Inheritance: CollectionWithEvents
Exemplo n.º 1
		protected bool GenerateShortcut(Shortcut sc, MenuCommandCollection mcc)
			foreach(MenuCommand mc in mcc)
				// Does the command match?
				if (mc.Enabled && (mc.Shortcut == sc))
					// Generate event for command

					return true;
					// Any child items to test?
					if (mc.MenuCommands.Count > 0)
						// Recursive descent of all collections
						if (GenerateShortcut(sc, mc.MenuCommands))
							return true;

			return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
		public MenuControl()
			// Set default values
			this.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
			_trackItem = -1;
			_selected = false;
			_multiLine = false;
			_popupMenu = null;
			_mouseOver = false;
			_manualFocus = false;
			_drawUpwards = false;
			_plainAsBlock = false;
			_oldFocus = IntPtr.Zero;
			_ignoreEscapeUp = false;
			_ignoreMouseMove = false;
			_dismissTransfer = false;
			_style = VisualStyle.IDE;
			_chevronStartCommand = null;
			_direction = Direction.Horizontal;
			_menuCommands = new MenuCommandCollection();

			// Prevent flicker with double buffering and all painting inside WM_PAINT
			SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
			SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);

			// Should not be allowed to select this control
			SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false);

			// Hookup to collection events
			_menuCommands.Cleared += new CollectionWithEvents.CollectionClear(OnCollectionCleared);
			_menuCommands.Inserted += new CollectionWithEvents.CollectionChange(OnCollectionInserted);
			_menuCommands.Removed += new CollectionWithEvents.CollectionChange(OnCollectionRemoved);

			// Set the default menu color as background
			this.BackColor = SystemColors.Control;

			// Do not allow tab key to select this control
			this.TabStop = false;

			// Default the Font we use
			this.Font = SystemInformation.MenuFont;

			// Calculate the initial height/width of the control
			_rowWidth = _rowHeight = this.Font.Height + _breadthGap * 2 + 1;

			// Default to one line of items
			this.Height = _rowHeight;

			// Add ourself to the application filtering list
Exemplo n.º 3
		internal void OperateSubMenu(DrawCommand dc, bool selectFirst, bool trackRemove)
			Rectangle drawRect = dc.DrawRect;

			// Find screen positions for popup menu
			Point screenPos;

			if (_style == VisualStyle.IDE)
				if (_direction == Direction.Horizontal)
					screenPos = PointToScreen(new Point(dc.DrawRect.Left + 1, drawRect.Bottom - _lengthGap - 1));
					screenPos = PointToScreen(new Point(dc.DrawRect.Right - _breadthGap, drawRect.Top + _boxExpandSides - 1));
				if (_direction == Direction.Horizontal)
					screenPos = PointToScreen(new Point(dc.DrawRect.Left + 1, drawRect.Bottom));
					screenPos = PointToScreen(new Point(dc.DrawRect.Right, drawRect.Top));

			Point aboveScreenPos;

			if (_style == VisualStyle.IDE)
				if (_direction == Direction.Horizontal)
					aboveScreenPos = PointToScreen(new Point(dc.DrawRect.Left + 1, drawRect.Top + _lengthGap + 1));
					aboveScreenPos = PointToScreen(new Point(dc.DrawRect.Right - _breadthGap, drawRect.Bottom + _lengthGap));
				if (_direction == Direction.Horizontal)
					aboveScreenPos = PointToScreen(new Point(dc.DrawRect.Left + 1, drawRect.Top));
					aboveScreenPos = PointToScreen(new Point(dc.DrawRect.Right, drawRect.Bottom));

			int borderGap;

			// Calculate the missing gap in the PopupMenu border
			if (_direction == Direction.Horizontal)
				borderGap = dc.DrawRect.Width - _subMenuBorderAdjust;
				borderGap = dc.DrawRect.Height - _subMenuBorderAdjust;

			_popupMenu = new PopupMenu();

			// Define the correct visual style based on ours
			_popupMenu.Style = this.Style;

			// Key direction when keys cause dismissal
			int returnDir = 0;

			if (dc.Chevron)
				MenuCommandCollection mcc = new MenuCommandCollection();

				bool addCommands = false;

				// Generate a collection of menu commands for those not visible
				foreach(MenuCommand command in _menuCommands)
					if (!addCommands && (command == _chevronStartCommand))
						addCommands = true;

					if (addCommands)

				// Track the popup using provided menu item collection
									  ref returnDir);
				// Generate event so that caller has chance to modify MenuCommand contents

				// Track the popup using provided menu item collection
									  ref returnDir);

				// Generate event so that caller has chance to modify MenuCommand contents

			// Remove unwanted object
			_popupMenu = null;

			// Was arrow key used to dismiss the submenu?
			if (returnDir != 0)
				// Using keyboard movements means we should have the focus
				if (!_manualFocus)
					_manualFocus = true;


				if (returnDir < 0)
					// Shift selection left one
					// Shift selection right one

				// A WM_MOUSEMOVE is generated when we open up the new submenu for
				// display, ignore this as it causes the selection to move
				_ignoreMouseMove = true;
				// Only if the submenu was dismissed at the request of the submenu
				// should the selection mode be cancelled, otherwise keep selection mode
				if (!_dismissTransfer)
					// This item is no longer selected
					_selected = false;
					_drawUpwards = false;

					// Should we stop tracking this item
					if (trackRemove)

						// Unselect the current item
						_trackItem = SwitchTrackingItem(_trackItem, -1);
						// Repaint the item
						DrawCommand(_trackItem, true);
					// Do not change _selected status
					_dismissTransfer = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
		protected MenuCommand InternalTrackPopup(Point screenPosTR, Point screenPosTL,
												 MenuCommandCollection menuCollection,
												 PopupMenu parentMenu, bool selectFirst,
												 MenuControl parentControl, bool popupRight,
												 bool popupDown, ref int returnDir)
			// Default the drawing direction
			_direction = Direction.Horizontal;

			// Remember the MenuControl that initiated us
			_parentControl = parentControl;

			// We have a parent popup menu that should be consulted about operation
			_parentMenu = parentMenu;

			// Remember any currect menu item collection
			MenuCommandCollection oldCollection = _menuCommands;

			// Use the passed in collection of menu commands
			_menuCommands = menuCollection;

			// Remember screen positions
			_screenPos = screenPosTR;
			_aboveScreenPos = screenPosTR;
			_leftScreenPos = screenPosTL;

			// Remember display directions
			_popupRight = popupRight;
			_popupDown = popupDown;

			MenuCommand ret = InternalTrackPopup(selectFirst);

			// Restore to original collection
			_menuCommands = oldCollection;

			// Remove references no longer required
			_parentControl = null;
			_parentMenu = null;

			// Return the direction key that caused dismissal
			returnDir = _returnDir;

			return ret;
Exemplo n.º 5
		internal MenuCommand TrackPopup(Point screenPos, Point aboveScreenPos,
										Direction direction,
										MenuCommandCollection menuCollection,
										int borderGap,
										bool selectFirst,
										MenuControl parentControl,
										ref int returnDir)
			// Remember which direction the MenuControl is drawing in
			_direction = direction;

			// Remember the MenuControl that initiated us
			_parentControl = parentControl;

			// Remember the gap in drawing the top border
			_borderGap = borderGap;

			// Remember any currect menu item collection
			MenuCommandCollection oldCollection = _menuCommands;

			// Use the passed in collection of menu commands
			_menuCommands = menuCollection;

			// Remember screen positions
			_screenPos = screenPos;
			_aboveScreenPos = aboveScreenPos;
			_leftScreenPos = screenPos;

			MenuCommand ret = InternalTrackPopup(selectFirst);

			// Restore to original collection
			_menuCommands = oldCollection;

			// Remove reference no longer required
			_parentControl = null;

			// Return the direction key that caused dismissal
			returnDir = _returnDir;

			return ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
		public PopupMenu()
			// Create collection objects
			_drawCommands = new ArrayList();
			_menuCommands = new MenuCommandCollection();

			// Default the properties
			_returnDir = 0;
			_extraSize = 0;
			_popupItem = -1;
			_trackItem = -1;
			_childMenu = null;
			_exitLoop = false;
			_popupDown = true;
			_mouseOver = false;
			_grabFocus = false;
			_excludeTop = true;
			_popupRight = true;
			_parentMenu = null;
			_excludeOffset = 0;
			_focusCatcher = null;
			_parentControl = null;
			_returnCommand = null;
			_oldFocus = IntPtr.Zero;
			_showInfrequent = false;
			_style = VisualStyle.IDE;
			_lastMousePos = new Point(-1,-1);
			_direction = Direction.Horizontal;
			_textFont = SystemInformation.MenuFont;

			// Create and initialise the timer object (but do not start it running!)
			_timer = new Timer();
			_timer.Interval = _selectionDelay;
			_timer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnTimerExpire);
Exemplo n.º 7
		protected void InternalConstruct(string text, ImageList imageList, int imageIndex,
										 Shortcut shortcut, EventHandler clickHandler, Bitmap bitmap, object realOwner)
			// Save parameters
			this.text = text;
			this.imageList = imageList;
			this.imageIndex = imageIndex;
			this.shortcut = shortcut;
			image = bitmap;
			this.realOwner = realOwner;
			this.comboBox = null;

			if (clickHandler != null)
				Click += clickHandler;

			// Define defaults for others
			enabled = true;
			_checked = false;
			radioCheck = false;
			_break = false;
			userData = null;
			visible = true;
			infrequent = false;

			// Create the collection of embedded menu commands
			menuItems = new MenuCommandCollection();