need to check the point translated by |i|
                             * in the X-direction and |j| in the Y-direction in each of the 4
                             * quadrants.
                            long key1 = (long)(p.Y + j) * maxX + (long)(p.X + i);
                            long key2 = (long)(p.Y + j) * maxX + (long)(p.X - i);
                            long key3 = (long)(p.Y - j) * maxX + (long)(p.X + i);
                            long key4 = (long)(p.Y - j) * maxX + (long)(p.X - i);

                            if (intPoints.ContainsKey(key1))
                                if (!directed || checkDirection(s, index, context, i, j))
                                    foreach (Substroke test in intPoints[key1])
                                        if (test != s)
                                                            new System.Drawing.Point((int)(p.X + i), (int)(p.Y + j)),
                                                            new System.Drawing.Point((int)(p.X), (int)(p.Y)));
                            if (intPoints.ContainsKey(key2))
                                if (!directed || checkDirection(s, index, context, -i, j))
                                    foreach (Substroke test in intPoints[key2])
                                        if (test != s)
                                                            new System.Drawing.Point((int)(p.X - i), (int)(p.Y + j)),
                                                            new System.Drawing.Point((int)(p.X), (int)(p.Y)));
                            if (intPoints.ContainsKey(key3))
                                if (!directed || checkDirection(s, index, context, i, -j))
                                    foreach (Substroke test in intPoints[key3])
                                        if (test != s)
                                                            new System.Drawing.Point((int)(p.X + i), (int)(p.Y - j)),
                                                            new System.Drawing.Point((int)(p.X), (int)(p.Y)));
                            if (intPoints.ContainsKey(key4))
                                if (!directed || checkDirection(s, index, context, -i, -j))
                                    foreach (Substroke test in intPoints[key4])
                                        if (test != s)
                                                            new System.Drawing.Point((int)(p.X - i), (int)(p.Y - j)),
                                                            new System.Drawing.Point((int)(p.X), (int)(p.Y)));

             * Once we have constructed the Neighbor objects above,
             * the avg Point has the sum of all the points' X- and Y-values.
             * Now that we know the total, we can divide to find the true average.
            foreach (Substroke s in map.Keys)
                for (int j = 0; j < map[s].Count; j++)
                    map[s][j].src.X /= map[s][j].num;
                    map[s][j].src.Y /= map[s][j].num;

                    map[s][j].dest.X /= map[s][j].num;
                    map[s][j].dest.Y /= map[s][j].num;
Exemplo n.º 27
        static void Main()
            string[] files = { "AND", "OR", "XOR", "NAND", "NOR", "NOT", "EQ1", "EQ2", "COPY1", "COPY2" };

            string sHeader = "SketchID,UserID,ShapeID,StrokeID,ShapeName,ShapeTime,"
                             + "StrokeTime,IsConsecutive,AveragePressure,Width,Height,AvgCurvature,"
                             + "MaxCurvature,MinCurvature,NumPoints,MinDist,StrokesPerShape,StartTime,EndTime";
            string       tHeader = "SketchID, StrokeID, X, Y, Time";
            GateStats    stats   = new GateStats(files, sHeader);
            StreamWriter sSw;
            StreamWriter tSw;

            string[] hmc = Directory.GetFiles("c:\\sketch\\Data\\Gate Study Data\\LabeledSketches\\TabletPC\\HMC", "*.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            string[] ucr = Directory.GetFiles("c:\\sketch\\Data\\Gate Study Data\\LabeledSketches\\TabletPC\\UCR", "*.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            List <MySketch> sketches = new List <MySketch>();

            // read HMC
            for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                foreach (string file in hmc)
                    // only care about and/or/not
                    //if (file.Contains("NAND") || file.Contains("NOR") || file.Contains("XOR")) continue;
                    if (file.Contains(string.Format("\\{0}_", i))) // iso,copy
                        string act = file.Contains("COPY") ? "copy" : "iso";
                        sketches.Add(new MySketch(new ReadXML(file).Sketch, i, act));
                    else if (file.Contains(string.Format("_{0}_", i))) // synth
                        sketches.Add(new MySketch(new ReadXML(file).Sketch, i, "synth"));
            // read UCR
            for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                foreach (string file in ucr)
                    // only care about and/or/not
                    //if (file.Contains("NAND") || file.Contains("NOR") || file.Contains("XOR")) continue;
                    if (file.Contains(string.Format("\\{0}_", i))) // iso,copy
                        string act = file.Contains("COPY") ? "copy" : "iso";
                        sketches.Add(new MySketch(new ReadXML(file).Sketch, i + 12, act));
                    else if (file.Contains(string.Format("_{0}_", i))) // synth
                        sketches.Add(new MySketch(new ReadXML(file).Sketch, i + 12, "synth"));

            sketches.Sort(delegate(MySketch a, MySketch b) { return(a.Author.CompareTo(b.Author)); });

            int    curruser   = 0;
            string curuserstr = (curruser > 12) ? "HMC" + curruser : "******" + (curruser - 12);

            sSw = new StreamWriter("GateStats" + curuserstr + ".csv");
            tSw = new StreamWriter("GateTimes" + curuserstr + ".csv");
            Console.WriteLine("Writing user " + curuserstr + "...");
            foreach (MySketch mysketch in sketches)
                if (mysketch.Author != curruser)
                    curruser   = mysketch.Author;
                    curuserstr = (curruser > 12) ? "HMC" + curruser : "******" + (curruser - 12);

                    sSw = new StreamWriter("GateStats" + curuserstr + ".csv");
                    tSw = new StreamWriter("GateTimes" + curuserstr + ".csv");
                    Console.WriteLine("Writing user " + curuserstr + "...");
                Sketch.Sketch sketch = mysketch.Sketch;
                for (int j = 0; j < sketch.Substrokes.Length; j++)
                    Substroke sub = sketch.Substrokes[j];

                    for (int i = 0; i < sub.Points.Length; i++)
                        string time = sketch.XmlAttrs.Id + "," + sub.XmlAttrs.Id + ","
                                      + sub.Points[i].X + ","
                                      + sub.Points[i].Y + "," + sub.Points[i].Time;

                    for (int i = 0; i < sub.ParentShapes.Count; i++)
                        string line = sketch.XmlAttrs.Id + "," + curuserstr + ","
                                      + sub.ParentShapes[i].XmlAttrs.Id + ","
                                      + sub.XmlAttrs.Id + "," + sub.ParentShapes[i].XmlAttrs.Type + ","
                                      + stats.findShapeTime(sub.ParentShapes[i]) + "," + stats.findSubStrokeTime(sub) + ","
                                      + stats.isConsecutive(sketch, sub.ParentShapes[i]) + ","
                                      + stats.findAvgPressure(sub) + "," + stats.getWidth(sub.ParentShapes[i]) + ","
                                      + stats.getHeight(sub.ParentShapes[i]) + "," + stats.getAvgCurvature(sub) + ","
                                      + stats.getMaxCurvature(sub) + "," + stats.getMinCurvature(sub) + ","
                                      + stats.getNumPoints(sub) + ",";
                        if (sub.ParentShapes[i].XmlAttrs.Type == "Wire")
                            line = line + stats.minDistWireToGates(stats.findGatesInSketch(sketch), sub.ParentShapes[i]);
                        else if (sub.ParentShapes[i].XmlAttrs.Type == "Label")
                            line += stats.minDistLabelToWires(stats.findWiresInSketch(sketch), sub.ParentShapes[i]);
                            line += stats.minDistGateToWires(stats.findWiresInSketch(sketch), sub.ParentShapes[i]);
                        line += "," + stats.numStrokesPerShape(sub.ParentShapes[i]) + ","
                                + stats.getStartTime(sub) + "," + stats.getEndTime(sub);

Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Create training data for a shape with its cropped context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="neighborhood">The neighborhood mapping of substrokes to neighboring substrokes of the sketch.</param>
        /// <param name="filename">Filename of the current sketch.</param>
        /// <param name="start">Number of the file.</param>
        /// <param name="userID">User ID (usually four numbers in the filename)</param>
        private void croppedContextForShape(Neighborhood neighborhood, string filename, string start, string userID)
            Sketch.Sketch croppedContextSketch = new Sketch.Sketch(this.sketch);
            string        path = Path.GetFullPath(filename);
            string        dir  = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

            // Go through every shape that is not context and write training data for each shape individually
            foreach (Shape shape in this.sketch.Shapes)
                if (shape.XmlAttrs.Type != "context")
                    // Get all of the neighbors of the shape
                    List <Substroke> neighbors = new List <Substroke>();
                    foreach (Substroke sub in shape.Substrokes)
                        foreach (Substroke neighbor in neighborhood.Graph[sub.XmlAttrs.Id.Value])
                            if (!neighbors.Contains(neighbor))

                    // Create new directory for the shape type if it does not exist
                    string newDirectory = dir + "\\" + shape.XmlAttrs.Type;
                    if (!Directory.Exists(newDirectory))

                    // Create new directory for the userID if it does not exist
                    string userDirectory = newDirectory + "\\" + userID;
                    if (!Directory.Exists(userDirectory))

                    // Create the windowed image of the shape and its context
                    WindowedImage image = new WindowedImage(32, 32);
                    image.CreateImage(shape.SubstrokesL, neighbors, CropMethod.DISTANCE);

                    // Write the training file
                    write(image.Cropped.SubStrokes, userDirectory + "\\" + shape.XmlAttrs.Type + "." + start + ".con.xml");

                    //image.DI.writeToBitmap(userDirectory + "\\" + start + "." + shape.XmlAttrs.Type, "con.bmp");
                    //image.DI.writeToFile(userDirectory + "\\" + start + "." + shape.XmlAttrs.Type + ".con.imat");
                    //image.writeToBitmap(userDirectory + "\\" + start + "." + shape.XmlAttrs.Type + ".con.bmp");
                    //image.writeToFile(userDirectory + "\\" + start + "." + shape.XmlAttrs.Type + ".con.imat").Close();

                    // Create the windowed image of the shape without context
                    image = new WindowedImage(32, 32);
                    image.CreateImage(shape.SubstrokesL, shape.SubstrokesL, CropMethod.DISTANCE);

                    // Write the training file
                    write(image.Cropped.SubStrokes, userDirectory + "\\" + shape.XmlAttrs.Type + "." + start + ".non.xml");

                    //image.DI.writeToBitmap(userDirectory + "\\" + start + "." + shape.XmlAttrs.Type, "non.bmp");
                    //image.DI.writeToFile(userDirectory + "\\" + start + "." + shape.XmlAttrs.Type + ".non.imat");
                    //image.writeToBitmap(userDirectory + "\\" + start + "." + shape.XmlAttrs.Type + ".non.bmp");
                    //image.writeToFile(userDirectory + "\\" + start + "." + shape.XmlAttrs.Type + ".non.imat").Close();
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Does all the setup, creates a Designation class from a list of gates, and calls Designation.train();
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dirs"></param>
        /// <param name="testSymbols"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static List <Designation> doTraining(List <string> dirs, out List <Sketch.Sketch> testSymbols)
            string symbolType;

            List <Designation> designations = new List <Designation>();

            testSymbols = new List <Sketch.Sketch>(dirs.Count);

            //For partial gate recog
            // List<Sketch.Sketch> nandGates = Congeal.Util.getSketches(m_NandDir, m_xmlPattern);

            foreach (string dir in dirs)
                List <Sketch.Sketch> sketches = Congeal.Util.getSketches(dir, m_xmlPattern);

                //The 3rd sketch gets pulled out later as a testing sketch.
                List <Sketch.Sketch> two = new List <Sketch.Sketch>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                //sketches = two;

                // List<Sketch.Sketch> sketches = Congeal.Util.getSketches(dir, "*.jnt");
                //List<Bitmap> bitmaps = Util.getBitmaps(dir, m_bmPattern);

                //Get the name of the folder containing that set of training data
                //Which will usually serve as a decent name for the designation.

                symbolType = dir.Substring(dir.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
                // write input bitmaps to file
                List <Bitmap> bitmaps = Util.sketchToBitmap(64, 64, sketches);
                for (int i = 0; i < bitmaps.Count; i++)
                    Bitmap         bm = new Bitmap(bitmaps[i], 128, 128);
                    ImageTransform it = new ImageTransform(bm);
                    it.writeImage(String.Format("inputs\\input_{0}{1}.bmp", symbolType, i));

                if (sketches != null && sketches.Count > 0)
                    //Pull out the last sketch for testing
                    Sketch.Sketch s = sketches[sketches.Count - 1];
                    sketches.RemoveAt(sketches.Count - 1);

                    Designation d = new Congeal.Designation(width, height, sketches, symbolType);

                    System.Console.WriteLine("training: " + symbolType);
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Console application entry point to write all of the training data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The arguments provided by the user at the console.</param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            List <string> argArray = new List <string>(args);
            int           numArgs  = argArray.Count;

            string[] files;
            string   pattern = "*.xml";

            if (argArray.Contains("-p"))
                int i = argArray.IndexOf("-p");
                if (i + 1 >= argArray.Count)    // Are we in range?
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("No pattern specified.");
                else if (argArray[i + 1].StartsWith("-") || !argArray[i + 1].EndsWith(".xml"))
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("invalid pattern specified.");
                    pattern = argArray[i + 1];

            // Show how to run the program if there are no arguments provided
            if (numArgs == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("*** CreateSymbol.exe");
                Console.WriteLine("*** by Sara Sheehan and Matthew Weiner");
                Console.WriteLine("*** Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711.");
                Console.WriteLine("*** Sketchers 2007");
                Console.WriteLine("*** Usage: CreateSymbol.exe (-c | -d directory | -r)");
                Console.WriteLine("*** Usage: CreateSymbol.exe input1.xml [input2.xml ...]");
                Console.WriteLine("*** -c: convert all files in current directory");
                Console.WriteLine("*** -d directory: convert all files in the specified directory");
                Console.WriteLine("*** -r directory: recursively convert files from the specified directory");
            else if (argArray.Contains("-c")) // Convert everything in this directory
                files = Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
            else if (argArray.Contains("-d")) // Convert everything in specified directory
                int index = argArray.IndexOf("-d");
                if (index + 1 >= argArray.Count)        // Are we in range?
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("No directory specified.");
                else if (!Directory.Exists(argArray[index + 1])) // Does dir exist?
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Directory doesn't exist.");
                    files = Directory.GetFiles(argArray[index + 1], "*.xml", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
            else if (argArray.Contains("-r")) //Recursive from current dir
                int index = argArray.IndexOf("-r");
                if (index + 1 >= argArray.Count) //Are we in range?
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("No directory specified.");
                else if (!Directory.Exists(argArray[index + 1])) // Does dir exist?
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Directory doesn't exist.");
                    files = Directory.GetFiles(argArray[index + 1], pattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            else //Convert only the specified files
                files = args;

            foreach (string input in files)
                //We know it ends with .xml from above, or if the user specified it, we should try to use it
                //if (Path.GetExtension(input) == ".xml")
                    // Get information about the filename/path
                    string    filename   = Path.GetFileName(input);
                    string[]  split      = filename.Split(new char[] { '.' });
                    string    path       = Path.GetFullPath(filename);
                    string [] inputSplit = input.Split(new char[] { '\\' });

                    // Status printouts

                    string newDirectory = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < inputSplit.Length - 2; i++)
                        newDirectory += inputSplit[i] + "\\";

                    // Run the training data creation on the current file if it is labeled
                    if (split[1] == "labeled")
                        // Load the sketch
                        Sketch.Sketch sketch = (new ReadXML(input)).Sketch;

                        // Create a new sketch to manipulate
                        Sketch.Sketch noContextSketch = new Sketch.Sketch();

                        // Make a new CreateSymbol object
                        CreateSymbol createSymbol = new CreateSymbol(sketch);

                        // Create a neighborhood for this sketch
                        Neighborhood neighborhood = new Neighborhood(sketch);

                        // Run the training data creation functions
                        createSymbol.noContext(input, split[0]);
                        createSymbol.croppedContextForShape(neighborhood, newDirectory, split[0], inputSplit[inputSplit.Length - 2]);
                        createSymbol.croppedContextForSymbol(neighborhood, input, split[0]);