Move() public static method

SV_Move mins and maxs are relative if the entire move stays in a solid volume, trace.allsolid will be set if the starting point is in a solid, it will be allowed to move out to an open area nomonsters is used for line of sight or edge testing, where mosnters shouldn't be considered solid objects passedict is explicitly excluded from clipping checks (normally NULL)
public static Move ( Vector3 &start, Vector3 &mins, Vector3 &maxs, Vector3 &end, int type, edict_t passedict ) : trace_t
start Vector3
mins Vector3
maxs Vector3
end Vector3
type int
passedict edict_t
return trace_t
Exemplo n.º 1
         * =================
         * PF_traceline
         * Used for use tracing and shot targeting
         * Traces are blocked by bbox and exact bsp entityes, and also slide box entities
         * if the tryents flag is set.
         * traceline (vector1, vector2, tryents)
         * =================
        static unsafe void PF_traceline()
            float * v1         = GetVector(OFS.OFS_PARM0);
            float * v2         = GetVector(OFS.OFS_PARM1);
            int     nomonsters = (int)GetFloat(OFS.OFS_PARM2);
            edict_t ent        = GetEdict(OFS.OFS_PARM3);

            Vector3 vec1, vec2;

            Copy(v1, out vec1);
            Copy(v2, out vec2);
            trace_t trace = Server.Move(ref vec1, ref Common.ZeroVector, ref Common.ZeroVector, ref vec2, nomonsters, ent);

            Progs.GlobalStruct.trace_allsolid   = trace.allsolid ? 1 : 0;
            Progs.GlobalStruct.trace_startsolid = trace.startsolid ? 1 : 0;
            Progs.GlobalStruct.trace_fraction   = trace.fraction;
            Progs.GlobalStruct.trace_inwater    = trace.inwater ? 1 : 0;
            Progs.GlobalStruct.trace_inopen     = trace.inopen ? 1 : 0;
            Mathlib.Copy(ref trace.endpos, out Progs.GlobalStruct.trace_endpos);
            Mathlib.Copy(ref trace.plane.normal, out Progs.GlobalStruct.trace_plane_normal);
            Progs.GlobalStruct.trace_plane_dist = trace.plane.dist;
            if (trace.ent != null)
                Progs.GlobalStruct.trace_ent = Server.EdictToProg(trace.ent);
                Progs.GlobalStruct.trace_ent = Server.EdictToProg([0]);
Exemplo n.º 2
         * ===============
         * PF_droptofloor
         * void() droptofloor
         * ===============
        static void PF_droptofloor()
            edict_t ent = Server.ProgToEdict(Progs.GlobalStruct.self);

            Vector3 org, mins, maxs;

            Mathlib.Copy(ref ent.v.origin, out org);
            Mathlib.Copy(ref ent.v.mins, out mins);
            Mathlib.Copy(ref ent.v.maxs, out maxs);
            Vector3 end = org;

            end.Z -= 256;

            trace_t trace = Server.Move(ref org, ref mins, ref maxs, ref end, 0, ent);

            if (trace.fraction == 1 || trace.allsolid)
                Mathlib.Copy(ref trace.endpos, out ent.v.origin);
                Server.LinkEdict(ent, false);
                ent.v.flags        = (int)ent.v.flags | EdictFlags.FL_ONGROUND;
                ent.v.groundentity = Server.EdictToProg(trace.ent);
Exemplo n.º 3
         * =============
         * PF_aim
         * Pick a vector for the player to shoot along
         * vector aim(entity, missilespeed)
         * =============
        static void PF_aim()
            edict_t ent   = GetEdict(OFS.OFS_PARM0);
            float   speed = GetFloat(OFS.OFS_PARM1);

            Vector3 start = Common.ToVector(ref ent.v.origin);

            start.Z += 20;

            // try sending a trace straight
            Vector3 dir;

            Mathlib.Copy(ref Progs.GlobalStruct.v_forward, out dir);
            Vector3 end = start + dir * 2048;
            trace_t tr  = Server.Move(ref start, ref Common.ZeroVector, ref Common.ZeroVector, ref end, 0, ent);

            if (tr.ent != null && tr.ent.v.takedamage == Damages.DAMAGE_AIM &&
                (Host.TeamPlay == 0 || <= 0 || !=
                ReturnVector(ref Progs.GlobalStruct.v_forward);

            // try all possible entities
            Vector3 bestdir  = dir;
            float   bestdist = Server.Aim;
            edict_t bestent  = null;

            for (int i = 1; i <; i++)
                edict_t check =[i];
                if (check.v.takedamage != Damages.DAMAGE_AIM)

                if (check == ent)

                if (Host.TeamPlay != 0 && > 0 && ==
                    continue;   // don't aim at teammate

                v3f tmp;
                Mathlib.VectorAdd(ref check.v.mins, ref check.v.maxs, out tmp);
                Mathlib.VectorMA(ref check.v.origin, 0.5f, ref tmp, out tmp);
                Mathlib.Copy(ref tmp, out end);

                dir = end - start;
                Mathlib.Normalize(ref dir);
                float dist = Vector3.Dot(dir, Common.ToVector(ref Progs.GlobalStruct.v_forward));
                if (dist < bestdist)
                    continue;   // to far to turn

                tr = Server.Move(ref start, ref Common.ZeroVector, ref Common.ZeroVector, ref end, 0, ent);
                if (tr.ent == check)
                {       // can shoot at this one
                    bestdist = dist;
                    bestent  = check;

            if (bestent != null)
                v3f dir2, end2;
                Mathlib.VectorSubtract(ref bestent.v.origin, ref ent.v.origin, out dir2);
                float dist = Mathlib.DotProduct(ref dir2, ref Progs.GlobalStruct.v_forward);
                Mathlib.VectorScale(ref Progs.GlobalStruct.v_forward, dist, out end2);
                end2.z = dir2.z;
                Mathlib.Normalize(ref end2);
                ReturnVector(ref end2);
                ReturnVector(ref bestdir);