Exemplo n.º 1
         * =================
         * PF_setmodel
         * setmodel(entity, model)
         * =================
        static void PF_setmodel()
            edict_t e     = GetEdict(OFS.OFS_PARM0);
            int     m_idx = GetInt(OFS.OFS_PARM1);
            string  m     = Progs.GetString(m_idx);

            // check to see if model was properly precached
            for (int i = 0; i < Server.sv.model_precache.Length; i++)
                string check = Server.sv.model_precache[i];

                if (check == null)

                if (check == m)
                    e.v.model      = m_idx; // m - pr_strings;
                    e.v.modelindex = i;

                    model_t mod = Server.sv.models[(int)e.v.modelindex];

                    if (mod != null)
                        SetMinMaxSize(e, ref mod.mins, ref mod.maxs, true);
                        SetMinMaxSize(e, ref Common.ZeroVector, ref Common.ZeroVector, true);


            Progs.RunError("no precache: {0}\n", m);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void Clear()
     this.active        = false;
     this.paused        = false;
     this.loadgame      = false;
     this.time          = 0;
     this.lastcheck     = 0;
     this.lastchecktime = 0;
     this.name          = null;
     this.modelname     = null;
     this.worldmodel    = null;
     Array.Clear(this.model_precache, 0, this.model_precache.Length);
     Array.Clear(this.models, 0, this.models.Length);
     Array.Clear(this.sound_precache, 0, this.sound_precache.Length);
     Array.Clear(this.lightstyles, 0, this.lightstyles.Length);
     this.num_edicts = 0;
     this.max_edicts = 0;
     this.edicts     = null;
     this.state      = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Clear()
            this.forcelink = false;
            this.update_type = 0;

            this.baseline = entity_state_t.Empty;

            this.msgtime = 0;
            this.msg_origins[0] = Vector3.Zero;
            this.msg_origins[1] = Vector3.Zero;

            this.origin = Vector3.Zero;
            this.msg_angles[0] = Vector3.Zero;
            this.msg_angles[1] = Vector3.Zero;
            this.angles = Vector3.Zero;
            this.model = null;
            this.efrag = null;
            this.frame = 0;
            this.syncbase = 0;
            this.colormap = null;
            this.effects = 0;
            this.skinnum = 0;
            this.visframe = 0;

            this.dlightframe = 0;
            this.dlightbits = 0;

            this.trivial_accept = 0;
            this.topnode = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void CopyFrom(model_t src)
            this.name = src.name;
            this.needload = src.needload;
            this.type = src.type;
            this.numframes = src.numframes;
            this.synctype = src.synctype;
            this.flags = src.flags;
            this.mins = src.mins;
            this.maxs = src.maxs;
            this.radius = src.radius;
            this.clipbox = src.clipbox;
            this.clipmins = src.clipmins;
            this.clipmaxs = src.clipmaxs;
            this.firstmodelsurface = src.firstmodelsurface;
            this.nummodelsurfaces = src.nummodelsurfaces;

            this.numsubmodels = src.numsubmodels;
            this.submodels = src.submodels;

            this.numplanes = src.numplanes;
            this.planes = src.planes;

            this.numleafs = src.numleafs;
            this.leafs = src.leafs;

            this.numvertexes = src.numvertexes;
            this.vertexes = src.vertexes;

            this.numedges = src.numedges;
            this.edges = src.edges;

            this.numnodes = src.numnodes;
            this.nodes = src.nodes;

            this.numtexinfo = src.numtexinfo;
            this.texinfo = src.texinfo;

            this.numsurfaces = src.numsurfaces;
            this.surfaces = src.surfaces;

            this.numsurfedges = src.numsurfedges;
            this.surfedges = src.surfedges;

            this.numclipnodes = src.numclipnodes;
            this.clipnodes = src.clipnodes;

            this.nummarksurfaces = src.nummarksurfaces;
            this.marksurfaces = src.marksurfaces;

            for (int i = 0; i < src.hulls.Length; i++)

            this.numtextures = src.numtextures;
            this.textures = src.textures;

            this.visdata = src.visdata;
            this.lightdata = src.lightdata;
            this.entities = src.entities;

            this.cache = src.cache;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Clear()
            this.movemessages = 0;
            Array.Clear(this.stats, 0, this.stats.Length);
            this.items = 0;
            Array.Clear(this.item_gettime, 0, this.item_gettime.Length);
            this.faceanimtime = 0;

            foreach (cshift_t cs in this.cshifts)
            foreach (cshift_t cs in this.prev_cshifts)

            this.mviewangles[0] = Vector3.Zero;
            this.mviewangles[1] = Vector3.Zero;
            this.viewangles = Vector3.Zero;
            this.mvelocity[0] = Vector3.Zero;
            this.mvelocity[1] = Vector3.Zero;
            this.velocity = Vector3.Zero;
            this.punchangle = Vector3.Zero;

            this.idealpitch = 0;
            this.pitchvel = 0;
            this.nodrift = false;
            this.driftmove = 0;
            this.laststop = 0;

            this.viewheight = 0;
            this.crouch = 0;

            this.paused = false;
            this.onground = false;
            this.inwater = false;

            this.intermission = 0;
            this.completed_time = 0;

            this.mtime[0] = 0;
            this.mtime[1] = 0;
            this.time = 0;
            this.oldtime = 0;
            this.last_received_message = 0;

            Array.Clear(this.model_precache, 0, this.model_precache.Length);
            Array.Clear(this.sound_precache, 0, this.sound_precache.Length);

            this.levelname = null;
            this.viewentity = 0;
            this.maxclients = 0;
            this.gametype = 0;

            this.worldmodel = null;
            this.free_efrags = null;
            this.num_entities = 0;
            this.num_statics = 0;

            this.cdtrack = 0;
            this.looptrack = 0;

            this.scores = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void Clear()
     this.entity = 0;
     this.model = null;
     this.endtime = 0;
     this.start = Vector3.Zero;
     this.end = Vector3.Zero;
Exemplo n.º 7
 static void SetupSubModel(model_t mod, ref dmodel_t submodel)
     mod.hulls[0].firstclipnode = submodel.headnode[0];
     for (int j = 1; j < BspFile.MAX_MAP_HULLS; j++)
         mod.hulls[j].firstclipnode = submodel.headnode[j];
         mod.hulls[j].lastclipnode = mod.numclipnodes - 1;
     mod.firstmodelsurface = submodel.firstface;
     mod.nummodelsurfaces = submodel.numfaces;
     Common.Copy(submodel.maxs, out mod.maxs); // mod.maxs = submodel.maxs;
     Common.Copy(submodel.mins, out mod.mins); // mod.mins = submodel.mins;
     mod.radius = RadiusFromBounds(ref mod.mins, ref mod.maxs);
     mod.numleafs = submodel.visleafs;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// GL_BuildLightmaps
        /// Builds the lightmap texture with all the surfaces from all brush models
        /// </summary>
        static void BuildLightMaps()
            Array.Clear(_Allocated, 0, _Allocated.Length);
            //memset (allocated, 0, sizeof(allocated));

            _FrameCount = 1;		// no dlightcache

            if (_LightMapTextures == 0)
                _LightMapTextures = Drawer.GenerateTextureNumberRange(MAX_LIGHTMAPS);

            Drawer.LightMapFormat = PixelFormat.Luminance;// GL_LUMINANCE;

            // default differently on the Permedia
            if (Scr.IsPermedia)
                Drawer.LightMapFormat = PixelFormat.Rgba;

            if (Common.HasParam("-lm_1"))
                Drawer.LightMapFormat = PixelFormat.Luminance;

            if (Common.HasParam("-lm_a"))
                Drawer.LightMapFormat = PixelFormat.Alpha;

            //if (Common.HasParam("-lm_i"))
            //    Drawer.LightMapFormat = PixelFormat.Intensity;

            //if (Common.HasParam("-lm_2"))
            //    Drawer.LightMapFormat = PixelFormat.Rgba4;

            if (Common.HasParam("-lm_4"))
                Drawer.LightMapFormat = PixelFormat.Rgba;

            switch (Drawer.LightMapFormat)
                case PixelFormat.Rgba:
                    _LightMapBytes = 4;

                //case PixelFormat.Rgba4:
                //_LightMapBytes = 2;

                case PixelFormat.Luminance:
                //case PixelFormat.Intensity:
                case PixelFormat.Alpha:
                    _LightMapBytes = 1;

            for (int j = 1; j < QDef.MAX_MODELS; j++)
                model_t m = Client.cl.model_precache[j];
                if (m == null)

                if (m.name != null && m.name.StartsWith("*"))

                _CurrentVertBase = m.vertexes;
                _CurrentModel = m;
                for (int i = 0; i < m.numsurfaces; i++)
                    if ((m.surfaces[i].flags & Surf.SURF_DRAWTURB) != 0)

                    if ((m.surfaces[i].flags & Surf.SURF_DRAWSKY) != 0)


            if (_glTexSort.Value == 0)

            // upload all lightmaps that were filled
            GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(_LightMaps, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                IntPtr ptr = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
                long lmAddr = ptr.ToInt64();

                for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; i++)
                    if (_Allocated[i, 0] == 0)
                        break;		// no more used

                    _LightMapModified[i] = false;
                    _LightMapRectChange[i].l = BLOCK_WIDTH;
                    _LightMapRectChange[i].t = BLOCK_HEIGHT;
                    _LightMapRectChange[i].w = 0;
                    _LightMapRectChange[i].h = 0;
                    Drawer.Bind(_LightMapTextures + i);
                    Drawer.SetTextureFilters(TextureMinFilter.Linear, TextureMagFilter.Linear);

                    long addr = lmAddr + i * BLOCK_WIDTH * BLOCK_HEIGHT * _LightMapBytes;
                    GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, (PixelInternalFormat)_LightMapBytes,
                        BLOCK_WIDTH, BLOCK_HEIGHT, 0, Drawer.LightMapFormat, PixelType.UnsignedByte, new IntPtr(addr));

            if (_glTexSort.Value == 0)
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Mod_LoadSpriteModel
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadSpriteModel(model_t mod, byte[] buffer)
            dsprite_t pin = Sys.BytesToStructure<dsprite_t>(buffer, 0);

            int version = Common.LittleLong(pin.version);
            if (version != SPRITE_VERSION)
                Sys.Error("{0} has wrong version number ({1} should be {2})",
                    mod.name, version, SPRITE_VERSION);

            int numframes = Common.LittleLong(pin.numframes);

            msprite_t psprite = new msprite_t();

            // Uze: sprite models are not cached so
            mod.cache = new cache_user_t();
            mod.cache.data = psprite;

            psprite.type = Common.LittleLong(pin.type);
            psprite.maxwidth = Common.LittleLong(pin.width);
            psprite.maxheight = Common.LittleLong(pin.height);
            psprite.beamlength = Common.LittleFloat(pin.beamlength);
            mod.synctype = (synctype_t)Common.LittleLong((int)pin.synctype);
            psprite.numframes = numframes;

            mod.mins.X = mod.mins.Y = -psprite.maxwidth / 2;
            mod.maxs.X = mod.maxs.Y = psprite.maxwidth / 2;
            mod.mins.Z = -psprite.maxheight / 2;
            mod.maxs.Z = psprite.maxheight / 2;

            // load the frames
            if (numframes < 1)
                Sys.Error("Mod_LoadSpriteModel: Invalid # of frames: {0}\n", numframes);

            mod.numframes = numframes;

            int frameOffset = dsprite_t.SizeInBytes;

            psprite.frames = new mspriteframedesc_t[numframes];

            for (int i = 0; i < numframes; i++)
                spriteframetype_t frametype = (spriteframetype_t)BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, frameOffset);
                frameOffset += 4;

                psprite.frames[i].type = frametype;

                if (frametype == spriteframetype_t.SPR_SINGLE)
                    frameOffset = LoadSpriteFrame(new ByteArraySegment(buffer, frameOffset), out psprite.frames[i].frameptr, i);
                    frameOffset = LoadSpriteGroup(new ByteArraySegment(buffer, frameOffset), out psprite.frames[i].frameptr, i);

            mod.type = modtype_t.mod_sprite;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Mod_LoadModel
        /// Loads a model into the cache
        /// </summary>
        public static model_t LoadModel(model_t mod, bool crash)
            if (!mod.needload)
                if (mod.type == modtype_t.mod_alias)
                    if (Cache.Check(mod.cache) != null)
                        return mod;
                    return mod;		// not cached at all

            // load the file
            byte[] buf = Common.LoadFile(mod.name);
            if (buf == null)
                if (crash)
                    Sys.Error("Mod_NumForName: {0} not found", mod.name);
                return null;

            // allocate a new model
            _LoadModel = mod;

            // fill it in

            // call the apropriate loader
            mod.needload = false;

            switch (BitConverter.ToUInt32(buf, 0))// LittleLong(*(unsigned *)buf))
                case IDPOLYHEADER:
                    LoadAliasModel(mod, buf);

                case IDSPRITEHEADER:
                    LoadSpriteModel(mod, buf);

                    LoadBrushModel(mod, buf);

            return mod;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Mod_LoadBrushModel
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadBrushModel(model_t mod, byte[] buffer)
            mod.type = modtype_t.mod_brush;

            dheader_t header = Sys.BytesToStructure<dheader_t>(buffer, 0);

            int i = Common.LittleLong(header.version);
            if (i != BspFile.BSPVERSION)
                Sys.Error("Mod_LoadBrushModel: {0} has wrong version number ({1} should be {2})", mod.name, i, BspFile.BSPVERSION);

            header.version = i;

            // swap all the lumps
            _ModBase = buffer;

            for (i = 0; i < header.lumps.Length; i++)
                header.lumps[i].filelen = Common.LittleLong(header.lumps[i].filelen);
                header.lumps[i].fileofs = Common.LittleLong(header.lumps[i].fileofs);

            // load into heap

            LoadVertexes(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_VERTEXES]);
            LoadEdges(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_EDGES]);
            LoadSurfEdges(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_SURFEDGES]);
            LoadTextures(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_TEXTURES]);
            LoadLighting(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_LIGHTING]);
            LoadPlanes(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_PLANES]);
            LoadTexInfo(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_TEXINFO]);
            LoadFaces(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_FACES]);
            LoadMarkSurfaces(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_MARKSURFACES]);
            LoadVisibility(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_VISIBILITY]);
            LoadLeafs(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_LEAFS]);
            LoadNodes(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_NODES]);
            LoadClipNodes(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_CLIPNODES]);
            LoadEntities(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_ENTITIES]);
            LoadSubModels(ref header.lumps[Lumps.LUMP_MODELS]);


            mod.numframes = 2;	// regular and alternate animation

            // set up the submodels (FIXME: this is confusing)
            for (i = 0; i < mod.numsubmodels; i++)
                SetupSubModel(mod, ref mod.submodels[i]);

                if (i < mod.numsubmodels - 1)
                    // duplicate the basic information
                    string name = "*" + (i + 1).ToString();
                    _LoadModel = FindName(name);
                    _LoadModel.CopyFrom(mod); // *loadmodel = *mod;
                    _LoadModel.name = name; //strcpy (loadmodel->name, name);
                    mod = _LoadModel; //mod = loadmodel;
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Mod_LoadAliasModel
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadAliasModel(model_t mod, byte[] buffer)
            mdl_t pinmodel = Sys.BytesToStructure<mdl_t>(buffer, 0);

            int version = Common.LittleLong(pinmodel.version);
            if (version != ALIAS_VERSION)
                Sys.Error("{0} has wrong version number ({1} should be {2})",
                    mod.name, version, ALIAS_VERSION);

            // allocate space for a working header, plus all the data except the frames,
            // skin and group info
            _Header = new aliashdr_t();

            mod.flags = Common.LittleLong(pinmodel.flags);

            // endian-adjust and copy the data, starting with the alias model header
            _Header.boundingradius = Common.LittleFloat(pinmodel.boundingradius);
            _Header.numskins = Common.LittleLong(pinmodel.numskins);
            _Header.skinwidth = Common.LittleLong(pinmodel.skinwidth);
            _Header.skinheight = Common.LittleLong(pinmodel.skinheight);

            if (_Header.skinheight > MAX_LBM_HEIGHT)
                Sys.Error("model {0} has a skin taller than {1}", mod.name, MAX_LBM_HEIGHT);

            _Header.numverts = Common.LittleLong(pinmodel.numverts);

            if (_Header.numverts <= 0)
                Sys.Error("model {0} has no vertices", mod.name);

            if (_Header.numverts > MAXALIASVERTS)
                Sys.Error("model {0} has too many vertices", mod.name);

            _Header.numtris = Common.LittleLong(pinmodel.numtris);

            if (_Header.numtris <= 0)
                Sys.Error("model {0} has no triangles", mod.name);

            _Header.numframes = Common.LittleLong(pinmodel.numframes);
            int numframes = _Header.numframes;
            if (numframes < 1)
                Sys.Error("Mod_LoadAliasModel: Invalid # of frames: {0}\n", numframes);

            _Header.size = Common.LittleFloat(pinmodel.size) * ALIAS_BASE_SIZE_RATIO;
            mod.synctype = (synctype_t)Common.LittleLong((int)pinmodel.synctype);
            mod.numframes = _Header.numframes;

            _Header.scale = Common.LittleVector(Common.ToVector(ref pinmodel.scale));
            _Header.scale_origin = Common.LittleVector(Common.ToVector(ref pinmodel.scale_origin));
            _Header.eyeposition = Common.LittleVector(Common.ToVector(ref pinmodel.eyeposition));

            // load the skins
            int offset = LoadAllSkins(_Header.numskins, new ByteArraySegment(buffer, mdl_t.SizeInBytes));

            // load base s and t vertices
            int stvOffset = offset; // in bytes
            for (int i = 0; i < _Header.numverts; i++, offset += stvert_t.SizeInBytes)
                _STVerts[i] = Sys.BytesToStructure<stvert_t>(buffer, offset);

                _STVerts[i].onseam = Common.LittleLong(_STVerts[i].onseam);
                _STVerts[i].s = Common.LittleLong(_STVerts[i].s);
                _STVerts[i].t = Common.LittleLong(_STVerts[i].t);

            // load triangle lists
            int triOffset = stvOffset + _Header.numverts * stvert_t.SizeInBytes;
            offset = triOffset;
            for (int i = 0; i < _Header.numtris; i++, offset += dtriangle_t.SizeInBytes)
                _Triangles[i] = Sys.BytesToStructure<dtriangle_t>(buffer, offset);
                _Triangles[i].facesfront = Common.LittleLong(_Triangles[i].facesfront);

                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    _Triangles[i].vertindex[j] = Common.LittleLong(_Triangles[i].vertindex[j]);

            // load the frames
            _PoseNum = 0;
            int framesOffset = triOffset + _Header.numtris * dtriangle_t.SizeInBytes;

            _Header.frames = new maliasframedesc_t[_Header.numframes];

            for (int i = 0; i < numframes; i++)
                aliasframetype_t frametype = (aliasframetype_t)BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, framesOffset);
                framesOffset += 4;

                if (frametype == aliasframetype_t.ALIAS_SINGLE)
                    framesOffset = LoadAliasFrame(new ByteArraySegment(buffer, framesOffset), ref _Header.frames[i]);
                    framesOffset = LoadAliasGroup(new ByteArraySegment(buffer, framesOffset), ref _Header.frames[i]);

            _Header.numposes = _PoseNum;

            mod.type = modtype_t.mod_alias;

            // FIXME: do this right
            mod.mins = -Vector3.One * 16.0f;
            mod.maxs = -mod.mins;

            // build the draw lists
            Mesh.MakeAliasModelDisplayLists(mod, _Header);

            // move the complete, relocatable alias model to the cache
            mod.cache = Cache.Alloc(aliashdr_t.SizeInBytes * _Header.frames.Length * maliasframedesc_t.SizeInBytes, null);
            if (mod.cache == null)
            mod.cache.data = _Header;
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Mod_LeafPVS
        /// </summary>
        public static byte[] LeafPVS(mleaf_t leaf, model_t model)
            if (leaf == model.leafs[0])
                return _Novis;

            return DecompressVis(leaf.compressed_vis, leaf.visofs, model);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Mod_Init
        /// </summary>
        public static void Init()
            if (_glSubDivideSize == null)
                _glSubDivideSize = new Cvar("gl_subdivide_size", "128", true);

            for (int i = 0; i < _Known.Length; i++)
                _Known[i] = new model_t();

            Common.FillArray(_Novis, (byte)0xff);
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Mod_Extradata
        /// handles caching
        /// </summary>
        public static aliashdr_t GetExtraData(model_t mod)
            object r = Cache.Check(mod.cache);
            if (r != null)
                return (aliashdr_t)r;

            LoadModel(mod, true);

            if (mod.cache.data == null)
                Sys.Error("Mod_Extradata: caching failed");
            return (aliashdr_t)mod.cache.data;
Exemplo n.º 16
        static int[] _VertexOrder = new int[MAX_COMMANDS]; // vertexorder

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// GL_MakeAliasModelDisplayLists
        /// </summary>
        public static void MakeAliasModelDisplayLists(model_t m, aliashdr_t hdr)
            _AliasModel = m;
            _AliasHdr = hdr;

            // look for a cached version
            string path = Path.ChangeExtension("glquake/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m.name), ".ms2");

            DisposableWrapper<BinaryReader> file;
            Common.FOpenFile(path, out file);
            if (file != null)
                using (file)
                    BinaryReader reader = file.Object;
                    _NumCommands = reader.ReadInt32();
                    _NumOrder = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i = 0; i < _NumCommands; i++)
                        _Commands[i] = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i = 0; i < _NumOrder; i++)
                        _VertexOrder[i] = reader.ReadInt32();
                // build it from scratch
                Con.Print("meshing {0}...\n", m.name);

                BuildTris();		// trifans or lists

                // save out the cached version
                string fullpath = Path.Combine(Common.GameDir, path);
                Stream fs = Sys.FileOpenWrite(fullpath, true);
                if (fs != null)
                    using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(fs, Encoding.ASCII))
                        for (int i = 0; i < _NumCommands; i++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < _NumOrder; i++)

            // save the data out
            _AliasHdr.poseverts = _NumOrder;

            int[] cmds = new int[_NumCommands]; //Hunk_Alloc (numcommands * 4);
            _AliasHdr.commands = cmds; // in bytes??? // (byte*)cmds - (byte*)paliashdr;
            Buffer.BlockCopy(_Commands, 0, cmds, 0, _NumCommands * 4); //memcpy (cmds, commands, numcommands * 4);

            trivertx_t[][] poseverts = Mod.PoseVerts;
            trivertx_t[] verts = new trivertx_t[_AliasHdr.numposes * _AliasHdr.poseverts]; // Hunk_Alloc (paliashdr->numposes * paliashdr->poseverts * sizeof(trivertx_t) );
            _AliasHdr.posedata = verts; // (byte*)verts - (byte*)paliashdr;
            int offset = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < _AliasHdr.numposes; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _NumOrder; j++)
                    verts[offset++] = poseverts[i][_VertexOrder[j]];  // *verts++ = poseverts[i][vertexorder[j]];
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// CL_ParseBeam
        /// </summary>
        static void ParseBeam(model_t m)
            int ent = Net.Reader.ReadShort();

            Vector3 start = Net.Reader.ReadCoords();
            Vector3 end = Net.Reader.ReadCoords();

            // override any beam with the same entity
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BEAMS; i++)
                beam_t b = _Beams[i];
                if (b.entity == ent)
                    b.entity = ent;
                    b.model = m;
                    b.endtime = (float)(cl.time + 0.2);
                    b.start = start;
                    b.end = end;

            // find a free beam
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BEAMS; i++)
                beam_t b = _Beams[i];
                if (b.model == null || b.endtime < cl.time)
                    b.entity = ent;
                    b.model = m;
                    b.endtime = (float)(cl.time + 0.2);
                    b.start = start;
                    b.end = end;
            Con.Print("beam list overflow!\n");
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Mod_PointInLeaf
        /// </summary>
        public static mleaf_t PointInLeaf(ref Vector3 p, model_t model)
            if (model == null || model.nodes == null)
                Sys.Error("Mod_PointInLeaf: bad model");

            mleaf_t result = null;
            mnodebase_t node = model.nodes[0];
            while (true)
                if (node.contents < 0)
                    result = (mleaf_t)node;

                mnode_t n = (mnode_t)node;
                mplane_t plane = n.plane;
                float d = Vector3.Dot(p, plane.normal) - plane.dist;
                if (d > 0)
                    node = n.children[0];
                    node = n.children[1];

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public void Clear()
     this.active = false;
     this.paused = false;
     this.loadgame = false;
     this.time = 0;
     this.lastcheck = 0;
     this.lastchecktime = 0;
     this.name = null;
     this.modelname = null;
     this.worldmodel = null;
     Array.Clear(this.model_precache, 0, this.model_precache.Length);
     Array.Clear(this.models, 0, this.models.Length);
     Array.Clear(this.sound_precache, 0, this.sound_precache.Length);
     Array.Clear(this.lightstyles, 0, this.lightstyles.Length);
     this.num_edicts = 0;
     this.max_edicts = 0;
     this.edicts = null;
     this.state = 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Mod_DecompressVis
        /// </summary>
        private static byte[] DecompressVis(byte[] p, int startIndex, model_t model)
            int row = (model.numleafs + 7) >> 3;
            int offset = 0;

            if (p == null)
                // no vis info, so make all visible
                while (row != 0)
                    _Decompressed[offset++] = 0xff;
                return _Decompressed;
            int srcOffset = startIndex;
                if (p[srcOffset] != 0)// (*in)
                    _Decompressed[offset++] = p[srcOffset++]; //  *out++ = *in++;

                int c = p[srcOffset + 1];// in[1];
                srcOffset += 2; // in += 2;
                while (c != 0)
                    _Decompressed[offset++] = 0; // *out++ = 0;
            } while (offset < row); // out - decompressed < row

            return _Decompressed;