Exemplo n.º 1
        private static Method ProcessMethod( ExtMember me2 )
            //var owner = GetClass( me2.owner );
            //ProcessMemberDocs( me2 );

            var clsName = me2.name == "constructor" ? me2.owner : me2.type; //unified "type" is never null
            var me = new Method
                Name = me2.name,
                Type = GetClass( clsName ),
                Summary = me2.shortDoc,
                ParametersDocs = me2.paramsDocs,
                ReturnsDocs = me2.returnsDocs,
                IsPrivate = me2.meta.@private,
                IsProtected = me2.meta.@protected,
                IsStatic = me2.meta.@static,
                IsVirtual = me2.shortDoc.Contains( "template method" ),
                IsConstructor = me2.name == "constructor",
                ReturnsArray = me2.ReturnsArray

            if ( me2.@params != null && [email protected] > 0 )
                me.Parameters.AddRange( [email protected]( ProcessParam ) );
            return me;
Exemplo n.º 2
 private static void SetModifiers( ExtMember me2, Element me )
     me.IsStatic = me2.meta.@static;
     me.IsPrivate = me2.meta.@private;
     me.IsProtected = me2.meta.@protected;
Exemplo n.º 3
 private static Property ProcessProperty( ExtMember p )
     //return ProcessCfg( p );
     var pe = new Property { Name = p.name, Type = GetClass( p.type ), Summary = p.shortDoc, IsPrivate = p.meta.@private, IsProtected = p.meta.@protected, IsStatic = p.meta.@static };
     if ( pe.Name.Contains( "$" ) )
         pe.Attributes.Add( new Attribute() { Name = "JsProperty", NamedParamters = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "Name", "\"" + pe.Name + "\"" } } } );
         pe.Name = pe.Name.Replace( "$", "@" );
         if ( UseProperCaseForPublicPropertys && !pe.IsPrivate )//In this case, we take protected as the same as public because you can use those in your inherited classes
             pe.Name = pe.Name.Substring( 0, 1 ).ToUpperInvariant() + pe.Name.Substring( 1 );
             if ( pe.DeclaringClass != null && pe.Name.Equals( pe.DeclaringClass.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal ) )
                 pe.Remarks = "This property was renamed from: " + pe.Name + ", this is only for C# code, in Javascript it will appear with the original Ext name wich is: " + p.name + ".";
                 pe.Name = "M_" + pe.Name;
             pe.Attributes.Add( new Attribute() { Name = "JsProperty" } );
             pe.Attributes[ 0 ].NamedParamters.Add( "Name", "\"" + p.name + "\"" );
     return pe;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static Method ProcessEvent( ExtMember ev2 )
            return ProcessMethod( ev2 );

            //ProcessMemberDocs( ev2 );
            //var pe = new Method { Name = ev2.name, Type = GetClass( "JsString" ), Summary = ev2.shortDoc, IsStatic = true};
            //SetModifiers( ev2, pe );
            ////pe.IsStatic = true;
            ////pe.Initializer = "\"" + ev2.name + "\"";
            //return pe;
Exemplo n.º 5
 static bool IsDeclared( Class ce, ExtMember me2 )
     return ce.Members.Any( m => m.Name.Replace( "@", "" ).Equals( me2.name.Replace( "@", "" ) ) );
Exemplo n.º 6
        static bool IsDeclared( ExtClass ce2, ExtMember me2 )
            if ( me2.owner == ce2.name && me2.defined_in == ce2.name )
                return true;

            //if ( me2.defined_in.IsNullOrEmpty() || me2.defined_in == ce2.name || ( ce2.singleton && !me2.meta.@static ) )
            //    return true;

            var ce = GetClass( ce2.name, false );
            var ceOwner = GetClass( me2.owner );
            if ( ce.IsInterface && ceOwner.IsInterface )
                return false;
            if ( ceOwner.IsInterface )
                if ( ( ce.BaseClass == null || ce.BaseClass.IsInterface || !ce.BaseClass.Interfaces.Contains( ceOwner ) ) && ce.BaseClass.BaseClass != ceOwner )
                    return true;
            if ( me2.defined_in.IsNotNullOrEmpty() )
                var ceDefiner = GetClass( me2.defined_in );
                if ( ceDefiner.IsInterface && !ce.IsInterface )
                    return true;
            return me2.defined_in.IsNullOrEmpty() || ce2.singleton && ( ce2.singleton && !me2.meta.@static );
Exemplo n.º 7
 private static Field ProcessCfg( ExtMember t )
     //ProcessMemberDocs( t );
     var pe = new Field { Name = t.name, Type = GetClass( t.type ), Summary = t.shortDoc };
     SetModifiers( t, pe );
     //pe.Initializer = "\"" + t.name + "\"";
     if ( pe.Name.Contains( "$" ) )
         pe.Attributes.Add( new Attribute() { Name = "JsField", NamedParamters = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "Name", "\"" + pe.Name + "\"" } } } );
         pe.Name = pe.Name.Replace( "$", "@" );
     return pe;
Exemplo n.º 8
        internal static void ProcessMemberDocs( ExtMember me2 )
            var div = CurrHtDoc.GetElementbyId( me2.id );
            if ( div != null )
                var divDesc = div.ChildNodes.FirstOrDefault( c => c.Attributes[ "class" ].Value.Equals( "description" ) );
                var longDesc = divDesc.ChildNodes.FirstOrDefault( c => c.GetAttributeValue( "class", string.Empty ).Equals( "long", StringComparison.Ordinal ) );
                var parameters = longDesc.SelectSingleNode( "h3[text()='Parameters']/following-sibling::ul" );
                if ( me2.id.Contains( "property-" ) || me2.id.Contains( "cfg-" ) )
                    var propVal = div.SelectSingleNode( "div[@class='title']" );// .ChildNodes.FirstOrDefault( n => n.Attributes[ "class" ].Value.Equals( "title", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) );
                    var type = "object";
                    if ( propVal != null )
                        var definedIn = propVal.SelectSingleNode( "div/span[@class='defined-in']" );
                        var a = propVal.SelectNodes( "span/a" );// .ChildNodes.FirstOrDefault( n => n.Name.Equals( "span", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ).ChildNodes.Where( n => n.Name.Equals( "a", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ).ToList();
                        if ( a != null && a.Count == 1 )
                            type = a.FirstOrDefault().InnerText;
                            if ( type.Contains( "/" ) )
                                type = type.Split( '/' )[ 0 ];

                        if ( propVal.InnerText.Contains( "[]" ) )
                            type = type.Trim( '[', ']' );
                            me2.ReturnsArray = true;
                        if ( definedIn != null )
                            me2.defined_in = definedIn.GetAttributeValue( "rel", string.Empty );
                    me2.type = type.Replace( "void", "Object" ).Replace( "Object", "JsObject" ).Replace( "String", "JsString" ).Replace( "Ext.data.Record", "Ext.data.Model" ).Replace( "Ext.slider.MultiSlider", "Ext.slider.Multi" ).Replace( "MultiSlider", "Multi" );
                    me2.type = "void";
                    var ret = longDesc.SelectSingleNode( "h3[text()='Returns']/following-sibling::ul/li" );
                    var definedIn = div.SelectSingleNode( "div[@class='title']/div[@class='meta']/*[@rel != '']" );
                    if ( definedIn != null )
                        me2.defined_in = definedIn.GetAttributeValue( "rel", string.Empty );
                    if ( ret != null )
                        if ( ret.InnerText.Contains( "[]" ) )
                            me2.ReturnsArray = true;
                        if ( !me2.meta.@protected && !me2.meta.@private && AllPublicMethodsReturn.IsNotNullOrEmpty() )
                            me2.type = AllPublicMethodsReturn;
                        else if ( me2.meta.@protected || me2.meta.@private || AllPublicMethodsReturn.IsNullOrEmpty() )
                            me2.type = ret.SelectSingleNode( "span" ).InnerText.Replace( "object", "Object" ).Replace( "Object", "object" ).Replace( "String", "JsString" ).Replace( "Ext.data.Record", "Ext.data.Model" ).Replace( "Ext.slider.MultiSlider", "Ext.slider.Multi" ).Replace( "MultiSlider", "Multi" ).Replace( "HTMLElement", "JsObject" );
                            FixHref( ret );
                            me2.returnsDocs = ret.InnerHtml;
                            me2.type = me2.type.Trim( '[', ']' );
                if ( parameters != null )
                    foreach ( var li in parameters.SelectNodes( "li" ) )
                        var name = li.FirstChild.InnerText.Trim();
                        if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( name ) )
                            var a = li.SelectNodes( "a" );
                            if ( a == null || a.Count == 0 )
                                var pre = li.SelectSingleNode( "span[@class='pre']" );// .ChildNodes.FirstOrDefault( n => n.HasAttributes && n.GetAttributeValue( "class", string.Empty ).Equals( "pre", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) );
                                if ( pre != null )
                                    a = pre.SelectNodes( "a" );// .ChildNodes.Where( n => n.Name.Equals( "a", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ).ToList();
                            var desc = string.Empty;
                            var descNode = li.SelectSingleNode( "div[@class='sub-desc']" );// li.ChildNodes.FirstOrDefault( n => n.Name.Equals( "div", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) && n.Attributes[ "class" ].Value.Equals( "sub-desc", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) );
                            if ( descNode != null )
                                FixHref( descNode );
                                desc = descNode.InnerHtml;
                            if ( me2.@params == null )
                                me2.@params = new List<ExtParam>();
                            var type = "object";
                            var isOptional = li.InnerText.Contains( "ptional" ) || li.InnerText.Contains( "(defaults" ) || ForcedOptionalParameterNames.Any( p => p.Equals( name, StringComparison.Ordinal ) );
                            var isParams = li.InnerText.Contains( "Variable number" );
                            //If the parameter is optional, there is a great chance that the type is wrong...
                            if ( !isOptional && !name.Equals( "fn", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
                                if ( a != null && a.Count == 1 && !li.InnerText.Contains( "/" ) ) //If there are no items or the parameter accepts more than one type, we use object
                                    var al = a.FirstOrDefault();
                                    type = al.InnerText.Trim();
                                    var isArray = li.InnerText.Contains( "[" ) && li.InnerText.Contains( "]" );
                                    if ( type.IndexOfAny( MultipleObjectDelimiter ) >= 0 ) // Any "complex" type will become "object" for easier casting
                                        type = "object";
                                    type = type.Trim( '[', ']' );
                                    if ( isArray )
                                        type = string.Format( "JsArray<{0}>", type );
                                if ( type.Equals( "Object", StringComparison.Ordinal ) )
                                    type = "object";
                                if ( type.Equals( "String", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
                                    type = "JsString";
                                type = type.Replace( "Ext.data.Record", "object" ).Replace( "Ext.Element", "Ext.dom.Element" ).Replace( "Ext.core.Element", "Ext.dom.Element" ).Replace( "Ext.slider.MultiSlider", "Ext.slider.Multi" ).Replace( "MultiSlider", "Multi" );
                            else if ( name.Equals( "fn", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
                                type = "System.Delegate";// All functions to...
                            [email protected]( new ExtParam
                                name = name,
                                optional = isOptional,
                                type = type,
                                doc = desc
                            } );
                            me2.paramsDocs = ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( me2.paramsDocs ) ? "" : me2.paramsDocs + Environment.NewLine ) + string.Format( "<param name=\"{0}\">{1}</param>", name, desc );
                if ( longDesc.FirstChild != null )
                    longDesc = longDesc.CloneNode( true );
                    FixHref( longDesc );
                    me2.shortDoc = longDesc.FirstChild.InnerText;
                    if ( longDesc.FirstChild != null && longDesc.FirstChild.NextSibling != null )
                        var preCode = longDesc.FirstChild.NextSibling;
                            //FixHref( preCode );
                            if ( preCode.Name.Equals( "pre", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
                                me2.shortDoc = string.Format( "{0}{1}{2}", Environment.NewLine, me2.shortDoc, preCode.InnerHtml );
                                me2.shortDoc += preCode.InnerHtml;
                            preCode = preCode.NextSibling;
                        } while ( preCode != null && !preCode.Name.Equals( "h3", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) );
                    me2.shortDoc = longDesc.InnerText;