public void TestMergeSimpleWithBasePartsAndLinksForChildren()
            // Similar to TestMergeSimpleWithBasePartsAndLinks, but perform merge on Entity.Transform.Children instead
            // Also Check that an asset that was removed is not added and links are actually removed as well

            // part1:                part2:                  newAsset (BaseParts: part1):       newAssetMerged (BaseParts: part2):
            // ERoot                 ERoot                   ERoot1                             ERoot1
            //   EA                    EA                      EA1 (base: EA)                     EA1' (base: EA) 
            //   EB                    EB                      EB1 (base: EB)                     EB1' (base: EB)
            //   EC + link: EA         EC + link: EA           EC1 (base: EC) + link: EA1         EC1' (base: EC) + link: EA1'
            //                         ED + link: EB                                              ED1' (base: ED) + link: EB1'
            //                                               ERoot2                             ERoot2
            //                                                 EA2 (base: EA)                     EA2' (base: EA)
            //                                                 EC2 (base: EC) + link: EA2         EC2' (base: EC) + link: EA2'
            //                                                                                    ED2' (base: ED) + noLink

            var eRoot = new Entity("Root");
            var entityA = new Entity() { Name = "A" };
            var entityB = new Entity() { Name = "B" };
            var entityC = new Entity() { Name = "C" };
            // EC + link: EA
            entityC.Add(new TestEntityComponent() { EntityLink = entityA });

            // part1 Asset
            var part1 = new EntityGroupAsset();
            part1.Hierarchy.Entities.Add(new EntityDesign(eRoot, new EntityDesignData()));
            part1.Hierarchy.Entities.Add(new EntityDesign(entityA, new EntityDesignData()));
            part1.Hierarchy.Entities.Add(new EntityDesign(entityB, new EntityDesignData()));
            part1.Hierarchy.Entities.Add(new EntityDesign(entityC, new EntityDesignData()));

            // part2 Asset
            var part2 = (EntityGroupAsset)AssetCloner.Clone(part1);
            var eRootPart2 = part2.Hierarchy.Entities.Where(it => it.Entity.Name == "Root").Select(it => it.Entity).First();

            var entityD = new Entity() { Name = "D" };

            // ED + link: EB
            var entityBFrom2 = part2.Hierarchy.Entities.Where(it => it.Entity.Name == "B").Select(it => it.Entity).First();
            entityD.Add(new TestEntityComponent() { EntityLink = entityBFrom2 });
            part2.Hierarchy.Entities.Add(new EntityDesign(entityD, new EntityDesignData()));

            // originalAsset: Add a new instanceId for this part
            var asset = new EntityGroupAsset { BaseParts = new List<AssetBasePart>() };
            var assetBasePart = new AssetBasePart(new AssetBase("part", part1));

            // Create derived parts
            var eRoot1Asset = (EntityGroupAsset)part1.CreateChildAsset("part");
            var eRoot2Asset = (EntityGroupAsset)part1.CreateChildAsset("part");

            var eRoot2 = asset.Hierarchy.Entities[eRoot2Asset.Hierarchy.RootEntities[0]];

            var entityToRemove = eRoot2.Entity.Transform.Children.First(it => it.Entity.Name == "B");

            // Merge entities (NOTE: it is important to clone baseAsset/newBaseAsset)
            var entityMerge = asset.Merge(null, null, new List<AssetBasePart>() { new AssetBasePart(new AssetBase("part", part2)) { InstanceIds = { eRoot1Asset.Id, eRoot2Asset.Id } } });

            // EntityD must be now part of the new asset
            Assert.AreEqual(2, asset.Hierarchy.RootEntities.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, asset.Hierarchy.Entities.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, asset.Hierarchy.Entities.Count(it => it.Entity.Name == "D"));

            foreach (var entity in asset.Hierarchy.Entities.Where(it => it.Entity.Name == "D"))
                // Check that we have the correct baesId and basePartInstanceId
                Assert.AreEqual(entityD.Id, entity.Design.BaseId.Value);

            var entityDesignD1 = asset.Hierarchy.Entities[asset.Hierarchy.Entities[asset.Hierarchy.RootEntities[0]].Entity.Transform.Children.Where(it => it.Entity.Name == "D").Select(it => it.Entity.Id).FirstOrDefault()];
            Assert.AreEqual(eRoot1Asset.Id, entityDesignD1.Design.BasePartInstanceId);
            var testComponentD1 = entityDesignD1.Entity.Get<TestEntityComponent>();
            var entityB1 = asset.Hierarchy.Entities[asset.Hierarchy.RootEntities[0]].Entity.Transform.Children.Where(it => it.Entity.Name == "B").Select(it => it.Entity).First();
            Assert.AreEqual(entityB1, testComponentD1.EntityLink);

            var entityDesignD2 = asset.Hierarchy.Entities[asset.Hierarchy.Entities[asset.Hierarchy.RootEntities[1]].Entity.Transform.Children.Where(it => it.Entity.Name == "D").Select(it => it.Entity.Id).FirstOrDefault()];
            Assert.AreEqual(eRoot2Asset.Id, entityDesignD2.Design.BasePartInstanceId);
            var testComponentD2 = entityDesignD2.Entity.Get<TestEntityComponent>();
            Assert.AreEqual(null, testComponentD2.EntityLink);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an entity as a part asset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetPartBase">The entity asset to be used as a part (must be created directly from <see cref="CreateChildAsset"/>)</param>
        /// <param name="rootEntityId">An optional entity id to attach the part to it. If null, the part will be attached to the root entities of this instance</param>
        public void AddPart(EntityGroupAssetBase assetPartBase, Guid? rootEntityId = null)
            if (assetPartBase == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assetPartBase));

            // The assetPartBase must be a plain child asset
            if (assetPartBase.Base == null) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Expecting a Base for {nameof(assetPartBase)}");
            if (assetPartBase.BaseParts != null) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Expecting a null BaseParts for {nameof(assetPartBase)}");

            // Check that the assetPartBase contains only entities from its base (no new entity, must be a plain ChildAsset)
            if (assetPartBase.Hierarchy.Entities.Any(entity => !entity.Design.BaseId.HasValue))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("An asset part base must contain only base assets");

            // The instance id will be the id of the assetPartBase
            var instanceId = assetPartBase.Id;
            if (this.BaseParts == null)
                this.BaseParts = new List<AssetBasePart>();

            var basePart = this.BaseParts.FirstOrDefault(basePartIt => basePartIt.Base.Id == this.Id);
            if (basePart == null)
                basePart = new AssetBasePart(assetPartBase.Base);

            // If a RootEntityId is given and found in this instance, add them as children of entity
            if (rootEntityId.HasValue && this.Hierarchy.Entities.ContainsKey(rootEntityId.Value))
                var rootEntity = Hierarchy.Entities[rootEntityId.Value];
                foreach (var entityId in assetPartBase.Hierarchy.RootEntities)
                    var entity = assetPartBase.Hierarchy.Entities[entityId];
                // Else add them as root

            // Add all entities with the correct instance id
            foreach (var entityEntry in assetPartBase.Hierarchy.Entities)
                entityEntry.Design.BasePartInstanceId = instanceId;