Exemplo n.º 1
        private bool IsCountClockwise(PPoint point1, PPoint point2, PPoint point3)
            var result = (point2.X - point1.X) * (point3.Y - point1.Y) -
                         (point3.X - point1.X) * (point2.Y - point1.Y);

            return(result > 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public bool IsPointInsideCircumcircle(PPoint point)
            var d_squared = (point.X - Circumcenter.X) * (point.X - Circumcenter.X) +
                            (point.Y - Circumcenter.Y) * (point.Y - Circumcenter.Y);

            return(d_squared < RadiusSquared);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public IEnumerable <PPoint> GeneratePoints(int amount, double maxX, double maxY)
            MaxX = maxX;
            MaxY = maxY;

            // TODO make more beautiful
            var point0 = new PPoint(0, 0, 0);
            var point1 = new PPoint(0, MaxY, 0);
            var point2 = new PPoint(MaxX, MaxY, 0);
            var point3 = new PPoint(MaxX, 0, 0);
            var points = new List <PPoint>()
                point0, point1, point2, point3

            var random = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < amount - 4; i++)
                var pointX = (float)(random.NextDouble() * MaxX);
                var pointY = (float)(random.NextDouble() * MaxY);
                points.Add(new PPoint(pointX, pointY, 0));

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void UpdateCircumcircle()
            // https://codefound.wordpress.com/2013/02/21/how-to-compute-a-circumcircle/#more-58
            // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumscribed_circle
            var p0 = Vertices[0];
            var p1 = Vertices[1];
            var p2 = Vertices[2];
            var dA = p0.X * p0.X + p0.Y * p0.Y;
            var dB = p1.X * p1.X + p1.Y * p1.Y;
            var dC = p2.X * p2.X + p2.Y * p2.Y;

            var aux1 = (dA * (p2.Y - p1.Y) + dB * (p0.Y - p2.Y) + dC * (p1.Y - p0.Y));
            var aux2 = -(dA * (p2.X - p1.X) + dB * (p0.X - p2.X) + dC * (p1.X - p0.X));
            var div  = (2 * (p0.X * (p2.Y - p1.Y) + p1.X * (p0.Y - p2.Y) + p2.X * (p1.Y - p0.Y)));

            if (div == 0)
                throw new DivideByZeroException();

            var center = new PPoint(aux1 / div, aux2 / div, 0);

            Circumcenter  = center;
            RadiusSquared = (center.X - p0.X) * (center.X - p0.X) + (center.Y - p0.Y) * (center.Y - p0.Y);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private double[] BarycentricCoordinates(Triangle tri, PPoint point)
            // int ndim = 2;
            double[] c = new double[3];
            // Compute barycentric coordinates.
            double x1 = tri.Vertices[0].X;
            double y1 = tri.Vertices[0].Y;
            double x2 = tri.Vertices[1].X;
            double y2 = tri.Vertices[1].Y;
            double x3 = tri.Vertices[2].X;
            double y3 = tri.Vertices[2].Y;

            double x = point.X;
            double y = point.Y;

            // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barycentric_coordinate_system
            double T = (y2 - y3) * (x1 - x3) + (x3 - x2) * (y1 - y3);

            c[0] = (y2 - y3) * (x - x3) + (x3 - x2) * (y - y3);
            c[0] = c[0] / T;
            c[1] = (y3 - y1) * (x - x3) + (x1 - x3) * (y - y3);
            c[1] = c[1] / T;
            c[2] = 1 - c[0] - c[1];

Exemplo n.º 6
        private Triangle GetTriangle(PPoint point)
            foreach (Triangle triangle in triangulation)
                var coord = BarycentricCoordinates(triangle, point);
                if (!coord.Any(cr => cr < 0))

Exemplo n.º 7
        private Triangle GenerateSupraTriangle()
            //   1  -> maxX
            //  / \
            // 2---3
            // |
            // v maxY
            var margin = 500;
            var point1 = new PPoint(0.5f * MaxX, -2 * MaxX - margin, 0);
            var point2 = new PPoint(-2 * MaxY - margin, 2 * MaxY + margin, 0);
            var point3 = new PPoint(2 * MaxX + MaxY + margin, 2 * MaxY + margin, 0);

            return(new Triangle(point1, point2, point3));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public Triangle(PPoint point1, PPoint point2, PPoint point3)
            // In theory this shouldn't happen, but it was at one point so this at least makes sure we're getting a
            // relatively easily-recognised error message, and provides a handy breakpoint for debugging.
            if (point1 == point2 || point1 == point3 || point2 == point3)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must be 3 distinct points");

            if (!IsCountClockwise(point1, point2, point3))
                Vertices[0] = point1;
                Vertices[1] = point3;
                Vertices[2] = point2;
                Edges[0]    = new Edge(point3, point2);
                Edges[1]    = new Edge(point2, point1);
                Edges[2]    = new Edge(point1, point3);
                Vertices[0] = point1;
                Vertices[1] = point2;
                Vertices[2] = point3;
                Edges[0]    = new Edge(point2, point3);
                Edges[1]    = new Edge(point3, point1);
                Edges[2]    = new Edge(point1, point2);

            //if (Vertices[0].X <= 1 && Vertices[0].X >= 0
            //    && Vertices[0].Y <= 1 && Vertices[0].Y >= 0
            //    && Vertices[1].X <= 1 && Vertices[1].X >= 0
            //    && Vertices[1].Y <= 1 && Vertices[1].Y >= 0
            //    && Vertices[2].X <= 1 && Vertices[2].X >= 0
            //    && Vertices[2].Y <= 1 && Vertices[2].Y >= 0)

Exemplo n.º 9
 public Edge(PPoint point1, PPoint point2)
     Point1 = point1;
     Point2 = point2;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private ISet <Triangle> FindBadTriangles(PPoint point, HashSet <Triangle> triangles)
            var badTriangles = triangles.Where(o => o.IsPointInsideCircumcircle(point));

            return(new HashSet <Triangle>(badTriangles));
Exemplo n.º 11
        private double CloughTocher2dSingle(Triangle triangle, PPoint point)
            var pt0 = triangle.Vertices[0];
            var pt1 = triangle.Vertices[1];
            var pt2 = triangle.Vertices[2];

            var f1 = pt0.VAL;
            var f2 = pt1.VAL;
            var f3 = pt2.VAL;

            var df0x = pt0.Dx;
            var df0y = pt0.Dy;
            var df1x = pt1.Dx;
            var df1y = pt1.Dy;
            var df2x = pt2.Dx;
            var df2y = pt2.Dy;

            var e12x = pt1.X - pt0.X;
            var e12y = pt1.Y - pt0.Y;
            var e23x = pt2.X - pt1.X;
            var e23y = pt2.Y - pt1.Y;
            var e31x = pt0.X - pt2.X;
            var e31y = pt0.Y - pt2.Y;

            //var e14x = (e12x - e31x) / 3;
            //var e14y = (e12y - e31y) / 3;
            //var e24x = (-e12x + e23x) / 3;
            //var e24y = (-e12y + e23y) / 3;
            //var e34x = (e31x - e23x) / 3;
            //var e34y = (e31y - e23y) / 3;

            var df12 = +(df0x * e12x + df0y * e12y);
            var df21 = -(df1x * e12x + df1y * e12y);
            var df23 = +(df1x * e23x + df1y * e23y);
            var df32 = -(df2x * e23x + df2y * e23y);
            var df31 = +(df2x * e31x + df2y * e31y);
            var df13 = -(df0x * e31x + df0y * e31y);

            var c3000 = f1;
            var c2100 = (df12 + 3 * c3000) / 3;
            var c2010 = (df13 + 3 * c3000) / 3;
            var c0300 = f2;
            var c1200 = (df21 + 3 * c0300) / 3;
            var c0210 = (df23 + 3 * c0300) / 3;
            var c0030 = f3;
            var c1020 = (df31 + 3 * c0030) / 3;
            var c0120 = (df32 + 3 * c0030) / 3;

            var c2001 = (c2100 + c2010 + c3000) / 3;
            var c0201 = (c1200 + c0300 + c0210) / 3;
            var c0021 = (c1020 + c0120 + c0030) / 3;

            // Now, we need to impose the condition that the gradient of the spline
            // to some direction `w` is a linear function along the edge.
            // As long as two neighbouring triangles agree on the choice of the
            // direction `w`, this ensures global C1 differentiability.
            // Otherwise, the choice of the direction is arbitrary (except that
            // it should not point along the edge, of course).
            // In [CT]_, it is suggested to pick `w` as the normal of the edge.
            // This choice is given by the formulas
            // w_12 = E_24 + g[0] * E_23
            // w_23 = E_34 + g[1] * E_31
            // w_31 = E_14 + g[2] * E_12
            // g[0] = -(e24x*e23x + e24y*e23y) / (e23x**2 + e23y**2)
            // g[1] = -(e34x*e31x + e34y*e31y) / (e31x**2 + e31y**2)
            // g[2] = -(e14x*e12x + e14y*e12y) / (e12x**2 + e12y**2)
            // However, this choice gives an interpolant that is *not*
            // invariant under affine transforms. This has some bad
            // consequences: for a very narrow triangle, the spline can
            // develops huge oscillations. For instance, with the input data
            //     [(0, 0), (0, 1), (eps, eps)],   eps = 0.01
            // F  = [0, 0, 1]
            // dF = [(0,0), (0,0), (0,0)]
            // one observes that as eps -> 0, the absolute maximum value of the
            // interpolant approaches infinity.
            // So below, we aim to pick affine invariant `g[k]`.
            // We choose
            // w = V_4' - V_4
            // where V_4 is the centroid of the current triangle, and V_4' the
            // centroid of the neighbour. Since this quantity transforms similarly
            // as the gradient under affine transforms, the resulting interpolant
            // is affine-invariant. Moreover, two neighbouring triangles clearly
            // always agree on the choice of `w` (sign is unimportant), and so
            // this choice also makes the interpolant C1.
            // The drawback here is a performance penalty, since we need to
            // peek into neighbouring triangles.

            double[] g = new double[3];

            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                var itri = triangle.TriangleWithSharedEdge(k);
                if (itri == null)
                    //# No neighbour.
                    //# Compute derivative to the centroid direction (e_12 + e_13)/2.
                    g[k] = -1.0d / 2;

                // Centroid of the neighbour, in our local barycentric coordinates
                List <IEnumerable <double> > y = new List <IEnumerable <double> >();
                var    x0 = itri.Vertices.Sum(vt => vt.X) / 3;
                var    y0 = itri.Vertices.Sum(vt => vt.Y) / 3;
                PPoint pt = new PPoint(x0, y0, 0);

                var c = BarycentricCoordinates(triangle, pt);

                // Rewrite V_4'-V_4 = const*[(V_4-V_2) + g_i*(V_3 - V_2)]

                // Now, observe that the results can be written *in terms of
                // barycentric coordinates*. Barycentric coordinates stay
                // invariant under affine transformations, so we can directly
                // conclude that the choice below is affine-invariant.

                if (k == 0)
                    g[k] = (2 * c[2] + c[1] - 1) / (2 - 3 * c[2] - 3 * c[1]);
                else if (k == 1)
                    g[k] = (2 * c[0] + c[2] - 1) / (2 - 3 * c[0] - 3 * c[2]);
                else if (k == 2)
                    g[k] = (2 * c[1] + c[0] - 1) / (2 - 3 * c[1] - 3 * c[0]);
            var c0111 = (g[0] * (-c0300 + 3 * c0210 - 3 * c0120 + c0030)
                         + (-c0300 + 2 * c0210 - c0120 + c0021 + c0201)) / 2;
            var c1011 = (g[1] * (-c0030 + 3 * c1020 - 3 * c2010 + c3000)
                         + (-c0030 + 2 * c1020 - c2010 + c2001 + c0021)) / 2;
            var c1101 = (g[2] * (-c3000 + 3 * c2100 - 3 * c1200 + c0300)
                         + (-c3000 + 2 * c2100 - c1200 + c2001 + c0201)) / 2;

            var c1002 = (c1101 + c1011 + c2001) / 3;
            var c0102 = (c1101 + c0111 + c0201) / 3;
            var c0012 = (c1011 + c0111 + c0021) / 3;

            var c0003 = (c1002 + c0102 + c0012) / 3;

            //# extended barycentric coordinates
            var b      = BarycentricCoordinates(triangle, point);
            var minval = b.Min();

            var b1 = b[0] - minval;
            var b2 = b[1] - minval;
            var b3 = b[2] - minval;
            var b4 = 3 * minval;

            //    # evaluate the polynomial -- the stupid and ugly way to do it,
            //# one of the 4 coordinates is in fact zero
            var w = (b1 * b1 * b1 * c3000 + 3 * b1 * b1 * b2 * c2100 + 3 * b1 * b1 * b3 * c2010
                     + 3 * b1 * b1 * b4 * c2001 + 3 * b1 * b2 * b2 * c1200 + 6 * b1 * b2 * b4 * c1101
                     + 3 * b1 * b3 * b3 * c1020 + 6 * b1 * b3 * b4 * c1011 + 3 * b1 * b4 * b4 * c1002
                     + b2 * b2 * b2 * c0300 + 3 * b2 * b2 * b3 * c0210 + 3 * b2 * b2 * b4 * c0201
                     + 3 * b2 * b3 * b3 * c0120 + 6 * b2 * b3 * b4 * c0111 + 3 * b2 * b4 * b4 * c0102
                     + b3 * b3 * b3 * c0030 + 3 * b3 * b3 * b4 * c0021 + 3 * b3 * b4 * b4 * c0012
                     + b4 * b4 * b4 * c0003);

            if (w > 2513 || w < 2471)

Exemplo n.º 12
        //private Color GetColor(int val)
        //    if (val > 255)
        //        val = 255;
        //    if (val < 0)
        //        val = 0;

        //    int R = val * 2 - 255;
        //    R = R > 0 ? R : 0;
        //    int G = 255 - (int)Math.Abs((127.5 - val)) * 2;
        //    int B = 255 - val * 2;
        //    B = B > 0 ? B : 0;
        //    return Color.FromArgb(R, G, B);

        private void btnMakePoints_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //int iCount;

            //if (!Int32.TryParse(txtPointsCount.Text, out iCount))
            //    return;
            //Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

            //for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
            //    double X = random.NextDouble();
            //    double ratioY = X > 0.5 ? Math.Sqrt(0.25 - (X - 0.5) * (X - 0.5)) * 2 : Math.Sqrt(0.25 - (0.5 - X) * (0.5 - X)) * 2;
            //    double Y = random.NextDouble();
            //    Y = (Y - 0.5) * ratioY + 0.5;
            //    PPoint pPoint = new PPoint(X, Y, random.Next(255));
            //    //pPoint.X = ;
            //    //pPoint.Y = ;
            //    //pPoint.VAL = ;
            //    _points.Add(pPoint);

            double[][] xy = new double[][]
                new double[] { -117.848923, -8.603366, 2495.85 },
                new double[] { 8.441828, -127.453359, 2488.99 },
                new double[] { 8.421086, -8.581343, 2472.69 },
                new double[] { 8.400363, 110.290673, 2504.82 },
                new double[] { 109.437111, -8.563725, 2499.2 },
                new double[] { 58.913554, 80.581478, 2513.02 },
                new double[] { -67.356465, 80.559455, 2499.88 },
                new double[] { -67.330549, -68.030585, 2509.72 },
                new double[] { 58.93947, -68.008542, 2501.78 },
                new double[] { 58.929103, -8.572534, 2499.56 },
                new double[] { 8.420729, 50.854665, 2493.73 },
                new double[] { -67.340916, -8.594557, 2505.14 },
                new double[] { 8.431462, -68.017351, 2501.39 },

            double[] z = new double[]

            foreach (var co in xy)
                double X      = co[0] / 300;
                double Y      = co[1] / 300;
                double Z      = co[2];
                PPoint pPoint = new PPoint(X, Y, Z);

Exemplo n.º 13
        private void pnlCanvas_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            g = pnlCanvas.CreateGraphics();
            Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.LightGray);
            Pen   pen   = new Pen(Color.Red);

            _diameter  = pnlCanvas.Width > pnlCanvas.Height ? pnlCanvas.Height : pnlCanvas.Width;
            _left      = _offset - (_diameter - pnlCanvas.Width) / 2;
            _top       = _offset - (_diameter - pnlCanvas.Height) / 2;
            _diameter -= _offset * 2;
            if (_diameter < 1)

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(_left, _top, _diameter, _diameter);

            g.DrawEllipse(pen, rect);

            if (_points == null || !_points.Any())

            double dMax = _points.Max(pt => pt.VAL);
            double dMin = _points.Min(pt => pt.VAL);
            double dRan = dMax - dMin;

            dRan = dRan == 0 ? 1 : dRan;

            foreach (var point in _points)
                //int pointX = (int)((point.X / 300 + 0.5d) * _diameter) + _left;
                //int pointY = (int)((-point.Y / 300 + 0.5d) * _diameter) + _top;
                int pointX = (int)Math.Round((point.X + 0.5d) * _diameter) + _left;
                int pointY = (int)Math.Round((-point.Y + 0.5d) * _diameter) + _top;
                point.DisplayX = pointX;
                point.DisplayY = pointY;
                var   rate  = (point.VAL - dMin) / dRan * 100;
                Color color = GetColor(rate);
                g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(color), pointX - 2, pointY - 2, 4, 4);

            int iDelta;

            Int32.TryParse(txtRectangleDelta.Text, out iDelta);

            if (chkInterpolation.Checked)
                int iPow;
                Int32.TryParse(txtPowerOfDiatance.Text, out iPow);

                // Brush[,] arrBrush = new Brush[_diameter / iDelta + 1, _diameter / iDelta + 1];
                double[,] arrValue = new double[_diameter / iDelta + 1, _diameter / iDelta + 1];

                Parallel.For(0, _diameter / iDelta, x0 =>
                    int x = x0 * iDelta;

                    for (int y = 0; y < _diameter; y += iDelta)
                        int qX = x > _diameter / 2 ? x - _diameter / 2 : _diameter / 2 - x;
                        int qY = y > _diameter / 2 ? y - _diameter / 2 : _diameter / 2 - y;

                        if (qX * qX + qY * qY > _diameter * _diameter / 4)
                            arrValue[x / iDelta, y / iDelta] = Double.NaN;

                        //double pX = x * 300d / _diameter - 150;
                        //double pY = 150 - y * 300d / _diameter;
                        double pX = x * 1d / _diameter - 0.5;
                        double pY = 0.5 - y * 1d / _diameter;

                        var qInterpolation0                                                                                                         = from pt in _points
                                                                                 let distX                                                          = pt.X - pX
                                                                                                                    let distY                       = pt.Y - pY
                                                                                                                                           let dist = distX * distX + distY * distY
                                                                                                                                                      select new
                            DIST = Math.Pow(Math.Sqrt(dist), iPow),
                            VAL  = (double)pt.VAL

                        double dInterpolation1;
                        if (qInterpolation0.Any(pt => pt.DIST == 0))
                            dInterpolation1 = qInterpolation0.Where(pt => pt.DIST == 0).Sum(pt => pt.VAL);
                            dInterpolation1 = qInterpolation0.Sum(p => p.VAL / p.DIST) / qInterpolation0.Sum(p => 1 / p.DIST);

                        arrValue[x / iDelta, y / iDelta] = dInterpolation1;

                var dt = ArraytoDatatable(arrValue);

                var qSerial = Enumerable.Range(0, _diameter / iDelta).SelectMany(row =>
                                                                                 Enumerable.Range(0, _diameter / iDelta).Select(col => arrValue[row, col]).Where(d => !Double.IsNaN(d))

                dMax = qSerial.Max();
                dMin = qSerial.Min();
                dRan = dMax - dMin;

                for (int x = 0; x < _diameter; x += iDelta)
                    for (int y = 0; y < _diameter; y += iDelta)
                        if (Double.IsNaN(arrValue[x / iDelta, y / iDelta]))

                        var   rate = (arrValue[x / iDelta, y / iDelta] - dMin) / dRan * 100;
                        Color colorInterpolation = GetColor(rate);
                        Brush brushInterpolation = new SolidBrush(colorInterpolation);

                        g.FillRectangle(brushInterpolation, x + _left, y + _top, iDelta, iDelta);

            if (chkVoronoiDiagram.Checked && !chkInterpolation.Checked)
                Brush[,] arrBrush = new Brush[_diameter / iDelta + 1, _diameter / iDelta + 1];

                Parallel.For(0, _diameter / iDelta, x0 =>
                    int x = x0 * iDelta;

                    for (int y = 0; y < _diameter; y += iDelta)
                        int qX = x > _diameter / 2 ? x - _diameter / 2 : _diameter / 2 - x;
                        int qY = y > _diameter / 2 ? y - _diameter / 2 : _diameter / 2 - y;

                        if (qX * qX + qY * qY > _diameter * _diameter / 4)

                        var qInterpolation0                                                                                                         = from pt in _points
                                                                                 let distX                                                          = pt.DisplayX - x - _left
                                                                                                                    let distY                       = pt.DisplayY - y - _top
                                                                                                                                           let dist = distX * distX + distY * distY
                                                                                                                                                      select new
                            DIST = Math.Sqrt(dist),
                            VAL  = (double)pt.VAL

                        double dInterpolation1 = qInterpolation0.OrderBy(pt => pt.DIST).First().VAL;

                        var rate = (dInterpolation1 - dMin) / dRan * 100;
                        Color colorInterpolation         = GetColor(rate);
                        Brush brushInterpolation         = new SolidBrush(colorInterpolation);
                        arrBrush[x / iDelta, y / iDelta] = brushInterpolation;

                // ts = DateTime.Now - dtStart;

                for (int x = 0; x < _diameter; x += iDelta)
                    for (int y = 0; y < _diameter; y += iDelta)
                        if (arrBrush[x / iDelta, y / iDelta] == null)

                        g.FillRectangle(arrBrush[x / iDelta, y / iDelta], x + _left, y + _top, iDelta, iDelta);

            if (chkCloughTocher2D.Checked && triangulation != null && triangulation.Any())
                // Brush[,] arrBrush = new Brush[_diameter / iDelta + 1, _diameter / iDelta + 1];
                double[,] arrValue = new double[_diameter / iDelta + 1, _diameter / iDelta + 1];
                //Parallel.For(0, _diameter / iDelta, x0 =>
                for (int x0 = 0; x0 < _diameter / iDelta; x0 += iDelta)
                    int x = x0 * iDelta;

                    for (int y = 0; y < _diameter; y += iDelta)
                        int qX = x > _diameter / 2 ? x - _diameter / 2 : _diameter / 2 - x;
                        int qY = y > _diameter / 2 ? y - _diameter / 2 : _diameter / 2 - y;

                        if (qX * qX + qY * qY > _diameter * _diameter / 4)
                            arrValue[x / iDelta, y / iDelta] = Double.NaN;
                        //double pX = x * 300d / _diameter - 150;
                        //double pY = 150 - y * 300d / _diameter;
                        double pX = x * 1d / _diameter - 0.5;
                        double pY = 0.5 - y * 1d / _diameter;

                        PPoint point = new PPoint(pX, pY, 0);

                        Triangle triangle = GetTriangle(point);

                        if (triangle == null)
                            arrValue[x / iDelta, y / iDelta] = Double.NaN;

                        if (x == 95 && y == 148)

                        var w = CloughTocher2dSingle(triangle, point);
                        arrValue[x / iDelta, y / iDelta] = w;

                var dt = ArraytoDatatable(arrValue);

                var qSerial = Enumerable.Range(0, _diameter / iDelta).SelectMany(row =>
                                                                                 Enumerable.Range(0, _diameter / iDelta).Select(col => arrValue[row, col]).Where(d => !Double.IsNaN(d))

                dMax = qSerial.Max();
                dMin = qSerial.Min();
                dRan = dMax - dMin;

                for (int x = 0; x < _diameter; x += iDelta)
                    for (int y = 0; y < _diameter; y += iDelta)
                        if (Double.IsNaN(arrValue[x / iDelta, y / iDelta]))

                        var rate = (arrValue[x / iDelta, y / iDelta] - dMin) / dRan * 100;

                        Color colorInterpolation = GetColor(rate);
                        Brush brushInterpolation = new SolidBrush(colorInterpolation);

                        g.FillRectangle(brushInterpolation, x + _left, y + _top, iDelta, iDelta);

            if (chkDelaunayTriangle.Checked)
                if (triangulation == null)

                var edges = new List <Edge>();
                foreach (var triangle in triangulation)
                    edges.Add(new Edge(triangle.Vertices[0], triangle.Vertices[1]));
                    edges.Add(new Edge(triangle.Vertices[1], triangle.Vertices[2]));
                    edges.Add(new Edge(triangle.Vertices[2], triangle.Vertices[0]));

                Pen penBlack = new Pen(Color.Black);
                foreach (var edge in edges)
                    g.DrawLine(penBlack, edge.Point1.DisplayX, edge.Point1.DisplayY, edge.Point2.DisplayX, edge.Point2.DisplayY);

            if (chkVoronoiLine.Checked)
                if (triangulation == null)

                Voronoi voronoi     = new Voronoi();
                var     vornoiEdges = voronoi.GenerateEdgesFromDelaunay(triangulation);

                Pen penViolet = new Pen(Color.DarkViolet);
                foreach (var edge in vornoiEdges)
                    //edge.Point1.DisplayX = (int)((edge.Point1.X / 300 + 0.5d)* _diameter) + _left;
                    //edge.Point1.DisplayY = (int)((-edge.Point1.Y / 300 + 0.5d)* _diameter) + _top;
                    //edge.Point2.DisplayX = (int)((edge.Point2.X / 300 + 0.5d)* _diameter) + _left;
                    //edge.Point2.DisplayY = (int)((-edge.Point2.Y / 300+ 0.5d)* _diameter) + _top;
                    edge.Point1.DisplayX = (int)((edge.Point1.X + 0.5d) * _diameter) + _left;
                    edge.Point1.DisplayY = (int)((-edge.Point1.Y + 0.5d) * _diameter) + _top;
                    edge.Point2.DisplayX = (int)((edge.Point2.X + 0.5d) * _diameter) + _left;
                    edge.Point2.DisplayY = (int)((-edge.Point2.Y + 0.5d) * _diameter) + _top;
                    g.DrawLine(penViolet, edge.Point1.DisplayX, edge.Point1.DisplayY, edge.Point2.DisplayX, edge.Point2.DisplayY);