public FillPathProcessor(
            Configuration configuration,
            FillPathProcessor definition,
            Image <TPixel> source,
            Rectangle sourceRectangle)
            : base(configuration, source, sourceRectangle)
            IPath path   = definition.Region;
            int   left   = (int)MathF.Floor(path.Bounds.Left);
            int   top    = (int)MathF.Floor(path.Bounds.Top);
            int   right  = (int)MathF.Ceiling(path.Bounds.Right);
            int   bottom = (int)MathF.Ceiling(path.Bounds.Bottom);

            this.bounds     = Rectangle.FromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
            this.path       = path.AsClosedPath();
            this.definition = definition;
        public void Execute()
            // Clone out our source image so we can apply various effects to it without mutating
            // the original yet.
            using Image <TPixel> clone = this.source.Clone(this.definition.Operation);

            // Use an image brush to apply cloned image as the source for filling the shape.
            // We pass explicit bounds to avoid the need to crop the clone;
            RectangleF bounds = this.definition.Region.Bounds;
            var        brush  = new ImageBrush(clone, bounds);

            // Grab hold of an image processor that can fill paths with a brush to allow it to do the hard pixel pushing for us
            var processor = new FillPathProcessor(this.definition.Options, brush, this.definition.Region);

            using IImageProcessor <TPixel> p = processor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor(this.configuration, this.source, this.sourceRectangle);

            // Fill the shape using the image brush
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IImageProcessor <TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor <TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image <TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle)
            where TPixel : unmanaged, IPixel <TPixel>
            IPath shape = this.Region.Transform(this.Options.Transform);

            if (shape is RectangularPolygon rectPoly)
                var rectF = new RectangleF(rectPoly.Location, rectPoly.Size);
                var rect  = (Rectangle)rectF;
                if (!this.Options.GraphicsOptions.Antialias || rectF == rect)
                    var interest = Rectangle.Intersect(sourceRectangle, rect);

                    // Cast as in and back are the same or we are using anti-aliasing
                    return(new FillProcessor(this.Options, this.Brush)
                           .CreatePixelSpecificProcessor(configuration, source, interest));

            // Clone the definition so we can pass the transformed path.
            var definition = new FillPathProcessor(this.Options, this.Brush, shape);

            return(new FillPathProcessor <TPixel>(configuration, definition, source, sourceRectangle));