Exemplo n.º 1
        public MainForm()
            #region Debug

            Utils.FileOperate fo = new Utils.FileOperate();
            this.debugLabel.Visible = false;
            this.debugLabel.Text = fo.GetLastLoginMasterName();


            #region Widget
            this.CloseButton.Visible = true;
            this.title.Visible = true;
            this.titleboard.Visible = true;
            this.title.Text = "选择英雄";

            this.ListPanel.Parent = this.ParentPanel;
            this.ListPanel.Height = 1320;
            this.ListPanel.Top = 0;
            this.ListPanel.Left = 0;

            this.ResultListPanel.Parent = this.ParentPanel;
            this.ResultListPanel.Top = 0;
            this.ResultListPanel.Left = 0;
            this.ResultListPanel.Height = 1320;

            this.ActiveControl = this.ListPanel;

            InitPanels(this.ResultListPanel, resultList, PP_MouseClick, Panel_Item_MouseDoubleClick);

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)  //如果未来需要增加皮肤上限数量的话 这里的上标也要修改
                Panel preview = this.Controls.Find("preview" + i.ToString(), true)[0] as Panel;
                previewList.Add(i, preview);
                preview.MouseClick += previewPanel_MouseClick;


            this.cutBox.Parent = ChampionPanel;
            this.CloseButton.MouseClick +=CloseButton_MouseClick;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public string SaveBitMap(int offsetX, int offsetY, int width, int height,string championName)
            string path = "";
            Bitmap shot = new Bitmap(width, height);
            XMLConfig xml = new XMLConfig();
            Utils.FileOperate fo = new FileOperate();

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(shot))
                //g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
                g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                g.CopyFromScreen(offsetX, offsetY, 0, 0, new Size(width, height));
                string index = fo.GetLastIndexFile(xml.SavePath, championName);
                shot.Save(xml.SavePath +"\\" +championName + "_" + index +  ".png");
                path = xml.SavePath + "\\" + championName + "_" + index + ".png";
            return path;
Exemplo n.º 3
        void previewPanel_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Utils.FileOperate fo = new Utils.FileOperate();
            Panel previewPanel = sender as Panel;
            for (int i = 0; i < previewList.Count; i++)
                if (previewPanel.Equals(previewList[i]))
                    Models.Champion champion = CListObj.GetChampionById(ChampionName.Tag.ToString());
                    string bgPath = fo.GetAirChampionSkinPath(i, champion);
                    ChampionPanel.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(bgPath);
                    ChampionSkinName.Text = champion.Skins[i].CnName;

Exemplo n.º 4
        void Panel_Item_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (!ChampionPanel.Visible)
                Panel panel = sender as Panel;
                Panel parent = panel.Parent as Panel;
                Label label = parent.GetChildAtPoint(new Point(0, 70)) as Label;
                Models.Champion champion = CListObj.GetChampionByKid(label.Text);
                Utils.FileOperate fo = new Utils.FileOperate();
                Utils.BitmapOperate bo = new Utils.BitmapOperate();
                ChampionName.Tag = champion.EnName;
                ChampionName.Text = champion.DefaultName + " - " + champion.CnName;
                ChampionSkinName.Text = "经典";

                string portraitPath = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(champion);
                ChampionPortrait.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(portraitPath);

                string backgroundPath = fo.GetAirChampionSkinPath(0,champion);
                ChampionPanel.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(backgroundPath);
                ChampionPanel.Tag = ChampionName.Tag;

                for (int i = 0; i < previewList.Count; i++)
                    previewList[i].BackgroundImage = null;
                    previewList[i].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
                    previewList[i].Visible = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < champion.Skins.Count; i++)
                    string prePath = fo.GetAirChampionSkinPreviewPath(i, champion);
                    Bitmap bmp = bo.GetPartOfImageRec(prePath, 162, 43, 162, 295, 0, -50);

                    previewList[i].BackgroundImage = bmp;
                    previewList[i].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                    previewList[i].Visible = true;
                this.SkinPreviewPanel.Visible = true;

                this.ActiveControl = this.SkinPreviewsPanel;
                this.ChampionPanel.Visible = true;

Exemplo n.º 5
        void Snapshot_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Datas
            Datas.LoginSeverList LlistObj = new Datas.LoginSeverList();
            Utils.FileOperate fo = new Utils.FileOperate();
            string loginQ = fo.GetGameLoginPath();
            Utils.INIConfig ini = new Utils.INIConfig(loginQ);
            this.SummorName.Tag = fo.GetLastLoginMasterName();
            string QQ = ini.GetSectionKey_StringValue("Public", "LastQQUin", "") == "" ? "" : ini.GetSectionKey_StringValue("Public", "LastQQUin", "");
            for (int i = 0; i < LlistObj.GetSeverList().Count; i++)
                string key = ini.GetSectionKey_StringValue("LoginUserRecord", "QQ" + QQ.Trim(), "");
                if (key == "")
                    if (LlistObj.GetSeverList()[i].sID == 257)
                        this.SeverName.Tag = LlistObj.GetSeverList()[i].sName;
                        ini.EditSectionKey_IntValue("NoLoginUserRecord", "LastLogin", 257);

                    if (LlistObj.GetSeverList()[i].sID == Convert.ToInt32(key))
                        this.SeverName.Tag = LlistObj.GetSeverList()[i].sName;


            #region Widget
            Models.FontText champion = new Models.FontText();
            //champion.point = this.ChampionName.Location;
            champion.text = this.ChampionName.Tag.ToString();
            champion.family = "Verdana";
            champion.size = 10;

            Models.FontText server = new Models.FontText();
            //server.point = this.SeverName.Location;
            server.text = this.SeverName.Tag.ToString();
            server.size = 12;

            Models.FontText summor = new Models.FontText();
            //summor.point = this.SummorName.Location;
            summor.text = this.SummorName.Tag.ToString();
            summor.size = 12;

            Models.FontText lolog = new Models.FontText();
            //lol.point = this.LOL.Location;
            lolog.text = this.LOL.Tag.ToString();
            lolog.family = "Calibri";
            lolog.size = 10;

            Models.FontText rank = new Models.FontText();
            rank.text = "战斗力:";

            Fts.Add("RankName", rank);
            Fts.Add("ChampionName", champion);
            Fts.Add("SummorName", summor);
            Fts.Add("SeverName", server);
            Fts.Add("LOL", lolog);

            this.ActiveControl = this.ShotPanel;
            this.Width = this.ShotPanel.Width + 30;
            this.Height = this.ShotPanel.Height + 40;
            this.ShotPanel.Top = 15;
            this.ShotPanel.Left = 15;
            this.SeverName.Left = 10;
            this.SeverName.Top = 10;
            this.SummorName.Left = this.SeverName.Left;
            this.SummorName.Top = this.SeverName.Bottom + 5;

            Graphics championname = CreateGraphics();
            SizeF championsize = championname.MeasureString(Fts["ChampionName"].text, new Font(Fts["ChampionName"].family, Fts["ChampionName"].size));
            ChampionName.Width = Convert.ToInt32(championsize.Width);
            ChampionName.Height = Convert.ToInt32(championsize.Height);
            this.ChampionName.Left = this.ShotPanel.Width - Convert.ToInt32(championsize.Width) - 3;
            this.ChampionName.Top = 3;

            Graphics lol = CreateGraphics();
            SizeF lolsize = lol.MeasureString(Fts["LOL"].text, new Font(Fts["LOL"].family, Fts["LOL"].size));
            LOL.Width = Convert.ToInt32(lolsize.Width);
            LOL.Height = Convert.ToInt32(lolsize.Height);
            this.LOL.Left = this.ShotPanel.Width - this.LOL.Width + 17;
            this.LOL.Top = this.ShotPanel.Height - this.LOL.Height - 2;

            Graphics rankg = CreateGraphics();
            SizeF ranksize = rankg.MeasureString(Fts["RankName"].text, new Font(Fts["RankName"].family, Fts["RankName"].size));
            RankName.Width = Convert.ToInt32(ranksize.Width);
            RankName.Height = Convert.ToInt32(ranksize.Height);
            this.RankName.Top = this.SummorName.Bottom + 5;
            this.RankName.Left = this.SummorName.Left;

            this.cancelButton.Top = this.ShotPanel.Top + this.ShotPanel.Height + 2;
            this.cancelButton.Left = this.Width - this.cancelButton.Width - 10;
            this.SaveButton.Top = this.cancelButton.Top;
            this.SaveButton.Left = this.Width - this.SaveButton.Width * 2 - 15;

            this.CB_Rank.Top = this.SaveButton.Top-2;
            this.CB_Rank.Left = this.SaveButton.Left - this.CB_Rank.Width;

            this.Sig.Top = this.cancelButton.Top;
            this.Sig.Left = this.ShotPanel.Left;
            this.FileLink.Top = this.cancelButton.Top;
            this.FileLink.Left = this.Sig.Right - 2;
            this.SaveOK.Top = this.cancelButton.Top;
            this.SaveOK.Left = this.FileLink.Right - 2;

            this.q.Top = this.ShotPanel.Height - this.q.Height - 5;
            this.q.Left = 5;

            this.w.Top = this.q.Top;
            this.w.Left = this.q.Right + 3;

            this.e.Top = this.q.Top;
            this.e.Left = this.w.Right + 3;

            this.r.Top = this.q.Top;
            this.r.Left = this.e.Right + 3;
            this.t.Top = this.q.Top;
            this.t.Left = this.r.Right + 3;

            this.q.Paint += spell_Paint;
            this.w.Paint += spell_Paint;
            this.e.Paint += spell_Paint;
            this.r.Paint += spell_Paint;
            this.t.Paint += spell_Paint;

            this.Spell_Config.Top = this.ShotPanel.Bottom + 20;
            this.Label_Config.Top = this.ShotPanel.Bottom + 20;

            this.labelQ.Tag = 1;
            this.labelW.Tag = 1;
            this.labelE.Tag = 1;
            this.labelR.Tag = 1;
            this.labelT.Tag = 1;

            string severname = lList.GetSeverDataById(this.SeverName.Tag.ToString());
            Datas.WebDatas wb = new Datas.WebDatas(severname, Fts["SummorName"].text);
            Fts["RankName"].text =   wb.Level + "  " + wb.WinPoint;
            //switch (rankdisplay)
            //    case "Fight": Fts["RankName"].text = "战斗力:" + wb.Fight; break;
            //    case "SoloRank": Fts["RankName"].text = "5v5单人:" + wb.SoloRank; break;
            //    case "TeamRank": Fts["RankName"].text = "5v5组队:" + wb.TeamRank; break;
            lvdata =   wb.Level  + "  " + wb.WinPoint;
            //fightInit = wb.Fight;
            //soloInit = wb.SoloRank;
            //teamInit = wb.TeamRank;

Exemplo n.º 6
        void SeverLabelClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Utils.FileOperate fo = new Utils.FileOperate();
            string loginPath = fo.GetGameLoginPath();
            Utils.INIConfig cfg = new Utils.INIConfig(loginPath);
            Label label = sender as Label;
            cfg.EditSectionKey_StringValue("LoginUserRecord", "QQ" + cfg.GetSectionKey_StringValue("Public","LastQQUin",""), label.Tag.ToString());

            SeverName.Tag = label.Text;
            LoginSeverList.Visible = false;
            Fts["SeverName"].text = label.Text;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static Dictionary<string, Champion> getChampionList()
            Dictionary<string, Champion> cList = new Dictionary<string, Champion>();
                FileOperate fo = new FileOperate();

                //阿狸 九尾妖狐
                Champion Ahri = new Champion();
                Ahri.EnName = "Ahri";
                Ahri.CnName = "阿狸";
                Ahri.DefaultName = "九尾妖狐";
                Ahri.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Ahri);

                Ahri.ShortName = new List<string> { "狐狸", "狐女" };
                Ahri.Skins = new List<Skin> {
                    new Skin(Ahri, 0,  "Classic", "经典"),
                    new Skin(Ahri, 1, "Dynasty","高丽风情"),
                    new Skin(Ahri, 2, "Midnight","暗影妖狐"),
                    new Skin(Ahri, 3, "FireFox","焰尾妖狐"),
                Ahri.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("Ahri_OrbofDeception","q"),
                    new Spell("Ahri_FoxFire","w"),
                    new Spell("Ahri_Charm","e"),
                    new Spell("Ahri_SpiritRush","r"),
                    new Spell("Ahri_SoulEater","t"),
               Ahri.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "刺客" };
               cList.Add(Ahri.EnName, Ahri);

                //阿卡丽 暗影之拳
                Champion Akali = new Champion();
                Akali.EnName = "Akali";
                Akali.CnName = "阿卡丽";
                Akali.DefaultName = "暗影之拳";
                Akali.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Akali);

                Akali.ShortName = null;

                Akali.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Akali,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Akali,1,"Stinger","蜂刺"),
                    new Skin(Akali,2,"Crimson","绯红"),
                    new Skin(Akali,3,"All-Star","足球宝贝"),
                    new Skin(Akali,4,"Nurse","实习护士"),
                    new Skin(Akali,5,"Blood Moon","鬼舞姬"),
                    new Skin(Akali,6,"Silverfang","银色之牙"),
                Akali.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("AkaliMota","q"),
                    new Spell("AkaliTwilightShroud","w"),
                    new Spell("AkaliCrescentSlash","e"),
                    new Spell("AkaliShadowDance","r"),
                    new Spell("AkaliTwinDisciplines","t"),
                Akali.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "刺客" };
                cList.Add(Akali.EnName, Akali);

                //阿利斯塔 牛头酋长 (牛头)
                Champion Alistar = new Champion();
                Alistar.EnName = "Alistar";
                Alistar.CnName = "阿利斯塔";
                Alistar.DefaultName = "牛头酋长";
                Alistar.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Alistar);

                Alistar.ShortName = new List<string> { "牛头", "老牛" };
                Alistar.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Alistar,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Alistar,1,"Black","暗黑灵魂"),
                    new Skin(Alistar,2,"Golden","金牛座"),
                    new Skin(Alistar,3,"Matador","斗牛士"),
                    new Skin(Alistar,4,"Longhorn","荒野嫖客"),
                    new Skin(Alistar,5,"Unchained","巨角幻兽"),
                    new Skin(Alistar,6,"Infernal","地狱火"),
                Alistar.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("Minotaur_Pulverize","q"),
                    new Spell("Minotaur_Headbutt","w"),
                    new Spell("Minotaur_FerociousHowl","e"),
                    new Spell("Minotaur_DeepSniff","r"),
                    new Spell("Minotaur_ColossalStrength","t"),
                Alistar.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "辅助", "打野", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Alistar.EnName, Alistar);

                Champion Amumu = new Champion();
                Amumu.EnName = "Amumu";
                Amumu.CnName = "阿木木";
                Amumu.DefaultName = "殇之木乃伊";
                Amumu.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Amumu);

                Amumu.ShortName = new List<string> { "木木" };
                Amumu.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Amumu,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Amumu,1,"Pharaoh","法老"),
                    new Skin(Amumu,2,"Vancouver","狂欢"),
                    new Skin(Amumu,3,"Emumu","摇滚情绪"),
                    new Skin(Amumu,4,"Re-Gifted","主人不要我了"),
                    new Skin(Amumu,5,"Almost-Prow-King","王子不是我"),
                    new Skin(Amumu,6,"Little Knight","小小骑士"),
                    new Skin(Amumu,7,"Sad Robot","殇之机器人"),
                Amumu.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("SadMummy_BandageFlinger","q"),
                    new Spell("SadMummy_AuraOfDespair","w"),
                    new Spell("SadMummy_Tantrum","e"),
                    new Spell("SadMummy_BandAidThingy","r"),
                    new Spell("SadMummy_CorpseExplosion","t"),
                Amumu.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "打野", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Amumu.EnName, Amumu);

                //艾尼维亚 冰晶凤凰 (凤凰)
                Champion Anivia = new Champion();
                Anivia.EnName = "Anivia";
                Anivia.CnName = "艾尼维亚";
                Anivia.DefaultName = "冰晶凤凰";
                Anivia.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Anivia);

                Anivia.ShortName = new List<string> { "凤凰", "冰鸟" };
                Anivia.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Anivia,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Anivia,1,"Team Spilit","双重冰晶"),
                    new Skin(Anivia,2,"Bird of Prey","联盟之喙"),
                    new Skin(Anivia,3,"Noxus Hunter","重甲猎鹰"),
                    new Skin(Anivia,4,"Hextech","海克斯科技"),
                Anivia.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("Cryophoenix_FrigidOrb","q"),
                    new Spell("Cryophoenix_Crystallize","w"),
                    new Spell("Cryophoenix_DeepFreeze","e"),
                    new Spell("Cryophoenix_GlacialStorm","r"),
                    new Spell("Cryophoenix_Rebirth","t"),
                Anivia.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "推进" };
                cList.Add(Anivia.EnName, Anivia);

                //安妮 黑暗之女
                Champion Annie = new Champion();
                Annie.EnName = "Annie";
                Annie.CnName = "安妮";
                Annie.DefaultName = "黑暗之女";
                Annie.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Annie);

                Annie.ShortName = new List<string> { "火女" };
                Annie.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Annie,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Annie,1,"Goth","哥特萝莉"),
                    new Skin(Annie,2,"Red Riding","小红帽"),
                    new Skin(Annie,3,"Annie in Wonderland","梦游仙境"),
                    new Skin(Annie,4,"Prow Queen","舞会公主"),
                    new Skin(Annie,5,"Frostfire","冰霜烈焰"),
                    new Skin(Annie,6,"Reverse","反宠为主"),
                    new Skin(Annie,7,"Frankentibbers","科学怪熊的新娘"),
                    new Skin(Annie,8,"","你看见过我的熊猫吗"),
                Annie.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("Annie_Q","q"),
                    new Spell("Annie_W","w"),
                    new Spell("Annie_E","e"),
                    new Spell("Annie_R1","r"),
                    new Spell("Annie_Passive","t"),
                Annie.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Annie.EnName, Annie);

                //艾希 寒冰射手
                Champion Ashe = new Champion();
                Ashe.EnName = "Ashe";
                Ashe.CnName = "艾希";
                Ashe.DefaultName = "寒冰射手";
                Ashe.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Ashe);

                Ashe.ShortName = new List<string> { "冰弓", "寒冰", "爱射" };
                Ashe.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Ashe,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Ashe,1,"Freljord","极地女神"),
                    new Skin(Ashe,2,"Sherwood Forest","丛林侠盗"),
                    new Skin(Ashe,3,"Woad","暗夜精灵"),
                    new Skin(Ashe,4,"Queen","女皇"),
                    new Skin(Ashe,5,"Amethyst","紫晶射手"),
                Ashe.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("Bowmaster_IceArrow","q"),
                    new Spell("Bowmaster_Volley","w"),
                    new Spell("Bowmaster_Hawkshot","e"),
                    new Spell("Bowmaster_EnchantedArrow","r"),
                    new Spell("Bowmaster_BullsEye","t"),
                Ashe.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Ashe.EnName, Ashe);

                //布里茨 蒸汽机器人
                Champion Blitzcrank = new Champion();
                Blitzcrank.EnName = "Blitzcrank";
                Blitzcrank.CnName = "布里茨";
                Blitzcrank.DefaultName = "蒸汽机器人";
                Blitzcrank.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Blitzcrank);

                Blitzcrank.ShortName = new List<string> { "机器人" };
                Blitzcrank.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Blitzcrank,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Blitzcrank,1,"Rusty","铁锈斑斑"),
                    new Skin(Blitzcrank,2,"Goalkeeper","钢铁之门"),
                    new Skin(Blitzcrank,3,"Boom Boom","擂台皇帝"),
                    new Skin(Blitzcrank,4,"Piltover Customs","陆地王者4WD"),
                    new Skin(Blitzcrank,5,"Definitely","戴一个表"),
                    new Skin(Blitzcrank,6,"iRobot","我,机器人"),
                Blitzcrank.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("Blitzcrank_RocketGrab","q"),
                    new Spell("Blitzcrank_Overdrive","w"),
                    new Spell("Blitzcrank_PowerFist","e"),
                    new Spell("Blitzcrank_StaticField","r"),
                    new Spell("Blitzcrank_ManaBarrier","t"),
                Blitzcrank.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "辅助", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Blitzcrank.EnName, Blitzcrank);

                //布兰德 复仇烈焰
                Champion Brand = new Champion();
                Brand.EnName = "Brand";
                Brand.CnName = "布兰德";
                Brand.DefaultName = "复仇烈焰";
                Brand.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Brand);

                Brand.ShortName = new List<string> { "火人", "火男" };
                Brand.Skins = new List<Skin>()
                    new Skin(Brand,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Brand,1,"Apocalyptic","末日余生"),
                    new Skin(Brand,2,"Vandal","V字仇杀者"),
                    new Skin(Brand,3,"Cryocore","冰晶之核"),
                    new Skin(Brand,4,"Zombie","僵尸"),
                Brand.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("BrandSear","q"),
                    new Spell("BrandPillarOfFlame","w"),
                    new Spell("BrandConflagration","e"),
                    new Spell("BrandPyroclasm","r"),
                    new Spell("BrandBlaze","t"),
                Brand.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "推进" };
                cList.Add(Brand.EnName, Brand);

                //凯特琳 皮城女警
                Champion Caitlyn = new Champion();
                Caitlyn.EnName = "Caitlyn";
                Caitlyn.CnName = "凯特琳";
                Caitlyn.DefaultName = "皮城女警";
                Caitlyn.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Caitlyn);

                Caitlyn.ShortName = new List<string> { "皮城", "女警" };
                Caitlyn.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Caitlyn,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Caitlyn,1,"Resistance","抵抗军天使"),
                    new Skin(Caitlyn,2,"Sheriff","荒野治安官"),
                    new Skin(Caitlyn,3,"Safari","古墓丽影"),
                    new Skin(Caitlyn,4,"Arctic Warfare","自由战士"),
                    new Skin(Caitlyn,5,"Officer","女警狙击"),
                Caitlyn.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Caitlyn_PiltoverPeacemaker","q"),
                    new Spell ("Caitlyn_YordleSnapTrap","w"),
                    new Spell ("Caitlyn_90CaliberNet","e"),
                    new Spell ("Caitlyn_AceintheHole","r"),
                    new Spell ("Caitlyn_Headshot","t"),
                Caitlyn.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Caitlyn.EnName, Caitlyn);

                //卡西奥佩娅 魔蛇之拥
                Champion Cassiopeia = new Champion();
                Cassiopeia.EnName = "Cassiopeia";
                Cassiopeia.CnName = "卡西奥佩娅";
                Cassiopeia.DefaultName = "魔蛇之拥";
                Cassiopeia.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Cassiopeia);

                Cassiopeia.ShortName = new List<string> { "蛇女" };
                Cassiopeia.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Cassiopeia,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Cassiopeia,1,"Desperada","荒漠之咬"),
                    new Skin(Cassiopeia,2,"Siren","深海妖姬"),
                    new Skin(Cassiopeia,3,"Mythic","蛇发女妖"),
                    new Skin(Cassiopeia,4,"","碧玉之牙"),
                Cassiopeia.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Cassiopeia_NoxiousBlast","q"),
                    new Spell ("Cassiopeia_Miasma","w"),
                    new Spell ("Cassiopeia_TwinFang","e"),
                    new Spell ("Cassiopeia_PetrifyingGaze","r"),
                    new Spell ("Cassiopeia_DeadlyCadence","t"),
                Cassiopeia.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Cassiopeia.EnName, Cassiopeia);

                //科加斯 虚空恐惧(大虫子)
                Champion Chogath = new Champion();
                Chogath.EnName = "Chogath";
                Chogath.CnName = "科加斯";
                Chogath.DefaultName = "虚空恐惧";
                Chogath.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Chogath);

                Chogath.ShortName = new List<string> { "大虫子" };
                Chogath.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Chogath,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Chogath,1,"Nightmare","梦魇"),
                    new Skin(Chogath,2,"Gentleman","绅士"),
                    new Skin(Chogath,3,"Lock Ness","尼斯巨兽"),
                    new Skin(Chogath,4,"Jurassio","侏罗纪化石"),
                    new Skin(Chogath,5,"Battlecast Prime","战地机甲"),
                Chogath.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("GreenTerror_SpikeSlam","q"),
                    new Spell ("GreenTerror_FeralScream","w"),
                    new Spell ("GreenTerror_ChitinousExoplates","e"),
                    new Spell ("GreenTerror_Feast","r"),
                    new Spell ("GreenTerror_TailSpike","t"),
                Chogath.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Chogath.EnName, Chogath);

                //库奇 英勇投弹手(飞机)
                Champion Corki = new Champion();
                Corki.EnName = "Corki";
                Corki.CnName = "库奇";
                Corki.DefaultName = "英勇投弹手";
                Corki.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Corki);

                Corki.ShortName = new List<string> { "飞机" };
                Corki.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Corki,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Corki,1,"UFO","外星装甲"),
                    new Skin(Corki,2,"Ice Toboggen","雪橇速滑"),
                    new Skin(Corki,3,"Red Baron","红色男爵"),
                    new Skin(Corki,4,"Hot Rod","急速前进"),
                    new Skin(Corki,5,"Urfrider","海牛骑士"),
                    new Skin(Corki,6,"","神龙之翼"),
                Corki.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Corki_PhosphorusBomb","q"),
                    new Spell ("Corki_Valkyrie","w"),
                    new Spell ("Corki_GatlingGun","e"),
                    new Spell ("Corki_MissileBarrage","r"),
                    new Spell ("Corki_RapidReload","t"),
                Corki.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Corki.EnName, Corki);

                //德莱厄斯 诺克萨斯之手(断头台)
                Champion Darius = new Champion();
                Darius.EnName = "Darius";
                Darius.CnName = "德莱厄斯";
                Darius.DefaultName = "诺克萨斯之手";
                Darius.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Darius);

                Darius.ShortName = new List<string> { "诺手", "断头台" };
                Darius.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Darius,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Darius,1,"Lord","铁血帝皇"),
                    new Skin(Darius,2,"Bioforge","生化骑士"),
                Darius.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Darius_Icon_Decimate","q"),
                    new Spell ("Darius_Icon_Hamstring","w"),
                    new Spell ("Darius_Icon_Axe_Grab","e"),
                    new Spell ("Darius_Icon_Sudden_Death","r"),
                    new Spell ("Darius_Icon_Hemorrhage","t"),
                Darius.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野" };
                cList.Add(Darius.EnName, Darius);

                //戴安娜 皎月女神
                Champion Diana = new Champion();
                Diana.EnName = "Diana";
                Diana.CnName = "戴安娜";
                Diana.DefaultName = "皎月女神";
                Diana.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Diana);

                Diana.ShortName = new List<string> { "皎月", "月女", "包大人" };
                Diana.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Diana,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Diana,1,"Dark Valkyrie","暗黑女武神"),
                Diana.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Diana_Q_MoonsEdge","q"),
                    new Spell ("Diana_W_LunarShower","w"),
                    new Spell ("Diana_E_MoonFall","e"),
                    new Spell ("Diana_R_FasterThanLight","r"),
                    new Spell ("Diana_Passive_LunarBlade","t"),
                Diana.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "打野", "推进" };
                cList.Add(Diana.EnName, Diana);

                //德莱文 荣耀行刑官
                Champion Draven = new Champion();
                Draven.EnName = "Draven";
                Draven.CnName = "德莱文";
                Draven.DefaultName = "荣耀行刑官";
                Draven.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Draven);

                Draven.ShortName = new List<string> { "飞斧男", "杂技男" };
                Draven.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Draven,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Draven,1,"Soul Reaver","灵魂收割者"),
                Draven.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Draven_SpinningAxe","q"),
                    new Spell ("Draven_Bloodrage","w"),
                    new Spell ("Draven_TwinAxe","e"),
                    new Spell ("Draven_WhirlingDeath","r"),
                    new Spell ("Draven_passive","t"),
                Draven.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Draven.EnName, Draven);

                //蒙多 祖安狂人
                Champion DrMundo = new Champion();
                DrMundo.EnName = "DrMundo";
                DrMundo.CnName = "蒙多";
                DrMundo.DefaultName = "祖安狂人";
                DrMundo.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(DrMundo);

                DrMundo.ShortName = new List<string> { "蒙多医生", "医生" };
                DrMundo.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(DrMundo,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(DrMundo,1,"Toxic","战栗之毒"),
                    new Skin(DrMundo,2,"Mr. Mundoverse","健美教练"),
                    new Skin(DrMundo,3,"Corporate","律政大亨"),
                    new Skin(DrMundo,4,"Mundo","蒙多"),
                    new Skin(DrMundo,5,"Executioner","嗜血行刑"),
                    new Skin(DrMundo,6,"Rageborn","战争血统"),
                DrMundo.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野", "坦克" };
                DrMundo.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("DrMundo_InfectedCleaver","q"),
                    new Spell("","w"),
                    new Spell("","e"),
                    new Spell ("DrMundo_Sadism","r"),
                    new Spell ("DrMundo_AdrenalineRush","t"),
                cList.Add(DrMundo.EnName, DrMundo);

                //伊莉丝 蜘蛛女王
                Champion Elise = new Champion();
                Elise.EnName = "Elise";
                Elise.CnName = "伊莉丝";
                Elise.DefaultName = "蜘蛛女王";
                Elise.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Elise);
                Elise.ShortName = new List<string> {"蜘蛛" };
                Elise.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Elise,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Elise,1,"Slide Shadow","死亡绽放"),
                Elise.Tags = new List<string>() {"近战","远程","法术","打野" };
                Elise.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("EliseHumanQ","q"),
                    new Spell ("EliseHumanW","w"),
                    new Spell ("EliseHumanE","e"),
                    new Spell ("EliseR","r"),
                    new Spell ("ElisePassive","t"),
                cList.Add(Elise.EnName, Elise);

                //伊芙琳 寡妇制造者
                Champion Evelynn = new Champion();
                Evelynn.EnName = "Evelynn";
                Evelynn.CnName = "伊芙琳";
                Evelynn.DefaultName = "寡妇制造者";
                Evelynn.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Evelynn);

                Evelynn.ShortName = new List<string> { "寡妇", "EVE", "eve" };
                Evelynn.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Evelynn,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Evelynn,1,"Shadow","黑暗女王"),
                    new Skin(Evelynn,2,"Masquerade","假面女皇"),
                    new Skin(Evelynn,3,"Tango","探戈灵魂"),
                Evelynn.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Evelynn_OnlyHellToPay","q"),
                    new Spell ("Evelynn_ReadyToBetray","w"),
                    new Spell ("Evelynn_Ravage","e"),
                    new Spell ("Evelynn_AgonysEmbrace","r"),
                    new Spell ("Evelynn_ShadowWalk","t"),
                Evelynn.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "打野", "刺客" };
                cList.Add(Evelynn.EnName, Evelynn);

                //伊泽瑞尔 探险家
                Champion Ezreal = new Champion();
                Ezreal.EnName = "Ezreal";
                Ezreal.CnName = "伊泽瑞尔";
                Ezreal.DefaultName = "探险家";
                Ezreal.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Ezreal);

                Ezreal.ShortName = new List<string> { "EZ", "ez", "黄毛", "黄毛跳蚤", "跳蚤" };
                Ezreal.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Ezreal,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Ezreal,1,"Nottinghaw","冒险精神"),
                    new Skin(Ezreal,2,"Striker","足球先生"),
                    new Skin(Ezreal,3,"Frosted","冰川勇者"),
                    new Skin(Ezreal,4,"Explorer","失落的世界"),
                    new Skin(Ezreal,5,"Pulsefire","未来战士"),
                Ezreal.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Ezreal_MysticShot","q"),
                    new Spell ("Ezreal_EssenceFlux","w"),
                    new Spell ("Ezreal_ArcaneShift","e"),
                    new Spell ("Ezreal_TrueshotBarrage","r"),
                    new Spell ("Ezreal_RisingSpellForce","t"),
                Ezreal.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Ezreal.EnName, Ezreal);

                //费德提克 末日使者
                Champion FiddleSticks = new Champion();
                FiddleSticks.EnName = "FiddleSticks";
                FiddleSticks.CnName = "费德提克";
                FiddleSticks.DefaultName = "末日行者";
                FiddleSticks.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(FiddleSticks);

                FiddleSticks.ShortName = new List<string> { "稻草人", "草人", "末日" };
                FiddleSticks.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(FiddleSticks,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(FiddleSticks,1,"Spectral","幽魂"),
                    new Skin(FiddleSticks,2,"Union Jack","联合王国"),
                    new Skin(FiddleSticks,3,"Bandito","荒野幽灵"),
                    new Skin(FiddleSticks,4,"Pumpkinhead","南瓜头"),
                    new Skin(FiddleSticks,5,"Fiddle Me Timbers","铁钩船长"),
                    new Skin(FiddleSticks,6,"Suprise Party","惊悚派对"),
                    new Skin(FiddleSticks,7,"","糖果使徒"),
                FiddleSticks.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "打野" };
                FiddleSticks.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Fiddlesticks_Terrify","q"),
                    new Spell ("Fiddlesticks_ConjureScarecrow","w"),
                    new Spell ("Fiddlesticks_DarkWind","e"),
                    new Spell ("Fiddlesticks_Crowstorm","r"),
                    new Spell ("Fiddlesticks_Paranoia","t"),
                cList.Add(FiddleSticks.EnName, FiddleSticks);

                //菲奥娜 无双剑姬
                Champion Fiora = new Champion();
                Fiora.EnName = "Fiora";
                Fiora.CnName = "菲奥娜";
                Fiora.DefaultName = "无双剑姬";
                Fiora.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Fiora);

                Fiora.ShortName = new List<string> { "女剑", "无双", "剑姬" };
                Fiora.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Fiora,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Fiora,1,"Royal Guard","皇家守卫"),
                    new Skin(Fiora,2,"Nightraven","夜鸦"),
                    new Skin(Fiora,3,"Headmistress","女校长"),
                Fiora.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Fiora_Lunge","q"),
                    new Spell ("Fiora_Parry","w"),
                    new Spell ("Fiora_BurstofSpeed","e"),
                    new Spell ("Fiora_DanceofDeath","r"),
                    new Spell ("Fiora_Duelist","t"),
                Fiora.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Fiora.EnName, Fiora);

                //菲兹 潮汐海灵
                Champion Fizz = new Champion();
                Fizz.EnName = "Fizz";
                Fizz.CnName = "菲兹";
                Fizz.DefaultName = "潮汐海灵";
                Fizz.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Fizz);

                Fizz.ShortName = new List<string> { "小鱼人", "凤姐" };
                Fizz.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Fizz,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Fizz,1,"Atlantean","失落的大陆"),
                    new Skin(Fizz,2,"Tundra","苔原猎手"),
                Fizz.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("FizzPiercingStrike","q"),
                    new Spell ("FizzSeastonePassive","w"),
                    new Spell ("FizzJump","e"),
                    new Spell ("FizzMarinerDoom","r"),
                    new Spell ("FizzPassive","t"),
                Fizz.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "刺客" };
                cList.Add(Fizz.EnName, Fizz);

                //加里奥 哨兵之殇
                Champion Galio = new Champion();
                Galio.EnName = "Galio";
                Galio.CnName = "加里奥";
                Galio.DefaultName = "哨兵之殇";
                Galio.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Galio);

                Galio.ShortName = new List<string> { "加料", "烧饼", "哨兵" };
                Galio.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Galio,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Galio,1,"Enchanted","幽蓝梦魇"),
                    new Skin(Galio,2,"Hextech","机械迷城"),
                    new Skin(Galio,3,"Commando","战地之王"),
                    new Skin(Galio,4,"Gatekeeper","地狱守门人"),
                Galio.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Galio_ResoluteSmite","q"),
                    new Spell ("Galio_Bulwark","w"),
                    new Spell ("Galio_RighteousGust","e"),
                    new Spell ("Galio_IdolOfDurand","r"),
                    new Spell ("Galio_RunicSkin","t"),
                Galio.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Galio.EnName, Galio);

                //普朗克 海洋之灾
                Champion Gangplank = new Champion();
                Gangplank.EnName = "Gangplank";
                Gangplank.CnName = "普朗克";
                Gangplank.DefaultName = "海洋之灾";
                Gangplank.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Gangplank);

                Gangplank.ShortName = new List<string> { "船长" };
                Gangplank.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Gangplank,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Gangplank,1,"Spooky","幽灵船长"),
                    new Skin(Gangplank,2,"Minuteman","老兵"),
                    new Skin(Gangplank,3,"Sailor","大力水手"),
                    new Skin(Gangplank,4,"Toy Soldier","英勇玩具兵"),
                    new Skin(Gangplank,5,"Special Forces","特种部队"),
                Gangplank.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Pirate_Parley","q"),
                    new Spell ("Pirate_RemoveScurvy","w"),
                    new Spell ("Pirate_RaiseMorale","e"),
                    new Spell ("Pirate_CannonBarrage","r"),
                    new Spell ("Pirate_GrogSoakedBlade","t"),
                Gangplank.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Gangplank.EnName, Gangplank);

                //盖伦 德玛西亚之力
                Champion Garen = new Champion();
                Garen.EnName = "Garen";
                Garen.CnName = "盖伦";
                Garen.DefaultName = "德玛西亚之力";
                Garen.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Garen);

                Garen.ShortName = new List<string> { "gay伦", "Gay伦", "草丛伦", "德玛", "德玛西亚" };
                Garen.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Garen,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Garen,1,"Sanguine","战神阿瑞斯"),
                    new Skin(Garen,2,"Desert Trooper","黄金骑士"),
                    new Skin(Garen,3,"Commando","铁甲雄心"),
                    new Skin(Garen,4,"Dreadknight","死亡骑士"),
                    new Skin(Garen,5,"Rugged","孤高游侠"),
                    new Skin(Garen,6,"","钢铁军团"),
                Garen.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Garen_DecisiveStrike","q"),
                    new Spell ("Garen_CommandingPresence","w"),
                    new Spell ("Garen_KeepingthePeace","e"),
                    new Spell ("Garen_Justice","r"),
                    new Spell ("Garen_Perseverance","t"),
                Garen.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "辅助", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Garen.EnName, Garen);

                //古拉加斯 酒桶
                Champion Gragas = new Champion();
                Gragas.EnName = "Gragas";
                Gragas.CnName = "古拉加斯";
                Gragas.DefaultName = "酒桶";
                Gragas.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Gragas);

                Gragas.ShortName = null;
                Gragas.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Gragas,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Gragas,1,"Souba","深潜蛙人"),
                    new Skin(Gragas,2,"Hillbilly","乡村农夫"),
                    new Skin(Gragas,3,"Santa","圣诞老人"),
                    new Skin(Gragas,4,"Esg","品酒大师"),
                    new Skin(Gragas,5,"Vandal","飞车暴走族"),
                    new Skin(Gragas,6,"Oktoberfest","美酒节特使"),
                Gragas.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("GragasBarrelRoll","q"),
                    new Spell ("GragasDrunkenRage","w"),
                    new Spell ("GragasBodySlam","e"),
                    new Spell ("GragasExplosiveCask","r"),
                    new Spell ("GragasPassiveHeal","t"),
                Gragas.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "推进" };
                cList.Add(Gragas.EnName, Gragas);

                //格雷福斯 法外狂徒
                Champion Graves = new Champion();
                Graves.EnName = "Graves";
                Graves.CnName = "格雷福斯";
                Graves.DefaultName = "法外狂徒";
                Graves.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Graves);

                Graves.ShortName = new List<string> { "男枪", "法外" };
                Graves.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Graves,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Graves,1,"Hired Gun","怒之炮火"),
                    new Skin(Graves,2,"Jailbreak","杀出重围"),
                    new Skin(Graves,3,"Mafia","黑帮教父"),
                    new Skin(Graves,4,"Riot","防爆士兵"),
                Graves.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("GravesBuckshot","q"),
                    new Spell ("GravesSmokeGrenade","w"),
                    new Spell ("GravesQuickDraw","e"),
                    new Spell ("GravesHighNoon","r"),
                    new Spell ("GravesTrueGrit","t"),
                Graves.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Graves.EnName, Graves);

                //赫卡莱姆 战争之影(半人马)
                Champion Hecarim = new Champion();
                Hecarim.EnName = "Hecarim";
                Hecarim.CnName = "赫卡莱姆";
                Hecarim.DefaultName = "战争之影";
                Hecarim.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Hecarim);

                Hecarim.ShortName = new List<string> { "人马", "半人马" };
                Hecarim.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Hecarim,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Hecarim,1,"Blood Knight","血色骑士"),
                    new Skin(Hecarim,2,"Reaper","幽魂骑士"),
                    new Skin(Hecarim,3,"Headless","南瓜头骑士"),
                Hecarim.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Hecarim_Rampage","q"),
                    new Spell ("Hecarim_SpiritofDread","w"),
                    new Spell ("Hecarim_DevastingCharge","e"),
                    new Spell ("Hecarim_OnslaughtofShadows","r"),
                    new Spell ("Hecarim_Passive","t"),
                Hecarim.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野" };
                cList.Add(Hecarim.EnName, Hecarim);

                //黑默丁格 大发明家
                Champion Heimerdinger = new Champion();
                Heimerdinger.EnName = "Heimerdinger";
                Heimerdinger.CnName = "黑默丁格";
                Heimerdinger.DefaultName = "大发明家";
                Heimerdinger.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Heimerdinger);

                Heimerdinger.ShortName = new List<string> { "大头" };
                Heimerdinger.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Heimerdinger,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Heimerdinger,1,"Alien Invader","第三类接触"),
                    new Skin(Heimerdinger,2,"Blast Zone","拆弹专家"),
                    new Skin(Heimerdinger,3,"Piltover","创意工坊"),
                    new Skin(Heimerdinger,4,"Snowmerdinger","雪默丁格"),
                Heimerdinger.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Heimerdinger_H28GEvolutionTurret","q"),
                    new Spell ("Heimerdinger_HextechMicroRockets","w"),
                    new Spell ("Heimerdinger_CH1ConcussionGrenade","e"),
                    new Spell ("Heimerdinger_UPGRADE","r"),
                    new Spell ("Heimerdinger_TechmaturgicalRepairBots","t"),
                Heimerdinger.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", };
                cList.Add(Heimerdinger.EnName, Heimerdinger);

                //艾瑞莉娅 刀锋意志
                Champion Irelia = new Champion();
                Irelia.EnName = "Irelia";
                Irelia.CnName = "艾瑞莉娅";
                Irelia.DefaultName = "刀锋意志";
                Irelia.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Irelia);

                Irelia.ShortName = new List<string> { "女刀", "刀锋", "刀妹" };
                Irelia.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Irelia,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Irelia,1,"Nightblad","夜刃"),
                    new Skin(Irelia,2,"Aviator","自由之翼"),
                    new Skin(Irelia,3,"Infiltrator","夜行义贼"),
                    new Skin(Irelia,4,"Frostblade","冰霜之刃"),
                Irelia.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Irelia_Bladesurge","q"),
                    new Spell ("Irelia_HitenStyle","w"),
                    new Spell ("Irelia_EquilibriumStrike","e"),
                    new Spell ("Irelia_TranscendentBlades","r"),
                    new Spell ("Irelia_IonianFervor","t"),
                Irelia.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "刺客" };
                cList.Add(Irelia.EnName, Irelia);

                //迦娜 风暴之怒
                Champion Janna = new Champion();
                Janna.EnName = "Janna";
                Janna.CnName = "迦娜";
                Janna.DefaultName = "风暴之怒";
                Janna.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Janna);

                Janna.ShortName = new List<string> { "风女" };
                Janna.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Janna,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Janna,1,"Tempest","暴风女神"),
                    new Skin(Janna,2,"Hextech","海克斯科技"),
                    new Skin(Janna,3,"Frost Queen","寒冰女王"),
                    new Skin(Janna,4,"Victorious","胜利女神"),
                Janna.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Janna_HowlingGale","q"),
                    new Spell ("Janna_Zephyr","w"),
                    new Spell ("Janna_EyeOfTheStorm","e"),
                    new Spell ("Janna_ReapTheWhirlwind","r"),
                    new Spell ("Janna_Tailwind","t"),
                Janna.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "辅助" };
                cList.Add(Janna.EnName, Janna);

                //嘉文四世 德玛西亚皇子
                Champion JarvanIV = new Champion();
                JarvanIV.EnName = "JarvanIV";
                JarvanIV.CnName = "嘉文四世";
                JarvanIV.DefaultName = "德玛西亚皇子";
                JarvanIV.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(JarvanIV);

                JarvanIV.ShortName = new List<string> { "嘉文", "皇子", "四阿哥", "周杰伦" };
                JarvanIV.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(JarvanIV,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(JarvanIV,1,"Commando","孤胆英豪"),
                    new Skin(JarvanIV,2,"Dragon Slayer","屠龙勇士"),
                    new Skin(JarvanIV,3,"Darkforge","龙骑统帅"),
                    new Skin(JarvanIV,4,"Victorious","凯旋英雄"),
                    new Skin(JarvanIV,5,"","吕布 奉先"),
                JarvanIV.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("JarvanIV_DragonStrike","q"),
                    new Spell ("JarvanIV_GoldenAegis","w"),
                    new Spell ("JarvanIV_DemacianStandard","e"),
                    new Spell ("JarvanIV_Cataclysm","r"),
                    new Spell ("JarvanIV_MartialCadence","t"),
                JarvanIV.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "辅助", "打野" };
                cList.Add(JarvanIV.EnName, JarvanIV);

                //贾科斯 武器大师
                Champion Jax = new Champion();
                Jax.EnName = "Jax";
                Jax.CnName = "贾克斯";
                Jax.DefaultName = "武器大师";
                Jax.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Jax);

                Jax.ShortName = new List<string> { "jax", "武器", "Jax" };
                Jax.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Jax,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Jax,1,"The Mighty","冰球队员"),
                    new Skin(Jax,2,"Vandal","万夫莫开"),
                    new Skin(Jax,3,"Angler","宗师级钓鱼训练师"),
                    new Skin(Jax,4,"PAX","卧虎藏龙"),
                    new Skin(Jax,5,"Jaximus","百夫长"),
                    new Skin(Jax,6,"Temple","少林武僧"),
                    new Skin(Jax,7,"Nemesis","复仇武神"),
                Jax.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野" };
                Jax.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("Armsmaster_RelentlessAssault","q"),
                    new Spell("Armsmaster_Empower","w"),
                    new Spell("Armsmaster_Disarm","e"),
                    new Spell("Armsmaster_CoupDeGrace","r"),
                    new Spell("Armsmaster_MasterOfArms","t"),

                cList.Add(Jax.EnName, Jax);

                //杰斯 未来守护者
                Champion Jayce = new Champion();
                Jayce.EnName = "Jayce";
                Jayce.CnName = "杰斯";
                Jayce.DefaultName = "未来守护者";
                Jayce.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Jayce);

                Jayce.ShortName = new List<string> { "基佬杰", "基佬" };
                Jayce.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Jayce,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Jayce,1,"Full Metal","全金属狂潮"),
                    new Skin(Jayce,2,"","蔷薇绅士"),
                Jayce.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Jayce_ToTheSkies","q"),
                    new Spell ("Jayce_StaticField","w"),
                    new Spell ("Jayce_ThunderingBlow","e"),
                    new Spell ("Jayce_TransformCannon","r"),
                    new Spell ("JayceManOfTomorrow","t"),
                Jayce.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "远程", "物理", "辅助" };
                cList.Add(Jayce.EnName, Jayce);

                //卡尔玛 天启者
                Champion Karma = new Champion();
                Karma.EnName = "Karma";
                Karma.CnName = "卡尔玛";
                Karma.DefaultName = "天启者";
                Karma.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Karma);

                Karma.ShortName = new List<string> { "扇子妈" };
                Karma.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Karma,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Karma,1,"Sun Goddess","日冕女神"),
                    new Skin(Karma,2,"Sakura","樱花乱舞"),
                Karma.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("KarmaHeavenlyWave","q"),
                    new Spell ("KarmaSpiritBond","w"),
                    new Spell ("KarmaSoulShield","e"),
                    new Spell ("KarmaMantra","r"),
                    new Spell ("KarmaInnerFlame","t"),
                Karma.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "辅助", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Karma.EnName, Karma);

                //卡尔萨斯 死亡颂唱者
                Champion Karthus = new Champion();
                Karthus.EnName = "Karthus";
                Karthus.CnName = "卡尔萨斯";
                Karthus.DefaultName = "死亡颂唱者";
                Karthus.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Karthus);

                Karthus.ShortName = new List<string> { "四哥", "死歌" };
                Karthus.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Karthus,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Karthus,1,"Phantom","幽灵幻影"),
                    new Skin(Karthus,2,"Statue","自由女神"),
                    new Skin(Karthus,3,"Grim Reaper","死神"),
                    new Skin(Karthus,4,"Pentakill","五杀摇滚主唱"),
                Karthus.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Lich_LayWaste","q"),
                    new Spell ("Lich_WallOfPain","w"),
                    new Spell ("Lich_Defile","e"),
                    new Spell ("Lich_DeathRay","r"),
                    new Spell ("Lich_Defied","t"),
                Karthus.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "推进" };
                cList.Add(Karthus.EnName, Karthus);

                //卡萨丁 虚空行者
                Champion Kassadin = new Champion();
                Kassadin.EnName = "Kassadin";
                Kassadin.CnName = "卡萨丁";
                Kassadin.DefaultName = "虚空行者";
                Kassadin.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Kassadin);

                Kassadin.ShortName = new List<string> { "鸡巴脸", "J8脸" };
                Kassadin.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Kassadin,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Kassadin,1,"Festival","寒冰王座"),
                    new Skin(Kassadin,2,"Deep One","深海一号"),
                    new Skin(Kassadin,3,"Pre-Void","虚空前世"),
                    new Skin(Kassadin,4,"Harbringer","先驱行者"),
                Kassadin.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "刺客" };
                Kassadin.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Averdrian_AstralBeam","q"),
                    new Spell ("Voidwalker_Nullblade","w"),
                    new Spell ("Kassadin_ForcePulse","e"),
                    new Spell ("Voidwalker_Riftwalk","r"),
                    new Spell ("Voidwalker_Netherburn","t"),
                cList.Add(Kassadin.EnName, Kassadin);

                //卡特琳娜 不祥之刃
                Champion Katarina = new Champion();
                Katarina.EnName = "Katarina";
                Katarina.CnName = "卡特琳娜";
                Katarina.DefaultName = "不祥之刃";
                Katarina.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Katarina);

                Katarina.ShortName = new List<string> { "卡特", "凯特", "kat", "不详" };
                Katarina.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Katarina,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Katarina,1,"Meroenary","赏金猎人"),
                    new Skin(Katarina,2,"Red Card","红牌! 退场!"),
                    new Skin(Katarina,3,"Bilgewater","海贼魅影"),
                    new Skin(Katarina,4,"Kitty Cat","暗夜猫女"),
                    new Skin(Katarina,5,"High Command","前线指挥官"),
                    new Skin(Katarina,6,"Sandstorm","沙漠风暴"),
                    new Skin(Katarina,7,"","夺命美人"),
                Katarina.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Katarina_BouncingBlade","q"),
                    new Spell ("Katarina_KillerInstincts","w"),
                    new Spell ("Katarina_Shunpo","e"),
                    new Spell ("Katarina_DeathLotus","r"),
                    new Spell ("Katarina_Voracity","t"),
                Katarina.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "刺客" };
                cList.Add(Katarina.EnName, Katarina);

                //凯尔 审判天使
                Champion Kayle = new Champion();
                Kayle.EnName = "Kayle";
                Kayle.CnName = "凯尔";
                Kayle.DefaultName = "审判天使";
                Kayle.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Kayle);

                Kayle.ShortName = new List<string> { "天使" };
                Kayle.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Kayle,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Kayle,1,"Silver","银白审判"),
                    new Skin(Kayle,2,"Viridian","末世天使"),
                    new Skin(Kayle,3,"Unmasked","大天使长米迦勒"),
                    new Skin(Kayle,4,"Battleborn","战场女武神"),
                    new Skin(Kayle,5,"Judgement","圣光审判"),
                    new Skin(Kayle,6,"Wing","钢铁之翼"),
                Kayle.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Judicator_Reckoning","q"),
                    new Spell ("Judicator_AngelicEmbrace","w"),
                    new Spell ("Judicator_RighteousFury","e"),
                    new Spell ("Judicator_EyeforanEye","r"),
                    new Spell ("Judicator_DivineBlessing","t"),
                Kayle.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "远程", "物理", "法术", "辅助", };
                cList.Add(Kayle.EnName, Kayle);

                //凯南 狂暴之心
                Champion Kennen = new Champion();
                Kennen.EnName = "Kennen";
                Kennen.CnName = "凯南";
                Kennen.DefaultName = "狂暴之心";
                Kennen.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Kennen);

                Kennen.ShortName = new List<string> { "电耗子", "电猫" };
                Kennen.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Kennen,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Kennen,1,"Deadly","红色彗星"),
                    new Skin(Kennen,2,"Swamp Master","银色闪电"),
                    new Skin(Kennen,3,"Karate","空手道"),
                    new Skin(Kennen,4,"M.D","医学博士"),
                    new Skin(Kennen,5,"Arctic","刺客信条"),
                Kennen.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Kennen_ThunderingShuriken","q"),
                    new Spell ("Kennen_ElectricalSurge","w"),
                    new Spell ("Kennen_LightningRush","e"),
                    new Spell ("Kennen_SlicingMaelstrom","r"),
                    new Spell ("Kennen_MarkOfStorm","t"),
                Kennen.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Kennen.EnName, Kennen);

                //卡兹克 虚空掠食者
                Champion Khazix = new Champion();
                Khazix.EnName = "Khazix";
                Khazix.CnName = "卡'兹克";
                Khazix.DefaultName = "虚空掠食者";
                Khazix.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Khazix);

                Khazix.ShortName = new List<string> { "螳螂", "飞天螳螂" };
                Khazix.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Khazix,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Khazix,1,"Mecha","霸天异型"),
                Khazix.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Khazix_Q","q"),
                    new Spell ("Khazix_W","w"),
                    new Spell ("Khazix_E","e"),
                    new Spell ("Khazix_R","r"),
                    new Spell ("Khazix_P","t"),
                Khazix.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野" };
                cList.Add(Khazix.EnName, Khazix);

                //克格莫 深渊之首
                Champion KogMaw = new Champion();
                KogMaw.EnName = "KogMaw";
                KogMaw.CnName = "克格'莫";
                KogMaw.DefaultName = "深渊巨口";
                KogMaw.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(KogMaw);

                KogMaw.ShortName = new List<string> { "大嘴" };
                KogMaw.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(KogMaw,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(KogMaw,1,"Caterpillar","毛毛虫"),
                    new Skin(KogMaw,2,"Sonoran","索诺拉沙虫"),
                    new Skin(KogMaw,3,"Monarch","帝皇斑蝶"),
                    new Skin(KogMaw,4,"Reindeer","圣诞驯鹿"),
                    new Skin(KogMaw,5,"Lion Dance","醒狮"),
                    new Skin(KogMaw,6,"Deep Sea","深海怪鱼"),
                    new Skin(KogMaw,7,"Jurassic","侏罗纪化石"),
                KogMaw.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("KogMaw_CausticSpittle","q"),
                    new Spell ("KogMaw_BioArcaneBarrage","w"),
                    new Spell ("KogMaw_VoidOoze","e"),
                    new Spell ("KogMaw_LivingArtillery","r"),
                    new Spell ("KogMaw_IcathianSurprise","t"),
                KogMaw.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理", "法术" };
                cList.Add(KogMaw.EnName, KogMaw);

                //乐芙兰 诡术妖姬
                Champion Leblanc = new Champion();
                Leblanc.EnName = "Leblanc";
                Leblanc.CnName = "乐芙兰";
                Leblanc.DefaultName = "诡术妖姬";
                Leblanc.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Leblanc);

                Leblanc.ShortName = new List<string> { "妖姬" };
                Leblanc.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Leblanc,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Leblanc,1,"Wicked","潮流女王"),
                    new Skin(Leblanc,2,"Prestigious","社会名流"),
                    new Skin(Leblanc,3,"Mistletoe","幸福女神"),
                Leblanc.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("LeblancMarkOfSilence","q"),
                    new Spell ("LeblancDisplacement","w"),
                    new Spell ("LeblancConjureChains","e"),
                    new Spell ("LeblancMimic","r"),
                    new Spell ("LeblancMirrorImage","t"),
                Leblanc.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "刺客" };
                cList.Add(Leblanc.EnName, Leblanc);

                //李青 盲僧
                Champion LeeSin = new Champion();
                LeeSin.EnName = "LeeSin";
                LeeSin.CnName = "李青";
                LeeSin.DefaultName = "盲僧";
                LeeSin.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(LeeSin);

                LeeSin.ShortName = new List<string> { "瞎子" };
                LeeSin.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(LeeSin,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(LeeSin,1,"Traditional","传统僧侣"),
                    new Skin(LeeSin,2,"Acolyte","侍僧"),
                    new Skin(LeeSin,3,"Dragon Fist","龙的传人"),
                    new Skin(LeeSin,4,"Muay Thai","志高之拳"),
                LeeSin.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("BlindMonKQOne","q"),
                    new Spell("BlindMonkWOne","w"),
                    new Spell("BlindMonkEOne","e"),
                    new Spell("BlindMonkR","r"),
                    new Spell("BlindMonk_SightUnseeing","t"),
                LeeSin.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野" };
                cList.Add(LeeSin.EnName, LeeSin);

                //蕾欧娜 曙光女神
                Champion Leona = new Champion();
                Leona.EnName = "Leona";
                Leona.CnName = "蕾欧娜";
                Leona.DefaultName = "曙光女神";
                Leona.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Leona);

                Leona.ShortName = new List<string> { "日女", "女坦" };
                Leona.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Leona,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Leona,1,"Valkyrie","瓦尔基里"),
                    new Skin(Leona,2,"Defender","神圣守卫"),
                    new Skin(Leona,3,"Iron Solari","钢铁烈阳"),
                Leona.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("LeonaShieldOfDaybreak","q"),
                    new Spell ("LeonaSolarBarrier","w"),
                    new Spell ("LeonaZenithBlade","e"),
                    new Spell ("LeonaSolarFlare","r"),
                    new Spell ("LeonaSunlight","t"),
                Leona.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "辅助", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Leona.EnName, Leona);

                //璐璐 仙灵女巫
                Champion Lulu = new Champion();
                Lulu.EnName = "Lulu";
                Lulu.CnName = "璐璐";
                Lulu.DefaultName = "仙灵女巫";
                Lulu.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Lulu);

                Lulu.ShortName = null;
                Lulu.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Lulu,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Lulu,1,"Bittersweet","糖果女巫"),
                    new Skin(Lulu,2,"Wicked","邪恶女巫"),
                    new Skin(Lulu,3,"","驯龙女巫"),
                Lulu.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Lulu_Glitterbolt","q"),
                    new Spell ("Lulu_Whimsy","w"),
                    new Spell ("Lulu_CommandPix","e"),
                    new Spell ("Lulu_GiantGrowth","r"),
                    new Spell ("Lulu_PixFaerieCompanion","t"),
                Lulu.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "辅助" };
                cList.Add(Lulu.EnName, Lulu);

                //拉克丝 光辉女郎
                Champion Lux = new Champion();
                Lux.EnName = "Lux";
                Lux.CnName = "拉克丝";
                Lux.DefaultName = "光辉女郎";
                Lux.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Lux);

                Lux.ShortName = new List<string> { "光辉" };
                Lux.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Lux,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Lux,1,"Sorceress","奥术光辉"),
                    new Skin(Lux,2,"Spellthief","游侠法师"),
                    new Skin(Lux,3,"Commando","ODST地狱伞兵"),
                    new Skin(Lux,4,"Imperial","星际迷航"),
                    new Skin(Lux,5,"","钢铁军团"),
                Lux.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("LuxCrashingBlitz2","q"),
                    new Spell ("LuxPrismaWrap","w"),
                    new Spell ("LuxLightStrikeKugel","e"),
                    new Spell ("LuxFinaleFunkeln","r"),
                    new Spell ("LuxIlluminatingFraulein","t"),
                Lux.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "辅助", "推进" };
                cList.Add(Lux.EnName, Lux);

                //墨菲特 熔岩巨兽
                Champion Malphite = new Champion();
                Malphite.EnName = "Malphite";
                Malphite.CnName = "墨菲特";
                Malphite.DefaultName = "熔岩巨兽";
                Malphite.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Malphite);

                Malphite.ShortName = new List<string> { "石头人", "石头", "熔岩" };
                Malphite.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Malphite,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Malphite,1,"Shamrock","三叶草"),
                    new Skin(Malphite,2,"Coral Reef","珊瑚礁"),
                    new Skin(Malphite,3,"Marble","石破天惊"),
                    new Skin(Malphite,4,"Obsidian","黑曜石守护者"),
                    new Skin(Malphite,5,"Glacial","冰川巨兽"),
                Malphite.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Malphite_SeismicShard","q"),
                    new Spell ("Malphite_BrutalStrikes","w"),
                    new Spell ("Malphite_GroundSlam","e"),
                    new Spell ("Malphite_UnstoppableForce","r"),
                    new Spell ("Malphite_GraniteShield","t"),
                Malphite.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "辅助", "打野", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Malphite.EnName, Malphite);

                //玛尔扎哈 虚空先知
                Champion Malzahar = new Champion();
                Malzahar.EnName = "Malzahar";
                Malzahar.CnName = "玛尔扎哈";
                Malzahar.DefaultName = "虚空先知";
                Malzahar.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Malzahar);

                Malzahar.ShortName = new List<string> { "马扎", "蚂蚱" };
                Malzahar.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Malzahar,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Malzahar,1,"Vizier","元老议会"),
                    new Skin(Malzahar,2,"Shadow Prince","暗影王子"),
                    new Skin(Malzahar,3,"Djinn","魔灵"),
                    new Skin(Malzahar,4,"Overlord","至高君王"),
                Malzahar.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("AlZahar_CalloftheVoid","q"),
                    new Spell("AlZahar_NullZone","w"),
                    new Spell("AlZahar_MaleficVisions","e"),
                    new Spell("AlZahar_NetherGrasp","r"),
                    new Spell("AlZahar_SummonVoidling","t"),
                Malzahar.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "推进" };
                cList.Add(Malzahar.EnName, Malzahar);

                //茂凯 扭曲树精
                Champion Maokai = new Champion();
                Maokai.EnName = "Maokai";
                Maokai.CnName = "茂凯";
                Maokai.DefaultName = "扭曲树精";
                Maokai.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Maokai);

                Maokai.ShortName = new List<string> { "大树", "树精" };
                Maokai.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Maokai,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Maokai,1,"Charred","烈焰古树"),
                    new Skin(Maokai,2,"Totemic","图腾古树"),
                    new Skin(Maokai,3,"Festive","喜庆之树"),
                    //new Skin(Maokai,4,"Haunted",""),
                Maokai.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Maokai_ArcaneSmash","q"),
                    new Spell ("Maokai_TwistedAdvance","w"),
                    new Spell ("Maokai_SaplingToss","e"),
                    new Spell ("Maokai_VengefulMaelstrom","r"),
                    new Spell ("Maokai_SapMagic","t"),
                Maokai.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "打野" };
                cList.Add(Maokai.EnName, Maokai);

                //易 无极剑圣
                Champion MasterYi = new Champion();
                MasterYi.EnName = "MasterYi";
                MasterYi.CnName = "易";
                MasterYi.DefaultName = "无极剑圣";
                MasterYi.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(MasterYi);

                MasterYi.ShortName = new List<string> { "剑圣", "易大师" };
                MasterYi.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(MasterYi,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(MasterYi,1,"Assassin","暗影"),
                    new Skin(MasterYi,2,"Chosen","星战"),
                    new Skin(MasterYi,3,"Ionian","天人合一"),
                    new Skin(MasterYi,4,"Samurai","侍魂"),
                    new Skin(MasterYi,5,"Headhunter","铁血剑豪"),
                MasterYi.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("MasterYi_LeapStrike","q"),
                    new Spell ("MasterYi_InnerFocus","w"),
                    new Spell ("MasterYi_SunderingStrikes","e"),
                    new Spell ("MasterYi_InnerFocus2","r"),
                    new Spell ("MasterYi_DoubleStrike","t"),
                MasterYi.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "法术", "打野" };
                cList.Add(MasterYi.EnName, MasterYi);

                //厄运小姐 赏金猎人
                Champion MissFortune = new Champion();
                MissFortune.EnName = "MissFortune";
                MissFortune.CnName = "厄运小姐";
                MissFortune.DefaultName = "赏金猎人";
                MissFortune.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(MissFortune);

                MissFortune.ShortName = new List<string> { "好运姐", "女枪" };
                MissFortune.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(MissFortune,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(MissFortune,1,"Cowgirl","西部牛仔"),
                    new Skin(MissFortune,2,"Waterloo","法国皇室"),
                    new Skin(MissFortune,3,"Secret Agent","特工狂花"),
                    new Skin(MissFortune,4,"Candy Cane","圣诞糖果棒"),
                    new Skin(MissFortune,5,"Road Warrior","荒野女警"),
                    new Skin(MissFortune,6,"Mafia","黑帮狂花"),
                MissFortune.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理" };
                MissFortune.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("MissFortune_DoubleUp","q"),
                    new Spell ("MissFortune_ImpureShots","w"),
                    new Spell ("MissFortune_MakeItRain","e"),
                    new Spell ("MissFortune_BulletTime","r"),
                    new Spell ("MissFortune_Strut","t"),
                cList.Add(MissFortune.EnName, MissFortune);

                //悟空 齐天大圣
                Champion MonkeyKing = new Champion();
                MonkeyKing.EnName = "MonkeyKing";
                MonkeyKing.CnName = "孙悟空";
                MonkeyKing.DefaultName = "齐天大圣";
                MonkeyKing.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(MonkeyKing);

                MonkeyKing.ShortName = new List<string> { "猴子", "孙猴子", "悟空", "大圣", "猴" };
                MonkeyKing.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(MonkeyKing,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(MonkeyKing,1,"Volcanic","三昧真火"),
                    new Skin(MonkeyKing,2,"General","斗战神"),
                    new Skin(MonkeyKing,3,"Jade Dragon","定海神针"),
                MonkeyKing.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("MonkeyKingCrushingBlow","q"),
                    new Spell ("MonkeyKingDecoy","w"),
                    new Spell ("MonkeyKingNimbusStrike","e"),
                    new Spell ("MonkeyKingCyclone","r"),
                    new Spell ("MonkeyKingStoneSkin","t"),
                MonkeyKing.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "刺客" };
                cList.Add(MonkeyKing.EnName, MonkeyKing);

                //莫德凯撒 金属大师
                Champion Mordekaiser = new Champion();
                Mordekaiser.EnName = "Mordekaiser";
                Mordekaiser.CnName = "莫德凯撒";
                Mordekaiser.DefaultName = "金属大师";
                Mordekaiser.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Mordekaiser);

                Mordekaiser.ShortName = new List<string> { "金属" };
                Mordekaiser.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Mordekaiser,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Mordekaiser,1,"Dragon Knight","龙骑士"),
                    new Skin(Mordekaiser,2,"Infeernal","地狱火"),
                    new Skin(Mordekaiser,3,"Pentakill","五杀摇滚吉他手"),
                    new Skin(Mordekaiser,4,"Lord","死亡领主"),
                Mordekaiser.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("MordekaiserMaceOfSpades","q"),
                    new Spell ("MordekaiserCreepingDeath","w"),
                    new Spell ("MordekaiserSiphonOfDestruction","e"),
                    new Spell ("Mordekaiser_COTG","r"),
                    new Spell ("Mordekaiser_IronMan","t"),
                Mordekaiser.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "推进" };
                cList.Add(Mordekaiser.EnName, Mordekaiser);

                //莫甘娜 堕落天使
                Champion Morgana = new Champion();
                Morgana.EnName = "Morgana";
                Morgana.CnName = "莫甘娜";
                Morgana.DefaultName = "堕落天使";
                Morgana.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Morgana);

                Morgana.ShortName = new List<string> { "莫干吗", "地沟油" };
                Morgana.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Morgana,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Morgana,1,"Exiled","杀戮天使昔拉"),
                    new Skin(Morgana,2,"Sinful Succulence","地狱厨房"),
                    new Skin(Morgana,3,"Blade","刀锋女王"),
                    new Skin(Morgana,4,"Blackthorn","黑色荆棘"),
                Morgana.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "辅助", "推进" };
                Morgana.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("FallenAngel_DarkBinding","q"),
                    new Spell ("FallenAngel_TormentedSoil","w"),
                    new Spell ("FallenAngel_BlackShield","e"),
                    new Spell ("FallenAngel_Purgatory","r"),
                    new Spell ("FallenAngel_Empathize","t"),
                cList.Add(Morgana.EnName, Morgana);

                //唤潮鲛姬 娜美
                Champion Nami = new Champion();
                Nami.EnName = "Nami";
                Nami.CnName = "娜美";
                Nami.DefaultName = "唤潮鲛姬";
                Nami.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Nami);
                Nami.ShortName = new List<string> { "纳米","搅基","人鱼"};
                Nami.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Nami,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Nami,1,"Koi","湖伊"),
                Nami.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("NamiQ","q"),
                    new Spell("NamiW","w"),
                    new Spell("NamiE","e"),
                    new Spell("NamiR","r"),
                    new Spell("NamiPassive","t"),
                Nami.Tags = new List<string>(){"远程","法术","辅助" };
                cList.Add(Nami.EnName, Nami);

                //内瑟斯 沙漠死神
                Champion Nasus = new Champion();
                Nasus.EnName = "Nasus";
                Nasus.CnName = "内瑟斯";
                Nasus.DefaultName = "沙漠死神";
                Nasus.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Nasus);

                Nasus.ShortName = new List<string> { "狗头" };
                Nasus.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Nasus,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Nasus,1,"Galactic","星空之门"),
                    new Skin(Nasus,2,"Pharaoh","法老王朝"),
                    new Skin(Nasus,3,"Dreadknight","恐惧骑士"),
                    new Skin(Nasus,4,"Riot K-9","警用试作体K-9"),
                Nasus.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("Nasus_SiphoningStrike","q"),
                    new Spell("Nasus_Wither","w"),
                    new Spell("Nasus_SpiritFire","e"),
                    new Spell("Nasus_AvatarOfDeath","r"),
                    new Spell("Nasus_SoulEater","t"),
                Nasus.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Nasus.EnName, Nasus);

                //诺提勒斯 深海泰坦
                Champion Nautilus = new Champion();
                Nautilus.EnName = "Nautilus";
                Nautilus.CnName = "诺提勒斯";
                Nautilus.DefaultName = "深海泰坦";
                Nautilus.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Nautilus);

                Nautilus.ShortName = new List<string> { "泰坦" };
                Nautilus.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Nautilus,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Nautilus,1,"Abyssal","失落大陆"),
                    new Skin(Nautilus,2,"Subterranean","地底迷城"),
                    new Skin(Nautilus,3,"Astro","宇航员"),
                Nautilus.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Nautilus_AnchorChain","q"),
                    new Spell ("Nautilus_Wrath","w"),
                    new Spell ("Nautilus_RippleEffect","e"),
                    new Spell ("Nautilus_GrandLine","r"),
                    new Spell ("Nautilus_StaggeringBlow","t"),
                Nautilus.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Nautilus.EnName, Nautilus);

                //奈德丽 狂野女猎手
                Champion Nidalee = new Champion();
                Nidalee.EnName = "Nidalee";
                Nidalee.CnName = "奈德丽";
                Nidalee.DefaultName = "狂野女猎手";
                Nidalee.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Nidalee);

                Nidalee.ShortName = new List<string> { "奶大力", "乃大力", "豹女" };
                Nidalee.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Nidalee,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Nidalee,1,"Snow Bunny","雪装"),
                    new Skin(Nidalee,2,"Leopard","丛林猎豹"),
                    new Skin(Nidalee,3,"French Maid","法国女仆"),
                    new Skin(Nidalee,4,"Pharaoh","艳后"),
                    new Skin(Nidalee,5,"Bewitching","魅惑女巫"),
                Nidalee.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Nidalee_JavelinThrow","q"),
                    new Spell ("Nidalee_Bushwhack","w"),
                    new Spell ("Nidalee_PrimalSurge","e"),
                    new Spell ("Nidalee_AspectOfTheCougar","r"),
                    new Spell ("Nidalee_OnTheProwl","t"),
                Nidalee.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "远程", "物理", "法术", "辅助", "推进" };
                cList.Add(Nidalee.EnName, Nidalee);

                //魔腾 永恒梦魇
                Champion Nocturne = new Champion();
                Nocturne.EnName = "Nocturne";
                Nocturne.CnName = "魔腾";
                Nocturne.DefaultName = "永恒梦魇";
                Nocturne.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Nocturne);

                Nocturne.ShortName = new List<string> { "梦魇", "noc", "NOC" };
                Nocturne.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Nocturne,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Nocturne,1,"Frozen Terror", "蓝焰梦魔"),
                    new Skin(Nocturne,2,"Void","幻影梦魔"),
                    new Skin(Nocturne,3,"Ravager","劫掠梦魇"),
                    new Skin(Nocturne,4,"Haunting","鬼影重重"),
                    new Skin(Nocturne,5,"","上古战魂"),
                Nocturne.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Nocturne_Duskbringer","q"),
                    new Spell ("Nocturne_ShroudOfDarkness","w"),
                    new Spell ("Nocturne_UnspeakableHorror","e"),
                    new Spell ("Nocturne_Paranoia","r"),
                    new Spell ("Nocturne_UmbraBlades","t"),
                Nocturne.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "打野" };
                cList.Add(Nocturne.EnName, Nocturne);

                //努努 雪人骑士
                Champion Nunu = new Champion();
                Nunu.EnName = "Nunu";
                Nunu.CnName = "努努";
                Nunu.DefaultName = "雪人骑士";
                Nunu.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Nunu);

                Nunu.ShortName = new List<string> { "雪人" };
                Nunu.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Nunu,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Nunu,1,"Sasquatch","荒野巨兽"),
                    new Skin(Nunu,2,"Workshop","圣诞狂欢"),
                    new Skin(Nunu,3,"Grungy","脏兮兮"),
                    new Skin(Nunu,4,"Bot","合金装备"),
                    new Skin(Nunu,5,"Demolisher","攻城巨兽"),
                Nunu.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Yeti_Consume","q"),
                    new Spell ("Yeti_YetiSmash","w"),
                    new Spell ("Yeti_IceBlast","e"),
                    new Spell ("Yeti_Shatter","r"),
                    new Spell ("Yeti_FrostNova","t"),
                Nunu.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "辅助", "打野", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Nunu.EnName, Nunu);

                //奥拉夫 狂战士
                Champion Olaf = new Champion();
                Olaf.EnName = "Olaf";
                Olaf.CnName = "奥拉夫";
                Olaf.DefaultName = "狂战士";
                Olaf.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Olaf);

                Olaf.ShortName = new List<string> { "疯狗", "无情奥拉夫" };
                Olaf.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Olaf,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Olaf,1,"Forsaken","烈焰猛士"),
                    new Skin(Olaf,2,"Glacial","冰河时代"),
                    new Skin(Olaf,3,"Brolaf","铁哥们"),
                    new Skin(Olaf,4,"Pentakill","五杀摇滚鼓手"),
                Olaf.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("OlafAxeThrow","q"),
                    new Spell ("OlafViciousStrikes","w"),
                    new Spell ("OlafRecklessSwing","e"),
                    new Spell ("OlafRagnarok","r"),
                    new Spell ("OlafBerserkerRage","t"),
                Olaf.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野" };
                cList.Add(Olaf.EnName, Olaf);

                //奥莉安娜 发条魔灵
                Champion Orianna = new Champion();
                Orianna.EnName = "Orianna";
                Orianna.CnName = "奥莉安娜";
                Orianna.DefaultName = "发条魔灵";
                Orianna.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Orianna);

                Orianna.ShortName = new List<string> { "发条" };
                Orianna.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Orianna,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Orianna,1,"Gothic","哥特女仆"),
                    new Skin(Orianna,2,"Sewn Chaos","木偶奇遇记"),
                    new Skin(Orianna,3,"Bladecraft","灵骨工匠"),
                Orianna.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("OriannaCommandAttack","q"),
                    new Spell ("OriannaCommandDissonance","w"),
                    new Spell ("OriannaCommandRedact","e"),
                    new Spell ("OriannaCommandDetonate","r"),
                    new Spell ("OriannaPassive","t"),
                Orianna.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "推进" };
                cList.Add(Orianna.EnName, Orianna);

                //潘森 战争之王
                Champion Pantheon = new Champion();
                Pantheon.EnName = "Pantheon";
                Pantheon.CnName = "潘森";
                Pantheon.DefaultName = "战争之王";
                Pantheon.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Pantheon);

                Pantheon.ShortName = null;
                Pantheon.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野", };
                Pantheon.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Pantheon,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Pantheon,1,"Mymidon","斯巴达之魂"),
                    new Skin(Pantheon,2,"Ruthless","万人敌"),
                    new Skin(Pantheon,3,"Perseus","英仙座珀尔修斯"),
                    new Skin(Pantheon,4,"Full Metal","钢铁意志"),
                    new Skin(Pantheon,5,"Glaive Warrior","大夏武士"),
                Pantheon.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Pantheon_SpearShot","q"),
                    new Spell ("Pantheon_LeapBash","w"),
                    new Spell ("Pantheon_HSS","e"),
                    new Spell ("Pantheon_GrandSkyFall","r"),
                    new Spell ("Pantheon_AOZ","t"),
                cList.Add(Pantheon.EnName, Pantheon);

                //波比 钢铁大使
                Champion Poppy = new Champion();
                Poppy.EnName = "Poppy";
                Poppy.CnName = "波比";
                Poppy.DefaultName = "钢铁大使";
                Poppy.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Poppy);

                Poppy.ShortName = null;
                Poppy.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Poppy,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Poppy,1,"Noxus","诺克萨斯"),
                    new Skin(Poppy,2,"Lollipoppy","波比的巧克力工坊"),
                    new Skin(Poppy,3,"Blacksmith","宗师级锻造训练师"),
                    new Skin(Poppy,4,"Regdoll","圣诞玩偶"),
                    new Skin(Poppy,5,"Battle Regalia","军神战甲"),
                    new Skin(Poppy,6,"Scarlet Hammer","血色之锤"),
                Poppy.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("PoppyDevastatingBlow","q"),
                    new Spell ("PoppyDefenseOfDemacia","w"),
                    new Spell ("Poppy_HeroicCharge","e"),
                    new Spell ("Poppy_DiplomaticImmunity","r"),
                    new Spell ("Poppy_ValiantFighter","t"),
                Poppy.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Poppy.EnName, Poppy);

                Champion Quinn = new Champion();
                Quinn.EnName = "Quinn";
                Quinn.CnName = "奎恩";
                Quinn.DefaultName = "德玛西亚之翼";
                Quinn.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Quinn);
                Quinn.ShortName = new List<string> { "奎爷" };
                Quinn.Skins = new List<Skin>()
                    new Skin(Quinn,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Quinn,1,"Phoenix","血羽凤凰"),
                Quinn.Spells = new List<Spell>
                    new Spell("Quinn_Q","q"),
                    new Spell("Quinn_W","w"),
                    new Spell("Quinn_E","e"),
                    new Spell("Quinn_R1","r"),
                    new Spell("Quinn_Passive","t"),
                Quinn.Tags = new List<string>() { "物理", "远程" };
                cList.Add(Quinn.EnName, Quinn);

                //拉莫斯 披甲龙龟
                Champion Rammus = new Champion();
                Rammus.EnName = "Rammus";
                Rammus.CnName = "拉莫斯";
                Rammus.DefaultName = "披甲龙龟";
                Rammus.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Rammus);

                Rammus.ShortName = new List<string> { "龙龟", "乌龟" };
                Rammus.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Rammus,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Rammus,1,"King","国王"),
                    new Skin(Rammus,2,"Chrome","饹金铠甲"),
                    new Skin(Rammus,3,"Molten","熔火之心"),
                    new Skin(Rammus,4,"Freljord","极度深寒"),
                    new Skin(Rammus,5,"Ninja","忍龟"),
                    new Skin(Rammus,6,"Full Metal","全金属狂潮"),

                Rammus.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("Armordillo_Powerball","q"),
                    new Spell("Armordillo_ShellBash","w"),
                    new Spell("Armordillo_ScaledPlating","e"),
                    new Spell("Armordillo_RecklessCharge","r"),
                    new Spell("Armordillo_ScavengeArmor","t"),

                Rammus.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野", "辅助" };
                cList.Add(Rammus.EnName, Rammus);

                //雷克顿 荒漠屠夫
                Champion Renekton = new Champion();
                Renekton.EnName = "Renekton";
                Renekton.CnName = "雷克顿";
                Renekton.DefaultName = "荒漠屠夫";
                Renekton.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Renekton);

                Renekton.ShortName = new List<string> { "鳄鱼" };
                Renekton.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Renekton,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Renekton,1,"Galactic","星河战队"),
                    new Skin(Renekton,2,"Outback","荒野之咬"),
                    new Skin(Renekton,3,"Bloodfury","血色暴君"),
                    new Skin(Renekton,4,"Rune Wars","符文战神"),
                Renekton.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Renekton_Cleave","q"),
                    new Spell ("Renekton_Execute","w"),
                    new Spell ("Renekton_SliceAndDice","e"),
                    new Spell ("Renekton_Dominus","r"),
                    new Spell ("Renekton_Predator","t"),
                Renekton.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Renekton.EnName, Renekton);

                //雷恩加尔 傲之追猎者
                Champion Rengar = new Champion();
                Rengar.EnName = "Rengar";
                Rengar.CnName = "雷恩加尔";
                Rengar.DefaultName = "傲之追猎者";
                Rengar.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Rengar);

                Rengar.ShortName = new List<string> { "狮子头", "狮子", "瑞星小狮子" };
                Rengar.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Rengar,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Rengar,1,"Headhunter","铁血猎人"),
                Rengar.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "法术", "刺客", "打野" };
                Rengar.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("RengarQ","q"),
                    new Spell ("RengarW","w"),
                    new Spell ("RengarE","e"),
                    new Spell ("RengarUlt","r"),
                    new Spell ("Rengar_Passive","t"),
                cList.Add(Rengar.EnName, Rengar);

                //瑞雯 放逐之刃
                Champion Riven = new Champion();
                Riven.EnName = "Riven";
                Riven.CnName = "瑞雯";
                Riven.DefaultName = "放逐之刃";
                Riven.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Riven);

                Riven.ShortName = new List<string> { "放逐" };
                Riven.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Riven,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Riven,1,"Redeemed","刺客信条"),
                    new Skin(Riven,2,"Crimson","血色精锐"),
                    new Skin(Riven,3,"Battle Bunny","兔女郎"),
                    new Skin(Riven,4,"Championship","冠军之刃"),
                Riven.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("RivenBrokenWings","q"),
                    new Spell ("RivenKiShout","w"),
                    new Spell ("RivenPathoftheExile","e"),
                    new Spell ("RivenBladeoftheExile","r"),
                    new Spell ("RivenRunicBlades","t"),
                Riven.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野" };
                cList.Add(Riven.EnName, Riven);

                //兰博 机械公敌
                Champion Rumble = new Champion();
                Rumble.EnName = "Rumble";
                Rumble.CnName = "兰博";
                Rumble.DefaultName = "机械公敌";
                Rumble.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Rumble);

                Rumble.ShortName = new List<string> { "蓝波", "兰波" };
                Rumble.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Rumble,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Rumble,1,"in the Jungle","热带丛林"),
                    new Skin(Rumble,2,"Bilgerat","独眼海盗"),
                Rumble.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术" };
                Rumble.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Rumble_Flamespitter","q"),
                    new Spell ("Rumble_Scrap Shield","w"),
                    new Spell ("Rumble_Electro Harpoon","e"),
                    new Spell ("Rumble_R","r"),
                    new Spell ("Rumble_Junkyard Titan1","t"),
                cList.Add(Rumble.EnName, Rumble);

                //瑞兹 流浪法师
                Champion Ryze = new Champion();
                Ryze.EnName = "Ryze";
                Ryze.CnName = "瑞兹";
                Ryze.DefaultName = "流浪法师";
                Ryze.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Ryze);

                Ryze.ShortName = new List<string> { "光头", "流浪", "大光头" };
                Ryze.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Ryze,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Ryze,1,"Human","大魔法师"),
                    new Skin(Ryze,2,"Tribal","部落精神"),
                    new Skin(Ryze,3,"Uncle","美国大叔"),
                    new Skin(Ryze,4,"Triumphant","守护者雕像"),
                    new Skin(Ryze,5,"Professor","宗师级法师训练师"),
                    new Skin(Ryze,6,"Zombie","至死不渝"),
                    new Skin(Ryze,7,"Dark Crystal","恶魔男爵"),
                    //new Skin(Ryze,8, "Private","海盗"),
                Ryze.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Ryze_Overload","q"),
                    new Spell ("Ryze_PowerOverwhelming","w"),
                    new Spell ("Ryze_LightningFlux","e"),
                    new Spell ("Ryze_DesperatePower","r"),
                    new Spell ("Ryze_SpellStrike","t"),
                Ryze.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Ryze.EnName, Ryze);

                //瑟庄妮 凛冬之怒
                Champion Sejuani = new Champion();
                Sejuani.EnName = "Sejuani";
                Sejuani.CnName = "瑟庄妮";
                Sejuani.DefaultName = "凛冬之怒";
                Sejuani.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Sejuani);

                Sejuani.ShortName = new List<string> { "猪妹", "凛冬" };
                Sejuani.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Sejuani,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Sejuani,1,"Sabretusk","野兽女王"),
                    new Skin(Sejuani,2,"Darkrider","死亡骑士"),
                Sejuani.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Sejuani_ArcticAssault","q"),
                    new Spell ("Sejuani_GlacialPrison","w"),
                    new Spell ("Sejuani_Permafrost","e"),
                    new Spell ("Sejuani_NorthernWinds","r"),
                    new Spell ("Sejuani_Frost","t"),
                Sejuani.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "打野" };
                cList.Add(Sejuani.EnName, Sejuani);

                //萨科 恶魔小丑
                Champion Shaco = new Champion();
                Shaco.EnName = "Shaco";
                Shaco.CnName = "萨科";
                Shaco.DefaultName = "恶魔小丑";
                Shaco.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Shaco);

                Shaco.ShortName = new List<string> { "小丑" };
                Shaco.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Shaco,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Shaco,1,"Mad Hatter","恐怖之源"),
                    new Skin(Shaco,2,"Royal","贵族血统"),
                    new Skin(Shaco,3,"Nutcracko","胡桃夹子"),
                    new Skin(Shaco,4,"Workshop","小丑工作坊"),
                    new Skin(Shaco,5,"Asylum","飞越疯人院"),
                Shaco.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Jester_Deceive","q"),
                    new Spell ("Jester_JackInTheBox","w"),
                    new Spell ("Jester_TwoShivPoison","e"),
                    new Spell ("Jester_Hallucinate","r"),
                    new Spell ("Jester_CarefulStrikes","t"),
                Shaco.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野" };
                cList.Add(Shaco.EnName, Shaco);

                //慎 暮光之眼
                Champion Shen = new Champion();
                Shen.EnName = "Shen";
                Shen.CnName = "慎";
                Shen.DefaultName = "暮光之眼";
                Shen.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Shen);

                Shen.ShortName = new List<string> { "肾" };
                Shen.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Shen,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Shen,1,"Frozen","极寒"),
                    new Skin(Shen,2,"Yellow Jacket","炎爆"),
                    new Skin(Shen,3,"Surgeon","主治医师"),
                    new Skin(Shen,4,"Blood Moon","鬼武者"),
                    new Skin(Shen,5,"Warlord","战国大名"),
                Shen.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Shen_VorpalBlade","q"),
                    new Spell ("Shen_Feint","w"),
                    new Spell ("Shen_ShadowDash","e"),
                    new Spell ("Shen_StandUnited","r"),
                    new Spell ("Shen_KiStrike","t"),
                Shen.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "坦克", "打野", "辅助" };
                cList.Add(Shen.EnName, Shen);

                //希瓦纳 龙血武姬
                Champion Shyvana = new Champion();
                Shyvana.EnName = "Shyvana";
                Shyvana.CnName = "希瓦纳";
                Shyvana.DefaultName = "龙血武姬";
                Shyvana.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Shyvana);

                Shyvana.ShortName = new List<string> { "龙女" };
                Shyvana.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Shyvana,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Shyvana,1,"Ironscale","钢之逆鳞"),
                    new Skin(Shyvana,2,"Boneclaw","骸骨之爪"),
                    new Skin(Shyvana,3,"Darkflame","黯黑魔龙"),
                Shyvana.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("ShyvanaTwinBite","q"),
                    new Spell ("ShyvanaScorchedEarth","w"),
                    new Spell ("ShyvanaFlameBreath","e"),
                    new Spell ("ShyvanaDragonsDescent","r"),
                    new Spell ("ShyvanaReinforcedScales","t"),
                Shyvana.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Shyvana.EnName, Shyvana);

                //辛吉德 炼金术士
                Champion Singed = new Champion();
                Singed.EnName = "Singed";
                Singed.CnName = "辛吉德";
                Singed.DefaultName = "炼金术士";
                Singed.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Singed);

                Singed.ShortName = new List<string> { "炼金" };
                Singed.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Singed,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Singed,1,"Riot Squad","防暴士兵"),
                    new Skin(Singed,2,"Hextech","机械污染"),
                    new Skin(Singed,3,"Surfer","冲浪高手"),
                    new Skin(Singed,4,"Mad Scientist","科学狂人"),
                    new Skin(Singed,5,"Augmented","炼金狂士"),
                Singed.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("ChemicalMan_AcidSpray","q"),
                    new Spell ("ChemMan_MegaAdhesive","w"),
                    new Spell ("ChemicalMan_fling","e"),
                    new Spell ("ChemicalMan_ChemicalRage","r"),
                    new Spell ("ChemicalMan_EmpoweredBulwark","t"),
                Singed.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Singed.EnName, Singed);

                //塞恩 亡灵勇士
                Champion Sion = new Champion();
                Sion.EnName = "Sion";
                Sion.CnName = "塞恩";
                Sion.DefaultName = "亡灵勇士";
                Sion.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Sion);

                Sion.ShortName = new List<string> { "亡灵", "UD", "ud" };
                Sion.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Sion,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Sion,1,"Hextech","钢铁终结者"),
                    new Skin(Sion,2,"Barbarian","武仙座海格力斯"),
                    new Skin(Sion,3,"Lumberjack","原野伐木工"),
                    new Skin(Sion,4,"Warmonger","战争机器"),
                Sion.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Sion_CrypticGaze","q"),
                    new Spell ("Sion_DeathsCaress","w"),
                    new Spell ("Sion_EnrageOff","e"),
                    new Spell ("Sion_Cannibalism","r"),
                    new Spell ("Sion_FeelNoPain","t"),
                Sion.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "法术", "推进" };
                cList.Add(Sion.EnName, Sion);

                //西瓦尔 战争女神
                Champion Sivir = new Champion();
                Sivir.EnName = "Sivir";
                Sivir.CnName = "西瓦尔";
                Sivir.DefaultName = "战争女神";
                Sivir.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Sivir);

                Sivir.ShortName = new List<string> { "轮子妈" };
                Sivir.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Sivir,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Sivir,1,"Warrior Princess","战场公主"),
                    new Skin(Sivir,2,"Spectacular","亮丽女神"),
                    new Skin(Sivir,3,"Huntress","女猎手"),
                    new Skin(Sivir,4,"Bandit","钢铁之心"),
                    new Skin(Sivir,5,"PAX","创世纪"),
                Sivir.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Sivir_SpiralBlade","q"),
                    new Spell ("Sivir_Ricochet","w"),
                    new Spell ("Sivir_SpellBlock","e"),
                    new Spell ("Sivir_Deadeye","r"),
                    new Spell ("Sivir_Sprint","t"),
                Sivir.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理", "推进" };
                cList.Add(Sivir.EnName, Sivir);

                //斯卡纳 水晶先锋(蝎子)
                Champion Skarner = new Champion();
                Skarner.EnName = "Skarner";
                Skarner.CnName = "斯卡纳";
                Skarner.DefaultName = "水晶先锋";
                Skarner.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Skarner);

                Skarner.ShortName = new List<string> { "蝎子" };
                Skarner.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Skarner,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Skarner,1,"Sandscourge","沙暴巨蝎"),
                    new Skin(Skarner,2,"Earthrune","远土之灵"),
                Skarner.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("SkarnerVirulentSlash","q"),
                    new Spell ("SkarnerExoskeleton","w"),
                    new Spell ("SkarnerFracture","e"),
                    new Spell ("SkarnerImpale","r"),
                    new Spell ("SkarnerEnergize","t"),
                Skarner.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Skarner.EnName, Skarner);

                //娑娜 琴瑟仙女
                Champion Sona = new Champion();
                Sona.EnName = "Sona";
                Sona.CnName = "娑娜";
                Sona.DefaultName = "琴瑟仙女";
                Sona.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Sona);

                Sona.ShortName = new List<string> { "索娜", "琴女", "琴妈" };
                Sona.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Sona,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Sona,1,"Muse","缪斯女神"),
                    new Skin(Sona,2,"Pentakill","五杀摇滚键盘手"),
                    new Skin(Sona,3,"Silent Night","平安夜女神"),
                    new Skin(Sona,4,"Guqin","古琴余韵"),
                    new Skin(Sona,5,"Arcade","电玩女神"),
                Sona.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Sona_HymnofValor","q"),
                    new Spell ("Sona_AriaofPerseverance","w"),
                    new Spell ("Sona_SongofDiscord","e"),
                    new Spell ("Sona_Crescendo","r"),
                    new Spell ("Sona_PowerChordCharged","t"),
                Sona.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "辅助" };
                cList.Add(Sona.EnName, Sona);

                //索拉卡 众星之子
                Champion Soraka = new Champion();
                Soraka.EnName = "Soraka";
                Soraka.CnName = "索拉卡";
                Soraka.DefaultName = "众星之子";
                Soraka.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Soraka);

                Soraka.ShortName = new List<string> { "奶妈", "星妈", "星妹", "众星" };
                Soraka.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Soraka,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Soraka,1,"Dryad","森林女神"),
                    new Skin(Soraka,2,"Divine","月光女神阿忒弥斯"),
                Soraka.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Soraka_Starcall","q"),
                    new Spell ("Soraka_Bless","w"),
                    new Spell ("Soraka_Wish","e"),
                    new Spell ("Soraka_Purify","r"),
                    new Spell ("Soraka_Consecration","t"),
                Soraka.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "辅助" };
                cList.Add(Soraka.EnName, Soraka);

                //斯维因 策士统领
                Champion Swain = new Champion();
                Swain.EnName = "Swain";
                Swain.CnName = "斯维因";
                Swain.DefaultName = "策士统领";
                Swain.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Swain);

                Swain.ShortName = new List<string> { "乌鸦", "瘸子" };
                Swain.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Swain,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Swain,1,"Northern Front","北领前线"),
                    new Skin(Swain,2,"Bilgewater","海贼参谋"),
                    new Skin(Swain,3,"Tyrant","绝代智将"),
                Swain.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("SwainDecrepify","q"),
                    new Spell ("SwainNevermove","w"),
                    new Spell ("SwainTorment","e"),
                    new Spell ("SwainRavenousFlock","r"),
                    new Spell ("SwainCarrionRenewal","t"),
                Swain.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Swain.EnName, Swain);

                //辛德拉 暗黑元首
                Champion Syndra = new Champion();
                Syndra.EnName = "Syndra";
                Syndra.CnName = "辛德拉";
                Syndra.DefaultName = "暗黑元首";
                Syndra.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Syndra);

                Syndra.ShortName = new List<string> { "球女" };
                Syndra.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Syndra,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Syndra,1,"Justiciar","仲裁圣女"),
                Syndra.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("SyndraQ","q"),
                    new Spell ("SyndraW","w"),
                    new Spell ("SyndraE","e"),
                    new Spell ("SyndraR","r"),
                    new Spell ("SyndraPassive","t"),
                Syndra.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Syndra.EnName, Syndra);

                //泰隆 刀锋之影
                Champion Talon = new Champion();
                Talon.EnName = "Talon";
                Talon.CnName = "泰隆";
                Talon.DefaultName = "刀锋之影";
                Talon.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Talon);

                Talon.ShortName = new List<string> { "男刀" };
                Talon.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Talon,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Talon,1,"Renegade","刺客信条"),
                    new Skin(Talon,2,"Crimson Elite","血色精锐"),
                    new Skin(Talon,3,"Dragonblade","银龙裁决"),
                Talon.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理" };
                Talon.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("TalonNoxianDiplomacy","q"),
                    new Spell ("TalonRake","w"),
                    new Spell ("TalonCutthroat","e"),
                    new Spell ("TalonShadowAssault","r"),
                    new Spell ("TalonMercy","t"),
                cList.Add(Talon.EnName, Talon);

                //塔里克 宝石骑士
                Champion Taric = new Champion();
                Taric.EnName = "Taric";
                Taric.CnName = "塔里克";
                Taric.DefaultName = "宝石骑士";
                Taric.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Taric);

                Taric.ShortName = new List<string> { "宝石" };
                Taric.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Taric,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Taric,1,"Emerald","绿水晶光辉"),
                    new Skin(Taric,2,"Armor of the Fifth Age","紫水晶意志"),
                    new Skin(Taric,3,"Bloodstone","血精石诅咒"),
                Taric.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "辅助", "坦克" };
                Taric.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("GemKnight_Imbue","q"),
                    new Spell ("GemKnight_Shatter","w"),
                    new Spell ("GemKnight_Dazzle","e"),
                    new Spell ("GemKnight_Radiance","r"),
                    new Spell ("GemKnight_Gemcraft","t"),
                cList.Add(Taric.EnName, Taric);

                //提莫 迅捷斥候
                Champion Teemo = new Champion();
                Teemo.EnName = "Teemo";
                Teemo.CnName = "提莫";
                Teemo.DefaultName = "迅捷斥候";
                Teemo.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Teemo);

                Teemo.ShortName = new List<string> { "提百万", "200W", "提莫队长", "大队长", "小莫", "萌主" };
                Teemo.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Teemo,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Teemo,1,"Happy Elf","圣诞开心鬼"),
                    new Skin(Teemo,2,"Recon","军情五处"),
                    new Skin(Teemo,3,"Badger","密林猎手"),
                    new Skin(Teemo,4,"Astronaut","约德尔人的一大步"),
                    new Skin(Teemo,5,"Cottontail","兔宝宝"),
                    new Skin(Teemo,6,"Super","约德尔国队长"),
                    new Skin(Teemo,7,"Panda","熊猫"),
                Teemo.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Teemo_TranquilizingShot","q"),
                    new Spell ("Teemo_MoveQuick","w"),
                    new Spell ("Teemo_PoisonedDart","e"),
                    new Spell ("Bowmaster_ArchersMark","r"),
                    new Spell ("Teemo_Camouflage","t"),
                Teemo.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理", "法术", "辅助" };
                cList.Add(Teemo.EnName, Teemo);

                Champion Thresh = new Champion();
                Thresh.EnName = "Thresh";
                Thresh.CnName = "锤石";
                Thresh.DefaultName = "魂锁典狱长";
                Thresh.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Thresh);
                Thresh.ShortName = new List<string> { };
                Thresh.Skins = new List<Skin>()
                    new Skin(Thresh,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Thresh,1,"","深渊恐惧"),
                Thresh.Spells = new List<Spell>()
                    new Spell("Thresh_Q","q"),
                    new Spell("Thresh_W","w"),
                    new Spell("Thresh_E","e"),
                    new Spell("Thresh_R","r"),
                    new Spell("Thresh_Passive","t"),
                Thresh.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程","法术","辅助"};
                cList.Add(Thresh.EnName, Thresh);

                //崔丝塔娜 麦林炮手
                Champion Tristana = new Champion();
                Tristana.EnName = "Tristana";
                Tristana.CnName = "崔丝塔娜";
                Tristana.DefaultName = "麦林炮手";
                Tristana.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Tristana);

                Tristana.ShortName = new List<string> { "小炮" };
                Tristana.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Tristana,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Tristana,1,"Riot Girl","粉色萝莉"),
                    new Skin(Tristana,2,"Earnest Elf","圣诞精灵"),
                    new Skin(Tristana,3,"Firefighter","烈焰雄心"),
                    new Skin(Tristana,4,"Guerilla","游击队员"),
                    new Skin(Tristana,5,"Buccaneer","约德尔海贼团"),
                    new Skin(Tristana,6,"Rocketeer","火箭达人"),
                Tristana.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Tristana_HeadShot","q"),
                    new Spell ("Tristana_RendingShot","w"),
                    new Spell ("Tristana_DetonatingShot","e"),
                    new Spell ("Tristana_BusterShot","r"),
                    new Spell ("Tristana_DrawAbead","t"),
                Tristana.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理", "推进" };
                cList.Add(Tristana.EnName, Tristana);

                //特朗德尔 诅咒巨魔
                Champion Trundle = new Champion();
                Trundle.EnName = "Trundle";
                Trundle.CnName = "特朗德尔";
                Trundle.DefaultName = "诅咒巨魔";
                Trundle.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Trundle);

                Trundle.ShortName = new List<string> { "巨魔" };
                Trundle.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Trundle,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Trundle,1,"Lil' Slugger","里尔击球手"),
                    new Skin(Trundle,2,"Junkyard","垃圾场"),
                Trundle.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Trundle_Bite","q"),
                    new Spell ("Trundle_Contaminate","w"),
                    new Spell ("Trundle_Pillar","e"),
                    new Spell ("Trundle_Agony","r"),
                    new Spell ("Trundle_Decompose","t"),
                Trundle.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Trundle.EnName, Trundle);

                //泰达米尔 蛮族之王
                Champion Tryndamere = new Champion();
                Tryndamere.EnName = "Tryndamere";
                Tryndamere.CnName = "泰达米尔";
                Tryndamere.DefaultName = "蛮族之王";
                Tryndamere.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Tryndamere);

                Tryndamere.ShortName = new List<string> { "蛮子", "蛮王", "蛮三刀" };
                Tryndamere.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Tryndamere,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Tryndamere,1,"Highland","勇敢的心"),
                    new Skin(Tryndamere,2,"King","国王"),
                    new Skin(Tryndamere,3,"Viking","诸神的黄昏"),
                    new Skin(Tryndamere,4,"Demonblade","恶魔之刃"),
                    new Skin(Tryndamere,5,"Sultan","苏丹"),
                Tryndamere.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("DarkChampion_Bloodlust","q"),
                    new Spell ("48thSlave_Pacify","w"),
                    new Spell ("DarkChampion_Slash","e"),
                    new Spell ("DarkChampion_EndlessRage","r"),
                    new Spell ("DarkChampion_Fury","t"),
                Tryndamere.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野" };
                cList.Add(Tryndamere.EnName, Tryndamere);

                //崔斯特 卡牌大师
                Champion TwistedFate = new Champion();
                TwistedFate.EnName = "TwistedFate";
                TwistedFate.CnName = "崔斯特";
                TwistedFate.DefaultName = "卡牌大师";
                TwistedFate.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(TwistedFate);

                TwistedFate.ShortName = new List<string> { "卡牌", "TF" };
                TwistedFate.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(TwistedFate,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(TwistedFate,1,"PAX","蓝色忧郁"),
                    new Skin(TwistedFate,2,"Jack of Hearts","红桃杰克"),
                    new Skin(TwistedFate,3,"The Magnificent","魔幻卡牌"),
                    new Skin(TwistedFate,4,"Tango","探戈灵魂"),
                    new Skin(TwistedFate,5,"High Noon","西部牛仔"),
                    new Skin(TwistedFate,6,"Musketeer","皇家火枪手"),
                    new Skin(TwistedFate,7,"Underworld","地底世界"),
                TwistedFate.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Cardmaster_PowerCard","q"),
                    new Spell ("Cardmaster_FatesGambit","w"),
                    new Spell ("Cardmaster_RapidToss","e"),
                    new Spell ("Destiny_temp","r"),
                    new Spell ("Cardmaster_SealFate","t"),
                TwistedFate.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "推进" };
                cList.Add(TwistedFate.EnName, TwistedFate);

                //图奇 瘟疫之源
                Champion Twitch = new Champion();
                Twitch.EnName = "Twitch";
                Twitch.CnName = "图奇";
                Twitch.DefaultName = "瘟疫之源";
                Twitch.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Twitch);

                Twitch.ShortName = new List<string> { "老鼠" };
                Twitch.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Twitch,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Twitch,1,"Kingpin","首领"),
                    new Skin(Twitch,2,"Whistler","北风冻原"),
                    new Skin(Twitch,3,"Medieval","都铎王朝"),
                    new Skin(Twitch,4,"Gangster","黑金诱惑"),
                    new Skin(Twitch,5,"Vandal","横行霸道"),
                Twitch.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Twitch_Ambush","q"),
                    new Spell ("Twitch_VenomCask","w"),
                    new Spell ("Twitch_Expunge","e"),
                    new Spell ("Twitch_SprayAndPray","r"),
                    new Spell ("Twitch_DeadlyVenom","t"),
                Twitch.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Twitch.EnName, Twitch);

                //乌迪尔 野兽之灵
                Champion Udyr = new Champion();
                Udyr.EnName = "Udyr";
                Udyr.CnName = "乌迪尔";
                Udyr.DefaultName = "野兽之灵";
                Udyr.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Udyr);

                Udyr.ShortName = new List<string> { "无敌2", "无敌二" };
                Udyr.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Udyr,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Udyr,1,"Black Belt","武力全开"),
                    new Skin(Udyr,2,"Primal","四神之力"),
                Udyr.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Udyr_TigerStance","q"),
                    new Spell ("Udyr_TurtleStance","w"),
                    new Spell ("Udyr_BearStance","e"),
                    new Spell ("Udyr_PhoenixStance","r"),
                    new Spell ("Udyr_MonkeysAgility","t"),
                Udyr.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Udyr.EnName, Udyr);

                //厄加特 首领之傲
                Champion Urgot = new Champion();
                Urgot.EnName = "Urgot";
                Urgot.CnName = "厄加特";
                Urgot.DefaultName = "首领之傲";
                Urgot.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Urgot);

                Urgot.ShortName = new List<string> { "螃蟹" };
                Urgot.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Urgot,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Urgot,1,"Giant Enemy Crabgot","深渊巨蟹"),
                    new Skin(Urgot,2,"Butcher","电锯狂人"),
                    new Skin(Urgot,3,"Battlecast","战地机甲"),
                Urgot.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("UrgotAcidHunter","q"),
                    new Spell ("UrgotTerrorCapacitor","w"),
                    new Spell ("UrgotCorrosiveCharge","e"),
                    new Spell ("UrgotPositionReverser","r"),
                    new Spell ("Urgot_Passive","t"),
                Urgot.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Urgot.EnName, Urgot);

                //韦鲁斯 惩戒之箭
                Champion Varus = new Champion();
                Varus.EnName = "Varus";
                Varus.CnName = "韦鲁斯";
                Varus.DefaultName = "惩戒之箭";
                Varus.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Varus);

                Varus.ShortName = new List<string> { "男弓" };
                Varus.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Varus,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Varus,1,"Blight","夜魔水晶"),
                    new Skin(Varus,2,"Arclight","苍穹之光"),
                Varus.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("VarusQ","q"),
                    new Spell ("VarusW","w"),
                    new Spell ("VarusE","e"),
                    new Spell ("VarusR","r"),
                    new Spell ("VarusPassive","t"),
                Varus.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Varus.EnName, Varus);

                //薇恩 暗影猎手
                Champion Vayne = new Champion();
                Vayne.EnName = "Vayne";
                Vayne.CnName = "薇恩";
                Vayne.DefaultName = "暗影猎手";
                Vayne.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Vayne);

                Vayne.ShortName = new List<string> { "vn", "VN" };
                Vayne.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Vayne,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Vayne,1,"Vindicator","摩登骇客"),
                    new Skin(Vayne,2,"Aristocrat","猎天使魔女"),
                    new Skin(Vayne,3,"Dragonslayer","巨龙追猎者"),
                    new Skin(Vayne,4,"Heartseeker","觅心猎手"),
                Vayne.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Vayne_Tumble","q"),
                    new Spell ("Vayne_SilveredBolts","w"),
                    new Spell ("Vayne_Condemn","e"),
                    new Spell ("Vayne_Inquisition","r"),
                    new Spell ("Vayne_NightHunter","t"),
                Vayne.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "物理" };
                cList.Add(Vayne.EnName, Vayne);

                //维嘉 邪恶小法师
                Champion Veigar = new Champion();
                Veigar.EnName = "Veigar";
                Veigar.CnName = "维嘉";
                Veigar.DefaultName = "邪恶小法师";
                Veigar.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Veigar);

                Veigar.ShortName = new List<string> { "小法" };
                Veigar.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Veigar,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Veigar,1,"White Mage","白魔法师"),
                    new Skin(Veigar,2,"Curling Veigar","冰壶选手"),
                    new Skin(Veigar,3,"Greybeard","灰胡子魔法师"),
                    new Skin(Veigar,4,"Leprechaun","绿野仙踪"),
                    new Skin(Veigar,5,"Baron","魔导绅士"),
                    new Skin(Veigar,6,"Superb Villain","穿着正装的恶魔"),
                    new Skin(Veigar,7,"","邪恶圣诞老人"),
                Veigar.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("VeigarBalefulStrike","q"),
                    new Spell ("VeigarDarkMatter","w"),
                    new Spell ("VeigarEventHorizon","e"),
                    new Spell ("VeigarPrimordialBurst","r"),
                    new Spell ("Veigar_Entropy","t"),
                Veigar.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Veigar.EnName, Veigar);

                Champion Vi = new Champion();
                Vi.EnName = "Vi";
                Vi.CnName = "蔚";
                Vi.DefaultName = "皮城执法者";
                Vi.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Vi);
                Vi.ShortName = new List<string>() { "wei","喂","拳","拳头","拳女","城管"};
                Vi.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Vi,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Vi,1,"","霓虹杀拳"),
                Vi.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("ViQ","q"),
                    new Spell("ViW","w"),
                    new Spell("ViE","e"),
                    new Spell("ViR","r"),
                    new Spell("ViPassive","t"),
                Vi.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战","物理","坦克","打野"};
                cList.Add(Vi.EnName, Vi);

                //维克托 机械先驱
                Champion Viktor = new Champion();
                Viktor.EnName = "Viktor";
                Viktor.CnName = "维克托";
                Viktor.DefaultName = "机械先驱";
                Viktor.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Viktor);

                Viktor.ShortName = new List<string> { "三只手" };
                Viktor.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Viktor,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Viktor,1,"Full Machine","全金属狂潮"),
                    new Skin(Viktor,2,"Prototype","初号机"),
                Viktor.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("ViktorPowerTransfer","q"),
                    new Spell ("ViktorGravitonField","w"),
                    new Spell ("ViktorDeathRay","e"),
                    new Spell ("ViktorChaosStorm","r"),
                    new Spell ("ViktorEvolvingTechnology","t"),
                Viktor.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Viktor.EnName, Viktor);

                //弗拉基米尔 猩红收割者
                Champion Vladimir = new Champion();
                Vladimir.EnName = "Vladimir";
                Vladimir.CnName = "弗拉基米尔";
                Vladimir.DefaultName = "猩红收割者";
                Vladimir.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Vladimir);

                Vladimir.ShortName = new List<string> { "吸血鬼", "大姨妈" };
                Vladimir.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Vladimir,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Vladimir,1,"Count","弗拉基米尔伯爵"),
                    new Skin(Vladimir,2,"Marquis","弗拉基米尔侯爵"),
                    new Skin(Vladimir,3,"Nosferatu","诺斯费拉图"),
                    new Skin(Vladimir,4,"Vandal","霹雳游侠"),
                    new Skin(Vladimir,5,"Blood Lord","鲜血领主"),
                Vladimir.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Vladimir_Transfusion","q"),
                    new Spell ("Vladimir_SanguinePool","w"),
                    new Spell ("Vladimir_TidesofBlood","e"),
                    new Spell ("Vladimir_Hemoplague","r"),
                    new Spell ("Vladimir_BloodGorged","t"),
                Vladimir.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Vladimir.EnName, Vladimir);

                //沃利贝尔 雷霆咆哮
                Champion Volibear = new Champion();
                Volibear.EnName = "Volibear";
                Volibear.CnName = "沃利贝尔";
                Volibear.DefaultName = "雷霆咆哮";
                Volibear.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Volibear);

                Volibear.ShortName = new List<string> { "狗熊", "熊","白熊" };
                Volibear.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Volibear,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Volibear,1,"Tunder Lord","雷霆领主"),
                    new Skin(Volibear,2,"Northern Strom","北地风暴"),
                Volibear.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("VolibearQ","q"),
                    new Spell ("VolibearW","w"),
                    new Spell ("VolibearE","e"),
                    new Spell ("VolibearR","r"),
                    new Spell ("VolibearPassive","t"),
                Volibear.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "辅助", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Volibear.EnName, Volibear);

                //沃里克 嗜血猎手
                Champion Warwick = new Champion();
                Warwick.EnName = "Warwick";
                Warwick.CnName = "沃里克";
                Warwick.DefaultName = "嗜血猎手";
                Warwick.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Warwick);

                Warwick.ShortName = new List<string> { "狼人" };
                Warwick.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Warwick,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Warwick,1,"Grey","暗影"),
                    new Skin(Warwick,2,"Urf the Manate","披着海牛的狼"),
                    new Skin(Warwick,3,"Big Bad","狼外婆"),
                    new Skin(Warwick,4,"Tundra Hunter","冻原猎手"),
                    new Skin(Warwick,5,"Feral","嗜血狂暴"),
                    new Skin(Warwick,6,"Firefang","火牙狼人"),
                    new Skin(Warwick,7,"Hyena","荒野豺狼"),
                Warwick.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野" };
                Warwick.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Wolfman_SeverArmor","q"),
                    new Spell ("Wolfman_FrenziedStrikes","w"),
                    new Spell ("Wolfman_BloodScent","e"),
                    new Spell ("Wolfman_InfiniteDuress","r"),
                    new Spell ("Warwick_InnerHunger","t"),
                cList.Add(Warwick.EnName, Warwick);

                //泽拉斯 远古巫灵(棺材板)
                Champion Xerath = new Champion();
                Xerath.EnName = "Xerath";
                Xerath.CnName = "泽拉斯";
                Xerath.DefaultName = "远古巫灵";
                Xerath.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Xerath);

                Xerath.ShortName = new List<string> { "棺材板" };
                Xerath.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Xerath,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Xerath,1,"Runeborn","符文生物"),
                    new Skin(Xerath,2,"Battlecast","战地法师"),
                    new Skin(Xerath,3,"Scorched Earth","枯萎之壤"),
                Xerath.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Xerath_Arcanopulse","q"),
                    new Spell ("Xerath_LocusOfPower","w"),
                    new Spell ("Xerath_MageChains","e"),
                    new Spell ("Xerath_ArcaneBarrage","r"),
                    new Spell ("Xerath_AscendedForm","t"),
                Xerath.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Xerath.EnName, Xerath);

                //赵信 德邦总管
                Champion XinZhao = new Champion();
                XinZhao.EnName = "XinZhao";
                XinZhao.CnName = "赵信";
                XinZhao.DefaultName = "德邦总管";
                XinZhao.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(XinZhao);

                XinZhao.ShortName = new List<string> { "赵公公", "德邦" };
                XinZhao.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(XinZhao,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(XinZhao,1,"Commando","特战先锋"),
                    new Skin(XinZhao,2,"Imperial","皇家守卫"),
                    new Skin(XinZhao,3,"Viscero","绞肉机角斗士"),
                    new Skin(XinZhao,4,"Winged Hussar","翼骑统领"),
                    new Skin(XinZhao,5,"","赵云 子龙"),
                XinZhao.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("XinZhao_ThreeTalon","q"),
                    new Spell ("XinZhao_BattleCry","w"),
                    new Spell ("XinZhao_Charge","e"),
                    new Spell ("XinZhao_CrescentSweep","r"),
                    new Spell ("XinZhao_TirelessWarrior","t"),
                XinZhao.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "物理", "打野" };
                cList.Add(XinZhao.EnName, XinZhao);

                //约里克 掘墓者
                Champion Yorick = new Champion();
                Yorick.EnName = "Yorick";
                Yorick.CnName = "约里克";
                Yorick.DefaultName = "掘墓者";
                Yorick.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Yorick);

                Yorick.ShortName = new List<string> { "掘墓", "挖坟" };
                Yorick.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Yorick,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Yorick,1,"Undertaker","地狱送葬"),
                    new Skin(Yorick,2,"Pentakill","五杀摇滚贝斯手"),
                Yorick.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("YorickOmenOfWar","q"),
                    new Spell ("YorickOmenOfPestilence","w"),
                    new Spell ("YorickOmenOfFamine","e"),
                    new Spell ("YorickOmenOfDeath","r"),
                    new Spell ("YorickUnholyCovenant","t"),
                Yorick.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战", "法术", "坦克" };
                cList.Add(Yorick.EnName, Yorick);

                //劫 影流之主
                Champion Zed = new Champion();
                Zed.EnName = "Zed";
                Zed.CnName = "劫";
                Zed.DefaultName = "影流之主";
                Zed.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Zed);

                Zed.ShortName = new List<string> { };
                Zed.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Zed,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Zed,1,"Bladestorm","剑刃风暴"),
                Zed.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell("shadowninja_Q","q"),
                    new Spell("shadowninja_w","w"),
                    new Spell("shadowninja_E","e"),
                    new Spell("shadowninja_R","r"),
                    new Spell("shadowninja_P","t"),
                Zed.Tags = new List<string>() {"近战","物理" };
                cList.Add(Zed.EnName, Zed);

                //吉格斯 爆破鬼才
                Champion Ziggs = new Champion();
                Ziggs.EnName = "Ziggs";
                Ziggs.CnName = "吉格斯";
                Ziggs.DefaultName = "爆破鬼才";
                Ziggs.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Ziggs);

                Ziggs.ShortName = new List<string> { "炸弹人", "爆破" };
                Ziggs.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Ziggs,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Ziggs,1,"Mad Scientist","科学狂人"),
                    new Skin(Ziggs,2,"Major","少校"),
                    new Skin(Ziggs,3,"Pool Party","泳池派对"),
                    new Skin(Ziggs,4,"","雪球也能爆炸!"),
                Ziggs.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("ZiggsQ","q"),
                    new Spell ("ZiggsW","w"),
                    new Spell ("ZiggsE","e"),
                    new Spell ("ZiggsR","r"),
                    new Spell ("ZiggsPassiveReady","t"),
                Ziggs.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Ziggs.EnName, Ziggs);

                //基兰 时光守护者
                Champion Zilean = new Champion();
                Zilean.EnName = "Zilean";
                Zilean.CnName = "基兰";
                Zilean.DefaultName = "时光守护者";
                Zilean.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Zilean);

                Zilean.ShortName = new List<string> { "时光", "时光老头" };
                Zilean.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Zilean,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Zilean,1,"Old Saint","圣诞狂欢"),
                    new Skin(Zilean,2,"Groovy","嘻哈精神"),
                    new Skin(Zilean,3,"Shurima Desert","遗迹守护者"),
                    new Skin(Zilean,4,"Time Machine","时间机器"),
                Zilean.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("Chronokeeper_Chronoblast","q"),
                    new Spell ("Chronokeeper_Recall","w"),
                    new Spell ("Chronokeeper_Slow","e"),
                    new Spell ("Chronokeeper_Timetwister","r"),
                    new Spell ("Chronokeeper_Haste","t"),
                Zilean.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术" };
                cList.Add(Zilean.EnName, Zilean);

                //婕拉 荆棘之兴
                Champion Zyra = new Champion();
                Zyra.EnName = "Zyra";
                Zyra.CnName = "婕拉";
                Zyra.DefaultName = "荆棘之兴";
                Zyra.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Zyra);

                Zyra.ShortName = new List<string> { "荆棘", "花女" };
                Zyra.Skins = new List<Skin>() {
                    new Skin(Zyra,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Zyra,1,"Wildfire","野火之藤"),
                Zyra.Tags = new List<string>() { "远程", "法术", "辅助", "推进" };
                Zyra.Spells = new List<Spell>() {
                    new Spell ("ZyraQ","q"),
                    new Spell ("ZyraW","w"),
                    new Spell ("ZyraE","e"),
                    new Spell ("ZyraR","r"),
                    new Spell ("ZyraP","t"),
                cList.Add(Zyra.EnName, Zyra);
                //扎克 生化魔人
                Champion Zac = new Champion();
                Zac.EnName = "Zac";
                Zac.CnName = "扎克";
                Zac.DefaultName = "生化魔人";
                Zac.Portrait = fo.GetAirChampionPortrait(Zac);
                Zac.ShortName = new List<string> { "软泥", "泡泡" };
                Zac.Skins = new List<Skin>()
                    new Skin(Zac,0,"Classic","经典"),
                    new Skin(Zac,1,"","幽能武器"),
                Zac.Tags = new List<string>() { "近战","法术","打野"};
                Zac.Spells = new List<Spell>()
                    new Spell("ZacQ","q"),
                    new Spell("ZacW","w"),
                    new Spell("ZacE","e"),
                    new Spell("ZacR","r"),
                    new Spell("ZacPassive","t"),
                cList.Add(Zac.EnName, Zac);

                return cList;