Exemplo n.º 1
        private SerializableMemberInfo(LinkedMemberInfo memberInfo)
            int parentCount = 0;

            for (var parent = memberInfo.Parent; parent != null; parent = parent.Parent)
            memberStack = new Stack <Data>(parentCount + 1);
            var next = memberInfo;

            for (int n = parentCount; n >= 0; n--)
                memberStack.Push(new Data(next));
                next = next.Parent;

            var targets     = memberInfo.UnityObjects;
            int targetCount = targets.Length;

            targetReferences = new int[targetCount];
            for (int n = targetCount - 1; n >= 0; n--)
                var target = targets[n];
                targetReferences[n] = ObjectIds.Get(target);
        public Object[] Deserialize()
                        #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_ENABLED
            Debug.Log("Deserializing InspectorSerializedState from " + inspected.Length + " inspected...");

            int count      = inspected.Length;
            var references = new Object[count];
            for (int n = count - 1; n >= 0; n--)
                var target = ObjectIds.GetTarget(inspected[n]);
                if (target != null)
                    references[n] = target;
                                        #if DEV_MODE
                    Debug.LogWarning("InspectorSerializedState inspected[" + n + "] reference could not be re-established. This is expected behaviour if the target has been destroyed.");
                    references = references.RemoveAt(n);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public byte[] Serialize(BinaryFormatter formatter)
            if (cachedEditors == null)
                using (var stream = new MemoryStream(54))
                    // Editor count
                    formatter.Serialize(stream, 0);

                                        #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_SERIALIZE
                    Debug.Log(StringUtils.ToStringSansNamespace(GetType()) + " - Serialized null cachedEditors.");

            int count = cachedEditors.Count;
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream(count * 57))
                // 1: Editor count
                formatter.Serialize(stream, count);

                // 2: instance IDs for Editors
                foreach (var editorData in cachedEditors)
                    formatter.Serialize(stream, ObjectIds.Get(editorData.Value));

                                #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_SERIALIZE
                Debug.Log(StringUtils.ToStringSansNamespace(GetType()) + " - Serialized " + cachedEditors.Count + " cachedEditors:\n" + StringUtils.ToString(cachedEditors, "\n"));
Exemplo n.º 4
 private static ObjectIds Instance()
     if (instance == null)
         instance = PersistentSingleton.Get <ObjectIds>();
         if (instance != null)
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void DeserializeOverride(BinaryFormatter formatter, MemoryStream stream)
            // 1: Editor count
            int editorCount = (int)formatter.Deserialize(stream);


                        #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS
            Debug.Assert(cachedEditors.Count == 0, StringUtils.ToStringSansNamespace(GetType()) + ".DeserializeOverride called with " + cachedEditors.Count + " cachedEditors:\n" + StringUtils.ToString(cachedEditors, "\n"));

            // 2: instance IDs for Editors
            for (int n = 0; n < editorCount; n++)
                int instanceId = (int)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
                var editor     = ObjectIds.GetTarget(instanceId) as Editor;
                if (editor != null)
                    if (!Validate(editor))
                                                #if DEV_MODE
                        Debug.LogWarning("cachedEditors.Add - Disposing editor which failed validation: " + GetKey(editor).GetHashCode() + ", " + editor.GetType().Name + StringUtils.ToString(editor.targets) + " with instanceId " + instanceId);
                        Dispose(ref editor);

                        cachedEditors.Add(GetKey(editor), editor);
                                                #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_DESERIALIZE
                        Debug.Log("Editors - Deserialized Editor " + GetKey(editor).GetHashCode() + " for " + editor.GetType().Name + StringUtils.ToString(editor.targets) + " with instanceId " + instanceId);
                    catch (ArgumentException)                    //TEMP
                                                #if DEV_MODE
                        var key = GetKey(editor);
                        var conflictingEditor = cachedEditors[GetKey(editor)];
                        Debug.LogError("cachedEditors.Add - Already contained key " + key.GetHashCode() + " (instanceId=" + instanceId + ")"
                                       + "\nFailed To Add: " + (editor == null ? "null" : editor.GetType().Name + " with targets " + StringUtils.ToString(editor.targets))
                                       + "\nExisting: " + (conflictingEditor == null ? "null" : conflictingEditor.GetType().Name + " with targets " + StringUtils.ToString(conflictingEditor.targets))
                                       + "\ncachedEditors:\n" + StringUtils.ToString(cachedEditors, "\n"));

                        #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_DESERIALIZE
            Debug.Log(StringUtils.ToStringSansNamespace(GetType()) + " - Deserialized " + cachedEditors.Count + " cachedEditors:\n" + StringUtils.ToString(cachedEditors, "\n"));
        public InspectorSerializedState(InspectorState inspectorState)
            var targets = inspectorState.inspected;

            int count = targets.Length;

                        #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_ENABLED
            Debug.Log("Creating InspectorSerializedState from " + targets.Length + " targets: " + StringUtils.ToString(targets));

            var references = new int[count];
            for (int n = count - 1; n >= 0; n--)
                var target = targets[n];
                if (target == null)
                                        #if DEV_MODE
                    Debug.LogWarning("InspectorSerializedState inspected[" + n + "] reference was null! Will skip serializing.");

                    references = references.RemoveAt(n);
                    references[n] = ObjectIds.Get(target);

                                        #if DEV_MODE
                    Debug.Assert(ObjectIds.GetTarget(references[n]) == target);
            inspected = references;

            viewLocked = inspectorState.ViewIsLocked;

            scrollPos = inspectorState.ScrollPos;

            filter = inspectorState.filter.RawInput;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static LinkedMemberInfo Deserialize(byte[] bytes)
                        #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS
            UnityEngine.Debug.Assert(bytes != null);

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                SerializableMemberInfo deserialized;
                deserialized = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as SerializableMemberInfo;
                int count   = deserialized.targetReferences.Length;
                var targets = ArrayPool <Object> .Create(count);

                for (int n = count - 1; n >= 0; n--)
                    targets[n] = ObjectIds.GetTarget(deserialized.targetReferences[n]);

                var hierarchy = LinkedMemberHierarchy.Get(targets);

                LinkedMemberInfo result = null;
                var memberStack         = deserialized.memberStack;

                // TO DO: serialize parent info better for more reliable fetching

                for (int n = memberStack.Count - 1; n >= 0; n--)
                    var member = memberStack.Pop();
                    result = member.Deserialize(hierarchy);