Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void TestTabInputChanged()
            if (m_aEC == null)              // means it hasn't been set up yet.

            if (ecTextBoxInput.TextLength > 0)
                buttonTest.Enabled = true;

                NormConversionType eType = (checkBoxTestReverse.Checked)
                                        ? EncConverter.NormalizeRhsConversionType(ConversionType) : EncConverter.NormalizeLhsConversionType(ConversionType);

                if (eType == NormConversionType.eLegacy)
                    UpdateLegacyCodes(ecTextBoxInput.Text, m_aEC.CodePageInput, richTextBoxHexInput);
                    UpdateUniCodes(ecTextBoxInput.Text, richTextBoxHexInput);
                buttonTest.Enabled = false;

            // whenever the input changes, clear out the output
            ecTextBoxOutput.Text      = null;
            richTextBoxHexOutput.Text = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void buttonTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IEncConverter aEC = InitializeEncConverter;

            if (aEC != null)
                    aEC.DirectionForward = !checkBoxTestReverse.Checked;
                    ecTextBoxOutput.Text = aEC.Convert(ecTextBoxInput.Text);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Test failed! Reason: {0}", ex.Message),

                NormConversionType eType = (checkBoxTestReverse.Checked)
                                        ? EncConverter.NormalizeLhsConversionType(ConversionType) : EncConverter.NormalizeRhsConversionType(ConversionType);

                if (eType == NormConversionType.eLegacy)
                    UpdateLegacyCodes(ecTextBoxOutput.Text, m_aEC.CodePageOutput, richTextBoxHexOutput);
                    UpdateUniCodes(ecTextBoxOutput.Text, richTextBoxHexOutput);
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected bool IsLhsLegacy(IEncConverter aEC)
     if (aEC.DirectionForward)
         return(EncConverter.NormalizeLhsConversionType(aEC.ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eLegacy);
         return(EncConverter.NormalizeRhsConversionType(aEC.ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eLegacy);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void Initialize(string converterName, string converterSpec,
                                        ref string lhsEncodingID, ref string rhsEncodingID, ref ConvType conversionType,
                                        ref Int32 processTypeFlags, Int32 codePageInput, Int32 codePageOutput, bool bAdding)
            base.Initialize(converterName, converterSpec, ref lhsEncodingID, ref rhsEncodingID, ref conversionType, ref processTypeFlags, codePageInput, codePageOutput, bAdding);

            m_bLegacy = (EncConverter.NormalizeLhsConversionType(conversionType) == NormConversionType.eLegacy);

            // get the filespec to the project file and the knowledge base
            //  (the KB path *is* the converter spec)
            m_strKnowledgeBaseFileSpec = converterSpec;
            string strProjectFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(converterSpec);

            m_strProjectFileSpec = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", strProjectFolder, cstrAdaptItProjectFilename);

            if (bAdding)
                // if we're supposedly adding this one, then clobber our copy of its last modified
                // (there was a problem with us instantiating lots of these things in a row and
                //  not detecting the change because the modified date was within a second of each
                //  other)
                m_timeModifiedKB = m_timeModifiedProj = DateTime.MinValue;
Exemplo n.º 5
        internal static unsafe string GetString(byte *lpOutBuffer, int nOutLen, EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm, int nCodePageOut, EncodingForm eFormEngineOut, NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput, out int rciOutput, ref bool bDebugDisplayMode)
            // null terminate the output and turn it into a (real) array of bytes
            lpOutBuffer[nOutLen] = lpOutBuffer[nOutLen + 1] = lpOutBuffer[nOutLen + 2] = lpOutBuffer[nOutLen + 3] = 0;
            byte[] baOut = new byte[nOutLen];
            ByteStarToByteArr(lpOutBuffer, nOutLen, baOut);

            // check to see if the engine handled the given output form. If not, then see
            //	if it's a conversion we can easily do (otherwise we'll ask TEC to do the
            //	conversion for us (later) so that all engines can handle all possible
            //	output encoding forms.
            if (eOutEncodingForm != eFormEngineOut)
                if (EncConverter.IsLegacyFormat(eOutEncodingForm))
                    if ((eFormEngineOut == EncodingForm.LegacyBytes) && (eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.LegacyString))
                        // in this case, just *pretend* the engine outputs LegacyString (the
                        //  LegacyString case below really means "convert LegacyBytes to
                        //  LegacyString)
                        eFormEngineOut = eOutEncodingForm;
                else                    // unicode forms
                    // if the engine gives UTF8 and the client wants UTF16...
                    if ((eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF16) && (eFormEngineOut == EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes))
                        // use the special form to convert it below
                        eOutEncodingForm = eFormEngineOut = (EncodingForm)CCUnicode8;
                    // or vise versa
                    else if ((eFormEngineOut == EncodingForm.UTF16) &&
                             ((eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes) || (eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF8String)))
                        // engine gave UTF16, but user wants a UTF8 flavor.
                        // Decoder d = Encoding.Unicode.GetChars(baOut);
                        // d.GetChars(
                        UTF8Encoding enc = new UTF8Encoding();
                        baOut          = enc.GetBytes(Encoding.Unicode.GetChars(baOut));
                        eFormEngineOut = eOutEncodingForm;
                        nOutLen        = baOut.Length;
                    // these conversions we can do ourself
                    else if ((eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF8String) ||
                             (eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF16))
                        eFormEngineOut = eOutEncodingForm;

            int nItems = 0, nCharsLen = 0;

            char[] caOut = null;
            switch (eFormEngineOut)
            case EncodingForm.LegacyBytes:
            case EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes:
                if (eFormEngineOut == EncodingForm.LegacyBytes)
                    DisplayDebugCharValues(baOut, "Received (LegacyBytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as LegacyBytes)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);
                    DisplayDebugUCharValuesFromUTF8(baOut, "Received (UTF8Bytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as UTF8Bytes)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                // stuff the returned 'bytes' into the BSTR as narrow characters rather than
                //	converting to wide
                nItems    = nOutLen;
                nCharsLen = (nOutLen + 1) / 2;
                caOut     = new char[nCharsLen];
                ByteArrToCharArr(baOut, caOut);

            case EncodingForm.LegacyString:
                DisplayDebugCharValues(baOut, "Received (LegacyBytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as LegacyString)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                nCharsLen = nItems = nOutLen;

                    // this will throw (for some reason) when doing symbol fonts
                    //  (apparently, CP_SYMBOL is no longer supported).
                    caOut = Encoding.GetEncoding(nCodePageOut).GetChars(baOut);
                    if ((nCodePageOut == EncConverters.cnSymbolFontCodePage) || (nCodePageOut == EncConverters.cnIso8859_1CodePage))
                        char chMask = (char)0;
                        if (nCodePageOut == EncConverters.cnSymbolFontCodePage)
                            chMask = (char)0xF000;

                        // do it the 'hard way'
                        caOut = new char[nCharsLen];
                        for (int i = 0; i < nCharsLen; i++)
                            caOut[i] = (char)(baOut[i] | chMask);


            case EncodingForm.UTF16:
                nCharsLen = nItems = (nOutLen / 2);

                DisplayDebugUCharValues(baOut, "Received (UTF16) back from Converter/DLL (returning as UTF16)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                caOut = Encoding.Unicode.GetChars(baOut);

            case EncodingForm.UTF8String:
                DisplayDebugUCharValuesFromUTF8(baOut, "Received (UTF8Bytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as UTF8String)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                // this encoding form is always encoded using the default code page.
                caOut = Encoding.Default.GetChars(baOut);

                nCharsLen = nItems = nOutLen;

            case (EncodingForm)CCUnicode8:
                DisplayDebugUCharValuesFromUTF8(baOut, "Received (UTF8Bytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as UTF16)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                caOut = Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(baOut);

                nCharsLen = nItems = caOut.Length;

            case EncodingForm.UTF16BE:
            case EncodingForm.UTF32:
            case EncodingForm.UTF32BE:
                nCharsLen = nItems = nOutLen / 2;

                DisplayDebugUCharValues(baOut, "Received (UTF16BE/32/32BE) back from Converter/DLL...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                caOut = new char[nCharsLen];
                ByteArrToCharArr(baOut, caOut);

                // for UTF32, it is half again as little in the item count.
                if (eFormEngineOut != EncodingForm.UTF16BE)
                    nItems /= 2;


#if !v22_AllowEmptyReturn
            if ((nCharsLen <= 0)
                || (nCharsLen != caOut.Length)

            // check to see if the engine handled the given output form. If not, then ask
            //	TEC to do the conversion for us so that all engines can handle all possible
            //	output encoding forms (e.g. caller requested utf32, but above CC could only
            //  give us utf16/8)
            // Also, if the caller wanted something other than "None" for the eNormalizeOutput,
            //  then we also have to call TEC for that as well (but I think this only makes
            //  sense if the output is utf16(be) or utf32(be))
            // p.s. if this had been a TEC converter, then the eNormalizeOutput flag would
            //  ahready have been reset to None (by this point), since we would have directly
            //  requested that normalized form when we created the converter--see
            //  TecEncConverter.PreConvert)
            string strOutput = new string(caOut);
            if ((eFormEngineOut != eOutEncodingForm) ||
                (eNormalizeOutput != NormalizeFlags.None))
                strOutput = EncConverters.UnicodeEncodingFormConvertEx(strOutput, eFormEngineOut, nItems, eOutEncodingForm, eNormalizeOutput, out nItems);

            DisplayDebugUCharValues(strOutput, "Returning back to client...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

            rciOutput = nItems;
Exemplo n.º 6
        // this is the helper method that returns the input data normalized
        internal static unsafe byte *GetBytes(string strInput, int cnCountIn, EncodingForm eEncFormIn, int nCodePageIn, EncodingForm eFormEngineIn, byte *pBuf, ref int nBufSize, ref bool bDebugDisplayMode)
            // if the form the user gave is not what the engine wants (and it isn't legacy
            //  since legacy forms are already handled later)...
            if ((eEncFormIn != eFormEngineIn) && !EncConverter.IsLegacyFormat(eEncFormIn))
                // we can do some of the conversions ourself. For example, if the input form
                //	is UTF16 and the desired form is UTF8, then simply use CCUnicode8 below
                if ((eEncFormIn == EncodingForm.UTF16) && (eFormEngineIn == EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes))
                    eEncFormIn = (EncodingForm)CCUnicode8;
                // we can also do the following one
                else if ((eEncFormIn == EncodingForm.UTF8String) && (eFormEngineIn == EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes))
                    ;                     // i.e. don't have TECkit do this one...
                    strInput   = EncConverters.UnicodeEncodingFormConvertEx(strInput, eEncFormIn, cnCountIn, eFormEngineIn, NormalizeFlags.None, out cnCountIn);
                    eEncFormIn = eFormEngineIn;

            int nInLen = 0;

            switch (eEncFormIn)
            case EncodingForm.LegacyBytes:
            case EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes:
                if (cnCountIn != 0)
                    nInLen = cnCountIn;                                     // item count should be the number of bytes directly.
                    // if the user didn't give the length (i.e. via ConvertEx), then get it
                    //	from the BSTR length. nInLen will be the # of bytes.
                    nInLen = strInput.Length * 2;

                // these forms are for C++ apps that want to use the BSTR to transfer
                //  bytes rather than OLECHARs.
                nInLen = StringToByteStar(strInput, pBuf, nInLen);

                if (eEncFormIn == EncodingForm.LegacyBytes)
                    DisplayDebugCharValues(pBuf, nInLen, "Received (LegacyBytes) from client and sending to Converter/DLL...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);
                    DisplayDebugUCharValuesFromUTF8(pBuf, nInLen, "Received (UTF8Bytes) from client and sending to Converter/DLL...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

            case EncodingForm.LegacyString:
                if (cnCountIn != 0)
                    nInLen = cnCountIn;                                       // item count should be the number of bytes directly (after conversion below).
                    nInLen = strInput.Length;                                     // the # of bytes will *be* the # of chars in the string after we're done.
                DisplayDebugUCharValues(strInput, "Received (LegacyString) from client...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                // use a code page converter to narrowize using the input string
                // (but the 'easier' Add method will send 0; if so, then
                //	fallback to the original method.
                byte[] ba = null;

                // first check if it's a symbol font (sometimes the user
                //	incorrectly sends a few spaces first, so check the
                //	first couple of bytes. If it is (and the code page is 0), then
                //  change the code page to be CP_SYMBOL
                if ((nCodePageIn == 0) &&
                    (((strInput[0] & 0xF000) == 0xF000) ||
                     ((strInput.Length > 1) && ((strInput[1] & 0xF000) == 0xF000)) ||
                     ((strInput.Length > 2) && ((strInput[2] & 0xF000) == 0xF000))
                    nCodePageIn = EncConverters.cnSymbolFontCodePage;

                // if it's a symbol or iso-8859 encoding, then we can handle just
                //  taking the low byte (i.e. the catch case)
                if ((nCodePageIn == EncConverters.cnSymbolFontCodePage) ||
                    (nCodePageIn == EncConverters.cnIso8859_1CodePage)
                        Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(nCodePageIn);
                        ba = enc.GetBytes(strInput);
                        // for some reason, symbol fonts don't appear to be supported in
                        //	.Net... Use cpIso8859 as the fallback
                        // oops: cp8859 won't work for symbol data, so if GetBytes
                        //  fails, just go back to stripping out the low byte as we had it
                        //  originally. This'll work for both 8859 and symbol
                        ba = new byte[nInLen];
                        for (int i = 0; i < nInLen; i++)
                            ba[i] = (byte)(strInput[i] & 0xFF);
                    // otherwise, simply use CP_ACP (or the default code page) to
                    //	narrowize it.
                    Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(nCodePageIn);
                    ba = enc.GetBytes(strInput);

                // turn that byte array into a byte array...
                ByteArrToByteStar(ba, pBuf);

                if (cnCountIn != 0)
                    nInLen = cnCountIn;                                     // item count should be the number of bytes directly.
                    // if the user didn't give the length (i.e. via ConvertEx), then get it
                    //	from the BSTR length. nInLen will be the # of bytes.
                    nInLen = ba.Length;

                DisplayDebugCharValues(pBuf, nInLen, "Sending (LegacyBytes) to Converter/DLL...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

            // this following form *must* be widened UTF8 via the default code page
            case EncodingForm.UTF8String:
                DisplayDebugUCharValues(strInput, "Received (UTF8String) from client...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                // use a code page converter to narrowize using the input string
                Encoding enc = Encoding.Default;
                byte[]   ba  = enc.GetBytes(strInput);

                // turn that byte array into a byte array...
                ByteArrToByteStar(ba, pBuf);

                if (cnCountIn != 0)
                    nInLen = cnCountIn;                                     // item count should be the number of bytes directly.
                    // if the user didn't give the length (i.e. via ConvertEx), then get it
                    //	from the BSTR length. nInLen will be the # of bytes.
                    nInLen = ba.Length;

                DisplayDebugUCharValuesFromUTF8(pBuf, nInLen, "Sending (UTF8Bytes) to Converter/DLL...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

            // this is a special case for CC where the input was actually UTF16, but the
            //	CC DLL is expecting (usually) UTF8, so convert from UTF16->UTF8 narrow
            case (EncodingForm)CCUnicode8:
                DisplayDebugUCharValues(strInput, "Received (UTF16) from client...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                UTF8Encoding enc = new UTF8Encoding();
                byte[]       ba  = enc.GetBytes(strInput);

                // turn that byte array into a byte array...
                ByteArrToByteStar(ba, pBuf);

                // since we've changed the format, we don't care how many UTF16 words came in
                nInLen = ba.Length;

                DisplayDebugUCharValuesFromUTF8(pBuf, nInLen, "Sending (UTF8Bytes) to Converter/DLL...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

            case EncodingForm.UTF16:
                if (cnCountIn != 0)
                    nInLen = cnCountIn;                                       // item count should be the number of 16-bit words directly
                    nInLen = strInput.Length;

                DisplayDebugUCharValues(strInput, "Received (UTF16) from client and sending to Converter/DLL...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                // but this should be the count of bytes...
                nInLen *= 2;
                StringToByteStar(strInput, pBuf, nInLen);

            case EncodingForm.UTF16BE:
            case EncodingForm.UTF32:
            case EncodingForm.UTF32BE:
                if (cnCountIn != 0)
                    nInLen = cnCountIn;                                     // item count is the number of Uni chars

                    // for UTF32, the converter's actually expecting the length to be twice
                    //	this much again.
                    if (eEncFormIn != EncodingForm.UTF16BE)
                        nInLen *= 2;
                    nInLen = strInput.Length;

                DisplayDebugUCharValues(pBuf, nInLen, "Received (UTF16BE/32/32BE) from client/Sending to Converter/DLL...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                // for the byte count, double it (possibly again)
                nInLen *= 2;
                StringToByteStar(strInput, pBuf, nInLen);


            pBuf[nInLen] = pBuf[nInLen + 1] = pBuf[nInLen + 2] = pBuf[nInLen + 3] = 0;
            nBufSize     = (int)nInLen;

Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override unsafe void DoConvert
            byte *lpInBuffer,
            int nInLen,
            byte *lpOutBuffer,
            ref int rnOutLen
            rnOutLen = 0;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WorkingDir))
                // we need to put it *back* into a string because the StreamWriter that will
                // ultimately write to the StandardInput uses a string. Use the correct codepg.
                byte [] baDst = new byte [nInLen];
                ECNormalizeData.ByteStarToByteArr(lpInBuffer, nInLen, baDst);
                Encoding enc;
                    enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(this.CodePageInput);
                    enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(EncConverters.cnIso8859_1CodePage);
                string strInput = enc.GetString(baDst);

                // call the helper that calls the exe
                string strOutput = DoExeCall(strInput);

                // if there's a response...
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strOutput))
                    // ... put it in the output buffer
                    // if the output is legacy, then we need to shrink it from wide to narrow
                    // it'll be legacy either if (the direction is forward and the rhs=eLegacy)
                    // or if (the direction is reverse and the rhs=eLegacy)
                    bool bLegacyOutput =
                            ((this.DirectionForward == true) &&
                             (EncConverter.NormalizeRhsConversionType(this.ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eLegacy)
                            ) ||
                            ((this.DirectionForward == false) &&
                             (EncConverter.NormalizeLhsConversionType(this.ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eLegacy)

                    if (bLegacyOutput)
                            enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(this.CodePageOutput);
                            enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(EncConverters.cnIso8859_1CodePage);
                        byte [] baOut = enc.GetBytes(strOutput);
                        ECNormalizeData.ByteArrToByteStar(baOut, lpOutBuffer);
                        rnOutLen = baOut.Length;
                        rnOutLen = strOutput.Length * 2;
                        ECNormalizeData.StringToByteStar(strOutput, lpOutBuffer, rnOutLen);