IPProtocol utility class.
 public void SetComboBoxSelectedIndex(IPProtocol.IPProtocolType ipProtocolType)
     for (int i = 0; i < comboBoxIPProtocols.Items.Count; i++)
         object item = comboBoxIPProtocols.Items[i];
         if ((IPProtocol.IPProtocolType)((DictionaryEntry)item).Key == ipProtocolType)
             comboBoxIPProtocols.SelectedIndex = i;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary> Convert captured packet data into an object.</summary>
        public static Packet dataToPacket(int linkType, byte[] bytes, Timeval tv)
            int ethProtocol;

            // retrieve the length of the headers associated with this link layer type.
            // this length is the offset to the header embedded in the packet.
            int lLen = LinkLayer.getLinkLayerLength(linkType);

            // extract the protocol code for the type of header embedded in the
            // link-layer of the packet
            int offset = LinkLayer.getProtoOffset(linkType);

            if (offset == -1)
                // if there is no embedded protocol, assume IP?
                ethProtocol = EthernetPacket.EtherType.IP;
                ethProtocol = ArrayHelper.extractInteger(bytes, offset, EthernetFields_Fields.ETH_CODE_LEN);

            // try to recognize the ethernet type..
            switch (ethProtocol)
            // arp
            case EthernetPacket.EtherType.ARP:
                return(new ARPPacket(lLen, bytes, tv));

            case EthernetPacket.EtherType.IPV6:
            case EthernetPacket.EtherType.IP:
                // ethernet level code is recognized as IP, figure out what kind..
                int ipProtocol = IPProtocol.extractProtocol(lLen, bytes);
                switch (ipProtocol)
                case (int)IPProtocol.IPProtocolType.ICMP: return(new ICMPPacket(lLen, bytes, tv));

                case (int)IPProtocol.IPProtocolType.IGMP: return(new IGMPPacket(lLen, bytes, tv));

                case (int)IPProtocol.IPProtocolType.TCP:  return(new TCPPacket(lLen, bytes, tv));

                case (int)IPProtocol.IPProtocolType.UDP:  return(new UDPPacket(lLen, bytes, tv));

                // unidentified ip..
                    return(new IPPacket(lLen, bytes, tv));

            // ethernet level code not recognized, default to anonymous packet..
                return(new EthernetPacket(lLen, bytes, tv));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public IPPacket(IPVersions ipVersion,
                        IPProtocol.IPProtocolType ipProtocolType,
                        IPAddress sourceAddress,
                        IPAddress destinationAddress,
                        EthernetPacket ethernetPacket,
                        byte[] ipPacketPayload)
            : base(EthernetFields_Fields.ETH_HEADER_LEN, null)
            // determine how many bytes we need for this packet
            int ipHeaderLength = ((ipVersion == IPVersions.IPv4) ? IPv4Fields_Fields.IP_HEADER_LEN : IPv6Fields_Fields.IPv6_HEADER_LEN);
            int ipPayloadLength = (ipPacketPayload != null) ? ipPacketPayload.Length : 0;

            int totalBytesRequired = 0;
            totalBytesRequired += EthernetFields_Fields.ETH_HEADER_LEN;
            totalBytesRequired += ipHeaderLength;
            totalBytesRequired += ipPayloadLength;

            // copy the ethernet packet header into the byte array
            byte[] bytes = new Byte[totalBytesRequired];
            Array.Copy(ethernetPacket.EthernetHeader, bytes, ethernetPacket.EthernetHeader.Length);

            // set the packet bytes to our new, correct length
            // buffer
            // NOTE: we cannot say: Bytes = bytes; because
            //       the Bytes set property results in a call to
            //       InitIPPacket with a parameter of IPVersion which
            //       would result in the version being retrieved from
            //       an offset into the byte array but we haven't
            //       set the version in the byte array yet by setting
            //       this.IPVersion to a value
            base.Bytes = bytes;

            // call InitIPPacket to instantiate a packet of the proper type

            // set the header length to the default value for our ip version
            IPHeaderLength = ipHeaderLength;

            // set the EthernetPacket type to the proper ip version
            base.EthernetProtocol = (ipVersion == IPVersions.IPv4) ? EthernetPacketType.IPv4 : EthernetPacketType.IPv6;

            // set the ip protocol type
            this.IPProtocol = ipProtocolType;

            // set the current instance to the proper ip version
            this.IPVersion = ipVersion;

            // update the source and destination addresses
            this.SourceAddress = sourceAddress;
            this.DestinationAddress = destinationAddress;

            // and set the payload to the payload that was passed in
            if (ipPacketPayload != null)
                Array.Copy(ipPacketPayload, 0, Bytes, _ipPayloadOffset, ipPacketPayload.Length);
                IPPayloadLength = ipPacketPayload.Length;
                IPPayloadLength = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary> Convert captured packet data into an object.</summary>
        public static Packet dataToPacket(LinkLayers linkType, byte[] bytes, Timeval tv)
            EthernetPacketType ethProtocol;

            // retrieve the length of the headers associated with this link layer type.
            // this length is the offset to the header embedded in the packet.
            int byteOffsetToEthernetPayload = LinkLayer.LinkLayerLength(linkType);

            // extract the protocol code for the type of header embedded in the
            // link-layer of the packet
            int offset = LinkLayer.ProtocolOffset(linkType);

            if (offset == -1)
                // if there is no embedded protocol, assume IpV4
                ethProtocol = EthernetPacketType.IPv4;
                ethProtocol = (EthernetPacketType)ArrayHelper.extractInteger(bytes, offset, EthernetFields_Fields.ETH_CODE_LEN);

            string errorString;
            Packet parsedPacket = null;

                // try to recognize the ethernet type..
                switch (ethProtocol)
                // arp
                case EthernetPacketType.ARP:
                    parsedPacket = new ARPPacket(byteOffsetToEthernetPayload, bytes, tv);

                case EthernetPacketType.IPv6:
                case EthernetPacketType.IPv4:
                        // ethernet level code is recognized as IP, figure out what kind..
                        int ipProtocol = IPProtocol.extractProtocol(byteOffsetToEthernetPayload, bytes);
                        switch (ipProtocol)
                        case (int)IPProtocol.IPProtocolType.ICMP:
                            parsedPacket = new ICMPPacket(byteOffsetToEthernetPayload, bytes, tv);

                        case (int)IPProtocol.IPProtocolType.IGMP:
                            parsedPacket = new IGMPPacket(byteOffsetToEthernetPayload, bytes, tv);

                        case (int)IPProtocol.IPProtocolType.TCP:
                            parsedPacket = new TCPPacket(byteOffsetToEthernetPayload, bytes, tv);

                        case (int)IPProtocol.IPProtocolType.UDP:
                            parsedPacket = new UDPPacket(byteOffsetToEthernetPayload, bytes, tv);

                        // unidentified ip..
                            parsedPacket = new IPPacket(byteOffsetToEthernetPayload, bytes, tv);

                        // check that the parsed packet is valid
                        if (!parsedPacket.IsValid(out errorString))
                            throw new PcapException(errorString);
                        // error parsing the specific ip packet type, parse as a generic IPPacket
                        parsedPacket = new IPPacket(byteOffsetToEthernetPayload, bytes, tv);

                        // check that the parsed packet is valid
                        if (!parsedPacket.IsValid(out errorString))
                            throw new PcapException(errorString);

                // ethernet level code not recognized, default to anonymous packet..
                    parsedPacket = new EthernetPacket(byteOffsetToEthernetPayload, bytes, tv);

                // we know we have at least an ethernet packet, so return that
                return(new EthernetPacket(byteOffsetToEthernetPayload, bytes, tv));