public void releaseMem(RAM ram, PCB pcb) //Releases an individual processes memory { for (int i = pcb.ramBaseAddress; i <= pcb.ramBaseAddress + pcb.spaceReq; i++) { if (i >= || i < 0) { if (debugMode) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR! i is " + i); } }[i] = -1; } }
public void sortQueue() //Makes the queue a priority queue { for (int i = 0; i < this.queue.Length - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < this.queue.Length; j++) { if (this.queue[i].priority > this.queue[j].priority) { PCB temp = new PCB(); temp = this.queue[i]; this.queue[i] = this.queue[j]; this.queue[j] = temp; } } } }
public void execute(RAM ram, pcbQueue pcbQueue, Scheduler schedule, cpuQueue que) { while (pcbQueue.jobsComplete() == false) { while (this != que.head || pcbQueue.cpuIterator >= pcbQueue.ramIterator) { //do nothing if (pcbQueue.jobsComplete() == true) { return; } Thread.Yield(); } PCB temp = pcbQueue.queue[pcbQueue.cpuIterator]; if (debugMode) { Console.WriteLine("CPU " + + " executing job " + temp.processID); } pcbQueue.cpuIterator++; que.deQueue(); temp.startTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; temp.waitTime = temp.startTime - temp.ramLoadTime; PopulateInstructionList(ram, temp); this.StartWork(temp); temp.timeCompleted = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; if (debugMode) { temp.core = pcbQueue.getCoreDump(temp, ram); } temp.executionTime = temp.timeCompleted - temp.startTime; temp.complete = true; this.signal(ram, schedule, temp); if (debugMode) { Console.WriteLine("Process " + temp.processID + " complete!"); } que.enQueue(this); if (debugMode) { Console.WriteLine("Jobs complete? " + pcbQueue.jobsComplete()); } } }
public void PopulateInstructionList(RAM ram, PCB pcb) { string instruction = ""; int lowerBound = pcb.ramBaseAddress; int upperBound = lowerBound + (pcb.wordCount * 32); int instructionsCount = upperBound / 32 - lowerBound / 32; int count = 1; if (lowerBound == -1) { return; } for (int j = lowerBound + 1; j < upperBound - 1; j++) { instruction +=[j - 1]; if (count % 32 == 0) { instructionList.Add(instruction); instruction = ""; } count++; } }
public string getCoreDump(PCB pcb, RAM ram) { var dumpString = ram.coreDump(pcb.ramBaseAddress, pcb.ramBaseAddress + (pcb.wordCount + pcb.inputBuffer + pcb.outputBuffer + pcb.tempBuffer) * 32); return(dumpString); }
public void StartWork(PCB pcb) { for (int i = 0; i < instructionList.Count; i++) { type = Utility.BinaryToDecimal(instructionList[i].Substring(0, 2)); opcode = Utility.BinaryToDecimal(instructionList[i].Substring(2, 6)); switch (type) { //Example Arithmetic Operation that assigns the sum of regS1 and regS2 to regD //00_000101_0000_0001_0010_000000000000 (without the underscores) case 0: //2 bits 0(type) + 6 bits opcode + 4 bits regS1 + 4 bits regS2 + 4 bits regD + 12 bits 0 = 32 bit instruction for Arithmetic if (debugMode) { Console.WriteLine("Performing an ARITHMETIC operation"); } regS1 = Utility.BinaryToDecimal(instructionList[i].Substring(8, 4)); regS2 = Utility.BinaryToDecimal(instructionList[i].Substring(12, 4)); regD = Utility.BinaryToDecimal(instructionList[i].Substring(16, 4)); ExecuteOPCode(opcode); break; case 1: //2 bits 01(type) + 6 bits opcode + 4 bits regB + 4 bits regD + 16 bits address = 32 bits for Conditional Branch if (debugMode) { Console.WriteLine("Performing a CONDITIONAL BRANCH operation"); } regB = Utility.BinaryToDecimal(instructionList[i].Substring(8, 4)); regD = Utility.BinaryToDecimal(instructionList[i].Substring(12, 4)); address = Utility.BinaryToDecimal(instructionList[i].Substring(16, 16)); ExecuteOPCode(opcode); break; case 2: //2 bits 10(type) + 6 bits opcode + 24 bits address = 32 bits for Uncondition Jump if (debugMode) { Console.WriteLine("Performing an UNCONDITIONAL JUMP operation"); } address = Utility.BinaryToDecimal(instructionList[i].Substring(8, 24)); ExecuteOPCode(opcode); break; case 3: //2 bits 11(type) + 6 bits opcode + 4 bits reg1 + 4 bits reg2 + 16 bits address = 32 bits for Input/Output if (debugMode) { Console.WriteLine("Performing an I/O operation"); } pcb.ioOps++; reg1 = Utility.BinaryToDecimal(instructionList[i].Substring(8, 4)); reg2 = Utility.BinaryToDecimal(instructionList[i].Substring(12, 4)); address = Utility.BinaryToDecimal(instructionList[i].Substring(16, 16)); ExecuteOPCode(opcode); break; default: break; } } instructionList.Clear(); }
public void signal(RAM ram, Scheduler schedule, PCB pcb) //Deallocates a jobs memory after completion { schedule.releaseMem(ram, pcb); }