Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Render(PostProcessPassContext ctx, CameraSensorBase sensor, PostProcessData data, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown)
            if (PostProcessSystem == null)

            var lateQueue = PostProcessSystem.IsLatePostprocess(sensor, typeof(TData));

            if (!IsActive)
                PostProcessSystem.Skip(ctx.cmd, ctx.cameraColorBuffer, sensor, true, lateQueue);

            if (!(data is TData tData))
                Debug.LogWarning($"Attempting to render postprocess with invalid data type (required {typeof(TData).Name}, got {data.GetType().Name})");
                PostProcessSystem.Skip(ctx.cmd, ctx.cameraColorBuffer, sensor, true, lateQueue);

            PostProcessSystem.GetRTHandles(ctx.cmd, ctx.cameraColorBuffer, sensor, false, lateQueue, out var source, out var target, cubemapFace);

            Render(ctx, source, target, tData);

            PostProcessSystem.RecycleSourceRT(source, ctx.cameraColorBuffer, false);

            if (cubemapFace != CubemapFace.Unknown)
                PostProcessSystem.TryPerformFinalCubemapPass(ctx.cmd, sensor, target, ctx.cameraColorBuffer, cubemapFace);
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void Render(PostProcessPassContext ctx, RTHandle source, RTHandle destination, Rain data)
            var cmd = ctx.cmd;

            if (Mathf.Approximately(EnvironmentEffectsManager.Rain, 0f))
                HDUtils.BlitCameraTexture(cmd, source, destination);

            if (EnvironmentEffectsManager.Rain < .35)
            else if (EnvironmentEffectsManager.Rain >= .35 && EnvironmentEffectsManager.Rain < .7)

            cmd.SetGlobalFloat("_Intensity", EnvironmentEffectsManager.Rain);
            cmd.SetGlobalTexture("_InputTexture", source);
            cmd.SetGlobalFloat("_Size", data.size);
            HDUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, material, destination);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void Render(PostProcessPassContext ctx, RTHandle source, RTHandle destination, GreyScale data)
            if (Mathf.Approximately(data.intensity, 0f))
                HDUtils.BlitCameraTexture(ctx.cmd, source, destination);

            ctx.cmd.SetGlobalFloat("_Intensity", data.intensity);
            ctx.cmd.SetGlobalTexture("_InputTexture", source);
            HDUtils.DrawFullScreen(ctx.cmd, material, destination);
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected sealed override void Execute(CustomPassContext customPassContext)
            if (PostProcessSystem == null)

            var ctx = new PostProcessPassContext(customPassContext);

            var sensor = ctx.hdCamera.camera.GetComponent <CameraSensorBase>();

            if (sensor == null || sensor.Postprocessing == null || sensor.Postprocessing.Count == 0)

            // Late postprocessing queue is always called directly, never executed through volume
            if (PostProcessSystem.IsLatePostprocess(sensor, typeof(TData)))

            if (!IsActive)
                PostProcessSystem.Skip(ctx.cmd, ctx.cameraColorBuffer, sensor, true, false);

            TData data = null;

            foreach (var sensorData in sensor.Postprocessing)
                if (sensorData is TData matchingData)
                    data = matchingData;

            if (data == null)

            PostProcessSystem.GetRTHandles(ctx.cmd, ctx.cameraColorBuffer, sensor, true, false, out var source, out var target);

            Render(ctx, source, target, data);

            PostProcessSystem.RecycleSourceRT(source, ctx.cameraColorBuffer, true);
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected override void Render(PostProcessPassContext ctx, RTHandle source, RTHandle destination, VideoArtifacts data)
            var cmd = ctx.cmd;

            if (Mathf.Approximately(data.intensity, 0f))
                HDUtils.BlitCameraTexture(cmd, source, destination);

            // Update the time parameters.
            var time  = Time.time;
            var delta = time - prevTime;

            prevTime = time;

            // Block parameters
            var block  = data.intensity;
            var block3 = block * block * block;

            // Shuffle block parameters every 1/30 seconds.
            blockTime += delta * 60;
            if (blockTime > 1)
                if (Random.value < 0.09f)
                    blockSeed1 += 251;
                if (Random.value < 0.29f)
                    blockSeed2 += 373;
                if (Random.value < 0.25f)
                    blockStride = Random.Range(1, 32);
                blockTime = 0;

            // Invoke the shader.
            cmd.SetGlobalInt(ShaderIDs.Seed, (int)(time * 10000));
            cmd.SetGlobalFloat(ShaderIDs.BlockStrength, block3);
            cmd.SetGlobalInt(ShaderIDs.BlockStride, blockStride);
            cmd.SetGlobalInt(ShaderIDs.BlockSeed1, blockSeed1);
            cmd.SetGlobalInt(ShaderIDs.BlockSeed2, blockSeed2);
            cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderIDs.InputTexture, source);
            cmd.SetGlobalInt(ShaderIDs.BlockSize, data.blockSize);
            HDUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, material, destination);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Renders all post-distortion postprocessing effects declared for given sensor.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">Context used for this pass execution.</param>
        /// <param name="sensor">Sensor that should have postprocessing effects rendered.</param>
        public void RenderLateForSensor(PostProcessPassContext ctx, CameraSensorBase sensor)
            if (sensor.LatePostprocessing == null || sensor.LatePostprocessing.Count == 0)

            foreach (var data in sensor.LatePostprocessing)
                foreach (var kvp in postProcessingPasses)
                    if (data.GetType() == kvp.Key)
                        RenderPostProcess(ctx, sensor, kvp.Value, data);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Renders all pre-distortion postprocessing effects declared for given sensor.</para>
        /// <para>
        /// This should only be used on cameras with custom render method. Cameras using HDRP passes will render all
        /// effects automatically.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">Context used for this pass execution.</param>
        /// <param name="sensor">Sensor that should have postprocessing effects rendered.</param>
        /// <param name="cubemapFace">Specifies target face if cubemap is used.</param>
        public void RenderForSensor(PostProcessPassContext ctx, CameraSensorBase sensor, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown)
            if (sensor.Postprocessing == null || sensor.Postprocessing.Count == 0)

            foreach (var data in sensor.Postprocessing)
                foreach (var kvp in postProcessingPasses)
                    if (data.GetType() == kvp.Key)
                        RenderPostProcess(ctx, sensor, kvp.Value, data, cubemapFace);
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Called when this postprocessing pass is supposed to be rendered.</para>
 /// <para>All rendering code for this pass should be executed here.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ctx">Context used for this pass execution.</param>
 /// <param name="source"><see cref="RTHandle"/> that should be used as a source (can be sampled).</param>
 /// <param name="destination"><see cref="RTHandle"/> that should be used as a target (can't be sampled).</param>
 /// <param name="data">Data container for postprocessing parameters.</param>
 protected abstract void Render(PostProcessPassContext ctx, RTHandle source, RTHandle destination, TData data);
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected override void Render(PostProcessPassContext ctx, RTHandle source, RTHandle destination, SunFlare data)
            var cmd         = ctx.cmd;
            var camera      = ctx.hdCamera;
            var cam         = camera.camera;
            var sunForward  = sunTransform.forward;
            var sunWorldPos = cam.transform.position - sunForward * 1000f;
            var sunViewPos  = cam.WorldToViewportPoint(sunWorldPos);

            var intensity  = Mathf.Clamp01(Vector3.Dot(cam.transform.forward, -sunForward));
            var sunVisible = sunViewPos.z > 0 && sunViewPos.x >= -0.1f && sunViewPos.x < 1.1f &&
                             sunViewPos.y >= -0.1f && sunViewPos.y < 1.1f;

            if (!sunVisible)
                if (Physics.Raycast(cam.transform.position, -sunForward, 1000f, LayerMask))
                    intensity = 0f;

            if (intensity > 0f)
                var depthTexRes      = ctx.cameraDepthBuffer.referenceSize;
                var actualCameraSize = new Vector2Int(camera.actualWidth, camera.actualHeight);
                var occlTexRes       = new Vector2Int(OcclusionRes, OcclusionRes);

                var scaleRatio  = new Vector2((float)actualCameraSize.x / depthTexRes.x, (float)actualCameraSize.y / depthTexRes.y);
                var aspectRatio = (float)actualCameraSize.y / actualCameraSize.x;
                var scaledSun   = new Vector4(sunViewPos.x * scaleRatio.x, sunViewPos.y * scaleRatio.y,
                                              0.1f * aspectRatio * scaleRatio.x, 0.1f * scaleRatio.y);

                cmd.SetComputeVectorParam(computeShader, DepthTextureRes,
                                          new Vector4(depthTexRes.x, depthTexRes.y, 1f / depthTexRes.x, 1f / depthTexRes.y));
                cmd.SetComputeVectorParam(computeShader, OcclusionTextureRes,
                                          new Vector4(occlTexRes.x, occlTexRes.y, 1f / occlTexRes.x, 1f / occlTexRes.y));
                cmd.SetComputeVectorParam(computeShader, SunViewPos, scaledSun);

                var kernel = textureOcclusionKernel;
                cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(computeShader, kernel, DepthTexture, ctx.cameraDepthBuffer);
                cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(computeShader, kernel, OcclusionTextureOut, occlusionTextureA);
                cmd.DispatchCompute(computeShader, kernel, OcclusionRes / 8, OcclusionRes / 8, 1);

                kernel = blurTextureOcclusionKernel;
                cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(computeShader, kernel, OcclusionTextureIn, occlusionTextureA);
                cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(computeShader, kernel, OcclusionTextureOut, occlusionTextureB);
                cmd.DispatchCompute(computeShader, kernel, OcclusionRes / 8, OcclusionRes / 8, 1);

                kernel = reduceTextureOcclusionKernel;
                cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(computeShader, kernel, OcclusionTextureIn, occlusionTextureB);
                cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(computeShader, kernel, OcclusionTextureOut, occlusionTextureA);
                cmd.DispatchCompute(computeShader, kernel, 1, 1, 1);

                kernel = angleOcclusionKernel;
                cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(computeShader, kernel, OcclusionTextureIn, occlusionTextureB);
                cmd.SetComputeBufferParam(computeShader, kernel, AngleOcclusion, angleOcclusion);
                cmd.DispatchCompute(computeShader, kernel, AngleSamples / 64, 1, 1);

                cmd.SetGlobalVector(SunViewPos, sunViewPos);
                                    new Vector4(data.sunIntensity, data.haloIntensity, data.ghostingIntensity, intensity));
                cmd.SetGlobalTexture(InputTexture, source);
                cmd.SetGlobalTexture(OcclusionTextureIn, occlusionTextureA);
                cmd.SetGlobalTexture(OcclusionTextureOut, occlusionTextureB);
                cmd.SetGlobalBuffer(AngleOcclusion, angleOcclusion);
                HDUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, material, destination);
                HDUtils.BlitCameraTexture(cmd, source, destination);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static void RenderPostProcess <T>(PostProcessPassContext ctx, CameraSensorBase sensor, CustomPass pass, T data, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown) where T : PostProcessData
            var postProcessPass = pass as IPostProcessRenderer;

            postProcessPass?.Render(ctx, sensor, data, cubemapFace);