Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>To be documented.</summary>
 public readonly unsafe int SetPrivateDataInterface(Guid* guid, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown* pData)
     var @this = (ID3D11Query1*) Unsafe.AsPointer(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in this));
         int ret = default;
     ret = ((delegate* unmanaged[Cdecl]<ID3D11Query1*, Guid*, Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown*, int>)LpVtbl[6])(@this, guid, pData);
     return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public HolographicWindowAttachmentMSFT
            StructureType?type = StructureType.TypeHolographicWindowAttachmentMsft,
            void *next         = null,
            Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *holographicSpace = null,
            Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *coreWindow       = null
        ) : this()
            if (type is not null)
                Type = type.Value;

            if (next is not null)
                Next = next;

            if (holographicSpace is not null)
                HolographicSpace = holographicSpace;

            if (coreWindow is not null)
                CoreWindow = coreWindow;
        public DredAllocationNode1
            byte *objectNameA = null,
            char *objectNameW = null,
            DredAllocationType?allocationType      = null,
            DredAllocationNode1 *pNext             = null,
            Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *pObject = null
        ) : this()
            if (objectNameA is not null)
                ObjectNameA = objectNameA;

            if (objectNameW is not null)
                ObjectNameW = objectNameW;

            if (allocationType is not null)
                AllocationType = allocationType.Value;

            if (pNext is not null)
                PNext = pNext;

            if (pObject is not null)
                PObject = pObject;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>To be documented.</summary>
        public readonly unsafe int SetPrivateDataInterface(Guid *Name, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *pUnknown)
            var @this = (IDXGISurface2 *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in this));
            int ret   = default;

            ret = ((delegate * unmanaged[Cdecl] < IDXGISurface2 *, Guid *, Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *, int >)LpVtbl[4])(@this, Name, pUnknown);
        /// <summary>To be documented.</summary>
        public readonly unsafe int CreateShaderTrace(Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *pShader, ShaderTraceDesc *pTraceDesc, ID3D11ShaderTrace **ppShaderTrace)
            var @this = (ID3D11ShaderTraceFactory *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in this));
            int ret   = default;

            ret = ((delegate * unmanaged[Cdecl] < ID3D11ShaderTraceFactory *, Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *, ShaderTraceDesc *, ID3D11ShaderTrace **, int >)LpVtbl[3])(@this, pShader, pTraceDesc, ppShaderTrace);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>To be documented.</summary>
        public readonly unsafe int SetShaderTrackingOptions(Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *pShader, uint Options)
            var @this = (ID3D11TracingDevice *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in this));
            int ret   = default;

            ret = ((delegate * unmanaged[Cdecl] < ID3D11TracingDevice *, Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *, uint, int >)LpVtbl[4])(@this, pShader, Options);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public EffectDescriptor
            Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *pEffect = null,
            int?initialState    = null,
            uint?outputChannels = null
        ) : this()
            if (pEffect is not null)
                PEffect = pEffect;

            if (initialState is not null)
                InitialState = initialState.Value;

            if (outputChannels is not null)
                OutputChannels = outputChannels.Value;
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>To be documented.</summary>
 public static unsafe Result CreateSpatialAnchorFromPerceptionAnchorMsft(this MsftPerceptionAnchorInterop thisApi, [Count(Count = 0)] Session session, [Count(Count = 0)] Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *perceptionAnchor, [Count(Count = 0)] Span <SpatialAnchorMSFT> anchor)
     // SpanOverloader
     return(thisApi.CreateSpatialAnchorFromPerceptionAnchorMsft(session, perceptionAnchor, ref anchor.GetPinnableReference()));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public unsafe partial int CreateAudioReverb(ref Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *ppApo);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public unsafe partial int CreateAudioVolumeMeter(ref Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *ppApo);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static unsafe int CreateDevice(this D3D12 thisApi, Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *pAdapter, Silk.NET.Core.Native.D3DFeatureLevel MinimumFeatureLevel, Span <Guid> riid, ref void *ppDevice)
     // SpanOverloader
     return(thisApi.CreateDevice(pAdapter, MinimumFeatureLevel, ref riid.GetPinnableReference(), ref ppDevice));
 public unsafe partial Result TryGetPerceptionAnchorFromSpatialAnchorMsft([Count(Count = 0)] Session session, [Count(Count = 0)] SpatialAnchorMSFT anchor, [Count(Count = 0)] ref Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *perceptionAnchor);
 public unsafe partial Result CreateSpatialAnchorFromPerceptionAnchorMsft([Count(Count = 0)] Session session, [Count(Count = 0)] Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *perceptionAnchor, [Count(Count = 0)] SpatialAnchorMSFT *anchor);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public unsafe partial int CreateDevice(Silk.NET.Core.Native.IUnknown *pAdapter, Silk.NET.Core.Native.D3DFeatureLevel MinimumFeatureLevel, ref Guid riid, ref void *ppDevice);