Exemplo n.º 1
        private async Task ReadExcelSheet(SpreadsheetDocument doc, string workSheetId)
            var workpart  = (doc.WorkbookPart.GetPartById(workSheetId) as WorksheetPart);
            var worksheet = workpart.Worksheet;

            if (workpart == null)

            var rows = worksheet.GetFirstChild <SheetData>().Descendants <Row>().Skip(5);

            //TODO: verificar se é pos ou extensão
            string courseColPos = string.Empty, courseName = string.Empty;

            var cellsTitle = worksheet.GetFirstChild <SheetData>()
                             .Descendants <Row>().ElementAt(2)
                             .Descendants <Cell>();

            courseName = FindCourseName(doc, cellsTitle);

            var dataPos = new DataPosition();
            var header  = rows.First().Descendants <Cell>();

            //Map data on sheet
            MapDataPosix(doc, dataPos, header);

            //Loop for all lines, each line a document will be created
            await ProcessData(doc, rows, courseName, dataPos);
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void MapDataPosix(SpreadsheetDocument doc, DataPosition dataPos, IEnumerable <Cell> header)
     for (int i = 0; i < header.Count(); i++)
         Cell celHeader = header.ElementAt(i);
         var  cellValue = GetCellValue(doc, celHeader);
         dataPos.GetDataPositions(cellValue, celHeader.CellReference.Value);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private async Task ProcessData(SpreadsheetDocument doc, IEnumerable <Row> rows, string courseName, DataPosition dataPos)
            foreach (Row row in rows.Skip(1))
                var cells    = row.Descendants <Cell>();
                var document = await ExtractFrontDocumentData(doc, cells, courseName,
                                                              row.RowIndex.Value, dataPos);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(document.StudentName))
                log.Info($"Send data to queue: {document.StudentName}");

                await documentService.Insert(document);

Exemplo n.º 4
        private async Task <Document> ExtractFrontDocumentData(SpreadsheetDocument doc, IEnumerable <Cell> cells,
                                                               string courseName, uint rowIndex, DataPosition data)
            return(await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                var documentFront = new Document();

                documentFront.StudentName = GetCellValue(doc, cells.FindCell(data.NameCol, rowIndex))?.Trim();
                documentFront.StudentDocument = GetCellValue(doc, cells.FindCell(data.DocumentCol, rowIndex))?.Trim();

                documentFront.Course = courseName;

                //Find by previus header founded
                documentFront.StartDate = GetCellValue(doc, cells.FindCell(data.StartDateCol, rowIndex))?.ParseDate();
                documentFront.EndDate = GetCellValue(doc, cells.FindCell(data.EndDateCol, rowIndex))?.ParseDate();
                documentFront.WorkLoad = GetCellValue(doc, cells.FindCell(data.WorkLoadCol, rowIndex));
                //TODO: criar enum para status
                documentFront.Status = "Aguardando processamento";
                //TODO: colocar data por extenso
                documentFront.DateOfIssue = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".";
                return documentFront;