Exemplo n.º 1
        /* Attempts to read the riff chunk from a given
         * stream of bytes, returns the ChunkSize if successful */
        //TODO add custom exception
        public static uint ReadRiffChunk(List <byte> lData)
            if (lData.Count() < RiffChunkSize)
                throw new Exception("Not enough bytes available to read the Riff Chunk");

            var data = lData.Take(RiffChunkSize).ToArray();

            // Chunk Id should contain the ascii string "RIFF" in Big Endian format
            if (EndianHelper.ToUInt32BE(data, 0) != 0x52494646)
                throw new Exception("Unable to read WAVE file");

            // Read In Size of Chunk in Little Endian Format
            uint chunkSize = EndianHelper.ToUInt32LE(data, 4);

            // Format should contain the ascii string "WAVE" in Big Endian format
            if (EndianHelper.ToUInt32BE(data, 8) != 0x57415645)
                throw new Exception("Unable to read WAVE file");

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static List <short> ReadDataChunk(List <byte> lData)
            var data = lData.ToArray();

            // Could be a "List" Chunk prepending
            if (EndianHelper.ToUInt32BE(data, 0) == 0x4C495354)
                data = data.Skip(78).ToArray();
                lData.RemoveRange(0, 78);

            // Chunk ID should contain the letters "data" in Big Endian format
            if (EndianHelper.ToUInt32BE(data, 0) != 0x64617461)
                throw new Exception("Unable to read Data Chunk, incorrect ID");

            // Number of bytes containing pure sample data
            uint dataSize = EndianHelper.ToUInt32LE(data, 4);

            /* Check data size is a multiple of 2, as samples are 16bits each. Also
             * check there's enough bytes left in the buffer to extract the sample data */
            if ((dataSize & 0x1) != 0x0 || dataSize > int.MaxValue || dataSize > lData.Count() - 8)
                Debug.WriteLine((dataSize & 0x1) + " " + dataSize + " " + lData.Count());
                throw new Exception("Unable to read Data Chunk");

            var sampleData = new List <short>();

            lData.RemoveRange(0, 8);

            for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i += 2)
                sampleData.Add(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ?
                               (short)(lData[i] | lData[i + 1] << 8) :
                               (short)(lData[i + 1] | lData[i] << 8));

Exemplo n.º 3
        public FormatChunk(List <byte> lData)
            if (lData.Count() < FormatChunkSize)
                throw new Exception("Not enough bytes for reading the Format Chunk");

            var data = lData.Take(FormatChunkSize).ToArray();

            // SubChunk ID should contain the ascii string "fmt " in Big Endian format
            if (EndianHelper.ToUInt32BE(data, 0) != 0x666D7420)
                throw new Exception("Unable to read Format Chunk");

            /* Check SubChunk Size is 16 for PCM. currently only supporting PCM at the moment,
             * so fail on any other sizes */
            if (EndianHelper.ToUInt32LE(data, 4) != 0x10)
                throw new Exception("Non PCM format non-supported");

            /* Check Audio Format is for PCM (value of 1). Current only supporting PCM at the moment,
             * so fail on any other values */
            if (EndianHelper.ToUInt16LE(data, 8) != 0x1)
                throw new Exception("Non PCM format non-supported");

            // Check if Mono(1) or Stereo(2) number of channels
            ushort nChannels = EndianHelper.ToUInt16LE(data, 10);

            if (nChannels != 1 && nChannels != 2)
                throw new Exception("Unable to read Format Chunk");
            NChannels = nChannels == 1 ? NumChannels.Mono : NumChannels.Stereo;

            // Get Sample Rate
            SampleRate = EndianHelper.ToUInt32LE(data, 12);

            /* Get Byte Rate, in PCM this is redundant as it's equal to
             * SampleRate * NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8. */
            ByteRate = EndianHelper.ToUInt32LE(data, 16);

            /* Get Block Align, again in PCM this is redundant as it's equal to
             * NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8 */
            BlockAlign = EndianHelper.ToUInt16LE(data, 20);

            // Get Bits Per Sample, in PCM should be rounded up to the next 8 bits
            ushort bitsPerSample = EndianHelper.ToUInt16LE(data, 22);

            bitsPerSample += (ushort)(bitsPerSample % 8);
            BitsPerSample  = bitsPerSample;

            /* For validity check ByteRate = SampleRate * nChannels * BitsPerSample/8*/
            if (ByteRate != SampleRate * nChannels * (BitsPerSample / 8))
                throw new Exception("Unable to read Format Chunk");

            /* For validity check BlockAlign = nChannels * BitsPerSample/8*/
            if (BlockAlign != nChannels * (BitsPerSample / 8))
                throw new Exception("Unable to read Format Chunk");