Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void SetupParticles(EngineContext engineContext)
            // Create particle system
            var particleSystem = new SiliconStudio.Xenko.Particles.ParticleSystem();

            // Set particle default size to 10.0f
            particleSystem.GetOrCreateFieldWithDefault(ParticleFields.Size, 10.0f);

            // Add particle plugins
            particleSystem.Plugins.Add(new ResetAcceleration());
            particleSystem.Plugins.Add(new SimpleEmitter());
            particleSystem.Plugins.Add(new RemoveOldParticles(10.0f));
            particleSystem.Plugins.Add(new Gravity());
            particleSystem.Plugins.Add(new UpdateVelocity());

            // Create particle system mesh for rendering.
            var particleEffect = engineContext.RenderContext.Effects.First(x => x.Name == "DefaultParticle");
            var particleMesh   = new EffectMesh(particleEffect);

            particleMesh.Parameters.Set(ParticleRendererPlugin.ParticleSystemKey, particleSystem);

            // Load particle texture
            var smokeVolTexture = (Texture2D)engineContext.AssetManager.Load <Texture>("/global_data/gdc_demo/fx/smokevol.dds");

            particleMesh.Parameters.Set(TexturingKeys.DiffuseTexture, smokeVolTexture);

            // Register it to rendering
Exemplo n.º 2
        public unsafe void Update(ParticleSystem particleSystem, float dt)
            var accelerationField = particleSystem.GetOrCreateField(ParticleFields.Acceleration);

            foreach (var particle in particleSystem)
                var acceleration = (Vector3*)particle[accelerationField];
                *acceleration += GravityForce;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Update(ParticleSystem particleSystem, float dt)
            var velocityField = particleSystem.GetOrCreateField(ParticleFields.Velocity);

            // No more than 1000 particles
            if (particleSystem.ParticleCount < 1000)
                var particle = particleSystem.AddParticle();

                // Default random velocity, going upward
                particle.Set(velocityField, new Vector3((float)rand.NextDouble() * 30.0f - 15.0f, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 30.0f - 15.0f, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 50.0f));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public unsafe void Update(ParticleSystem particleSystem, float dt)
            var lifetimeField = particleSystem.GetOrCreateField(LifetimeField);

            // Iterate over particles
            var particleEnumerator = particleSystem.GetEnumerator();
            while (particleEnumerator.MoveNext())
                var particle = particleEnumerator.Current;
                var lifetime = (float*)particle[lifetimeField];

                // Remove particle through enumerator.
                // Enumerator will be valid again in next loop.
                if ((*lifetime += dt) > Lifetime)
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the location matrices of all elements. Needs to be called even when the particle system is paused for updating the render positions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentSystem"><see cref="ParticleSystem"/> containing this emitter</param>
        private void UpdateLocations(ParticleSystem parentSystem)
            drawTransform.Position = parentSystem.Translation;
            drawTransform.Rotation = parentSystem.Rotation;
            drawTransform.ScaleUniform = parentSystem.UniformScale;

            if (simulationSpace == EmitterSimulationSpace.World)
                // Update sub-systems
                initialDefaultFields.SetParentTRS(ref parentSystem.Translation, ref parentSystem.Rotation, parentSystem.UniformScale);

                foreach (var initializer in Initializers)
                    initializer.SetParentTRS(drawTransform, parentSystem);

                foreach (var updater in Updaters)
                    updater.SetParentTRS(drawTransform, parentSystem);
                var posIdentity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                var rotIdentity = Quaternion.Identity;

                // Update sub-systems
                initialDefaultFields.SetParentTRS(ref posIdentity, ref rotIdentity, 1f);

                foreach (var initializer in Initializers)
                    initializer.SetParentTRS(identityTransform, parentSystem);

                foreach (var updater in Updaters)
                    updater.SetParentTRS(identityTransform, parentSystem);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Some parameters should be initialized when the emitter first runs, rather than in the constructor
        /// </summary>
        protected unsafe void DelayedInitialization(ParticleSystem parentSystem)
            if (hasBeenInitialized)

            hasBeenInitialized = true;

            // RandomNumberGenerator creation
                uint rngSeed = 0; // EmitterRandomSeedMethod.Fixed

                if (randomSeedMethod == EmitterRandomSeedMethod.Time)
                    // Stopwatch has maximum possible frequency, so rngSeeds initialized at different times will be different
                    rngSeed = unchecked((uint)Stopwatch.GetTimestamp());
                else if (randomSeedMethod == EmitterRandomSeedMethod.Position)
                    // Different float have different uint representation so randomness should be good
                    // The only problem occurs when the three position components are the same
                    var posX = parentSystem.Translation.X;
                    var posY = parentSystem.Translation.Y;
                    var posZ = parentSystem.Translation.Z;

                    var uintX = *((uint*)(&posX));
                    var uintY = *((uint*)(&posY));
                    var uintZ = *((uint*)(&posZ));

                    // Add some randomness to prevent glitches when positions are the same (diagonal)
                    uintX ^= (uintX >> 19);
                    uintY ^= (uintY >> 8);

                    rngSeed = uintX ^ uintY ^ uintZ;

                RandomSeedGenerator = new ParticleRandomSeedGenerator(rngSeed);

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the emitter and all its particles, and applies all updaters and spawners.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Delta time, elapsed time since the last call, in seconds</param>
        /// <param name="parentSystem">The parent <see cref="ParticleSystem"/> containing this emitter</param>
        public void Update(float dt, ParticleSystem parentSystem)
            cachedParentSystem = parentSystem;

            if (!hasBeenInitialized)






Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Call this update when the <see cref="ParticleSystem"/> is paused to only update the renreding information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentSystem">The parent <see cref="ParticleSystem"/> containing this emitter</param>
        public void UpdatePaused(ParticleSystem parentSystem)
            cachedParentSystem = parentSystem;

Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void SetupParticles(EngineContext engineContext)
            // Create particle system
            var particleSystem = new SiliconStudio.Xenko.Particles.ParticleSystem();

            // Set particle default size to 10.0f
            particleSystem.GetOrCreateFieldWithDefault(ParticleFields.Size, 10.0f);

            // Add particle plugins
            particleSystem.Plugins.Add(new ResetAcceleration());
            particleSystem.Plugins.Add(new SimpleEmitter());
            particleSystem.Plugins.Add(new RemoveOldParticles(10.0f));
            particleSystem.Plugins.Add(new Gravity());
            particleSystem.Plugins.Add(new UpdateVelocity());

            // Create particle system mesh for rendering.
            var particleEffect = engineContext.RenderContext.Effects.First(x => x.Name == "DefaultParticle");
            var particleMesh = new EffectMesh(particleEffect);
            particleMesh.Parameters.Set(ParticleRendererPlugin.ParticleSystemKey, particleSystem);

            // Load particle texture
            var smokeVolTexture = (Texture2D)engineContext.AssetManager.Load<Texture>("/global_data/gdc_demo/fx/smokevol.dds");
            particleMesh.Parameters.Set(TexturingKeys.DiffuseTexture, smokeVolTexture);

            // Register it to rendering
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the parent (particle system's) translation, rotation and scale (uniform)
 /// The module can choose to inherit, use or ignore any of the elements
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transform"><see cref="ParticleSystem"/>'s transform (from the Transform component) or identity if local space is used</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The parent <see cref="ParticleSystem"/></param>
 public virtual void SetParentTRS(ParticleTransform transform, ParticleSystem parent)
Exemplo n.º 11
        public unsafe void Update(ParticleSystem particleSystem, float dt)
            var accelerationField = particleSystem.GetOrCreateField(ParticleFields.Acceleration);
            var velocityField = particleSystem.GetOrCreateField(ParticleFields.Velocity);

            foreach (var particle in particleSystem)
                var position = (Vector3*)particle[particleSystem.Position];
                var acceleration = (Vector3*)particle[accelerationField];
                var velocity = (Vector3*)particle[velocityField];
                *velocity += *acceleration * dt;
                *position += *velocity * dt;
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the parent (particle system's) translation, rotation and scale (uniform)
 /// The module can choose to inherit, use or ignore any of the elements
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transform"><see cref="ParticleSystem"/>'s transform (from the Transform component) or identity if local space is used</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The parent <see cref="ParticleSystem"/></param>
 public virtual void SetParentTRS(ParticleTransform transform, ParticleSystem parent)